Saying goodbye part 1

I quickly got back to the library and I must say it was pretty empty this time but it was probably cuz class was session I walked to the center of the room and placed my hand on the huge book resting on a podium when my hand touched the book it immediately flipped open and like that time passed fairly quickly and just like before I used skull to help speed things up but I did it in sections do to how many books there was I maybe crazy but I wasn't stupid that much information would make my head explode at best and at worst it fries my brain basically killing me sense if that did happened I wouldn't be able to form any thoughts or anything so I would basically be nothing but a shell but luckily that didn't happen and I found a lot of interesting information I most certainly found incomplete spells and formulas that could easily be finished with time but I think only Triss would be able to us them but no matter knowledge is knowledge and its not like I came out behind in this situation sense I found the spell circle formula for many different types of things but the most important was the spell circle for making those odd Knight statues I had a feeling this would come in handy as for just plan regular information I didn't mind anything that interested me or that I didn't already know but at this point kids was coming into the library I looked at my pocket watch and seen it was break time I side closing a book and putting it back where I found it when I did I flashed out of the library unseen I got to the forge door and easily walked in when I did I seen Steal and Metal still working away they both looked upat me and nodded I simply walked back to the work area I used before nodding back at them my smithing apron appeared on me so did my hammer wmy coat and hat was gone and what replaced it was a black bandana with a set of black welding goggles over them I walked to the desk and pulled out the ingots and the unfinished sword which at this point was covered in runes I smiled picking up the neck stack that was already welded together and like that my work started again I wasn't sure how long passed sense I was focused on folding and drawing out the steel but at this moment I heard Steel load voice echo through the chamber you all have seen steal and I forge a karambit yesterday you asked your questions and made your notes today you will be forging one of your own there is a wooden replica of one on each of your tables so you have a reference I and Hunter will be walking around if you need any help know bet to work and like that I heard furnaces get turned on and people start to talk Steal walked over to me smiling hope you don't mind stopping your work to help me to teach the students I smiled putting my still got sword into my soul space I shook my head naa mate I am fine with it besides we had a deal so I planned on helping you anyway he nodded good let us go then I nodded he took the right row and I took the left I walked it smiling waiting for someone to ask a question or to help someone who I seen was struggling and I found one student who was struggling a bit and that was Ashley who was surprisingly in this class I wasn't sure y but no matter most of the people lit there force with fire magic but it would seem she didn't have any fire magic so I simply snapped my fingers and a small blue fire ball appeared in her forge it burst to life sense she had the gas turned up a little to Hi but she quickly fixed that that blue flame was gone she turned to me and bowed slightly thank you Sendai I nodded and walked back up the row at this point students already had there steal in the forge heating it up I seen some pull out there steal wall it was still to cold and I seen some pull out there steal that was to hot but I didn't correct then since they didn't ask for my help and besides failure is often the best teacher anyway and like this time slowly want buy and I see kids draw and fold steal some was doing much better then others but none asked for my help well none except Ashley but even she only asked rarely and it was the same question how am I doing so fare I would tell her what she had been doing wrong and what she was doing right so she could fix her mistakes and not fall behind and slowly I seen kids form there steel into knifes some made it look knife shape before putting the bend on the blade and let me just say there were some failures ones they tried putting the curve on the blade but that was to be expected sense a karambit had a very odd curve blade shape unlike most blades that have a curve on them self they usually curve away from the edge but this knife curves with the edge so not do you have to make the edge a curve but you also have to make it strong with no cracks or hair line fractures ontop of all of this you had to make the blade it self hard so it didn't brake on first hit its a complicated assignment but these kids took it in stride if they failed the didn't give up and even some asked for my help which was great sense even the best Smith needs help and fails sometimes but it's all on how your next peace of work does so I was happy to see these young Smiths realize this and I happily helped and like this time passed with me being a teacher minutes turned into hours and hours into days and days into weeks and like this 6 weeks passed and I enjoyed every bit of it in these weeks I teached my combat class with a heavy hand I didn't let up after the first week that is when people started dropping out and in the end there was probably only 50 out of the class of 300 or so most was first and second years the rest was from the rest of the years and all the black sheep stayed of course hell they did my training with smiles on there faces after that I helped Loosy with her class and surprisingly I didn't have any other troubles from any other prideful student which is probably a good think seeing how I completely shamed the last person who fucked with me and I must say Triss takes after Loosy the way they act and how they see the world it is very similar plus there magic was almost exact copies of each other which was odd but I didn't ask I had a feeling that was a secret that not even Triss mother new so I kept quiet and I also learned a lot from Loosy she had a much better understanding and experiences in the dark arts then I did I might be a very fast learner but there was still some things that couldn't be learned in books speaking of books I had spent most of my time in either the smithy or the library and if I wasn't there you could either find me in my room working on magic experiments or on the training ground dueling students who challenge me and I must say it was quite fun but also beneficial sense I hadn't fought many mages this gave me a perfect excuse to test out my ideas and train new abilities but at the end of the day these duels was fully public so all the students could watch so I never used my full power hell I never used any of my ki abilities that included my dragons eyes I focused on fighting with my magic and my body which definitely made it hard for me but I loved the challenge besides I had to get us to spell weaving and making chants for it but sense I had already did it ones I quickly adapted out of all the students only 5 people dueled my often and that was Ashley, Greg, Spike, Timry, and shockingly it was Queen the first year she had been shadowing Ashley I and Meg throughout the weeks I didn't but it was odd but I really didn't have time to do anything about it sense I was doing one thing or another I had Finished the two blades for Onna Musha throwing knifes and all I finished them after my first smithing class and it was pretty easy to send them to her seeing where I was I and the girls had been sleeping in the same room so we had plenty of time to talk to each other plus untop of that Triss and I spent a lot of time together when I was working with my magic experiments wall Meg and I dueled each other every day and slowly we started understanding each other's fighting style which will help us work together in battle but I quickly came to release the two axes she used was well to put it simply they was shit they was old and about to brake and they did one day we dualed she was a little sad that her trusty weapons that she had used for years had broken but I told her I would repair them and wall I am at it make them better she happily agreed ontop of this I made clothing that would shift and grow in her forms funny enough Meg took a liking to Astrid and had made it her job to adopt the little Fox I didn't mind I was happy to get her away from her tribe ontop of all of this I started the order for the werewolf armor sense the materials had arrived on the 4 day plus wall I wasn't doing all this I worked on a gift for Greg to say I had been busy would be a fucking understatement was I tired o yea was I happy most certainly was I have fun and getting stronger o fuck yea but was I hunting sadly no was I making a name for my self out there as a powerful Hunter fuck no was I making a name for my self for being a damn good Smith the answer to that is definitely but I had conflict in my heart I enjoyed what I was doing in this magical place but its time to go back into my world the world of hunter and pray where the weak die and are eaten on the daily where I can us my powers besides it was time to awaken a old friend and to prove this point I woke up it was Saturday morning after this weekend would be the end of school brake but I had already said fuck school so I wasn't worried about it as I woke up I felt two warm soft body's pressed against my chest I looked down to see Meg and Triss sleeping peacefully on my chest I smiled at this site but my good mood slowly disappeared as I picked up my phone and seen a text from Greg it said it's time I just got word its time to say goodbye I side sadly as I flashed out of my bed so I didn't wake the girls I quickly cleaned my face and slicked back my hair and put some beard oil on the black and red beard that was on my face it wasn't very long yet but it looked nice I pulled on a nice black suit and I walked out of my room to see Greg waiting for me he also had a black Gothic suit and I must say he looked fly but he had a sadness in his eyes I closed my door Greg looked to me asking you ready I side no but let us go anyway Greg nodded and made a portal and we walked through it we appeared in a graveyard that had many headstones all around us I seen old and New headstones the morning sky was dark and gloomy at the top of a hill was a small group of people under a charry blossom tree we slowly made are way over to them and I must say we stood out everyone else had on black kimono as we walked up one middle age woman moved in front of us her eyes was red and puffy from crying and lack of sleep she also looked very pail and skinny like she hadn't been eating Greg and I bowed to her as we greet her the woman smiled bowing back so your Greg and Hunter huh I had heard a lot of thing about you Greg smiled I hope nothing but good things I hope she smiled shrugging sure let us go with that but I know you boys broke my Ricks shell he had always been a quiet shy boy but when he met you that shell slowly disappeared he was more confident in himself I thank you for that but I also thank you for also making him live and have fun if it wasn't for you my little Rick wouldn't got to experience life at its fullest I thank you for that and she bowed at a 45 angle to us at this point she was shaking Greg and I quickly told her to raise her head and that we was happy we met him she smiled looking up at us but that is when the tears came but Greg and I didn't try and stop her it was a sad day a old man walked forward and put a hand on Rick mother who started to sob into his chest the old man looked to us and gave us a little bow as he lead her away time passed very slowly almost like the gods wanted this dark sad cloud to stay over us it was like they was mocking us I didn't like it but I stayed quiet about it so did Greg I heard thunder in the distance that's when I seen it a black and gold hearse driving through the graveyard this hearse moved up the hill and stopped next to us when it did 5 people got out one priest and the rest helpers they opened the back and pulled out a dark wood casket when I seen that casket my heart started to beat rapidly and I felt the overwhelming feeling of sadness, gilt and pride these emotions made me feel helpless my body screamed at me to cry but no matter how hard I tried no tears fell the same could be said for Greg but I seen his eyes start to glow slightly I throw a arm over him and he did the same to me as we just stood there two brothers who couldn't cry for are dead brother the priest started reading the good book when he did everyone got down on there knees and started to pray Greg and I did the same but I didn't pay to any Messiah all no I prayed to the death twins I asked them to send his soul in peace to send him on his next adventure and to wish him luck for us and to tell him he we will always be in each others hearts it was odd I didn't get a response but a comforting cold feeling spread through my body and I felt someone was listening to me but that wasn't all I felt my death magic activate and something pass through it ones this happened I felt at peace I open my eyes and looked to Greg who was also praying time passed and everyone sad there goodbyes as they slowly lowered the casket into the ground and just to make sure my friend could sleep in peace I literally tapped my foot onto the ground and used Niflheim ones the casket got to the bottom and they started filling in the hole I froze the casket so no one could disturb him as I did this I seen Greg reach his hand under his coat and I felt the ground around the casket get as hard as steal I looked to him and him at me and we nodded and like that we turned around and disappeared.