Almost there

5 more days quick passed and we made good ground we was only about a day away from the meet area we didn't run into anymore trouble but 2 days after my little defrosting Frost we met up with another group of Lycans they was the were snapping turtles I seen Tokka swim over next to Meg who had Triss riding on her back and the three of them interested into a conversation Triss horse was tethered to the back of mine Hera and Selence was either side of me and surprisingly the elder and Sobek were swinging next to Samuel at the front of this group the three of them have been doing this since we met back up and when the turtles merged with us one bigold turtle joined them at the front as for me I had been keeping to my self in the back of the group trying to master the minefield runes and I was actually making progress I could at least get a burst of fire or lightning when I detonated it but it was only a burst and not an explosion like I wanted but I could tell I was making progress so I didn't mine at the same time I was controlling the blood in my body so not only was I training minefield but I was also training blood manipulation wall I also controlled the throwing knife that the mine rune was on plus I was constantly looking around to say I was skilled in multitasking would be a understatement no normal Hunter could do what I am doing be it gold rank but as I was controlling the blood in my body which I found out I was really skilled in this ability I didn't know if it was my metal manipulation or what but I wasn't going to complain on the 3 morning some more familiar faces joined us it was Vax and Rage and there tribe and like before the Twins jumped and landed on the back of Tokka and started talking with them wall the elder of there tribe want to the front of the group with my uncle the afternoon came and another group joined us this one was pretty big it had Panthro, Brain, Catless, Thorn and Astrid it would seem these tribes met up beforehand it's not that surprising I seem Thorn and Panthro was walking arm and arm Meg and Tokka swam next to them and walked and talked with them Brain and the others was interested in who Triss was it was interesting to see there faces when Meg introduced her ones they heard she was a sorceress they started asking question after question but Triss was smiling like she was happy to answer as time passed I noticed Astrid keep glancing back to me but I was really to busy with training to process what she wanted at this point time passed and we made camp but I stayed away from everyone I had been doing that sense we met back up with the group the only company I had was Hera and Selence which I preferred we get to the 5 day it was maybe 5 almost 6 pm when I hear wings flapping above of us and flying down was Wind and Demeter tribe and I was a little surprised seeing there numbers out of everyone they had biggest group but It was probably cuz I seen different types of were birds with them many of th different types of owls but I seen hocks, eagles and I think was a raven they flew just over us I seen one big brown owl fly to the front of the group joining the elders and my uncle I shrugged not caring as I flung this throwing knife at a tree it sank into the tree that's when I snapped my fingers that's when boom crack crack crack thump the rune on my knife exploded taking a good chunk of the tree off which made it slowly start to tilt to one side and crash into the ground I smiled happily I jerked my hand back and a thin red string jerked my throwing knife back into my hand ones my hand touched the knife that thin string was gone that's when I heard a familiar voice above me if you keep playing around with that its likely to go off in your hand I looked up to see Athena flying over me she had a little smile on her face I chuckled shrugging I am the one with the detonator so if it does I have no one to blame but my self besides even if it does so what I am the only one in the blast radius well me and my horse so if it goes go off and kills me then so be it just another fool dead I don't think the world won't cry for me Athena smile faded maybe the world won't cry for you but I know plenty of people who would so let's not say thing like that lad I smiled at her and started drawing runes on slips of paper as I did this I responded you are right like always Athena what is this little old crazy Smith to the world I am just a little weak human who lives on it but that don't matter in the slightest no the ones that matter are the ones I keep in my heart o you are included on that list Athena didn't say anything after a few minutes of nothing but silence I looked up from my work to see Athena had a little sad smile on her face looking at Wind and Demeter I could see the love in her eyes but I could also see the hesitation in them I looked back down to my work saying they will be fine Athena they are smart and pretty skilled besides they ant alone and neither are you I glanced up to see she actually was smiling your right thank you Hunter for teaching my kids how to survive against our enemies I looked back down to my work no need to thank me Athena but your wrong I didn't teach them how to survive all I did was help them stand on there own sure what I tot them will help them survive longer then most but it's up to them how to learn how to run with that I noticed we were stopping I looked up to the setting sun and nodded I got off my horse grabbing it's rains and started leading it towards the woods with this last peace of thought I can't wait to see it I can't wait to see them run on there own I want to see it I want to see there warrior spirit it and with that I was gone in the woods Athena landed on the ground and looked towards in my detection her smile was no longer there she was shaking her head that boy is way to much like his father and uncle its scary that's when a small Fox girl walked next to her and in a worried voice asked so he disappeared into the woods again Athena looked to this little girl nodding indeed do you know how long he has been doing that Astrid nodded according to big sis Meg and Triss he has been disappearing every night sense there party met backup according to big sis Triss he has been staying at the back of the group keeping his distance from everyone and we stop to make camp he disappears into the woods when no one is looking Athena side shaking her head that's when Meg and Triss walked over also Meg looked to Athena asking have you seen Hunter Athena nodded and pointed into the woods Meg and Triss looked to each other worriedly Triss then side well shit I don't know about you Meg but I don't got a good feeling about this it sort of reminds me of when we first met Hunter he crept his distance from everyone to the point everyone thought he was a mute or something Meg nodded indeed luckily we broke that shell or we thought we had but it would seem its back but y now Athena side again well if he is anything like his uncle and father he is keeping his distance so he descent get attached this meeting might lead to a war after all so he is keeping his distance so he doesn't feel anything when walks over his allies bodys plus he doesn't want his personal feeling to affect his judge meant Meg huffed that's foolish and stupid Athena shrugged maybe so but the Colts have always wear there hearts on their arm they even have a saying love good love well till it comes time to kill when you do attack fast and skillfully and show no mercy to your enemies spare none of them kill them all but it wasn't Athena who said those words no Samuel walked up to the group his hands in his pockets his face was deadly calm Triss eyes want wide and she turned to him asking so y does that matter that's just a saying nothing more Hunter shouldn't take those world literally Samuel stared at her coldly they ant just words Triss it has a secret meaning in it but no matter I am the only one in the hole family who has awakened it for a hundred years besides Hunter has his reasons and it pretty simple he knows tomorrow he can't show any weakness he can't give any group he will need to be ruthless and if the time where any of them your tribes betray us Hunter is to be there executioner this is the role Hunter has been given and one he accepted at this point the others walked over and heard this Brain and his brothers nodded like they understood so did Thorn but Vax shook his head fear in his eyes wall Rage, Wind showed no expression and Demeter looked over to Athena with wide eyes wall Tokka side shaking there head but the three most notice able reactions was Athena who brought up a talent to her face shaking her head wall Meg and Triss stared at Samuel both had fear and disbelief in their eyes no you lie Meg says shaking her head Hunter isn't a mindless killer no do I remember anyone giving Hunter that role Samuel looked to her with that same cold expiration there was absolutely no expression not on his face nor in his eyes it was your grandfather and father who gave Hunter this role and the other tribe leaders agreed Hunter might not like it but he accepted it with no hesitation in the end whether you like it or not Hunter has his orders and he will fallow them even if he doesn't like them he will kill any traders amongst us he will show no mercy and he will strike the fear of the gods into are enemies and there's nothing you two can do to stop him his mind is already set so do what you want and he turned around you could go looking for him if you like but I doubt you will find him Hunter is damn good at if he doesn't want to be found you won't find him have a good night and he walked away Meg angrily stared at his back and when he was out of ear shot she gralled fuck him there is no way Hunter would do that would he and she looked to Triss who had fear in her eyes we have to find him she said and turned around and started walking towards the woods but Athena stopped her first of all how are you going to find him I have seen first hand how skilled at bidding that boy is or was your plan to walk around in the woods in the dark Triss looked away embarrassestly Athena side that's what I thought you have no idea how to find him do you Triss side no but I can't just sit around doing nothing Thorn stepped forward saying I was the one who detected him last time well I and but Triss spun around asking can you sense him now Thorn looked to the woods for a few moments then shook her head nothing how that fuck does have a ability that hides his presents I can't even detect anything in there that is human shape what about you Astrid and Thorn looked down where Astrid was but she wasn't there Astrid Thorn said looking around confused Triss stared at her confused also y are you looking for her Triss asked but it wasn't Thorn who answered wind stepped forward saying cuz Thorn wasn't the only one who sensed Hunter Astrid did as well and apparently she sensed him when she got to the training ground but didn't tell anyone cuz she said she could sense he wasn't a threat it was odd it as almost like they was connected somehow maybe it gots something to do with that odd Fox armor he had I want sure Triss eyes went wide and turned around scanning everywhere no little Fox Triss side sadly Meg walked next to her saying come on Triss lets make camp she nodded and everyone walked to set up the camp as Meg and Triss was walking away a shadow tendril appeared behind them and smacked there rears they both stopped turned around looked into the woods but neither seen anything Meg side damn it that's the second time Triss smiled saying well he isn't completely cold-hearted it would seem they looked to each other smiling and turned around and walked away.

Back to Hunter- who was sitting on one of the biggest trees I could fine, I was using my shadow manipulation to both hide my presents and to rap myself in shadows I had been sitting on this tree and watched the whole conversation since the beginning of hell I even could hear their words but it was funny wall I was hidding I seen everyone look into the woods but none of them noticed me not a one of them except for a small little Fox girl who under everyone's noses walked away from the group and into the woods as Astrid was walking towards me I felt a odd feeling when I looked at Astrid I had the urge to protect her it was odd the only time I got this feeling is when I started at family like my siblings that's exactly what it felt like the protectiveness of a older brother Hi Fox y are we feeling like this I asked in my head and surprisingly a small ghostly image of my nine tails Fox spirit appeared in front of me but he wasn't looking at me no he was staring at Astrid and I heard him sy it is because of her bloodline that hasn't fully awakened yet it would seem somehow that child has a nine tails blood in her it is faint but it's there as for y your feeling like this is cuz I feel like that and that's because when a nine tails is born into this world usually they don't have parents or the parents don't live long after birth so it's up to another nine tails to raise them and help that child grow there powers but also teach them I smiled so you want to bring her into the family my Fox spirit turned and looked at me for the first time this hole conversation yes I do not only for her but for me also please I am beginning you and he want to bow but I waved my hand smiling no need to bow to me Fox you are me and I am you sure you might not have seen me as your real master but at the end of the day you maybe a spirit but your my spirit and your feelings are mine we merged not something many people can or willingly do but we ant them besides I quit like the little Fox and I have seen how her tribe's man look at her and to say I am not impressed would be a understatement Fox nodded thank you and like that he was gone I side smile I looked back to out side of the woods that's when I seen two fine pieces of ass waking away from the woods I used my shadow manipulation and smacked both I seen both Meg and Triss stop and turn around and look in my detection I seen both smile and turn back around I chuckled man I love my life that's when I heard a stick brake under me I looked down to see Selence and Hera standing on there feet gralling at Astrid who was wide-eyed Selence, Hera down she is a friend yes master and they backed off Astrid walked under the tree and stared up at my smiling face come on up little Fox she nodded and claimed up easily and sat down in a branch next to me silence fell over us for a few minutes till Astrid side and broke the silence Sir Colt of I may ask y are you here and not with big sis Meg and big sis Triss I smiled at her first of all drop the hole Sir thing you can just call me Hunter as for y I ant out there it's simple you heard everything my uncle said its all true Astrid cocked her head to the side and stared at me I don't care of his reasons I want to know your real reasons cuz just in the brief interaction I have had with you and I hope you don't mind me being blunt but you was ruthless to those who wrong you but caring to those who are your friends and family you about killed Catless for harming me a girl you didn't know but not only did you protect me but also taught him a lesson so I ask again y are you out here instead with big sisters cuz you ant scared of killing nor do you fear it no you revel in the chaos and death I chuckled at her bluntness she was right I wasn't one to worry about if I knew my enemies beforehand no if you cross me then I won't hesitate to kill this little Fox is quite sharp for someone who is so young I chuckled nodding at her saying your right Astrid but your also wrong yes I love fighting and all that but even so at the end of the day I am still human a twisted crazy and in many ways a broken human but human none the less I still smile seeing a boy and their father playing catch I can still love but I can also still feel sadness not for the lives I have taken but to there families my judgment can still be clouded by personal feelings so I come out here and I just watch and train I have my own task and I won't have my own personal feeling stop me from completing it cuz at the end of the day I am a hunter do you understand and I looked at her silence again feel over us as Astrid and I stared at each other till she side, to be honest no I still don't know y you are keeping your distance I could understand if it was just the tribespeople but you're keeping your distance with everyone including big sisters and even your uncle y is that I smiled sadly it's cuz what my uncle said about my family but more specifically my old mans bloodline has a special power that can only be awakened by pain, despair, and hate almost on my dad side has unlocked this skill at its lowest level but there is only one person in my family who has awakened its full power and that would be Samuel I won't tell you what this ability is nor will I tell you its power but what I will say is it took for Samuel to see not only his wife but daughter be killed in front of him by someone my uncle called friend for him to fully awaken this power but sadly in the process of him taking his revenge for his family he received a wound that limited his strength and even now he has to be careful not to overstress his powers to answer your question its simple I don't want to give my enemies a chance to do that to me you can call me a coward or whatever I don't care but if those two die cuz of me then I don't even want to imagine the hell I would bring with me and who I would kill in the process so I will keep my distance for now I know my girls are strong but even so and I shrugged chuckling I am here on this tree and not out there Astrid nodded yep your a big dummy and we both had a laugh at that.