Saying goodbye part 2: a grandfather thanks

Or that's what we attended to do but right before we stepped into the portal someone stopped us I felt a small hand land on my shoulder Greg and I both stopped and turned around to see Ricks grandfather staring at us intensely especially at Greg I seen a wariness in his eye but he side and in broken English he said you be not human you Vampare and you be a hunter right??? Greg and I looked to each other shocked but we raised our guard Greg looked back to this old man and he squinted at him saying what if we are what's it to you old-timer the old man smiled responding I wish to know how die I raised a eyebrow responding no offense Sir but you can die in many ways but in your case I would say old age is what will get you the old man shook his head na na not my death I wish to knownut he stopped there I seen his face scrunch up like he was trying to think of the right words but after a few minutes he side and said fucking English in a angry voice and like that he reached his hand into a soul space when I seen this my hand slowly crossed my arms my right hand want under my coat and grasped my dagger wall my other hand didn't do anything but I was ready to react wall I did this Greg did something similar but as he crossed his arms his left hand reached into his sleeve and grabbed something hidden the old man did notice this or he simply didn't care I couldnt tell which but he finally removed his hand from his soul space and he put on a odd black choker that had a green gem hanging off of it this gem started to glow and the old man cleared his voice and it was a little higher pitched then before and he looked back to us saying I fucking hate using this damn thing but for Rickey I will So tell me lads how did my grandson die Greg and I looked to him then looked behind him but he then said don't worry about them hearing us and he waved his hand and the wind conversed around us but no one noticed this do to the fale of course but also due to his control over the wind it was so fine that even I had to focus to feel the wind ki in the air but I didn't feel assured by this action hell no this made my vigilance and guard go even more up I felt Greg shift next to me he was feeling the same I squinted at this old man who I couldn't feel any presents coming from and slowly asked who are you sir your obviously a Hunter and a pretty Hi ranking one seeing you have a artifact that conceals your presents the old man side you would be right about that lad if we was 70 or so years ago but these days I am just a old man who is living his last years of life in peace and I am asking you Hunter Ace Colt what happened that night not as a veteran Hunter but as a grandfather please tell this old man what happened to my Rickey my eyebrow got a little higher but I side seeing his serious intense expression ok Sir what do you want ask he nodded saying tell me how he died when I heard that my face scrunched up in pain asking are you sure Sir it is pretty dark but the old man nodded again and determination spread across his face yes I wish to hear of his last moments I side nodding and told him what happened that night and what that damn rat did to us I even told him what I heard ones it was my turn when the SNHA crashed the place and how they opened fire on that damn rat when I was done tears was rolling down the old mans face but he had a huge smile as he looked up to the dark cloudy sky a few drops of rain started to fall the old man chuckled serves you right you bloody rat I wish for the death of your hole bloodline and your maker's bloodline he side and looked down to me it's regrettable that I can't take out my avenge on the rat but it feels good to hear he is dead I thank you Colt I shook my head no need Sir I was happy to give you some closer he nodded he thought about something then reached into his soul space and pulled out a sheathed katana when my eyes feel onto this blade my eyes want wide and Greg gasped isn't that a Muramasa katana the old man nodded and was about to speak but I spoke first that isn't any mear Muramasa katana no that's Hi to kaminari to kōri no ha the blade that was forged in the breath of a dragon then it was quenched in the body of a ice Dragon and it stayed like this for thousands of years Miramasa abanded this blade in the body of that ice Dragon he knew ones this blade entered into the world blood would spill but not even he would realise how right he was but it wasn't just this blade there was many others like it and Because of their sinister reputation, Muramasa katanas were banned by the Tokugawa shogunate, and many were destroyed but wen this blade was found it wasn't destroyed all no a blue dragon took it for his hard and there it stayed for years bathing in the lighting essence of that blue dragon till that dragon died and his hard was found and the man who picked up this blade slotted his friends out of greed Greg was shocked hearing that so this blade is a cursed gear he asked I side its hard to say many items especially weapons and armor of the gold or higher rank if a weak minded person even touches them there mind can be taken over by the item but most Muramasa blades are at the purple rank very few are above that but this is one of those blades ant that right lightning God Ricky the old man side so figured it out be clicked his tongue huh how annoying but I guess I shouldn't be surprised sense your a Colt isn't that right Devil Dog a huge smile spread across my face o so you have heard of me he huffed but of course you ant as forgotten as you may think lad but enough of this old hands rambling he held out Hi to kaminari to kōri no ha hilt to me and a small smile spread across his face what do you think Devil dog do you think you hand handle them I smiled and held out my hand and grasped the black and red hilt that had a braided red rope hanging from the pommel and it had a simple black square guard the second my hand rapped around it a hold feeling spread through my hand I pulled it out it made a very ominous shink nose as I did I held the blade up to my face I could see my reflection from the blade it had a very odd blade where the edge is was a black steal and it had Blue waves moving up the edge the rest of the steal was also black but it had what look like white, and Red cracks that shined faintly this was definitely a higher rank then purple hell maybe this might be a divine weapon but it wasn't a cursed gear but that's when that cold feeling from my hand shot up my arm and throughout my body and I felt a angry cold presents touch my mind but I didn't mind I ran my hand along the back of the blade saying o how feisty fine you want to test me be my guest I ant scared of you and like that I tossed the sword into the air Rick yelled what are you doing as he stepped back Greg also took a few steps away from me the fuck Hunter but I simply ignored them I closed my eyes and focused on this cold white mist that had flashes of red and blue lighting in it presents that was gnawing at my mind but I simply glared at it my dragon eyes activating but the presents didn't seem to care I smiled and focused my dragon eyes into this mist as I did time seemed to slow around me I moved through this ice cold mist but the cold didn't affect me much that is when I was struck my a red lightning bolt but I simple grabbed that bolt my hand bursting in my blue fire and I shattered that red bolt that is when another red bolt came then another but I simple cot and shattered them all that is when the Blue lightning bolts struck at me but I simple allowed the lightning to pass throw my body as I gritted my teeth but this didn't stopped me soon after something realised that the lightning wasn't affecting me much it turned up the cold and kept on striking me with lightning but I kept on moving powering through the pain I was feeling I know I was getting close to the center of this storm that is when I felt unbridled anger and blood lust coming from the center and it started throwing those red bolts with the blue lightning and the temperature just kept on dropping but despite the pain my mind was feeling I kept on moving I felt a power gust of wind try and blow me back right before I got to the center but I simply planted my feet and withstood the wind I stepped into the center that's when the cold disappeared and the lightning bolts stopped coming in the center of this storm was spinning tornado and I was standing in it right in the center of this tornado was a crouching figure when my eyes feel onto this figure my mind want blank for a moment but I recovered fast crouching in the center of this tornado was a dragon it was pretty big but it was less crouching and more cowering in fear its scales want from red to blue and white its eyes which was being covered by two claws was light purple that's when I realised this was a Eastern Dragon but I couldn't fully see its head to they claws covering its head and also it had its tail covering it at the end of the tail was blue and white sharp feathers that's when I heard a scared childish voice say please don't hurt me I smiled warmly y would I do that and I held my hands up it didn't move but you barged into my home even when I tried to stop you what other motives would you have if not to hurt me I chuckled I wanted to be your friend but I can leave if you wish I waited for a few minutes but the dragon didn't respond I side on I will leave and I slowly turned around and was about to step out when I heard wait please don't leave me I stopped and turned around to see a huge Dragon face inches away from my face those purple eyes stared into my eyes around it head was dark purple feathers and curling back was two small black horns I was a little shocked sense I didn't sense it move but no matter I looked up into those eyes smiling yes they looked at me for a few seconds but repeated please don't leave me alone its been so long sense big brother Rick came and are time was always short do you know big brother I nodded nodded believe it or not I was best friends with your big brother's grandson she nodded so he has given me to you she asked I shrugged that all depends on this conversation she nodded make sense big brother is so smart what do I call you human I smiled you can call me Hunter and you can call him hound and them Fox and walking through the barrier behind me was my two soul beast what do we call you hound asked her eyes want wide seeing my two soul beasts I could tell she knew what they was but she smiled me I really have no name sense my maker didn't give me one but the first wielder who met me gave me the name Tempest so you can call me that if you like the Fox nodded Tempest what a beautiful name a fitting name for such a beautiful being Tempest shyly looked away from us I wasn't sure if dragons could blush but if they could she was and in a shy voice she said well thank you I haven't been completed much I nodded so Tempest am I worthy enough to wield you her head shot back to me and she looked me over again then nodded yes I believe you are besides its been to long sense I have tasted blood so let us go I smiled and held out my hand it's a deal then let us cut down are enemies together Tempest smiled noddeding and grabbed my hand with one of her claws and like that time want back to normal my eyes shot open and I slid my body to the side as I did Tempest just missed my head but before it could hit the ground I cot its by the hilt when I did the blade shook happily I smiled looking up to Rick who had a complicated smile on his face so she chose you huh its sad but this old man doesn't have much fight left in him and none of my bloodlines are hunters and the few who are isn't strong enough for her so I gift her to you as a thanks for being my grandsons friend and like that he through me it's scabbard I sheathed her Rick then looked to Greg and scanned him with a cold expression but after a few moments he side I thank you as well and hope you can keep your humanity cuz they Day you stop seeing humans as living breathing creatures and just as livestock is the day someone like us will kill you and like that he took that choker off and he bowed slightly to us and walked away I walked next to Greg as I put Tempest in my soul space Greg huffed angrily and looked at me jealously I raised a eyebrow what he scoffed saying come on and he opened the portal and he walked through it I side glanced behind me to see Rick staring at me we made eye contact I nodded at him and stepped through the portal .