teaching a fun teacher and the little brat

We walked through the portal me made and we appeared in a classroom that had 6 rows of tables three chairs at each table they was all facing towards the front of the room where a huge whiteboard was hanging above this room was a huge skeleton my mouth dropped open seeing the skeleton Holy shit that's the body of a black dragon I could still feel the dragons presents on the bones that's when I heard a happy older female voice indeed it is I killed the thing after it want rampaging in the Atacama Desert they called my team and I to deal with the problem and we'll I landed the killing glow so I got the first dibs one loot and as you see I asked for the skeleton I looked down to see a holder lady in her 40s she was tand skin her hair was pulled back into a tight black and gray bun her face had some wrinkles but she was still very beautiful for a old lady handing around her neck was a set of reading glasses she had on a nice dark black and green dress and robe her Silver eyes started back at me with a little smile I tipped my hat saying it's a pleasure miss names Hunter Colt she curtsied saying the pleasure is all mine lad the names Loosy Killeen I smiled saying Killeen huh I just read about that name how fun Loosy smiled o and if I may ask where did you read about us at I shrugged a book and didn't say anymore nut that's when I noticed nothing odd her clothes robe covered them pretty well but I seen the slightest edge if a tattoo on her wrist and neck I smiled and activated my dragons eyes when I did her tattoos was shinnine through her clothes and I must say the power I felt was very familiar but just stronger the tattoos on her arms was that if lightning bolts and on her shoulders was a storm cloud where they lightning came from but I seen a Chinese dragon that curled around her back breathing fire and on her left thigh was a white tiger but the thing that caught my eye was the two oni mask tattooed on the side of her head but her hair covered them well so you couldn't even see them these oni masks had lightning shooting through them Loosy clicked her tongue which broke me out of my examination did you like what you seen she said playfully I laughed saying Triss might as well come out before I say something really shameless I heard a sy and flashing next to Loosy was Triss who was smiling what gave me away she asked I smiled seeing how it was just us for in the class so let's have a little fun I thought as I walked forward saying the first thing was I could sense and see your magic and presents the second was simple I had a feeling but the thing that really gave you away and I quickly grabbed her bringing her close as I said it was your sent which is all over this room and to prove my point I took a deep breath of her sweet electrical sent mmmm perfect I whispered in her year but load enough that the others heard me Triss blushed trying to push me away but I didn't let her go she side at her fate Loosy laughed happily saying yep your definitely in trouble Triss Greg side saying can't you take this lovely doubly shit somewhere else students are coming I looked back to him saying so who cares if they see us if it bothers them it ant my problem and they can fuck off Loosy at this point was giggling Triss side and tired my head and kissed my quickly saying stop it Hunter show at lest some shame I laughed never so are you going to explain this dear or am I going to have to ask her about this Triss side saying she is one of my grandmothers or well us to be after she married into the Killeen my mother stripped her of her name and title i haven't seen her sense I was a child it has been fun to catch up Loosy smiled indeed Triss was always one of my favorites she is skilled and smart unlike her bitch of a mother so when I heard what happened to her I did my best to help her live and when she came her I was so happy I smiled nodding so it was you who delayed those who was hunting her I thank you for that she waved her hand no need I am just protecting one of my own I smiled stepping away from Triss and walked in front of her and bowed I thank you for helping my sorceress till I sent help I am glad Triss still has one family member who cares for her well being other then my self so hints forth if you ever need something don't hesitate to contact men Triss was about to run forward but stopped seeing both mine and Loosys looks Loosy looked to my asking y would you do this I could be a spy for all you know or something I chuckled the answer is simple Triss trusts you and I trust Triss besides y shouldn't I help my family she was shocked family she asked slowly I nodded indeed when Triss came to my house I told her she was part of my family and sense your her grandmother that makes you my family and soon to be grandmother Loosy looked to me then to Triss blushing face she laughed happily how fun ok lad I will take your words to heart I nodded standing back up I started into those silver eyes my dragon eyes activating and some of my killing intent was let out the lights in the room want dim and in a calm voice and with cold eyes I said and just be warned if you do end up being a spy just know if you dear hurt a single hair on my sorceress head or hell even hurt her in any way I promise nothing but a slow painful death awaits you so please be who you say you are and like that the room was back to normal Loosy smiled and turned to Triss completed face and said you have landed a keeper keep him close and she turned around walking to the front of the class Triss was stunned Loosy got to the front of the class and sat down behind a desk next to the chock bored when she did the doors opened and students started to walk in Triss looked to me saying well good luck dear I got research to do and she gave me a peck on the lips but before she could go I whispered to her I found a incomplete spell I wish your help to finish it she simple nodded and like that she flashed away I side looking to Greg stunned face saying mate you need to get your self a strong girlfriend maybe Ashley yes she would do nicely Greg stared at me like I was a mad man I winked at him saying don't worry I am the best wing man but go take your seat and I flashed behind looses table leaning against the wall I put my hat over my eyes resting my mind I didn't show it but I was starting to get tired my body felt fine but it was mind it had been working in overdrive the passed two days luckily I had the perfect skill and like that I started using Yggdrasil and like that my mind was rejuvenated slowly and all the ki and magic I had used slowly came back to me I could never run out of ki seeing it was in the air its self but my body had a certain limit of how much it could us before my attacks started to get weaker best example of this would be when Greg hit me with his lightning before then I was running on low battery but after the lightning feel I was charged all up do to my diamond veins I had a much bigger limit then others and also faster recharge my magic was basically the same just taking that magic from the air and into my body all it does it takes longer plus the side effects are much more when it comes to over doing my magic from magic sickness to lack of magic power for a certain period of time but what could one do this was just a fact for everyone so no matter as I was in my own thoughts Loosy raised her head looking over the students when she did the room got quiet she nodded good today we will be talking about marking magic can anyone tell me what this magic does but no one raised there hand I side behind her sensing no hands and said marking magic can have many abilities and benefits but the mean process is one marks one with a magic rune or image this mark will not disappear intel your dead or the user wills it so there are always to disspell it but that's a hole nother topic Loosy nodded he is right everything Sir Colt has said is nothing but facts and the fact he knows this and you don't its she side disappointedly well lets just say you all will have extra homework on the subject but let us continue can anyone in here preform a marking spell this time half of the class raised their hand Loosy side saying a actual marking spell not non of that basic make a item glow or it to heat up that item when she said this everyone hands feel I side stepping off the wall putting my hat on my head as I walked to the desk I said I can When I said this the whole class erupted in noise some people whispered to there friends wall some more arrogant people yelled Bull shit there is no way you can use magic you're a hunter another took up from there that's right your a hunter how can you use magic don't fucking insult us after that one an arrogant girl huffed saying hunters are nothing but mindless apes who can't figure out find anything but monsters and the inside of a licker bottle so be a good little ape and shut it and let the professionals talk there was even more of these sort of comments from many other arrogant mages and they just kept on going there was a few students who didn't say anything just stared at me intently these was the students I already had in my last class but Loosy had a enuff of the comments the torches on the wall fire burst up and electricity moved throw the room in waves from her the hairs on the back on my neck was sticking up and there was a few girls who had there hair stick up from it but all the students shut there mouths when they felt Loosys presents which was like standing in the center of a lighting storm and a fire tornado all at ones Loosy stood up and walked around her desk to in front of the white bored every student followed her movement wordlessly I just smiled and leaned against her table crossing my arms Loosy took a deep breath and in a cold calm voice she said how dear you all your nothing but children your not professional your all here to become that but you haven't graduate and made a name for your self yet and with those mindsets you never will sure you may leave this school but you will never make a name for your self's do to how blind you all are you think magic can trump all you believe do to your families standing your better then anyone else and that your mages who knows what they are talking about but that simple ant the case the fact none of you can even perform a basic marking spell speaks values to that you think being a mages is nothing but fire balls and making and finding new spells but the real truth is being a mage isn't all fire balls and books o no its much more then that we draw magic from the weave to do are bidding we us it to make are mages lifes easier tell me what is the difference between throwing a fireball at someone then let say shooting them, in the end, the person is going to die so y should it matter how you kill them it is cuz its easier for us to us are magic wall it's easier for hunters to use guns and other weapons its whatever is convenient at the moment besides you all act like mages can't be hunters them self or vice versa there are plenty of hunters who can use magic and there's plenty of mages who us ki and hunters weapons I am disappointed in you all more homework I heard some people grumble but no one complained she looked to me and a small smile spread across her head so Sir Colt you say you can use a marking spell y don't you use it on my set I shook my head saying sorry but my mark is made for killing I do not wish to put it on a friendly she smiled nodding of how about this and she waved her hand and appearing in front of her was a huge cage that had a odd dark purple scorpion in it with a red stinger and claws its bright blue eyes looked over everyone it snipped its claws angrily as it made a clicking noise I nodded ok that is fine and I marked it when I did my mark appeared at the top of the Scorpions back visible for everyone could see hell it stook out really when I cast my spell the students started whispering with each other but they kept it shot seeing how Loosy was still staring at them all when everyone want quiet again she took one step closer to the cage as she stared at my mark she then looked up to the class with a huge smile what we got here class is a very rare powerful mark that you might never get to see again nor do I think you would want to cuz you see this mark not only allows the caster to track the target anywhere even in invisibility the caster will be able to sense where your at but on top of that this mark gets stronger with time the more the caster attacks the target the more critical injuries the marked would get plus the it slower there reaction speed some of the students looked confused so I side to put it in gaming terms it debuffs the target the more I hit it those students nodded Loosy smiled nodding but what makes this mark so dangerous isn't all that it's the fact the user controls who can see the mark and who can't if you got marked with this and Sir Colt didn't want you to see it you wouldn't be able to on top of that it has no magical presents really it is so slight that most people wouldn't even notice it till it was to late she looked to me with a smile this is a very dangerous Mark to have but a very convenient one for a hunter such as your self to have I nodded thank you it came in pretty handy dealing with some little piggy and some wendigos she nodded as she did I removed my marker on the scorpion as I did it made a angry pained scream but other then that it was fine she waved her hand and the cage was gone looking to the class so does anyone have questions for me or I am sure if you ask nicely Sir Colt will happily answer your questions and like that hands shot up Loosy called on that girl who called me a ape saying yes dear you first she should up nodding she looked over to me and in a snide voice she asked so Sir Colt what sort of magic are you proficient in Loosy glared at her saying Karen that is a very personal and rude question to ask especially in today's world she smiled sweetly at her o I am sorry professor I was just wondering sense you and the headmistress told us to listen to him and ask him questions that he had to be this all-powerful Hunter but I see that's not the case and she looked over to me and in a snide happy voice she finished sense Sir Colt is to scared to answer this basic question of mine I will just sit back down Loosy huffed angrily the classroom at this point was very hot and humid this girl Karen smiled at me like she backed be into a corner with that snide happy smile I wonder what her reaction if I just smack that smile right off her face hehe o that would be fun but sadly I can't and like that I got rid of my dark thoughts as I smiled at her saying you got guts Lass I will give you that your fishing for information in shark-infested waters in a storm on top of that but I don't mind answering your question but first I wish for you to answer one of mine a very simple exchange so can your small goldfish brain comprehend this or do I need to dumb it down, even more, her smile was gone what replaced it was a angry frown she huffed fine ask your stupid question I chuckled it is a simple enough question what is your family name lass she huffed puffing out her chest and her nose want up as she proudly said my name is Karen Gondul when I heard that name I broke out laughing hahaha so hehe your part of the third haha family under hahahaha the Hela military hahahaha shit lass no wonder your such a bitch it runs in the family hahaha shut up she gralled but I kept on going hahaha your whole family has been the bitch of the Hela military for what a hundred something years hehe and you have the nerve to ask me what abilities I half probably to tell your father to get his reconnection cuz he never has even looked your way do to you being a mages hehe daddy wasn't there to take you to the fear o yes her but at point she screamed shut up she forming on her hand was a ice spike that she shot at me I didn't even bat a eye or anything as I reached out my green ki armor appearing around my arm as I cot this ice spike easily I brought it to my mouth and bit off a piece cuz who doesn't like chowing on ice not bad lass your going to half to do better then that cousin as I crushed the ice spike and looked up to see Karen who had tears rolling down her cheeks her face was all ref and she had a angry expression she was breathing hard as she gralled do not call me that your mother was stripped of her title and kicked out of the family for not following her superior orders cuz but I rolled my eyes and crossed my led as I rested head against my right hand as I waved my left dismissively yeah yeah I know I know good soldiers fallow orders or whatever I could care less what your family o sorry your guild thinks my bad hehe nor do I don't know what your family thinks if my siblings and I but I could care less hell as far as I am concerned we are strangers and not related you can do what you want and I will do what I want as long as you stay out of my and my families way you lost the right for me to give two fucks the day my mother was stripped of her titles and kicked from your family but haha do pass on my thanks to your superior cuz if it wasn't for them my parents wouldn't had made my family and o right hehe your question was what sort of magic I am proficient in and normally my answer would be really simple none of your damn business but for you cousin I am in a generous mood so I will change my answer slightly I us all sorts of magic to kill you in so many different ways that's the only hint I will give you I don't want to spoil the surprise to whoever your guild sends after me and I winked at her at this point she was gnashing her teeth together and shaking in anger I stood up smiling to Loosy my apologies mam it would seem I am nothing but a disruption and destruction in your class so I will just see my self out so you can't get to teaching these fine students she nodded ok Sir Colt I thank you I took off my hat as I did a bow I then looked to Karen and smiled at her snidely as I straightened my back I didn't put my had back on it disappeared into the shadows and I walked to the door but on the way to it I walked by Greg who had a huge shit eating grin on his face we did a quick Hi five before I left the second I closed the door behind me my smile was gone and a snarl spread across my face my dragon eyes was activated I gralled bitch who does she think she is she is lucky I didn't kill her for asking that no, no I need to calm down its just one snide brat let it go and like that I took a deep breath and I was back to calm Hunter and when u opened my eyes they was back to normal I pulled out a picket watch and checked the time I had about 3 hours to waste before my next class what to do mmmmm fuck it lets go to the library this time lets not go to the restricted section and see if I can't find anymore fun unfinished spells, shall we a huge smile spread across my face as I used my movement skill to zoom through the halls.