Some good news

To my surprise Astrid didn't go back to her tribe which wasn't surprising but no one even want looking for her all though I guess I shouldn't be surprised seeing with how they treated her it disgusted me but I fell asleep holding a pin and papers on the top page was my land mine Mark halfway completed I was standing in that stary void again but I wasn't alone standing in front of me was that blasted rat who was smiling evilly well hello how is my favorite student I scoffed I think you mean your only student the rat laughed at that your quite right about that Hunter your quite right I was a little surprised it used my name but whatever if I may ask y do you keep coming back y keep doing this the rat smile got even bigger that's simple I want to see you in despair again I want to see that crazy smile you had when your mind shattered I want to teach you my student but sadly you have been very stubborn and luck last time you was so close and yet we got interrupted but that won't happen tonight so come my student its time for your lesson and I was back in that room handing next to the table and laying on the table was Triss stripped naked she was terrified Hunter please help me help me my love please don't let him hurt me again but that's when the rat appeared with his scalpel in hand he looked up to me smiling lesson one lets get started and just like before he started skinning Triss in front of me she was screaming and begging for the pain to stop but unlike before I kept my eyes open and stared straight trying to block out everything and it sort of worked till I heard Gods damn it Hunter help me save me you was supposed to protect me you was supposed to protect us all gurgle gurgle gurgle I glanced down to see she her dead face and I felt a peas of me die with her and tears started to fall the rat smiled up to me and waved his hand and Triss body was gone and what replaced her was Tony he looked up to me then around that when he started to fight against his shackles gods damn it not again! Y the fuck do you keep doing this to me Hunter y look me in the eyes you bastered the rat looked up to me lesson two and he started his work Tony started to scream but as he did he was cursing me out time slowly passed in this hell this fucking rat want from one person to another after Tony was Astrid after her was Rick and after him was Meg then Sihric to even my mother, father, uncle brother, sisters no one was spared each time one of them died I felt something die in me and I felt despair like I have never had before the very last person was Greg when he appeared he looked up to me and he saw my dead eyes that's when he said don't tell me your back to this Hunter its time for you to fight back don't you think my eyes slowly looked towards him and in a dead voice I asked what's the point even if I do live this hole this void I am feeling in my chest is unbearable death is a merry Greg rolled his eyes don't give me that your a fucking colt ant you and Colt's don't show no mercy to those who have crossed them its time to fight back when I heard those words something clicked in my head and I stared at him confused how can I Greg smiled happily us that pain your feeling dive deep into that void and ones your inside take control become the wolf in the shadows the jack-o'-lantern on a dark Halloween night but that's when that rat appeared with that evil smile next lesson and he started Greg screamed out angrily but it was less a scream and more of a hiss and to my astonishment Gregs fingers got longer and sharp and two long fangs dropped out from in his mouth and his eyes turned blood red the rat chuckled o what's this your a vampire how fun don't struggle to much wouldn't want to damage the merchandise time slowly passed and Gred was on his last legs he looked over to me with a evil smile remember your Hunter fucking Ace Colt don't let anyone brake you my friend and like that he was gone the rat looked up to me asking so what do you think of my lessons today my little squeek he jumped back from me trying to grab him some how my shackles was gone and I was lunging at this damn rat there was peer unbridled rage in my eyes I quickly lunged over the table and tried to grab him again but that's when my left eye want dark and blood started rolling down my face but not just that pain shot through my eye it hurt so bad it brought me to my knees I reached up to my eye and felt a odd thing sticking out from it I pulled it out and seen his scalpel in my hands I looked up to this fucking rat gralling and slowly got up but that's when he flung something else out and my right eye want dark pain so much pain I heard evil laughter and I felt something cold touch my back and my hands were strapped down I was on the table I heard the rat laughing time for my last lesson my favor student try and not die right then I felt something sharp cut around my eye I screamed out in pain pulling against my binds but I couldn't get free and soon my throat got so dry from me screaming that I couldn't even make a noise time slowly passed in aganising pain he want from skinning out my eyes then to skinning my face to then burning my eye holes then two stitching the skin back on my face thought all this pain I stayed conscious for it all I felt if I sleeper into the darkness I would die so I suffered through it at this point the rat put down his needle and whispered in my ear time to open your eyes my dear student time to get up and butcher your enemies o one last thing all the people I had on the table are all fine and well now wake up he screamed my eyes shot open and I launched onto my feet I pulled out my Glaive in one hand and one of my pistols in the other I looked around crazily but all I seen was Hera, Selence and Astrid all three of them was around where I was laying they looked to me with worry in there eyes Astrid stood up saying Hunter what happened to your eyes that's when I felt it my eyes hurt and there was something dripping off my face I quickly put away my weapons and pulled out my phone and looked my self over in the camera the first thing I seen was the blood coming out of my eyes the second thing was my eyes was red like I had been looking at a computer screen to long late at night but that's when I seen it my pupil was completely different hell it wasn't even round they was slits like a snakes it was the same color though gold no that wasn't right it was a mix of gold and red and on the left side of this slit was a bright green ball that sort of looked like a yang sign when I seen these eyes I started to laugh evilly I looked up to see Astrid confused face don't worry little one this is the ability of my family I was talking about and to prove my point Skull appeared in front of me and opened to a page which said

Predator viston has evolved into the unique Skill draconic eyes- boasts your site greatly but also allows you to see the chakra veins in other people plus the magic in the air you can practically see the weave you can draw on its power error ,error host needs to test this ability him self and learn

I chuckled again and looked towards the camp my vision zooming in to the point I almost was motion sick but I help it in the camp was about done being packed up I smiled and walked over to my horse grabbing its rains saying come let's go but your face master Selence said worriedly I chuckled and pulled out a rag I got it wet and I whipped the blood off my face and I blinked when I did I felt my vision go back to normal with sucked when I used dragonic eyes my sense are heightened all though even without it my senses was still no joke I started walking out smiling Astrid following next to me Hera and Selence behind us when we emerged out of the woods I saddled up seeing the camp was ready to move and surprisingly enough Astrid turned into a small 3 tailed Fox and jumped on the back of Hera we trotted up to the camp when we did Meg and Triss ran out to meet us, o Hunter and they both dragged me off my horse and hugged me to say this was shocking was a understatement but I wasn't complaining its not every day you get hugged by two beauty at the same time I smiled at them saying good to see you two girls but before I could finish Meg looked up to me and kissed me it wasn't long but it held so much emotion in it when we separated I tried to take again but Triss kissed me I chuckled sying Triss nodded that I got the hint but to prove that point Meg hissed shut it you big dummy do you have any idea how worried we have been we wanted to go look for you but no but before she could finish I kissed her this one longer then the last when we separated she huffed but didn't say anything good girl I whispered load enough for only us to hear Meg blushed a little I laughed but Selence then told me master the elders are coming this way best hurry it up when I heard that i got serious I assume uncle has informed you of my roll right they both nodded good I will ask you two this ones and only ones do you trust me will you stand behind me no matter what no matter who I kill Triss nodded yes Hunter I will stand behind you and smite are enemies I nodded then looked to Meg who was hesitating but after a few seconds she said yes Hunter I will stand behind you I will watch your back I will be your shield I smiled at them both and brot there heads against mine thank you I whispered I then let go of them both and walked passed them to the elders who was waiting for me to finish the gator elder side saying you know your roll lad right I nodded yes sir I do but then the elder of the were cats hissed prove it and he snapped his fingers and two people was pushed between us and forced to there knees they were bound and gagged both was were cats one male one female they were looking around in terror I looked to them then back to the elder emotionlessly ok court is in session what are these two being accused of and the proof the elder nodded let me introduce you to Shell and Mesha Rasha both being accused of being traders and selling out their own tribe for a bit of profit but for also killing there own family when they found out just so we wouldn't know I was told all this by someone who was there I raised an eyebrow you have a witness how fun bring them on out the older nodded and snapped his fingers again and two children was led forward one a boy he had pale skin and his hair was snow white and cut short and his eyes was blood red he was probably no older then 9 and in his arms was a little girl also pale skin but unlike the boy she had Raven black hair that was pulled back in a brade her eyes was also blood red she had to be no older then 6 to 7 she was hugging her brother tightly I could see terror in her eyes and she was trying not to look at Shell and Mesha as for the boy was putting on a strong front for his sisters but I could sense the fear the kids was lead next to the elder where the elder looked down to them and put his hand on the boy shoulder to comfort him then he looked back up to me saying let me introduce Jason and Sally Rasha the grandchildren of those two and he spat at Shell and Mesha kids this is Hunter Ace Colt a hunter I nodded and looked to the kids Jason stared at me with fear and confusion wall Sally held curiosity and interest in her eyes so you two was there that night I asked emotionlessly and don't lie I will know if you are Jason gulped but nodded and in a shaking voice said yes sir I nodded can you tell me what happened that night the boy stared to the ground I could sense sadness and anger coming from him I even seen one of his hands ball up into a fist I used my fast movement to flash in front of them when I did I heard gralling coming from the elder next to them and I heard claws extended out I looked to the elder with cold emotionless eye I don't mean to offend elder but I ant scared of you especially when there are so many shadows around us and to prove my point I used shadow control to make a hand to wave at him from inside my coat know you hired me to be your executioner but that also means I am the judge so let me do my damn job and I crouched down and looked into this boys eyes and surprisingly he held my stare I seen fear in his eyes but I also seen a strength I then looked to the little girl and she also held my stare I could see a curiosity in her but also the spark of anger of being weak but between them both I also seen pain and sorrow in there eyes a shadow over there souls you two have gone through something that has left a shadow on your souls I would know I have seen that shadow in my own eyes but and I smiled warmly to the boy you got strength in you eyes boy that's good you will need that strength to protect not only you but your sister remember to stand tall and stand strong then I looked to the girl as for you lass your eyes hold a curiosity in them the curiosity to see the world but I also see the spark of anger that's good anger is a great tool it can help you though the dark times but remember don't let your anger cloud your judgment I like you two and I stood up smiling and I turned around when your ready to see what this world has to offer and your tribe is save come and find me I would be happy to forge you both the weapons of your souls go and get stronger I believe you Jason, Sappy don't worry these two will never hurt anyone ever again this I promise that's when I turned my head and stared at Shell and Mesha who was still bound and gagged when my eyes feel on them I seen them both shudder and I started waling towards them saying Shell, Mesha Rasha I find you guilty your punishment dead as I said that last part I raised my right hand and grabbed the hilt of my gladius that appeared sheathed on my back when I did this I seen them both fight against the rope that was holding them and to no ones surprise the ropes broke Shell who was the male pulled the gag that was in his mouth out and spat on the ground angrily and he stood up glaring at me then behind me to the kids I told you dear we was missing something Mesha also stood up and took out her gag yea, yea Shell whatever it was your job to kill the children wall I killed the parents when Shell heard that a huge smile spread across his face o but my dear I did and I must say there hearts was quite delicious but that's when I flashed between the two swinging my sword down and Shells arm dropped to the ground blood squirted everywhere he held his bleeding shoulder and looked to me slowly turning to him he started yelling who the fuck do you think you are hurting the great me your nothing but human your just food for me to eat and shit out know your place livestock and he transformed into his beast form he was a were panther he through out a powerful fast kick towards my waste but I could literally see the chakra surrounding that kick but I didn't move or anything and his kick connected against my side when his leg impacted my side smock consumed me from the impact Shell smiled still with his foot out see your just livestock just die so I can eat swing aaaaaa as he was talking from in this smoke I said you talk to much and my blade swung down cutting off Shells leg he jumped back falling on his ass screaming in pain I slowly stepped forward staring down at him how did you block my chakra your only a brat who gasp he seen where he impacted me all that was there was my weak green chakra armor that I think I wall beganer chakra armor my chakra slowly disappeared I stared at him emotionlessly no stay back Mesha help me save me my dear but then the smoke was gone and he seen where Mesha was previously standing cuz at this point she was on the ground with shadow spikes was pinning her to the ground and forming from her blood on these spikes was barbs made from her own blood when Shell seen this his eyes want wide and he looked to me in fear and he stuttered, out when how when I heard that a small smile spread across my face o if you're referring to that ugly bitch over there I took we put it this fight right when I cut off your arm he screamed no you lay they told me you have only been a hunter for 4 months there is no way you have that well over your ki it's impossible I chuckled impossible bitch, please what did you think I was doing in those months I wasn't smelling the roses that's for sure no that hole time I put my self through hell and I worked hard Shell shook his head frantically no you lie your fucking crazy I laughed well, of course, I am no same person would jump into hells fire to get stronger no only a crazy person would do it with a smile so tell me do you got any last words before I kill you and I brot my sword to his throat smiling Shell shook his head screaming your a monster your the death hound and he tried to turn around and crawl away from me but we can't have that and I snapped my fingers and my shadow connected to his freezing him in place I slowly walked forward and stood over him I could see his body shaking trying to fight against my shadow control I forced him to look to me when he side he screamed in terror its the death hound your but how you're supposed to be dead you're a devil in human skin when I heard that a huge demonic grin spread across my face you right I am him the one they called the Death hound here let me show you and I raised my left hand up to my face and dragged it down using my soul beast armor but this time I didn't us my Fox form all no this time I used my death hound but unlike my Fox form I controlled it so that only a oni mask appeared over my face in the form of a Dominic Wolf smiling or was it gralling it was hard to tell this mask only covered my nose and mouth it didn't cover my eyes I lowered my hand and smiled down to this fucker saying but that's not my favorite name that I want by hell I didn't call my self that it was the monsters who gave me that title but there was a name that my fellow hunters gave me and it's my favorite they called me devil dog when I said that I hard gasps and even some people scream when they heard what I said but I ignored them but I am tired of seeing your ugly face so say hello to the death twins for me will ya and I thrust my sword into his throat his eyes want wide and he tried to speak but all that came out was blood and gurgle, gurgle I twisted my sword around cutting off his head he hit the ground dead I kicked his head to the elders feet that's when I heard angry gralling coming from behind me I turned around smiling at Mesha who was glaring at me and if looks could kill o don't worry bitch I havent forgotten about you here if you miss him that much I will reunite you and I brot up my left hand in front of me and held up two fingers that was pressed together detonate I said and in the next second Mesha chest exploded open her insides going everywhere I laughed brushing off a kidney off my shoulder and I sheathed my sword as I did Mesha head was pulled off and thrown in front of the elder next to her husband I raised my hand again and used blood control to take all the blood on my body to make a ball of blood when I had no more blood on me I toste the blood ball to the side as I turned to the cat elder saying I assume I pass your little test the elder nodded indeed you have proven your loyalty to us we should get moving I nodded and walked over to my horse and sattled up and like that we started moving again but unlike yesterday when I stayed in the back of the group by chose so I didn't talk to anyone this time people just tried to avoid walking near me hell they tried not to even look at me I could tell they was scared of me before they was hesitant to talk to me but know that they heard and seen what I did they wanted nothing to do with me and it probably didn't help that I still had the black wolf mask over my face but hell I didn't really care it wasn't my problem I had good company with Hera, Selences, and Astrid who was walking next to me Astrid and I was having an interesting conversation about different legendary weapons so anything above the gold rank really but surprisingly she knew quite a lot about cursed gear I had never heard of it so I asked and she told me the basics a cursed gear is a weapon or item that has been imbued with cursed energy from a cursed creature usually these items are usually very powerful and have many different abilities but at a price huh interesting I said leaning back and brought a hand up to my chin in a thinking face as I was thinking my eyes wandered over to Meg and Triss in the water when I felt a gust of wind and Athena flow down next to me saying indeed cursed gear are very powerful but no normal being can wield one who ever tries has to fight against the cursed being inside the weapon you have to have a very strong mind to even attempted it and if you can't enter a contract with it the curse will consume your soul taking over your body as it's vessel turning you into a monster but if your strong enough to subdue the curse and you enter a contract with it you will gain a little of that beings power the stronger your connection with your curse the stronger your abilities but I am sure you knew all this sense your the one are ancestors called Death hound you was well known for using cursed gear when I heard those words I heard something brake in my mind the next second one hell of a headache spread through my head it even made my ears ring and my vision get dimmer and pushing its way to the top of my mind was my memories in my old life it was only flashes of seens of me using many different weapons each more powerful then the other but there was one weapon that appeared multiple times a odd glaive that could change its length but in many different seens I saw this glaive blade change from a glaive to a spearhead then to a pull arm blade to even an off scythe form I seen this scythe shrink down and I pulled it apart so I held two scythes I swung both scythes and as I was swinging I let go of both and moving through my hand was a string made from blood the seen ended there then this seen took its place I was standing in a center of a circler room all along the walls floors and even the ceiling was runes this was a sealing barrier I moved my right hand and shooting out from under my sleeve was that same glaive that extended out to its full length I grabbed it smiling and I heard my self say I am sorry my old friend we have had so much fun but I can sense my death coming when I said that the gliave started to shake violently I seen one of my eyes twitch from pain but I side don't give me that Sakhmet you never know what the future has there will be another to wield you this I promise hell maybe it might even be me reincarnated and I laughed happily at the idea the glaive shook happily with that idea I chuckled if that does happen make sure to take care of me but I ant worried if it wasn't for you I would have been killed a long time ago the glaive shook like it was nodding know my Weapon my Glaive Sakhmet it is time and I slammed it into the center of this room that's where I noticed a spell circle start to glow then all of the other runes started to glow with it sleep for know my old friend my weapon I do hope there will me another after me and with that I turned around and walked through the only door I opened it I took one last glance behind me before walking through the door and closing it behind me when I did the doors runes flashed and I was know staring at a very familiar door in a hallway and like the flashback was ever and I was back in the present I heard Athena ask again ant that right Hunter I slowly turned my head and stared into her eyes I remembered Athena I used many different cursed gear yes but the very first gear I made a contract with was the one that saved my life the most Athena eyes want wide what was its name Astrid asked cutely I laughed happily I didn't see this but as I was laughing my mask mouth moved with my laughter you mean what was her name little one Astrid tilted her Fox head to the side asking she your cursed weapon was female I chuckled again she was a god or at least part of one at one point in time she sure loved talking about her self but what girl doesn't Astrid was shocked hold on if it was part of a goddess how could it be a cursed gear most gods power wouldn't make a cursed gear unless and her eyes want wide I chuckled evilly nodding yes indeed she is a war goddess she would go into a rage whenever she fought and at one point in time the only way for her anger to be seated she drank the blood of her enemies but she wasn't a evil god really she was also the goddess of disease and with healing and medicine they say she could summon plagues and diseases like that and I snapped my finger but she could also heal those who ask Athena asked in a quiet voice so you really are him huh your really the one my great, great, great grandmother told me about to scare me as a child but how are you here you died I looked over to her shrugging you are right I did die or well the old me did anyway but when I was being tortured by that fucking rat this body's old soul was to broken to even try and fix him that's when the old me appeared and made a deal with the death twins and my two souls merged together or what was left to merge anyway and I got all the memories of this life and some of my old life but many of my old life memories are either lost or locked away from me so basically I reincarnated with many of my old life memories but one thing is for sure it doesn't matter if we are talking about the old me or the one you see in front of you I have and will away be Hunter Ace Colt no more no less Athena nodded i now you was a interesting man when I seen for the first time I throwmy head back laughing ant that the truth I heard a familiar voice yell over and I saw Onzlo in his gator form head turn to us and wink at me I laughed saying like you got any room to talk old man not many people would introduce them self's in the heat of battle Onzlo laughed happily with me indeed you be right about that one laddy that's when Brain looked behind him and laidly said yea but you got even less room to talk Hunter seeing is the first time we met you proved how useless a lot of our training was against other creatures and what did you do you beat the hell out of us and informed us of are weaknesses wall also showing us the basics information of fighting other creatures I smiled to him saying if I remember correctly you all asked for my help so y shouldn't I help teach one of my girls friends how not to die wall also showing off in front of her it was a win, win situation they all laughed happily seeing Megs blushing face that's when I seen it in front of us was a magic barrier but it was to late for me to do anything cuz we was already passing through it ones we got on the other side my mouth dropped open floating above the ground was island with a fucking huge Castle on it I seen Samuel stop his horse and look back to me smiling welcome my dearest nephew to one of the magic School for witches and wizards in the usa its name is but he got cut of by a sweet voice its name is Lodus Academy and I am its headmistress Titubs it's a pleasure and appearing in front of my uncle was a dark-skinned woman she had in a beautiful red and gold dress and around her neck was a neckless with a blue gem in the center of it she looked no older then her mid 40 and I must say she was very beautiful even with her gray and black hair that was pulled up in a bun when my eyes laid on her I felt a warm feeling in my chest and my mind want fuzzy for a second till my mind noticed something was off and I fot back braking the charm easily I looked around and noticed all the weak-minded man was staring at her wide eyed and drooling wall the ones with stronger wills was simple staring at her but there was only a few who wasn't affected the elder my uncle and almost all of the females I seen Thorn angrily smack the back if Panthros head which broke him out of the spell he looked to her confused on what just happened till he looked around and seen Catless wide eyed drowling but Brain kicked him in the ass breaking the charm Meg and Triss seen that and turned to look at me worriedly but they saw I was fine I seen them sy in relief I winked at them both and looked back to this woman my eyes getting sharp my senses were at full power I don't like surprises and I hate people trying to force me to do something against my will and to prove my point I flashed next to my uncle my one hand on one of my 1911s if you would be so kind, mam stop whatever charm spell you are using she looked at me smiling but of course, sorry wild magic is a little unruly at times and she snapped her fingers I heard movement coming from behind me but my hand didn't leave my pistol I mean no offense mam but I would like it if you keep out of my mind I would hate for your will to shatter she laughed happily you must be Hunter Ace Colt my grandson spoke very highly of you he told me how strong of will you was and how you stood next to him you was happy to help your friends no matter what my eyebrow raised no offense mam but who is your grandson she chuckled o so he didn't tell you I ant surprised seeing how you was the only normal one in your little group hold on this sweetly voice I recognize it from somewhere but where did I hear it that's when it clicked right after I got out of the hospital I had 3 voice mails and the first one I listened to was Gregs mother who sounded just like this woman my eyes want wide and my hand moved of my gun your Gregs grandmother Holy shit but wasn't he a vampire when I said that her eyes got wide how would you know that boy unless and she stared at me interest in her eyes tell me boy how did you know Greg is a vampire when that only just happened a month ago I smiled at her shrugging it could be many different things but I think it's cuz of the bound I had with all 3 of my brothers and when they died and I came close and met the dead twins my body became a portal to the after life but before they left they left a little of there souls with me just like how they took a little of me with them but this is nothing but guesswork human bounds have always been odd thing powerful but off she nodded so that's how huh well I am glad he isn't the only one talking to dead friends I nodded then I thought of something hold on does Greg think I am dead Titubs stared at me sadness in her eyes yes he does but it's not his fault you been hidding for months you haven't talked anyone outside of your family and the green family so of course he assumed the worst I nodded understandable but how the hell is he alive if I may ask she smiled mysteriously now that is something you can ask him but enough of talking the others are already waiting so let's move and she waved her hand and I felt the hole world spin around me and my feet lift off the ground then thump the would stopped spinning and I was standing on solid ground again I felt my stomach gurgle and I was still dizzy but I closed my eyes and let the feeling pass me by but I was one of the lucky ones I heard people emptying out there stomachs onto the round I opened my eyes noticing I could see properly we was standing in the courtyard of the castle I started looking around this hole Castle was made form dark marble I could practically taste the magic in the air this place was a magic users dream Titubs turned around to us smiling come on in leave your horses outside I will have one of my students deal with them and like that she started up the stairs to the big doors I glanced behind me and see Meg and Triss holding onto who other for support they locked eyes with me they nodded and got behind me I whispered to them stay close you hear I got a feeling shit is getting ready to go down if it does do not leave my side and stick together they nodded now lets go fry us some little piggies shall we and I started walking up the stairs with Hera on my left and Selence on my right Meg and Triss behind me Samuel lead the way in front of him was the elders and behind us everyone followed.