Back to class

The pages flipped open to a certain page in the center of the book cursed gears row 5 section 2,22 to 2, 40 then the pages started to flipped again and again it stop on another page dark items and scrolls row 2 from 160 to 1050 again the pages flipped and again it stopped on another page this happened over and over but after the 7 time the book shut and I walked to the closet row which so happened to be row 5 I looked over the books and when I found what I wanted I pulled the first book of the shelf and started to read through it with unhuman sleep at the same time Skull appeared in front of me asking

Would host wish for me to scan all the books of note. Yes or no

I nodded yes I walked to a chair that was out of the way and I sat down still reading

Skull followed me as it said scanning

a few minutes passed and I had already read 3 thick books but that's when I felt the familiar feeling of something trying to push it's away into my mind that's when I heard Skull say

Scan complete get ready host this is going to hurt

I didn't know y but I thought I heard laughter in those words but I didn't have time to think about it cuz the next second the world started to spin luckily I was already sitting down or I would have dropped to the floor next came the mind throbbing pain that made my hands tighten and blood to drip out from my nose and ears luckily I was alone or people would have freaked out seeing my state and the pain just got worse I wasn't sure how much time passed be it seconds, minutes, hours, hell even weeks or months I couldn't even think a single thought do to this pain but after what seemed to be a eternity the pain was gone and all that was left was the information from all the books and just like what I always did when thus happened I cleared my mind and looked over everything I got and I must say it was great I got information of cursed gears from all across the world and when they was last seen and the names of families who had them or collected them be it from human or monster and surprisingly it had Colts as one of the names but it didn't say y but I found a few names that was familiar the first was the Musha family it said that the family had collected many of these items what they did with them or where they gone no one knows but there have been some spotted in Hi ranking members hands but nothing more the next family was called Killeen a family of one's hunters but somewhere along the way they want from slaying monsters to laying the monsters as for y they have been looking for these gears is simple they want the power that the gears have to boost there power the next family was called the Wolfgangs a family of hunters who make packs with powerful beings such as angles or dragons to hunt they want the gears to both destroy and us them they say if a item was to dangerous they destroy them saying it's better to get rid of the items then the chance of letting it fall to a dark force and the last family was the Hela family a militaristic family who value strength over all they want the gears to strength there families especially sense there falling out with the ice Dragon and she taking many of there items I smiled seeing that last note so mom has somehow fun as for the other families other than the Musha the others I don't recognize them from this life but my last but I wonder y but no matter how hard I tried to remember I just couldn't I side angrily leaning back looking over all the names of the coursed gears I learned of and I must say it was many but none of them was my creations nor did I have the feeling of recension like I did when I heard Wolfgang and Killeen names I clicked my tongue angrily mentally shifting my eyes to the next set of information which was dark items and scrolls and I must admit there was a lot from uses items like a gold stick that when touched your skin would fall off or a pare of pants that when worn would zip up your privates when given the chance apparently it was used as a torcher device which I fully understand y and made a vow not to put on any strange pants I find but there was also useful items listen such as a dark black book that when you right a persons name inside of it that person would die the only down side is the book would eat your so but Hi haha if you want that shity boss of your to bit the dust and you had no care for your life this book is for you to even a wound that when used made that mage the strongest in the world only downside was everyone would know you had it and would want to claim it from you as for the scrolls nothing really cot my eye most of it was stupid spells to make your self immortal or so they claimed but each of these spells sucked and required a prise of blood and death but there was two scrolls that did interest me it was two incomplete spells both had to do with death magic the first was called deaths domain by the looks of the spell when activated anyone in a sergeant area of effect souls would be attacked killing them almost instantly but this was only for those weaker then you but those who was stronger then you could fight it off if that happens there will be a backlash onto the caster and whoever withstood the attack the second spell well less a spell and more of a formation this formation was called spell weaving this allowed the user to us any element that they could us and amplify those spells with drawing runes in the air into whatever the user wants this spell was the key to making new and on heard of spells and both was only missing there endings with my knowledge in runes I could finish them easily and if I asked for Triss's help it would be even easier I quickly looked through the other information and all of it was interesting from hells and angles hierarchy to items if dark gods to even dark poisons and I must admit the poisons was interesting but nothing compared to the two scrolls by the Times I opened my eyes I looked to the clock seeing it was about time for the class to start again I stood up burning the blood off my face I put the books I found back where I found them and walked to the gate just in time to see Greg appear we he smiled at me saying you find what you want I smiled devilishly yes and no he nodded and like that we want back to the class I walked to my normal spot in the center of the room and simple waited they students slowly came back there was a few less from when they left but I didn't care I nodded still in that calm normal town of voice good let us get started the next thing j will be teaching you is some simple tactics and formations you all can us but remember these ant fool proof and are very basic split into teams of 10 form a circle have one 5 look out side of the circle and have one look with in the circle they all did as I said and formed the groups I nodded saying good listen up I call this any space users worst nightmare can anyone tell me where a space user would normally teleport and what areas would they target and many people raised there hands Ashley and Greg did but I wasn't surprised so did the other black sheep but there was one person who did surprise me a first year girl who had dark purple hair and her skin was snow white and I seen pointed ears a dark elf descended how fun but as she raised her hand her sleeve feel down and I seen scars around her wrists from shackles she had a happy anticipation in her eyes hell she was practically jumping from one foot to the other but the second those scars was shown to the work she stopped and quickly hid them and looked around seeing if anyone noticed them the fire was gone from her eyes I flashed in front of her and looked down at her saying yes you girl state your name and answer the question she was shocked but smiled happily my name is Queen Sir and a space user would normally teleport behind there targets and target the vital areas for one strike kills these targets are the head, throat, center of chest, and lastly the heart I nodded good job and I was back into the center of the room as Queen said most space users would go for those areas for one hit kills or I like to call them assassinations kills but this formation levels that playing field a bit sense your back to back and almost arm and arm they're is no opening they could us to kill you easily but we are talking about beings on the same level as your self's and I side shaking my head in the end this formation won't work on anyone stronger then your self's so don't try and kill a powerful enemy with it they nodded the next formation is and like that I showed them 4 basic formation space users circle, the spear head, shield wall, and the retreat all 4 of these was very basic but have worked for a long time so y shouldn't they learn it after i thought they got the hang of it we want to the next topic ok class can anyone tell me three things that can change the tide of battle easily people raised there hands I called on one second year you kid in the back yes you come on the boy nodded reinforcements but I cut him off wrong next and I called on 2 others who also got it wrong I side and looked to Ashley who didn't have her hand up her arms was crossed and she had a cold expression Ashley would you please fill these fools in I asked she nodded yes Sendai and she stood up saying what is three things that can change the tides of battle this is a very complicated question that has many answers but there are three that stick out to me the first would be numbers the second would be troops morrall and last would be catching your opponent off guard in any way you can but and she looked to me asking these wasn't the answers you was looking for I smiled shrugging you are right but I was looking for two thing that is so simple that no one really considers it sense it's so simple what are two things that can change the tides of battle the first would hope the hope to hold your child in your arms or feel the touch of a loved one hope has driven mankind through countless battles hope can make people do great things but there is one thing that works better then hope and that's fear if you strike the fear of God into your enemy this will destroy all hope they have and what replaces it would be fear and dispare this tactic mankind has used this over and over again cuz nothing works better cuz at the end of the day the victor rights the history books so my dear students you might be asking your self y I bring this dark topic up and it's simple a few of you have felt the fear of your life but the rest of you haven't so I wish to help you not over come fear but to fight even when you feel fear to not freeze when facing a terrifying enemy and for this test your enemy will be me and like that my shirt was gone and I pulled out my glaive as I did the room got darker and my dragons eyes glowed in the darkness and covering my Glaive was my black ki slammed the end of my Glaive on the floor saying come, my students, it is time to fight as I said this I dragged my other hand down my face and covering my face was my Wolf mask as this mask appeared my voice got demonic and all my scars started to glow in a dark green color which just made the scars on my chest stand out even more and I let out a little of my killing intent but I mixed it with my presents to all the first and second years I looked like a dark god they couldn't move out of fear hell many of the third and 4 years was the same maybe a little less affected but they was still frozen and fear as sweat formed on there body even the 5 to 7 years was shocked when they felt my presents they hesitated to engage even many of the back sheep I seen hesitated well all of them but 5 the first people who recovered was Ashley, Greg and one white heard lad who was in the 4 year a Wolfgang if I had to guess do to that white hear and gold eyes Ashley charged at me saying Greg with me Timry cover us Timry nodded and appearing in his hand was a odd scimitar that burst into white flames the second he grab it Greg followed Ashley he pulled out his sword and wand as he did but Ashley hair started to stand up and blue lightning sparked off her as she reach for her katana the second her hand touched the hilt of it she flashed in front of my As she draw her sword but she was shocked when I leaned back sliding under her swing then jumping into my feet as I spun my Glaive thrusting it at Greg who was to shocked to react but right before it could connect with him it was stopped by a odd stone shield and moving in front of Greg was a black man with some wicked black dreadlocks he was a thick boy he smiled saying really Greg spacing out in the heat of battle this ant like you Greg huffed saying shut it Spike as he flicked his wand at me and flying at me was a fire ball Spike smiled saying your luck I was here to block that hit or you would have but before he could finish I simply thrust my glaive out again striking this shield but unlike before it got split in half my glaive just missing Spikes head he smiled you miss sir a huge grin spread across my face hearing that did I, I asked Spike was shocked then it hit but it was to late my glaive stabbed into the fireball detonating it behind Spike this made him shoot forward I extended one arm close lining him Spike his the floor the air leaving his lungs I raised my glaive and was about to thrust down when I felt a cold feeling behind me I twisted to the side and flying over me was a sword I smiled kicking Ashley stunned face she shot and hit the wall but I stepped back and flying passes me was a ice spike I smiled at the last person she was dark skinned and looked a lot like Spikr dreadlocks and all but frost was coming off her fingers I smiled using my gliave to throw my self into the air as I flipped backwards fire balls and ice spikes shot at me but they just missed me well one of the ice spikes did fly and sink into my right shoulder just before I landed I smiled looking down at the ice spike and in one swift movement I pulled it out and looked to this fear and Greg saying fine you want to play with fire and ice lets play when I said that my eyes want cold and smoke was blown out of my mouth and moving up my glaive was a bright blue fire wall the ice spike in my left hand slowly changed into a ice clawed gauntlet with Spike moving up it I was about to move when I had a crazy idea I raised my left hand and started to draw in the air and surprisingly enough white runes started to appear I laughed evily chanting dance, dance little snowflake dance and let the mighty winds blow dance intel the river is frozen no dance Intel the hole world is frozen hell come my nifleim creatures I flicked these words when I did they started to flow and a circle of blowing ice formed in my outstretched hand and flying out from this circle was 3 ice birds that shot at Spike, Greg, and the ice girl Greg yelled shit and he used his vampire movement skill to appear in front of Spike wall Wolfgang appeared next to the girl in a burst of fire they both formed a magic shield of fire but at the last second these birds changed targets aiming for the still frozen students Wolfgang yelled shit Greg but it was to late they was already there I seen many students eyes widen and many of there bodies move instinctually but it was to late the birds was to fast they flow and just before impact Greg yelled Hunter poof the birds exploded into snowflakes which fell onto the students who was laughing at this point I walked next to Greg my mask disappearing and a huge cheeky smile spread across my face Greg side and punch me in the shoulder saying damn you your a rat bastard you know that I laughed my shirt appearing on my body and I put away my glaive perhaps but tell me between the two of us which is the bigger bastard me acting like I was going to hurt them or you who thought I would actually do that Greg simple flipped my off but all that did was make me laugh harder Ashley walked over to us I could see a bit shame and disappointment in her eyes I chuckled saying you are very skilled Ashley but your magic needs some work remember not only a swordswoman but also a mage she nodded smiling thank you Sendai I nodded lineup and they did I walked in front of them all smiling congrats yall you all just felt what overwhelming fear feels like yes you froze but that's to be expected not everyone is as crazy as my self so find the thing that will allow you to fight even when you feel fear look deep into your self it can be anything really just as lone as your feelings are strong enough class dismissed and like that the bell rang and everyone left Greg side and walked next to me saying damn that was intense brother I shrugged just wait tomorrow will be worse and I smiled at him Greg simple shook his head saying come let us go to the dark arts class and like that we was gone.