The meeting 2/2

The elder first started by telling what actually happened that day and how the little pigs was threatening to kill his tribe if they didn't give over there land then he spoke of the attempted kidnappings but each elder talked on this point and almost all of there stories was the same they was sleeping peacefully till a group of undead attacked there tribes and wall they were distracted dealing with the undead the pigs snuck in and attempted to take there younglings up in tell a garden of the forest a tree ent screamed out a warning for them all they realized they had been tricked and quickly sent people back to deal with the intruders they even attempted with the wolves pack elder green stared at the leader who had frown on his face what do you got to say to that Tusk he huffed oink fuck off old timer if it's a fight you want it's a fight you will get I made a decision to help my tribe could you say the same you have no right to judge me scaled fucker elder green side and looked to the werewolves asking where do you stand in this Elsa will you and your tribe stay neutral like before she smiled a toothy smile that wasn't a smile she looked over to the pigs like a predator looking at her pray no the ice Fang pack will join you on the hunt elder grin smiled saying all those who think the wild hog tribe should be destroyed and there land taken please raise your hand and to no ones surprise everyone but the pigs raised there hands the leader pig grabbed his axe oinking we will not lose kill them all my shadows and just like that 4 people from each tribe stood up and lunged at the elders but sadly for them a ghostly green chain shot out from there shadows and connected to my out starched hand I jumped dragging these fuckers between the tables and when I landed I raised my other hand to my face and dragged it down when I did my black snorling Wolf mask formed on my face I the devil dog found you all guilty of betraying your tribes your sentence death and I raised my left hand to my shoulder and draw out my sword it making a shinnnnk noise as it was drawn to all those who had my ghostly chains in there chest shook in fear hearing that noise that was the sound of the reapers scythe and I used my lightning steps to flash passed them swinging my sword in one swift movement I stood there for a few seconds with my bloody sword held out in front of me like I just swung it I then stood up straight swinging my sword down flicking off the blood on my blade then I sheathed it I then looked behind to the little pigs with a evil beastly grin on my face and my eyes was glowing gold red slits and green this was my dragon eyes when my eyes feel over the leader he froze in fear hehe one little piggy two little piggy three little piggy that's when thump , thump, thump, thump heads hit the ground and blood shot out raining down onto me but I stood there with that huge demonic grin then thump there body's hit the ground all at ones kill them all one of the little piggies yelled then another one yelled Hill the death hound and three piggies ran around there table two of them raised old looking flent lock pistols I seen the hammer drop on them both and poof two led balls was flying at me wall another piggy held a bat charging at me I side shaking my head but I didn't form my ki armor no the blood on my body hardened and formed a bulletproof vest on my chest the balls hit me and damn that doesn't feel good but no matter lets have some fun and I equipped my gear I pulled out my dagger and jumped over the bat that swung under me I bright up my dagger into the throat of this little piggy I used the blood to make my dagger have barbs on the edge I used my dagger which was stuck in his throat to flip my self over him as I flipped over him I jurked out my dagger which practically pulled out his jugular ones I landed on the ground I pulled out 4 paper from my side and through them they flew like daggers they impacted connecting three little piggys I snapped my fingers datunate boom , boom , boom, boom my paper bombs exploded taking lives and lems the best mixcher if you ask me I looked around and seen Meg fighting one of the little piggies that was sitting at the table a big hand with a sword surprisingly he was using ki wall fighting next to them was Triss with that bitch pig with the staff the little pig was throwing discussing globs of filth at Triss but she was dodging these spells easily she held up her left hand I seen the tattooed of a lightning storm start to glow and her eyes sparked with a blue lightning he held a lightning bolt at pig blowing off a leg I smiled at that I seen Sobek and his father fighting back to back with huge toothy smiles on there faces there human gator form was I must admit cool to see I seen Onzlo laughing as he ran through the enemies swinging his huge sword chopping off limbs I seen the alfa Esla using two hand fans as deadly weapons she wasn't even in her mutant form this was just her human form scary behind her I seen her mate in his werewolf form tearing out a little piggy throat and drinking its blood which was metal as fuck I seen megs friends fighting each one of them used what I taught them and now they are learning how to run I smiled proudly Athena was in her huge owl form and by the gods the gloves blades she had on over her talents was as long as my short sword she was like a better if Chucky and fredy had a evil love child with wings and just as violent and brutal it was definitely not pg 13 that's for sure her mate was watching her back and in his owl formal also but he was just crunching piggy under his strength hold on where the hell is uncle and just like I summed him or something someone landed at my feet I looked down to see Samuel gritting his teeth holding his chest his dragon eyes was also activated but unlike mine which only had one yang in them his had 3 in them but other then that they looked the exact same I crouched down smiling you having trouble old timer he looked up into my eyes I seen recommission shock and pride all at ones but it was quickly gone he side spitting out blood yea my wound is just acting up today which is slowing me down I held out my hand helping him to his feet it also doesn't help my flames agitates it even more Lavauso can only help so much and his hand tightened on his scimitar I nodded it is only a weapon after all who was you fighting anyway and I looked that's when I seen the little piggy leader stomping its way towards us he walked passed Titubs who was still sitting in her chair drinking some tea with no worry in the would like there wasn't a huge battle raging around her but no matter we all are crazy one way or another I scoffed saying really uncle you want after the strongest in the group you need to realise your injured you can't fight like you us to if you don't like it find a way to heal your self but till then you need to be careful and I stepped forward smiling at this little piggy it held its huge axe what the fuck y not and I pulled out my Glaive your going to die you little shit he screamed I rolled my eyes saying shut up die already I am hungry for some bacon he screamed at that and lunged at me I smiled my mask grinned crazyily I could practically see where he was going to swung I spun to the left his axe just missing me it hit the floor with a crack I then thrust out my glaive stabbing him in the side but I wasn't done I then swung my glaive down which made a huge cut go down his left side to his leg I then took a step back his fist just missing my face it was odd I could read his every move it was like I was seeing a ghostly version of him attack me just a few seconds before his real body does I spun my glaive behind my back then around my neck smacking him on the side of his face which made him take a step back I then slammed my glaive into the ground and used it to throw my body forward dropkicking him in the chest I seen all the air in his lungs leave from this hit he stumbled back onto one knee holding his chest trying to breath clearly I chuckled and pulled my glaive out of my shadow which was supporting it I spun it in my left hand then I flung my hand down so the blade was facing down and I slowly started a few steps but I stopped when I heard oink, oink, oinks that sounded like weak laughter and this leader piggy slowly raised his head and stared at me with a huge smile I can oink see how my boys oink, oink lost to you so easily your a fucking freak of nature how is it only 4 months ago you was a normal human oink, oink and your this strong I smiled devilishly pain and suffering I simple said he nodded like he understood he slowly got onto his feet and picked up his axe and with a huge smile said good so I won't have to hold back right after he said that his axe started to glow orange from his ki but he had very shity control over it cuz it was moving everywhere shall me he yelled raising his axe I side shaking my head what a disappointment come to your death I am tired of seeing that ugly face he huffed angrily that's when I seen his ki move through his body till he was wearing a ugly suit of orange armor it moved all over the place sense he couldn't control his ki but he had a horned helmet on he let out a might war cry as he lung at me his axe raised above his head I simple stood there unmoving like a old tree my eyes was glowing and didn't move off his body when he got with in three steps of me is when I seen it that ghostly white figure of him this figure took one more step and swung down cleaving me in two and like that his real body took one step and swung his axe down I simple twisted my body to the left like a snake his axe just passing by me as I was twisting my body I pulled out one of 1911s his axe hit the ground and I put my 1911 right between his eyes I pulled back the hammer and with a huge smile I said check mate I pulled the trigger the hammer falling then boom splat thump a small smoking hole appeared between his eyes as the back of his head exploded bone and brain matter splattering all over the floor I holstered my 1911 and took two steps back the next second his body fell forward hitting the ground his last thought was of fear I looked around with my glowing eyes my eyes soon feel on the 10 remaining pigs who all seen this and throw down there weapons one of them yelled we surrender I seen a flash of blue out of the corner of my eye and seen that magical pig get a small red hot hole blown in there head there last expression was that of shock as she hit the floor Triss walked next to her body and angrily kicked it I could see some of her clothes had shit on them but her left hand also had a acid burn I looked to elder green who walked passed me to the surrendering pigs he got in front of them when he did they all want to there knees bowing to him one of them yelled please oink we surrender another one then said yes oink we are oink sorry then another one yelled oink please don't kill us we was only following orders and just like that the excuses started elder green held up his hand which made them all go quiet he side shook his head and turned around and started walking toward me as he was walking he saying pathetic tell me would you let us surrender would you have let are children live I think not you all willingly followed this man you all didn't stop him from trying to steal are kids orders my ass and for that I will not forgive you he stopped next to me and looked into my eyes then back at the little piggies who all had fear but I could see the slightest sliver of hope in there eyes he looked forward saying kill every one of them devil dog I nodded with pleasure and I looked towards these pigs with my toothy Ma grin and started walking towards them my glaive still in my left hand blade pointing to the ground they all screamed out begginging please don't kill me I got a wife and kids I do to two twins I don't but I got to take care of my elderly grandma and a rat please Sir I stopped walking and through my head back laughing but what came out was more of beastly laugh hahahahaha my voice had changed I looked down to these pigs my smile fading and what replaced it was a angry snarl you all still dare to beg for your lives when you let your tribes man smash just layed eggs of people who didn't want to have anything to do with you but no you couldn't take the mother fucking hint no means no As I was talking my mask slowly changed it slowly covered my hole face till my body was covered in shadow the only thing you could see was my glaive and my glowing eyes one of the pigs stood up angrily yelling it was you who fired the first shot it is your fucking oink fault we did but I gralled out shut the fuck up I moved me gliave slightly and you could hear something snap when that happened that pigs body got cut into pieces his blood floated above his body parts like a ran cloud tanning down blood I heard screams that's when another pig stood up yelling I am going to snap gurgle even more body parts you mother fucker that was my snap gurgle thump, thump, thump that's when they all yelled in anger and reached for there weapons on the floor but something stopped them from moving there body's that's when everyone seen thin red wires rapid around all of them these red wires was connected to all of the tables all around me was red wires they all stared at me angrily some tried to struggle against the wires but all it did was make the wires tighten around them hehehehe you all truly think I was going to brake a promise to a wounded mother just to be a good person hell no I would rather burn your hole mother fucking tribe to the ground and hunt each one of you down I shot the first shot yes one of them yelled where is your fucking hunters badge I want to see it I laughed evilly you know that fat fucker the one I killed first demanded the same thang so I will tell you what I told him and I stepped out from this cloud of shadows when I did the pigs screamed in fear my hole body was covered with a black coat made from shadows my So was my pants and boots wall I had a nice vest that wasn't made from shadows it was made from a ghostly green power my hat was made from shadows with two green sabers crossed on it there was those ghostly green chains hanging around my gun belt my hands had black gloves on them on the top of them was a green pentagram then we get to my snarling face I had a shadow mask of a wolfs skull the only thing that was normal was my glowing dragon eyes I moved my shoulders then cracked my neck left then right I looked down to my left hand chuckling which sounded like a deep grall and in a very demonic voice I said mmmm it has been a while old friend boy I missed this as I said that I raised my right in front of my and cleached it a few times then spread my fingers apart and moved my fingers so I made a claw and like that my glove changed into black and green werewolf claws I flexed my claw then turned it back to normal I looked back to my glaive saying mmm something ant right and like that the handle of my blade want pitch black and along its edge started to glow green my weapon shook that's when I heard whimpering I looked up to the suffering pigs o sorry about that I sort of got cot up in the moment one of them screamed your a fucking monster when I heard that a huge joker smile spread across my face huh isn't that calling the kettle black o you sweat summer child let me tell you a secret we are all monsters here and I moved my glaive cutting another string snap break splat my red wires tightened cutting this pig in peace but I didn't stop one I want to the next Snap to the next snap to the next snap till there were no more wires left but as I was moving my glaive around I was singing we all float down here yes indeed we are all monsters here yes indeeds but you shall not worry no part will go to waist splat yes indeed I believe in not waiting good meat yes indeed we all float down here snap splat and like that, they all died a brutal dead I put my glaive away and looked down to my hands smiling then up to the stary sealing it would seem the devil dog is back see indeed I chuckled I turned around as I was turning around I want back to normal that's when I seen a bler of dark purple brown and green as Triss and Meg who was still in her mutent form slammed into my chest hugging me or more like Triss hugged me wall Meg hugged us both which picked us up off are feet it sort of hurt but it was warm so I recovered quickly and hugged back chuckling o what's this how did I get so papl but before I could finish Meg squeezed me harder but not just that she licked the side of my face I would be complain if I could but I was having problems breathing um Meg your brushing us Triss weakly said I seen Megs eyes go wide o shit sorry and she quickly want back to her human form I took a deep breath gasping I can breath again Triss did the same I looked to Meg raising an eyebrow y did you lick me Meg smiled mischievously saying I am marking my territory now if anyone tries to steal my man they will have to fight me for it I chuckled is that so do I get a say in the matter Meg grinned shaking her head nope whether you like it or not your mine know and if someone wants to take you from me they will have to kill me first I grinned mischievously o is that so and fast as lightning I licked them both in front of everyone there now if anyone tries to take either of you they will have to go through me I can't wait to brake there bones I mean nicely ask them to fuck off Triss laughed at my slip up wall Meg was blushing hard core that's when I heard 5 people chuckling to each other I looked over them to see elder green holding hands with his wife with Sobek , Joanna and my uncle all huddled together and smiling at us elder green gave a thumbs up to me wall Sobek nodded at me Joanna just smiled happily and Samuel gave me a encouraging wink I smiled at them all and looked down to Meg and Triss Meg was still blushing trying not to look into me eyes wall Triss was giggling at her I side smiling what the hell and I leaned down and kissed Meg she was stunned I moved my head back as she looked up to me with wide eyes did you just kiss me she ask I laughed nodding yes I think I did Meg was dumbstruck that's when Triss scoffed saying girl if you ant going in for another I will take a kiss and she moved my head so I was facing her and she leaned up and kissed me well that's what it started off as just a kiss then the make-out and tung battle started be the time we separated we was out of breath Triss licked her lips taste then she looked over to Meg's red face saying that was a kiss Meg was shocked nodded and moved my head to face her and she slowly moved in for the kiss I didn't rush her till the very end when she stopped I could see her hesitating so I simple closed the distance she froze at that but quickly recovered and we started to make-out she was surprisingly good at it after a few moments of us kissing she pulled away out of breath she didn't last as long as Triss but Hi practice makes perfect right I heard someone giggle all three of us looked to Titubs who put down her tea cup saying now, now this is a school get a room you three we all laughed at that and like that we moved the body's out of the hall easily burning them with Samuel and I blue fire we want back inside to start the meeting again but it was a lot of politics between the ice fangs and the rest of the tribes I didn't get involved nor did I get dragged into it but after they got done talking about the important stuff Elsa looked over to me asking Hunter right I would like to talk with you privately I raised a eyebrow asking mam I would happily have a meeting with you but if I may ask what will we talk about she smiled business I nodded ok is it ok if my uncle comes with us to help me sense I am still new to the world after all she nodded yes you may but I will bring my mate is this fine with you I nodded perfectly I looked to Titubs asking do you have a private area we can talk she nodded indeed and she waved her hands and I felt my body twist and lift off the ground for a few seconds till thump I was back on solid footing me mind was spinning but it was no where near as bad as the first time I simple blinked a few times and it was gone we was sitting a small room with a singular table in front of me I looked across from it and I seen Esla and her mate both was recovering from the teleportation we all sat down recovering.