making a deal

After a few minutes of silence of us all getting are bearings I muttered fucking teleportation she could have at least gave us a warning the man across from me nodded indeed it gets me every time Esla side and looked to my uncle then me asking are you both ok with starting we both nodded first let us get introductions out of the way my name is Esla white Fang this is my loving husband garalt white Fang my uncle nodded its a pleasure I am Samuel Ace Colt this is my nephew Hunter Ace colt I bowed my head slightly to them smiling its a pleasure mame know that's introductions are out of the way I must ask what brings beings suck as your self asking for a meeting with a new Hunter like me Gadalt smiled saying lad your acting very odd for a gold rank Hunter most gold rank hunters are arrogant do to the fact they got to the gold rank especially if they got to that rank in only what 4 months I chuckled smiling sir with all do respect y should I act arrogant I still got a long way to go till I become truly strong gold rank is only the start Garalt laughed hearing this even Elsa cracked a small smile hearing my words I leaned back smiling so what can this simple hunter do for you this is when Elsa took over we heard through the grape vine that a new Smith has entered into the world I think his company name was the reapers Smithy if I ant wrong I raised a eyebrow asking yes I have heard of it a do you ask miss she started at me coldly first tell me this child is the reapers Smithy your company I chuckled shrugging I don't see y I should lie to you two yes that's the name of my shop and to prove my point I pulled the brand that I put on all of my weapons and placed it in front of me they both looked it over Elsa nodding ok you can put it away I believe you I nodded and put it away ok child I ask this for a specific reason do you think you can make this and she looked to Garalt who pulled out two old scrolls that has seen better days he placed them both in front of my I picked them up and carefully unforld them both in front of me on the table I glanced over them both but that's when my eyes go wide and picked up one and started scanning the hole scroll I was shocked this was a anchent blueprint of a suit of armor made for werewolfs this in its self was rare sense many lycanthropes don't wear armor or they don't any more sure there were records that told of a time where it was very common to see lycanthropes in armor but this was hundreds to thousands of years ago it was just unlikely to see lycanthropes in a suit of armor then seeing a vampire or any other supernatural creature out there hell the only races to see people in armor are of course there was us humans then there are the dwarfs who practically was known for there legendary armor that could take on the hits of powerful beings and the last is the long ears or elves is what they go by but sadly this race want into hiding a very long time ago and there contrary simply disappeared leaving no trace that was the hi and wood legs hell I had only seen 3 peer blood elves in both of my lives I had seen a few half elfves but I had seen these people in a slave market getting ready to be sold as slaves it was sad but quite common to see rare races being sold as slaves especially elves and there descendants do to how beautiful and furtal there woman were and how tuff their man was after these elves there was the dark elves that live under the earth these dark elves were known to be brutal and savages to any living humanoids even to there own kin in their eyes the strong rule and the weak are slaves they are very known for wearing armor but back to this blueprint the fact that it's a actual copy of a blueprint from the passed intrigued me but then I examined all of the information on the paper and my intrigue turned into shock my body started to shake in excitement this I looked up to Elsa this isn't what I think it is it she smiled nodded y yes it it is lad but look at the other blueprint before you go crazy I nodded and fully looked over both blueprints two types of armor one was for male werewolf's the other was for female werewolfs's both sets was practically the same but the males armor was much bigger in both hight and depth wall the females armor was smaller made for a slimmer body plus there was feminine areas in place to make the armor more comfortable I leaned back in my chair smiling as I looked up to the roof as I pulled out a smoke I thought over all the runes and small things that would go into these two sets of armor I knew right off the bat what those runes was for and what this armor was made for the simple fact is y most supernatural creatures don't wear armor is quite simple it's cuz many have different forms take the werewolves they have their basic human form then they have their animal form then there beastly form but whenever that person shifts out of the human form most of the time there clothes would be destroyed or at least rip and stretch y should one wear armor that would easily brake ones they shift forms that's y the lycans of the past stuck to there beastly forms and stayed in that form for well for ever till they died but these two sets of armor was made just in that weakness in mind it was made to transform along side its wearer but there was two problems that stood out to me the first wasn't surprising sense in this world of hunters black smithing and any other job like it was sure needed but many looked down on those who take up those jobs saying they should focus on being a hunter and growing there power sure there was some truth to this but it was also a simple idiotic thing to me there is many ways to get stronger training and fighting isn't the only way sure it's the most effective but it all depends on the mentality of that person as for the second problem it was the runes the first the male armors runes was complete and a work of a genius wall the female armor would have been the same if that person finished there work this sloppy of work for something so amazing its, it's just wrong I gralled smashing the cigarette in my hands I didn't see this but my dragon site had activated I looked down to Elsa confused face but it wasn't her who asked the question it was Garrald who asked what is wrong boy y are you angry my headshot to him and gralled out saying both of these blueprints would have been a work of shear genius and a work of art but only one of these are that wall the other is a fucking half-ass copy the runes ant complete on the female armor I makes no sense y would this craftsman not finish his work when it was so close of being down its like a artist drawing a two masterpieces but wall halfway through the second piece he stopped what he was doing and left that unfinished panting which is just on the cusp of being done of being a masterpiece but no this artist left their work unfinished as a craftsman there is nothing more wrong than leaving a project unfinished it hurts this craftsman soul its just wrong I said huffing as I leaned back in my chair and closed my eyes calming my emotions after a few minutes I opened my eyes and I was back to normal Elsa looked at me confused still so she asked the boy I don't mean to be insulting or anything but couldn't you just copy the runes from the complete blueprint to finish the other blueprint wouldn't that work I side nodding indeed it would from what I can see there is no fundamental difference between the two its the only difference is one is for males the other is for females she nodded so we don't got a problem with not being able to complete that armor do to its maker not finishing right I nodded again you are right again she nodded asking then y did you get angry if you can just copy from the complete copy I side again its simple mam I hate half ass work and I don't like lazy people the person who made those blueprints half asses there work and was to lazy to finish it sense you could just copy from the other to me there is no greater sense of shame as both a hunter and a craftsman I leave no work unfinished no matter how boring or hard that work will be I will push through it all and complete my work her and Garrald nodded like they understood wall Samuel just smiled at my words Elsa then stared at me intensely do you think you can make these armors I smiled of course I could but how much are you willing to pay and when I said that a huge devilish grin spread across my face Elsa and Garrald felt a little bit of sweat roll down there back seeing my grin and like that the talks of business started and Samuel took back over sense he had a better understanding on what the family needs ones they ironed those fine details out which my Uncle practically got every coin and benefit he could squeeze out of the couple and this was only the start sense my comply was through the families so of course they had to pay them to get to me that's when they looked to me and Elsa asking so what are your torms of service I smiled shrugging simple your provide the resources and the measurements of whoever the armor is for plus I would like to know how many you want me to make and lastly you will play for my services Elsa smiled saying your first terms I can agree with as for the second do you really need the measurements of the individuals that's quite personal for us females you know that right I chuckled and rested my head onto my hand smiling as I looked her in the eyes and in a sweet sarcastic voice I said I sure could but the armor won't fit right this armor iis built for that person and no one else I am sure I could figure something out but I am sure the alpha surely doesn't want to take that sort of risk just cuz I ask for some personal information besides I posed here dragging out the suspense and with a mischievous glint in my eyes said besides what's the same with showing me some personal information that could save your life are you scared I might share what I find with others no that's not it oooo hehe o are you scared I might fall for one of your daughters but right when I said that I felt the room get cold and ice started to form on the walls but that wasn't all I head a chair hit the floor and I got the feeling I was in danger as I seen light brown fist flying at my face but I simple leaned farther back in my chair this fist flying over my face I seen Garrald in his wolf form snarling at me but I could see shock in his eyes the back of my chair bit the floor and yet I was still sitting in a chair but this chair was made from ice I smiled mischievously but my eyes was cold o calm it down old timer it was only a joke do you truly think I would fall for one of your daughters just cuz I know there measurements only a brainless fool would do that and I maybe many things a blunt bastard and a maniac Hell I could probably be called a sociopath but I am not brainless nor am I a fool only boys fall for a girl for there looks wall man fall in love with character besides do you truly think my two girls would let me make another and I winked at him my words seemed to have snapped Garrald out of his anger he laughed patting me on the shoulders saying good point and we want back to his chair that was flipped over I looked to Elsa with similar cold eyes she was a little surprised seeing my cold eyes and the ice chair which was basically a exact replica of the one frozen to the floor below it that's when she remembered the monster that was the boy mother that monster was called moon for her beautiful cold looks and for equality as cold abilities out of everyone in her family she was the only one who awakened Nifleim fully there was the few who could us a bit of its ability's no one could use it's full ability Megan the ice Dragon it would seem there is another wielder of Nifleim how fun Elsa smiled thinking about the future and the tempter want back to normal as she simple said I want 10 sets of armor made how long will it take I thought about it as I crossed one leg over the other still intbe ice chair mmmm lets see I got a one order that I will have to do first but it won't take me long I have already started it so let's say I can get started in one week in one week I want the materials and measurements Samuel can give you a drop off point and pick up zone and you will pay half upfront as a sign of trust and ones the last is done that's when you pay me the rest also send me anything that the person wants me to do to the armor for cosmetics is this good enough for you she nodded and held out her hand indeed I look forward to seeing your work I smiled nodding indeed I am happy for your patronage to my small business and I shook hands with her smiling we shook hands and let go of each other that's when there was a red flash of light and stepping through this portal was a tall dark skinned man with side shoulders his black and white hair was in dreadlocks but what stood out was his blood red eyes and the black and red Gothic like suit around his neck was a purple gem and he was smiling a huge fang smile that's when I heard a familiar voice well, well , well I can't believe it is that you Hunter I stood up smiling looking into Gregs blood red eyes indeed it is brother and I walked around the table and brought him into a huge saying it's good to see you brother he hugged me back its good to see you aswell brother it we separated as I looked him over smiling what happen to you brother you was but before I could finish he shushed me saying shhhh we can talk during dinner that's when he looked to the others giving a bow saying headmistress Titubs invites you all into her school she offers you a place to sleep and a table to sit at wall we provide food you she hopes you will stay for her greatest hospitality Elsa stood up saying thank you lad lead the way Samuel and Garrald also stood up nodding Greg smiled and turned around and walked through the red portal that was still behind him I followed behind him I stepped back into the main hall that we was in before but this time the tables was in 4 rose at the front of these rose was one huge tables where I seen the teachers sitting at wall at the other tables was the students it was odd there was no house colors everyone had on the same blue clokes and black pants but on their chest I saw house logos there was of course 4 the first was a dragon second was a griffin third was a odd king cobra and last was what I think was a megalodon cuz no great white or any shark really that I knew of had sharp spikes running all along there body it was creepy but also metal as fuck Greg lead us to a table where all of our people was sitting wall the elders sat up with the teachers I saw Meg and Triss sitting around there friends Hera and Selence was playing around with Fox form of Astrid it was really cute when I appeared and the others following behind me we draw a lot of attention as we walked passed up the tables my I didn't need to activate any abilities to know that many of these students was witches, wizards, and creatures of the night I seen quite a few vampires actual but none of them had the same presents as Greg which was interesting sure there was a few that had the same presents but I could tell these was the peer bloods from powerful familys this begs the differ who the fuck turned Greg and how he was dead vamperism only spreads through living targets many think vampires die when the turn which isn't the case they just evolve which kills the human inside of them their hearts still beat sure it's fant but they are still alive to a extent only a progenitor could maybe turn dead body's when I thought of this idea my face want white that's when Greg glanced him seeing my expression he simple smiled and winked at me I side calming my heart Greg leads us to the big table where 5 chairs were missing two next two the headmistress wall the rest was with either there family or elders Samuel sat down with the Elders wall Greg led me to the seats next to the headmistress Titubs looked to us smiling so the friends have been reunited come sit boy sit eat and talk Greg bowed slightly thank you grandmother I also nodded saying thank you mam and we sat down and put food onto are plate well I did wall Greg poured a glass of red liquid into a glass he took a sip from the glass so Greg how in the nine hells are you here I asked as I put a piece of ham into my mouth Greg smiled saying interesting words my friend but let's start with you I know I have changed but you have changed almost more then I have and I am a fucking vamper I chuckled shrugging well y not I will tell you how life has been at least and like that I started my tail.

Thank you to gentral_frozt_8890 for your support mate let us see what fun things happen next shall we 😁