The meeting 1/2

I didn't notice this till I got to the 4th step but my mask was gone this made me stop taking a step but I composed my self quickly so no one noticed I looked into my self asking huh what happened there hound when did we stop merging I heard a grall and my death hound spoke we stopped merging ones you heard that Greg was alive and a vampire you didn't notice it do to you letting your emotions clouding your mind which broke are concentration I smiled o is that so huh interesting but no matter just be ready to run wild I heard a very ominous laugh hehe we are always ready to run wild when he said that no one seen this but my eyes flashed a mix of dark purple and green but only for a instant Titubs got to the huge double doors which was made from peer bronze and on either side of the door was two huge silver Knight statues but when the headmistress got to the top of the stairs these two statues moved on there own and turned to the side and pulled open the doors for her Titubs blew thanking them both and she walked through the doors the two statues lowered their heads to her as she walked by the rest of us followed in after her as I walked by the statue on the right looked to me and moved its head following my every move I smiled to it bowing my head thinking it and to my surprise, it bowed its head to me like the headmistress I could feel the magic holding this being together if I had to take a guess it was an earth elemental soul inside them and I didn't just sense these two around me no I sensed more inside and I was right when I walked in through the doors we was in a huge great hall and preset against the walls was huge tables that was neatly fulled there was only three tables and they was facing a crossed from each other in triangle there was also space in between the tables sitting at one table that was on the top right of this triangle was 5 little pigs each one of them was as ugly as the other but sitting in the center of this group was a huge pig of a man he had to be 7 to 8 foot and as wide as a truck he had a huge axe laying behind him he had on a old black leather vest and gloves and black pants and bandana this was the leader but he didn't have the air of an alfa like the elders I was with sitting on his right was a ugly of a woman who I thought was male at first but I saw the big curves on her chest which made me want to throw up luckily I kept it down she had on yellow and brown robes that looked like she rolled around in piss manure and mud before coming here around her neck was a neckes that had bones from small animals dangling from it and in her hands was a old looking staff that was covered in mud sitting behind this table was there tribesman I could practically smell there stink from her I debated whether I wanted to bring my mask back out or not but no matter I look to the table that had there backs to us sitting at the table was 7 people each one of them dressed in expensive clothes there was 4 males and 3 females who all looked like each other or more specifically they looked like there parents who was sitting at the center of the table the man had black and white hear which was pulled back and his beard was short but looked well taken care of the had on a navy blue suit and pants his eyes was was bright gold I seen some wrinkles around his mouth to suggest he likes to smile a lot he had a air of power and dominants around him but he wasn't the scary one hell no the cold looking woman on his right was much more terrifying she had a black and gold Gothic dress on her Raven black hair was all done nicely and pulled back and in her hands was a black fan but what strucked me was her snow white skin and her ice blue eyes that was looking at the pigs with discussed I held back a smile at that sense I had heightened senses so if I could smell the pigs she could most certainly smell them probably even better then I could behind them was there tribe or pack if I had to take a guess this was the werewolf's ice Fang tribe that has there hands and pockets all over the city of sin but no matter a possible business partner is always good I looked around this room fully the ground was made from marble but in the center of this flooring was a image carved into the marble it was of a battle depiction between the heavens and the hells with this would inbetwen the two I seen images of the crusades and the burning of girls of all age from the many witch hunts over the thousands of years but there was images of the angels lighting the pire burning people sure there was a few demons or devils also in the mix but most of them was humans wall the images of the hells lured many people with power, money and more all they had to do was sign a contract and everything would be there's but that's when my mind reminded me I wasn't alone so I painfully looked away from this depiction I looked up to see there wasn't no sealing or there was but it was covered with an allusion of the Galaxy it was beautiful I seen doors on each side of the room and that's when I glanced behind me and my eyes want wide cuz all around the door way was covering the hole wall was those same silver nights in there own alcoves in the wall I could sense all of these was dormant but still that's terrifying thats some real Hogwarts shit but I didn't have time to dwell on the little things cuz ones my group walked in everyone want quiet turned and started at us I seen the woman alfa of the wolves star at me there was nothing but indifferent in those cold eyes wall her batu the man stared at me with much interest I could see the fire of challenge in those eyes wall there pack stared at me with many different expressions wall the pigs simple stared at is with unbridled rage the leader stared at me in particular with so much rage and anger I could see the veins on his head I also noticed he had an actual drawing in front of him on the table of me on it but I gave them all a confident smile Titubs walked around the tables and sat down in a huge wooden chair at the tip of the triangle wall my group walked to the only remaining table on the top left the elders sat down at the table I and the elder of the gators sat down in the center with on my right was Athena and elder cat wall on his left was the elder turtle, Fox and the bunny the little pigs stared at us with so much mallus you could practically see the dark cloud over them the rest of are group sat down behind us waiting silence nothing but silence the tension in the air was so thick you could practically cut it with a knife till hem hem my head shot to Titubs who just coffed??? Cleared her throat to be honest I wasn't sure what that was but I knew I didn't like it cuz coff reminds me of a certain frog like professor who wear way to much pink and a huge racist she is a kill on sight I will not let anyone like that run freely Titubs smiled at everyone looking at her good now that's out of the way it's time for this meeting of the tribes to start hog tribe we will start with you sense you was the ones who demanded for this meeting the female pig with the staff nodded and stood up sniff sniff oink yes thank you for sponsoring us miss sapphire we asked for this oink cuz the green tribe not only attacked and killed some of are own but not just that they did this oink with no danger to there own life but more then that it wasn't neither the greens nor my tribe who fired the first shot oink no it was this person and she held up the drawing of me with a huge smile as she stared at me saying does the child have anything to say to this I chuckled shaking my head saying naaa I got nothing to say since I don't recognize who's on that paper and besides y should I stop you from telling your tall tail the smile that was ones on her face was gone and she let out a angry oink dont lie, boy, you killed one of are own in cold blood you killed my son for no gods damn reason your you had no right to draw your weapon according to article 24 of the hunters rules a hunter can not draw or is deadly force against any supernatural creature I rolled my eyes saying annt wrong article 20 States a hunter can draw there weapon if he or she life is in danger and or if someone's else life is in danger the pig scoffed then article 21 clearly says oink a hunter can only us deadly force if that supernatural creature uses deadly force you can not draw your weapon if they haven't used deadly force even if they make threats ha what do you oink got to say about that brat she laughed confidently I chuckled crossed my leg and leaned back in my chair clapping and in a sarcastic voice said o good job you got me there what ever shell I do its actually surprising that a ugly pig like your self actually has a brain under all that fat I totally forgot about article 21 yea I thought so brat she smiled at me like she won a great battle hold up wait a minute no I didn't I totally remembered article 21 sense its common fucking sense but tell me this little piggy sense you know so much about the rules of hunting and are articles can you tell everyone what article 1 is when I said this her proud smiling was gone what replaced it was anger and fear but I could tell she was going to try and worm her way out saying it oink that has nothing to do with are situation you ciliated the rules that means by law you have to repay us of are losses mmm I think all of your weapons would be payment enough well that and maybe that crag cat also sense her fear is so but before she could finish I started to laughed crazily cutting her off hahahahaha my laugh echoed through the hall she angrily huffed slamming a fist on the table yelling what's so funny brat this is series you have no power her just give us your shit and you can oink keep your oink life hahaha I stared at her holding my chest still leaning back in my chair what's ha so funny haha it's simple haha really haha you think I would give you shit hahaha and you assume I have no power haha how foolish do you have to be and like that, I was deadly calm staring at her first of all Hera will stay where she is you can't have her as for me giving my weapons over to you short answer hell no and fuck off you threaten my life saying if I don't pay I will die what a joke and I leaned forward the legs on my chair hitting the ground with a thump remember this little piggy I am a mother fucking Colt your words are just a waste of air and don't worry I will tell them what articles 1 is a hunter can us how ever much force they think will get the job done if the target has done any of the following things

Kill or threating to kill with any sort of weapon a child family or elderly

If the target has or attempted to take childred and the elderly as hostages and bargaining chips

If the target has come onto land that they don't own and was asked to leave but they don't and start threating the owners

And last and formost if the target has attempted or killed a baby of any sort they are to be purged on site

And with that note I have a little present from you to me and I pulled the heads from the little piggies that came onto my land and smashed eggs but they was all glued and sewed together there faces that of shear pain and terror but I wasn't done I used my blood control as I tossed it and it landed in front of the leader and this girl and I used my blood control to make the heads eyes blink or a slitch twitch of the mouth when the leader seen this he shot up slamming his hands on the table screaming murderer how dare you do this to them and he want to grab his axe behind him but stopped in fear when he stared into my eyes and in a chilling voice I said this is what happens when you come into my home and you not only try and steal some eggs but when that doesn't work you smash just laid eggs you have the nerve to sit here in front of me and say how dare I do this to them but how dare you not only did you try and force the hand of my friends to join you in a war by attempting to steal there children but you attempted to steal the chilred of everyone you see in front of you and if that wasn't bad enough you gave the order to kill those children how dear you fucker at this point I was speaking slow and in a low voice if it wasn't for elder green sitting next to me I would have already killed and skinned you for what you have done but no he wants to talk with you so please make my fucking day little piggy please fuck around cuz I promise you will find out no nothing then sit the fuck down both of you and keep those mouths closed unless spoken to and both the leader and the woman sat down wide eyes I nodded good little piggies I looked to elder green saying elder I will let you take it from here he nodded and started to speak.