Saying goodbye final : I get jumped? and Greg Meets a girl

I appeared in another cemetery but unlike the one before this one was much older and there was less graves if I had to guess this was a private cemetery there was even a steal gate that want around this place another thing of not there wasn't that many headstones and more stone huts these are the buildings you would barry a hole family in if they was well off usually these huts doors would be sealed after the funeral very rarely was one left opened or even opened for that matter this was a deterrent for any grave robbers and unlike where we was just at this place had black storm clouds above us and it was raining hard Greg didn't even look to me when I walked from the portal he just walked forward I side shaking my head I could tell he was jealous and angry at what Rickey said but I couldn't think of anything to confront him cuz at the end of the day the old man was right so I just kept my mouth shut and walked next to him we walked passed these stone huts that's when I saw there was names and dates carved into the door but I didn't care to focus on any of the dates or names I did spot some graves but they was few and far between as we was walking I heard a vialan start to play and it was very slow and sad Greg and I walked passed some more huts that's when I seen in front of us was a group of people in black clothes all of them had umbrellas and very expensive suits or dresses on but these people was circled in front of one of these huts but this one had its door open and standing in front of the door way was a woman playing a vialan in the rain no one moved to hold an umbrella for her or nothing they were too busy crying and holding love ones close Greg and I stayed back away and just watched I glanced to Greg who leaned against one of the huts it would seem they have already put his body in there he simply nodded sying indeed we should stay back and wait for them to leave so we can do what we did for Rick I nodded and leaned against the other hut across from him and like that we waited Greg had his eyes closed and was listening to the sad tune I also listened to the tune and I must say that girl new how to play it set the mood perfectly it hit my soul with its sadness I looked up to the dark clouds grief on my face and sadness in my eyes but no tears fell but it wasn't cuz I didn't want to cry no it was cuz I couldn't no tears came on the out side but that didn't mean I wasn't crying inwordly my sadness wasn't like a storm wild and crazy no it was much more silent it was like the sea its waves was silent and didn't show on the surface but when you want under those waves is when you would see the chaos and you would feel the overwhelming feeling of being suffocated and you couldn't move you just was there that's what I was feeling Sadness, anger, gilt, I felt it all and yet my expression didn't change from my normal cold normal face but it was my eyes the eyes that normally held a wildness in them that wildness that had so much life was gone all that was left was a dark cold shell the cold rain rolled off my face as I stared up into those clouds but I side and shook all my dark thoughts out of my head I glanced at Greg to see he was crying silently still with his eyes closed but his tears wasn't salt water no it was dark Red blood he was swaying with the music at this point I uncrossed my arms and walked next to him and throw a arm over his shoulder he opened his eyes and looked to me but I didn't say a word I just listened he looked back forward as he throw his arm over my shoulder and we stayed like that no word was said but no words needed to be said we simply was there for each other in the moment listening to the sad music but after a few more minutes the music stopped and the girl who was playing gave a slight bow to a fat old balled man in a white suit the man nodded and waved his hand saying that was beautiful girl thank you and like she nodded walked into the crowd with the others but the others in the group completely avoided her like she was the plague so that lead her to the back of this group that's when I got a clear look at her she was pretty tall at least 6 foot she had on a beautiful black Gothic dress with red streaks on it in her ears was black spikes her hair was black with red highlights at the end and they was pulled into two pigtails she naturally had on black lip stick and black eyeliner and he had on these odd black silk fingerless gloves that was mostly see through that had black roses woven into the fabric in her hands was a redwood violin which she held in front of her that old man walked into the center of this circle and started to speak let us all pray dear heavily father please look after my son I know Tony wasn't the best child but he had a good heart don't blame him for the life he lead at the end blame those who forced him on that path please punish them and show my son mercy I stopped listening at this point it was obvious that he was talking about Greg and I so what's the point my eyes fell back on that woman again who I also noticed didn't bow her head like the others she was glaring at the fat man she then looked over the group with discussed written all over her face that's when it happened it was just for a second but I distinctly seen her eyes flash dark purple a demon huh but she isn't being possessed so she is probably half demon how fun I smiled and glanced at Greg who was wiping his tears away with a cloth I pulled out a black umbrella and handed it to him and whispered in his ear Hi that violin girl is pretty cute and she is all alone in the rain y don't you go talk to her here you will need this and I passed him the umbrella Greg was confused what we are at but I pushed him forward go you dumb ass shoot your shot Greg stumbled forward but cot him self he stood up straight staring back at me I pointed at the woman then to him then made chicken wings with my arms Greg side rolling his eyes he looked forward and opened the umbrella and walked to the woman who was acting like she was listening to the fat man do a speak on how we will miss his son Greg walked next to the woman and held out his umbrella and said in a low voice it isn't good for a pretty thing such as your self to stay in the rain the girl was shocked she looked him over and giggled pretty thing huh was that the best you could do vamp boy Greg chuckled shrugging perhaps it is perhaps it isn't I guess you will just have to find out or if your to busy filling out contracts I will understand she clicked her tongue so you noticed huh but I thought I was counseling my presents Greg shrugged you are but sadly for you I senses your anger and my friend seen your eyes she raised a eye grow your friend and she glanced behind Greg but she didn't see anyone Greg was also glancing behind him he chuckled it would seem he wishes to stay hidden from you she raised her eye grow you do know when you put it like that it makes it sound suspicious right Greg shrugged again he is a very careful person besides if you see him there is no guarantees you wouldn't attack on site she kept her eyebrow raised well he is running around with a vampire so he must not be all bad for a human my name is Caitlin by the way Caitlin Sciuto its a pleasure and she held out her hand Greg Smiled and took her hand saying Greg Phoenix and the pleasure is all mine miss Sciuto when she heard that her eyes want wide asking no way like Tituba Phoenix Greg nodded the one and same Tituba is by Grandmother Cailtlins eyes were wide and had stars in them no way I am a big fan of hers I loved her theory on magic science do you know it Greg chuckled, of course, I do that's one of my favorites of hers and it greatly helped me in my magic theory that was the first book I actually read of hers actually Caitlin clapped her hands me to it didn't help me understand my magic but I loved the science that was in it and that helped me Greg nodded at this point the old man said thank you all for coming and I wish you all a good day and like that everyone started departing it was at this point the rain stopped and rays of sun shined through the clouds Caitlin smiled looking up at the sunshine and at the Rainbow that was forming its beautiful isn't it the old man said as he walked in front of Greg and Cailtlin they nodded the man looked to Caitlin thank you again miss Sciuto your music was as beautiful as ever Caitlin waved her hand no need Sir I didn't do it for you I did it for him the old man nodded as he looked to Greg so your one of the ones who survived o well I guess not quite there isn't many of your kind day Walker Greg lowered the umbrella and crossed his arms discreetly grabbing his wand under his sleeve so you know huh the man laughed of course I do boy I am rich so of course I know this world isn't as it seems money can get you anything my boy anything I tell you so of course I found out what happened that night and how only one Hunter Ace Colt survived the butchering and apparently he awakened how lucky of him I even know he soon disappeared after he left the hospital with his family or almost disappeared anyway there was talks that a boy with long black hair slicked back with brown eyes and a new scare going across his face causing chaos with the hog tribe but those are just rumors that the hog tribe spread around if I was you lad I would stay a long way from those Colts especially that Hunter boy he is nothing but trouble there is a lot of powerful factions looking for information on him so thank you for leading him here for your help here take this and he through Greg a thin wood box Greg cot it and opened it and on the inside of this wood box was white cushion and resting in the center of this cushion was two cuff links that was made from a black metal but these cuff links had a circle on them and on this circle was a red blood drop with two white fangs on either side of it and placed in the center was 7 odd cold coins that had that same bark as the cuff links ant they nice 7 blood tokens and even two items that help you channel your powers I thought you might like them seeing how your just turned and you will need your kinds money Greg pulled out the cuff links and closed the box and put it in that bag on his hip he then took off the silver cuff links he had on as he took them off his hands started to smoke slightly from the silver but he ignored that and he put on these new ones he flexed his hand when he did that blood drop glowed slightly and his hands turned into claws Greg smiled and turned his hand back to normal as he looked to his fat man I thank you for your charity good sir let me return the favor whatever you did and whatever numbers you sent after him it isn't enough if I was you I would forget about the name Colt or else who knows you might be back here but will you excuse me I would like to take miss Sciuto to go get some coffee and breakfast and your not invited and he looked to Caitlin as he held out his arm smiling only if she would want to he added Caitlin smiled and took his arm saying lead the way day Walker Greg smiled and walked away from the fat man when they got fear enough away Caitlin smile disappeared I hate listening to that man it makes me feel all slimy and disgusting Greg nodded sadly there is to many like him in the world she nodded so what about your Friend Hunter right what do you want to do should we go help him Greg side naaa he gots this besides it was him who pushed me to talk to you so if he gets hurt its his own fault Caitlin giggled what Greg asked she simple shook her head its his fault for trying to be a good friend and wingman damn if this is how you treat those who help you I want sure about that coffee Greg side shaking his head chuckling nice try little she-demon but your gilt trip tricks won't work in me she huffed boo your no fun you know for a newly turned little Leach you sure are fully in control don't you feel any thirst Greg smiled shrugged not really human blood just doesn't taste right to me from A+ to O- there is just to many flavors and most I dont like so I only drink the ones I like this makes me a picky drinker unlike the rest of the vampires also I don't drink from the body I like my liquid cold thank you she chuckled so what your saying is cuz your a picky drinker you can control your thirst better then others you do know that really makes no sense but what ever works ,works right Greg nodded and besides like I told him there is no way he sent anyone powerful enough to kill Hunter hell they probably won't even land one hit or be able to draw there weapons if he knows there coming Caitlin was shocked hearing that really how powerful of a hunter is he Greg smiled can' say but he is stronger then me she smiled nodding like she understood and they walked away towards the gate now let us go back a few minutes right when Greg started talk with Caitlin I smiled patting my self on the back saying how damn good of a wingman I was when I felt a cold feeling behind me and I seen someone try and wrap a wire around my throat I raised my hands blocking the wire it cut into my palms but I didn't mind I struggled but the person dragged me back away from the group so the couldn't hear me struggling the rain didn't help we got fear enough and I was turned around that's when I seen 4 people all in suits and wearing odd black masks one was female the others was male all had on the same suits and even black gloves the female funny enough was the biggest out of them all she walked forward and punched me in the chest the air escaped from my lungs but I simple struggled with the wire the girl looked up to me and I seen eyes throw the mask they shined with enjoyment how does that feel you Colt bastard and she punched me in the chest again huh what was that I couldn't hear you over the sound of the air leaving your lungs I looked at this girl and a huge mocking smile spread across my face you hit like a girl na that's to kind seeing how my mother punches are way stronger then yours so maybe you hit like a chil but before I could finish her arm burst in blue water ki that shredded her sleeve that's when I seen her arm was made from metal a cybernetic how fun that must be a ability of that arm she punched me again in the chest this time I spat up blood and coffed a lot that strike was much stronger then the others plus her water ki was forcing its way through my body the girl chuckled what was that bastard what I couldn't hear you harder you say ok he you go and she punched me again and I spat up more blood got anymore smart ass remarks huh no o your no fun and she punched me, again and again, she was going to go for a third strike when one of the other man stopped her saying enough Rage let us kill him and be done with this job and get payed Rage side your right Fox to bad I wanted to play with him more hehehehe but that's when I started chuckling Rage turned to me saying what's to funny bastard is your death funny to you hehehe naaa my death isn't but yours will be I said simply like it was a fact Rage huffed how would you possibly kill us have 5 bronze ranked Hunter and one bronze rank assassin what are you a capper ranked Hunter at best ontop of that your hands are sort of blocking that wire from cutting your throat so shut it and die I chuckled let me guess the man behind me with the cybernetics arms is the assassin and the rest of you are the hunters who instead of trained and to worked hard to grow your power you chose the easy way out and replaced your limbs Rage both arms Fox spin and shoulders I looked to the other 4 you snake did your hands and mouth and you spider you did your back and eyes then I looked to the last one and you rabbit replaced or enhanced your legs, spine and eyes you all are nothing but wanna be hunters Rage punched me in the chest again shut up you bastard you don't know is I smiled and spat out some blood don't know you the duck do I look like a idiot of course I know you all you call your self Newby hunters you hunt people who have just awakened you don't go after those at the same rank as or self there all lower ranking then your self your on the most wanted for turncoat hunters and if I had to guess this assassin is the one they call wire Jack currently wanted in every state out of you all he has the biggest bounty of all but that's nothing but chumps changes to me your all not worth the hassle for me to hunt you my self but sense you brought your self to me who am I to refuse free money they all was shocked at my words Jack hissed shit he knows us quick kill him quick for some reason my wire won't tight Rage slammed her fist together as she did that her water ki got more intense and it formed water gauntlets over her hands and forming from the top of her fist was a sharp black she looked to me but before she could do anything a huge smile areas across my face and I leaned forward using the wire to throw Jack over my shoulder at Rage Jack slammed into Rages bladed gauntlets he screamed in pain cuz the more those blades stayed inside of him the more they cut think of it like a chainsaw but much more sharper and with water Fox shot forward at me a knife in his hand so did the one called rabbit he had this odd gauntlet that had 4 holes over each knuckles my eyes shined seeing those gauntlets blasting gauntlets how rare I thank you for keeping them for me but the two of them thrust there weapons forward but they was to slow I cot Fox by the wrist and snapped his arm back stabbing him self in the chest I hope he has a antidote for that poison well if Me lives that long what ever I simple kicked Rabbit away that's when I heard it thump thump thump two talent pistols open fire but I simple grabbed Fox who at this point was already pail faced and bleeding from the eyes I used him as a shield the bullets sank into his body but didn't go through I pulled out the dagger that was in my shield chest before I flicked the dagger at Spider the dagger shot through the air and sank into the side of spiders throat he clutched at his throat as blood sprayed out gurgle, gurgle, gurgle thump he hit the ground bleeding out yea, yea fuck you to that's when I got a cold feeling behind me and I seen a dagger reach from behind me and stab at my heart but again to slow I cot the hand and crushed it the dagger dropped out of the hand as Snake screamed I kicked back I didn't look to see what happened but I heard a sickening crunching noise I looked to the two remaining Rage and Rabbit both started at me in fear what to scared to attack no fancy decorations or anything how boring Rage screamed angrily and charged at me Rabbit yelled no Rage don't and he chasts after her Rage punched her fast at my chest and flash I g behind me was Rabbit he was throwing a punch at my face I had a huge confident smile on my face and right when there attacks was about to hit I used my flash step to take a few steps away from them Rage yelled we got yo boom the hole left of her face mask and all was blown away wall Rabbit slowly looked down into his chest to see a water blade sticking through his heart he side saying well shit wall Rage whispered how did this happen I whipped the blood off my suit saying damn you fuckersi actually like this suit no matter and I pulled out my phone and took a picture of each body and sent them to the SNHA app to get the money from there bounty's as I did this I looted there body cybernetics and all I had some fun ideas for these blast knuckles and these wire gloves that will be fun on each of them was a storage device that had basic essentials food, water, change of clothes I also found a black card in each black market cards nice easy money other then that I found some adult toys in Rages storage and a dirty magazine in Rabbits I put everything in my soul space I didn't care about the bid us so I walked away to Tonys grave as I flipped through the dirty mage which was from 2010 its probably worth some money but no matter I looked up to the familiar name that was on the door I ran my hand over it Tony Gibbs I smiled saying rest well bother and rest in peace maybe in the afterlife if there is such thing you will be able to pick up some chicks hahaha and like that I pat the name a few times before I froze his body and made sure there was no way for someone to disturb his rest I walked away picking up my phone calling Greg.