the opportunity par 1

Yea indeed I took a huge swig of the mug that was in my hands I cut there fucking heads off and kicked it to the elder cats feet it was grate hehehe I took another drink Greg nodded what happened next I smiled and put the mug down and glanced to Titubs saying what happened next was we hit the trail again up in tell a woman appeared in front of us and when the man looked at her they came under a charm Titubs smiled shrugging Hi it ant my fault I was born with fay magic I side nodded I know that's y I ant really angry just a little shocked that it wasn't just man who came under your charm there was a few females also the fact you didn't mean to case that effect and it just happened and it affected that many people is a sign of how powerful you are Titubs was a little surprised hearing that as she leaned forward in her chair a little and turned her head to look at me I could see her puzzled expression how do you know that child did your sorceress tell you this I chuckled at her question I took another drink before speaking no Triss didn't tell me this nor did she need to tell me miss Titubs what do you know about my families ability called Dragon eyes Titubs leaned back and her chair I could tell she was think about my question but it wasn't just her Greg was also I waited for there response as I waited I cut a piece of my stake and ate it savoring its sweet spices with a hint of ashiness plus it was booed medium rare so it was nice and juicy I ate a few more pieces before I heard a sy that came from Greg as he shook his head he looked to me saying it's no good Hunter I don't know what this ability of your family is hell not much is even known about you Colts you have always been a secretive bunch I chuckled we are a family of hunters what did you expect Greg you might not want to rip my throat out and drink are blood but there are those out there who wouldn't hesitate as long as one less Hunter dies Greg was raising his glass to his lips stopped half way when he heard that he looked to me and slowly sat down his glass as he gave me a little glare where have I heard that before o right ant that what you hunters say about us supernatural creatures you do not care as long as one less supernatural creature is dead don't you think it's a little hipocritical for you to judge us for mindless killing your people when they do the same to us I was about to take a drink from my mug but when I heard that my smiled was gone and what replaced it was my cold eyes and 0 emotions on my face I put my mug down and slowly turned my head looking into his blood red eyes that was slightly glowing and in a cold calm voice I said Greg this war between the humans and the supernatural has been going on for thousands of years the world has changed civilization has come and gone technology has advanced greatly and yet there is no peace just like how the world has changed so has the war what usto be packs of werewolf's slaughtering village is know gangsters and mob bosses what us to be a vampire drinking the blood of those who ever they can has know changed to the vampires in the background controlling the current events in the shadows keeping their hands in everything what usto be groups of knight fighting with horror has turned into a hunter who doesn't care about the means as long as the job gets done thought these thousands of years there have always been the forces of darkness trying to fulfill there evil goals and there have always been those who fight back against the darkness Greg huffed glaring at me so where do you fall Hunter are you a hunter who fights for a brighter future or do you want revenge for what we had to suffer though tell me Hunter you said if it was up to you, you wouldn't let the hog tribe live you would kill every one of them no matter there age when I heard this a huge demonic grin spread across my face and my eyes was cold with 0 emotions just a cold void yes I would kill every one of them no matter their age they all had a choice follow that leader and fight against the other tribes and try and steal there children or stop there leader or hell just leave I do not care if they was rolled by fear or whatever they made the choice to stay and fall in line I do not care for there reasons for doing they came onto my land and killed children this is when I leaned forward gralling at him children Greg I do not care for there excuses they lost there privilege to life ones they did that besides I gave my word to a greeving mother I would kill them all so tell me Greg y I shouldn't feel this way come on speak up I gralled I didn't notice this but my dragon eyes had activated in my anger Greg angrily glared his teeth was clenched I could tell he had no come back good I gralled and moved my face away from his I closed my eyes and took a few moments to calm my self down and when I opened my eyes they was back to there normal coldness I side seeing Gregs complicated expression listen Greg I am no hero I never cleaned to be one hell I think you could call me a villain if you want I don't mind cuz you would be right I would rather burn this world to the ground for my loved ones I do not care who or what stands in my way I will destroy them all to protect them Greg side nodding and he took a long drink from his glass when he set it down he glanced at me chuckling good you haven't changed much I see I grinned shrugging naa not really that's when Titubs cleared her throat we both turned are heads to look at her she had a small smile on her face as she glanced at us both but then she looked to me saying to answer your lad I know of the skill Dragons eyes yes but all I know is this Dragon eyes isn't the skill you learn in the beginning I don't know what this skill is called but though that skill your emotions you unlock the Dragon eyes ones you do you will gain New Abilities but I don't know what those abilities are and the last thing I know is this there has only been one colt in the last 50 years to awaken the dragon eyes and his name was Samuel Colt all though I guess I need to add Hunter Colt to that list now I chuckled at that so you don't know a lot that's to be expected all though I am a little surprised you had anything Titubs giggled I have my ways lad and she winked at me o I bet you do adlass I already have two lovers but thank you I responded Greg then cut in saying enough flirting Hunter that's my but I cut him off saying hush you mouth blood sucker the adults are talking he hissed at me but I could see he was grinning Titubs giggled at that then she looked back to me so are you going to tell me how you know that the more powerful a witch is the more it affects there environment you say your sorceress didn't tell you and I know for a fact your mother isn't a witch neither are either of your sisters so how the fuck do you know so much about magic actually and also y do I sense dark magic coming off you I gave her a huge grin shrugging it is true my bother is a witch and neither are my sisters and there is actually a few reasons you sense dark magic on me the first is this and I waved my hand over my face when I did my Wolf mask appeared I assume you know what this is right both Greg and Titubs indeed we do Titubs said and glanced to Greg who then spoke its spirit armor right I nodded that is correct you see this skill isn't a chakra ability originally this skill was actually make my droid and sage types those who spoke with the spirits of the land it is a very spiritual ability no pun intended just like fays who spirit reflects there abilities and character the same can be said for this these spirit armor allows me to control the magic of my spirit beast and as I assume you can tell I got a death hound spirit this is one of the reasons y you can sense dark magic coming from me I shrugged my mask disappearing Greg was shocked wall Titubs started at me with interest that's when Titubs said something odd that ant your only spirit is it Greg turned to her shocked what do you mean Grandmother of course he doesn't ant that right Hunter as he turned to me I simple had a hug grin on my face I seen fear in his eyes that when he asked again this time in a more pleading voice ant that right Hunter I simple shrugged and waved my hand over my face taking my nine tails form his eyes was as wide as saucers when he seem my tails moving behind me I chuckled saying of course I do Greg I told you my two souls mixed all though I am more us to my other form sense I have used it for much longer but I can't wait grow this spirit's power aswell I seen Greg reaching out to touch of of my tails but and I shrugged going back to normal that will of course take time hi you fucker I looked to Greg who was glaring at me I laughed saying you didn't really think I would let you touch one of my tails right that would just be weird in so many different ways he huffed only if you make it weird I rolled my eyes saying I am down with that conversation and I looked to Titubs who was staring at me patiently but I could see she was getting tired of waiting I side chuckling fine fine I will stop beating around the brush the short answer is I am a warlock of the death twins and to prove my point I waved my hand and made a ball of shadows form in my hand when they heard that both of there faces want pail or well Gregs didn't sense he was a vamp and all that but Titubs did the fuck did you just say boy Titubs ask in a quiet voice I waved my hand the shadow ball disappearing you heard me miss I am a warlock of the death twins Greg crossed his arms but I noticed his hands grab something in his coat it was actually quite natural with how he did it but I was always on guard even when I didn't act like it that's when Titubs hissed did you sell your soul I rolled my eyes no then your families secrets Greg ask wrong again I said taking a drink than what, what did you give up as payment there is nothing in this word that is free, especially from beings like them I laughed the death Twins are actually quite nice believe it or not they may be the death gods but that doesn't mean they are evil just like how death is neither good nor evil the Twins are the same in my past life I actually helped them out quite a few times they rewarded me nicely as for what I sold to gain their power hehe I gave absolutely nothing I didn't seal my soul I didn't give away my freedom I gave nothing and the agreed all they wanted me to do was spread there names around and make as much chaos and death as I can it would seem people have forgotten to not only fear death but respect it that's the contract I signed so you both can stop worrying especially you Greg get your hands off those daggers Greg was a little shocked when he heard about the daggers but he simple nodded as for Titubs she was staring at me like k was a mad man I looked around seeing that the cafeteria was about empty it was just us a few students and teachers it would seem the rest of my group had already retired for tonight I stood up saying well it has been a pleasure but I think I will hit the hay unless either of you got anymore questions to ask me Greg shook his head nothing for me what about you grandmother and he looked to her grandmother he asked shaking her lightly that seemed to brake her out of her daydreaming o yes it is getting late and she stood up smiling thank you lad for talking with this old lady I shook my head tipping my hat saying it was my pleasure mam she nodded and looked to one of the students that looked a bit older a higher classman if I had to guess Ron can you please come her Ron walked over he was a tall thin guy with short brown hair with a shit tune of freckles he was probably 16 or so yes headmistress you asked for me Titubs nodded indeed please escort Mister Colt to his room I assume you have no problems with that I was about to shook my head that's when I thought about something and quickly asking do you have a forge by any chance Titubs eyes want wide but nodded yes we do it y do you want a tore or something I laughed shaking my head no I want to us your forge you see I am a Smith I run my own company actually all the equipment you have seen on me I have either made or modified my self I also made the axe that Sobek was using her eyes want wide really how interesting I would have thought with your family resources you would have just bot your equipment I laughed shaking my head actually believe it or not my family hasnt used much resources on me really the only response that was expensive was the alchemical baths that I had to do every day when I said this Titubs and Greg's eyes want wide and even Ron was shocked Titubs quickly shook her head and quickly said I will allow you to us are forge and are resources but I wish for you to help teach 3 classes wall your staying here I was a little shocked at that request but I shrugged asking if I may ask which classes and y me she side shrugging first would be combat a lot of are students here ant familiar with hand to hand combat nor the ability's of a ki user and plus most of them have seen real combat and the ones who have are few but strong second class would be a dark arts class since you are both a warlock and a hunter you know many things that are students can't read in a book plus you see things differently then most seeing how you was a regular a few months ago and the last class would be a crafting class I think you would have many things to teach the students in my school and this is no big secret so I will just tell you are school prides its self on making powerful witches and wizards we take in anyone no matter there race and he looked to Greg when she said that or source of power and she looked over to Ron but as you know Hunter books and teachers can teach you a great many of things but it can't teach you how to act when your life is on the line or to think outside of the box, it can't teach you how to execute a battle plan or to make a strategy in the heat of battle this only comes from experience and experience you got so will you teach my students and she looked to me stoned faced but I could see hope in her eyes I side chuckling o y not I don't mind teaching but I warn you now miss Titubs I am a hellish teacher I will push your kids to the braking point and many of them might get hurt I won't force anyone to stay and train and ones they give up I will be hard pressed to take them back but I promise to all those who stay the course will have grown in both body mind and power in exchange I would not only like to us your forge and resources but I would also like access to all of your library and I mean all of it do you have any problems with this Titubs thought about it and was about to say something when Ron spoke up no offense headmistress but he is asking for to much not even all of our 5 years have access to the restricted section and speaking as a student who does have access there are toms and books in there that are peer evil and could shift the balance of the world if used this man maybe a gold rank Hunter and a colt but even so it's to dangerous to let him have access to that knowledge and that right Greg and he looked to Greg who was still sitting in his chair sipping from his wine glass but when he heard that he finished the glass and placed it down on the table before looking to Ron listen Ron you maybe a 2 year who has access to some areas to the restricted second do to your unique circumstance but as one of the few students who has access to all of the restricted section let me be the first to tell you your both right and wrong there are toms and books in there that could shift the balance if in the wrong hands but many of those things come at the cost of the users life and other things seeing that Hunter isn't suicidal I don't believe he would us any of those second part is the person has to have a dark evil soul Hunters soul isn't evil he is neither good nor bad he is a hunter and lastly kid only weak minded individuals, would be swayed by the dark powers in those toms speaking from someone who has known Hunter for the longest he is many things a jackass a crazy man but he isn't weak mind seeing how we both suffered the same fate and yet he survived and pushed he looked to Titubs had a conflicted expression grandmother just take the deal you have nothing to lose and everything to gain plus I promise he won't so come to the dark beings in the restricted section She looked to him seeing his confident look she side fine I agree lad and she looked to me I nodded thank you madtom but if you will excuse me the forge is calling lead the way Lad Ron nodded turning around saying this way and like that he lead me out of the main hall into many different hallway where I seen many things from moving paintings to suits of armor to even a few creatures walking and flying around I also walked by a few students who looked to be higher classman yow Ron does this place have a curfew I said walked next to him he glanced at me nodding yes on weak days it's at 10 but when it's the weekend its 11 but that's only for the 1 to 2 year students any higher class man can go to bed whenever they want at there own risk but he said that last part under his breath but I still heard it at there own risk what do you mean Ron he smiled and looked to me chuckling like the headmistress said this school prides its self on making powerful individuals no matter there race or powers I nodded ok but if that's the case y does she need me to teach he laughed well its as she said most of the students here have never been in a fight, deals maybe but never a real fight where they could die but that's only for the 1 to 2 years who make up most of the student numbers but when it comes to 3 to 7 years are the ones who have seen real battle all though there are quite a few 3 years who haven't been in a fight do to the fear when hearing the roomers I raised my eyebrow saying lad stop beating around the bush, please he laughed ok sorry its quite simple when you reach your 3 years is when the curfew rule is lifted and you may go out at night but you see this place is a maze ones that clock hits 10 is when the fun starts and when the school takes its true form which is a dungeon anyone who is still wondering the halls at that time can be sent to the dungeon be it from a trap door or a odd painting that was backining you to come closer to even a fake wall that when you lean against it you fall through like it wasn't there in this dungeon is when you are attacked by not only monsters but also other students to gain theses and he pulled a odd glass star out from his pocket o what's this I said looking it over my dragon eyes activating I could see inside of the class I could see all the fine angles and all of the small runes that was carved into it I could easily read these runes it said

to the one who holds me be warned you ant safe there will be others who try and take me from you so fight, fight on and never give up

I chuckled how nice and sentimental and like that I clicked and my eyes was back to normal Ron was shocked seeing my eyes but recovered quickly I assume you have seen the runes he asked I simple nodded good these is what the other students are after cuz you see these stars gives you power within the school be it resources or whatever but it all depends on how many you have and at the end of the year whichever house has the most wins and the hole houses is given resources to help them grow but here we are and we stopped in front of a huge black double door that looked to made from obsidian on either side of the door was two sitting Wolfe made from Blue obsidian my eyes scanned over the door my dragon eyes activating again that's when I seen hundreds of runes scrolled across it but in the left door I seen a three-headed dog ando the right door was a owl under these images was these two riddles

I am a goddess of wisdom, I guard those who worship me, and I encourage artisans. Who am I,

Some people try to hide, while others try to cheat, but time will indicate that we always come face to face.

Ron smiled to me and pulled out a odd wound that was made from twisted steal and he walked up to the door saying I will open it for you but I put a hand on his shoulder before he could do anything he looked to me but when he seen my dragon eyes he chuckled and took a few steps back saying let's see if you can I smiled and pulled out my Glaive I channeled darkness through it and I pressed the blade in the center of the doors saying

Some call me a goddess of war wall most know me as the goddess wisdom I am Athena

Many have tried to run for us but in the end you can't outrun Death it comes for us all I am the reaper

nothing happened at first but then click, click, click I heard gears turning clocks unlocking then boom the door shuttered before slowly openining as it opened the temperature want up to the point it was burning it was like I was standing in a volcano but all I did was smile well that and sweat when I seen what's in this room two rows of forges all leading to one massive forge in the center that had actually lava moving through it the other forces had metal pipes that all want to this center forge and hammering away at the center was two short man with wild red hair and beards both had thick muscles and leathery skin both had on smithing aprons but there was a age differences between the two the younger one was the one swinging a huge hammer wall the older man was holding the steal and doing the more precise hammer hits the two dwarfs looked up to us as Ron and I walked in me with a huge smile Ron stone faced but around Ron body was a odd bubble thing the older one moved the steal back into the forge before turning to us and in a gruff deep voice he said Ronny laddy its good to see you what can we help you with and who's this thick lad Ron stepped forward but before he could speak I said the name is Hunter Ace Colt a gold rank Hunter who came here for the meeting between the lycanthropes miss Titubs gave me promotion to us the forge and its resources but by the looks of anger on the twos of yours faces I see your the ones that run this forge not her so what say you lads can I make the steal sing the younger one huffed saying what would a hunter know about smithing don't your kind us science or what ever to make shit I laughed smithing is a science my friend but more importantly it's a Art as for what I know about smithing seeing how I run my own forgeing company called the reapers Smithy and I have had nothing but positive reviews but if that doesn't convenes you here take a look at this and I held out my Glaive sure it only a blue ranked item but I think it will work the older one held out his hand saying I lad let me look it over I nodded and passed it to him he looked over every inch of the glaive for a few minutes till he seen the stamp of my company on it he nodded and held it out to me I took it I lad I have heard of your one of see regulars from here asked to look over a bayonet before he left on his mission he said he found a new company called the reapers smithy and how it only took the Smith a few days to get it to him he just wanted to check he didn't get scammed so I happily looked it over and it had that same stamp as your Glaive that was you right I nodded indeed I remember that order seeing how it was my first all though I remember all of my orders so and I shrugged the older one nodded and held out his hand smiling I lad you can call me Steal that's my son Metal he nodded at me I shook his Steal hand it's a pleasure sir he laughed no need for that fancy talk lad I am sure you got work to do and we got to get back to work so feel free to us the other half of this forge it will greatly benefit you if you can handle the heat I nodded smiling let us make the steal sing I said as I walked to the other side of this forge I put away my Glaive plus all of my equipment was gone what replaced it was my smithing apron with my mauler hammer on my hip I walked over to the table and pulled out that huge asteroid and set it on the floor I then grabbed Mauler off my belt and flipped it in my hands so the pick axe side was facing down I grabbed the hammer with two hands the handle extended out to fit my hands comfortably I raised it and swung it down hitting this Asteriod in the center of it when Mauler struck this rock is when it happened the exact spot where my pick sank into the Asteriod then with a pole of electricity and fire the Asteriod exploded perfectly in half i smiled raising Mauler again when someone yelled the fuck is that thing I looked to see who spoke to see Ron with wide eyes staring at me I smiled saying o this old thing she is called Mauler I made her a very long time ago and I swung down again splitting the left half of the Asteroid in half again and just like before there was a poles of electricity and fire and that half split in half again I looked up to see Ron gaping at my hammer I chuckled I am thankful and all for you leading me here but don't you have somewhere to be lad when he heard my words that broke him out of his state he quickly looked at his watch yelling shit, shit, shit your right they are going to kill me see you and like that he ran out of the room I laughed swinging again splitting the other half in half again so know I had 4 pieces that was still heavy as hell I spend a solid hour splitting this asteroid into pieces I can us by the time I was done 50 oddly shaped dark ingots was on the table I put every one of them in my dark space till only 10 was left at this point k was singing to my self o Hunter you did it again o Hunter you hit it big again mmmm let the steal sing and like that I stacked two piles of 5 of the ingots and I used my metal manipulation plus my blue fire to weld these ingots together when I was down I had two big odd black ingots I picked up one with tongs and moved it into the forge aka the lava well only a small part of it was in the lava wall the rest of it was just turning red from the heat it didn't take long for this odd steal to get red hot I pulled it out and picked up mauler and tapped it on the anvil before clank, clank, clank I got to work with a smile on my face.