The emergency call

But before I could call Greg a emergency alarm call want off I looked to see the name of the caller and it was Doc Nicolas I picked up saying yow doc what's the news I heard movement and people yelling out orders in the back ground but I clearly heard Docs voice Hunter the news is nothing good we got a code devil summons on the border of Louisiana and Taxes in a small abanded town I raised a eyebrow asking what type of Devil she said a princes shit I said sying great and let me guess I am the closest gold rank Hunter to that location she laughed you are one of 5 gold ranked hunters near that location I called you first cuz I thought you would want to save your sister when I heard that I stopped moving and I glared to the west what did you just say I gralled Doc chuckled you heard me right it would seem your sisters new boyfriend what was his name again Bel I gralled she snapped that's it well it would seem he is a follow of Asmodeus Duke and Lucy are already on the way sadly Lucy isn't close she was in Canada when she got the call but Duke was in Texas hunting down some southern vampires it will just be you and him I was practically shaking in anger so what is my orders mam she seemed to get into a car before saying your orders are simple kill the cultus make sure this ritual doesn't happen but if it does fight whatever come out till we get there but if you can't do this stall for time we are on route now I am otherizing you devil dog and Fenrir on this mission don't disappoint I heard someone say yes mam but all I did was hand up and activated my flash steps but as I was running I got a idea so I tried it I concentrated the lighting around and in my legs and forming on my feet was a set of green lighting shoes that had blue lightning for wings ones these shoes formed my speed increased tenfolds what was ones fast dots of color around me was know blurry lines of color as I ran as I was running Skull appeared in front of me and it flipped to a open page

Congrats host for learning the new ability Hermes shoes

And like that Skull was gone I pulled out my phone and looked to where I was running if I was in a car it would have taken me at least a hour or two to get to the location but with how fast I was running I should arrive there in 20 to 30 minutes I seen another moving dot on the map and I assumed that was Duke he was about the same distance as me and he was moving the same speed or faster as I was I scrolled out the map a bit further and seen many red dots closing in on that location from both Louisiana and Texas I assumed this was the SNHA but they was way behind they wouldnt get there till after a hour but I bet it isn't Docs fault its probably got something to do with the Hunters association in Texas but that's just a guess I also quickly sent a group-wide message to my girls and Greg explaining to them what has happened and that I might be busy for a bit Meg and Triss immediately texted back telling me to be careful and to save Rose wall all Greg said was give them hell brother I smiled and put away my phone since the location was a straight shot from here I kicked up my speed as I ran gralling fucking little sister y does she have to have such shitty taste in man uggg no matter I guess a good old butchering would be a worthy punishment for Bel o yes I think that will do haha or maybe burning mmmm maybe Duke can help me with my decision cuz there is just so many possibilities he dared tuck my little sister and for that his death won't be fast all through I can't promise that sense he is a follower of Asmodeus so I might just want to end him quickly so prevent him from using any cultists magic or rituals but let's see what Duke will think I skidded to a stop my foots kicking up sand next to a old warn down road and resting against a black pick up was Duke he had a cigarette in his mouth he was wearing a black shirt and dark blue jeans plus a black military camo jacket the sleeves rolled up around his waste was a gun belt where I seen a revolver on his right hip and on his left was one of the daggers I made for him the other one was on the right side of his belt in the back and slung over his right shoulder was a black 12 gauge pump shotgun by the looks of it I believe it was a 870 hold on I recognize that gun he used it for hunting I chuckled saying so how is the old girl shooting he smiled and pat the stock of his shotgun as he said she is doing good has gotten me out of a lot but we don't got time for this you going in like that I smiled shrugging as I pulled out my gun belt and took off my nice shirt and coat and put on a camo shirt and my black coat with my gladius over my shoulder I already had my boots on so that works i pulled out my hat and glaive and looked to Duke saying you ready he side looking up at the dark cloudy sky I guess let us get this over with I nodded and we started walking down the road as we walked I pulled out a cigarette and he lit it for me so what do we know I asked he shrugged practically nothing the town has been abandoned since the 90s there us to be a huge car factory here but when it closed the town hit rock bottom so the people moved there isn't much out here but sand and old buildings but that just means it's a prime location for shaddy shit I chuckled mmmm I ant sure trying to summon a princes of hell falls into the category of shaddy shit Duke he shrugged what would you category it under then umm I don't know maybe some culty witch shit or maybe a prime place for a sacrifice or something be rolled his eyes if that ant shaddy shit I don't know what is I rolled my eyes and tapped off some ash from my cigarette so is that all he side basically we don't know how many there satellite footage showed us Jack shit we think there is a barrier bidding them from detection fuck we don't even know if they are armed or if they have hostages so basically we are going in blind great I side fuck that and I activated my dragon eyes when Duke saw my eyes he about jumped out of his boots Holy shit he yelled but I grabbed him and brought a finger to my mouth shushing him he nodded at this point we was already in this small town and there wasn't shit I looked around my eyes scanning over everything that's when I noticed it glowing tire tracks I crouched down and ran my hand over the marks Duke crouched down next to me saying truck tires probably from a semi or similar big truck I nodded and more then one but I don't see tire tracks going the other way so either they stopped permanently or they took another road no matter lets move and we started walking as we did Duke smacked me on the arm saying so you can us the draconic eyes how when did you but I held up my hand stopping us my eyes was locked on a huge factory that looked like it was about to fall apart but I noticed fant glowing runes written all over the walls the tire tracks want to the side of this building to a garage door that's when the tracks stop I pointed at the building saying found your satellite problem you was right I see runes all over that factory that is blocking my site Duke unsung his shotgun he checked to see if there was one in the changer there was he looked up to me saying we going in load or sneaky dicky like and I seen the pupils in his eyes start to glow a fant orange color I took a long drag from my cigarette I could feel my mind clearing up I throw the cigarette on the ground stomping it out as I blow out smoke from my mouth y not both we sneak in and see if we can't find Rose after that we trash this place Duke shook his head what about the ritual I side how about we get into the fucking factory then make the plan he nodded how we getting in the asked I shrugged saying hi ant you supposed to be the senior Hunter y you asking the person who has only been a hunter for a few months Duke rolled his eyes stop that shit Hunter we are equals hell you might be even stronger then me I have been stuck at Gold rank for to long I stared at him rolling my eyes yea right I can see your true strange remember draconic eye he side fucking eyes I side what ever Duke its your business let us move and I used my flash step to run up to this factory like a spider monkey I used my shadow control to make polls out of the walls that I used to throw my self onto the roof I looked back at the ground to see Duke still in the same spot looking around confused I chuckled be finally seen me I simply rolled my eyes and waved my hand like come on he side and ran at the wall but with each step he got higher and higher do to a burst of wind that came from the bottom of his foot he landed next to me the wind blowing my clothes around I rolled my eyes again brushing off my shoulder whispering could you be anymore slow he punched me in the arm and like that we creeped across this roof to the center which had a huge broken window that looked down into a huge garage room I seen old machines that was connected to one another with var belts I looked throw this window but didn't see a damn thing do to this fucking barrier I smiled up at Duke saying time to be spider man and I was about to crall through the window be he stopped be I looked to him what I whispered he handed me a par of familiar glasses I put them on as I did a ear peace with into my ear I seen a text from Duke appear on the screen just think about what you want to say and it will text it to me if you can't talk but it will be able to pick up your voice I nodded rager I put away my hat and Glaive and tied a black bandana around my head before cralling throw the window I used my shadow control to stick me to the wall so I was basically moving like spider man as I climbed throw this window and want passed that barrier my senses got assaulted by way to many things the first was the shit ton of candlelights around this room, especially on a stone table with an upside down pentagram around it which was painted in what I believed was blood but I guess it could be red paint but I doubted that this stone table was at the top of a platform the next thing that I noticed was the chanting and the people in red and gold clothes below this platform bowing and chanting odd demonic lines the next thing was the smell I smelled incense but that couldn't mask the smell of blood in the air but I also smelled sweat and sexual body fluids which I tried not to think about this all hit me all at ones and I about gralled in pain but I stayed silent I recovered quickly when I did I scanned over the room and everyone the cultus in the center of this room had nothing on them but a ritual dagger but I noticed a few others cultus posted up in the balcony around this area and they had aks and over there faces was a red and gold devil mask they was walking around on these balconies like they on guard but that was it I seen 5 doors out from this man room 4 want to the front of the building but with my draconic eyes I could see through the walls to at the front of this factory wasn't shit I looked to the other doors that lead deeper into this factory and seen sleeping quarters for all the cultus most was empty except for one and what I seen made my blood burn in anger my sister was tied to a bed asleep she was naked all over her back was whip marks and she looked like she hasn't eaten in days but it was just her in the room I sent a text to Duke saying I found her and where he needed to go all I got back was rager I kept on looking around to try and distract me from that room but in the other rooms there was jack shit till I got to the back of this factory I seen 4 armed guards with ak watching over cages of people there was at least 50 people in these cages and all of them was naked and had wounds on them I side shaking my head at that these people are going to die I muttered silently but I heard Dukes voice say indeed they will brother but wait till I get to Rose before you start butchering I shook my head quietly saying you got many more hostages to save there at the back 4 guards in room with aks be but that's when the chanting got loader and walking onto the stage was a man in a red robe with a gold mask on around his waste was a gold sacrificial dagger he raised his hands up saying brothers sisters today is a good day are Lord is watching us waiting to walk amongst us to breed with us shall we kick off this party right they all yelled yes brother Bel the man nodded and waved one of his hands pointing to the door bring them I heard doors open and someone walk through it I whispered heading your way hide the ritual is starting can you hurry it up I don't got the right shit to fight a prince of hell and I am damn certain you don't aswell I heard silence for Duke for a few moments till he gralled don't you got guards that you can kill but instead your bitching at me I rolled my eyes and looked to the 10 guards below me I shrugged pulling out my dagger mumbling and they call me annoying and silently I moved the shadow down behind one of these guards and I reached out and covered this mans mouth and slit his throat but his body stayed up right do to my shadow control I looked to the next targets a group of 3 I cralled and slid through the shadows till I was right over then I dropped down in-between the 3 the shadows muffling my fall and quick as lightning I grabbed one and sliced there throat but the other two couldn't do shit sense my shadows had already bound there body's and snapped there necks I moved to my next targets and like this, I killed all 10 without even making a noise I looked down to see a man get strapped to the stone table and the man in the gold mask pull out his dagger and started making cuts on the body to drain the blood out the man on the table screamed and struggled up in till the dagger want across his throat the second blood touched that pentagram it started to glow red faintly Duke its started for real how long I asked quietly worry and concern in my voice kill them all I heard over the ear peace but it wasn't Duke it was Rose butcher the lot of them she gralled I smiled and stood on the balcony edge rager that and like that I dropped right in front of the table just out side of the pentugrams circle the chanting stopped and the man in the gold mask looked at me all I could see of his face was his eyes bright yellow and they held anger who the fuck are you he asked I chuckled o that's the first question you have for me huh well who I am is non of your damn business the man laughed are you fucking mental you have no power here I got man up top with aks one sigh from me and they will smoke your ass so I ask again who the fuck are you I smiled mockily and shivered saying oooo you got me shaking in my boots hahaha the man yelled fine day no name and she snapped his fingers but nothing happened the man snapped his fingers again what is happening Hi y ant you shooting he yelled hahahahaha I couldn't hold it in at this point I broke out laughing your a fucking idiot here let me show you how it's done and I turned around and snapped my fingers and like that the 10 body's pointed there guns down and opened fire at the cultus the man behind me screamed no the fuck you idiots doing but they didn't stop till there 30 round mag was empty and I must say 10 aks firing on a group of 100 something cultus was a sit to see they either died or was bleeding out on the ground and at this point I released the 10 body's that was being held and controlled by my shadow control the body's leaned forward flipped over the ralling and hit the floor dead as fuck this man with the gold mask turned to me ripping off his mask and throw it at me saying you know what you've done millions wasted my hard earned time and money out the fucking window cuz of you God its going to be so great sacrificing you and I seen yellow lightning spark down his dagger as he flashed in front of me thrusting the dagger at my chest but I moved faster and thrust my hand out which snapped his dagger but my hand didn't stopi grabbed his throat my green ki armor and lightning sparking off my arm he struggled against trying to get out but I simply broke both of his legs and arms he screamed out in pain he spat at me yelling who the fuck are you I haven't heard of a gold rank Hunter that has your descrip but before he could finish my hand tightened to the point he could barely breathe you really want to know who I am fine I will tell you I brought his face closer to mine and I forced him to stare into my eyes all my killing intent was detected onto him I am the big brother of the woman you hurt yes indeed you might not know who I am but I sure know who you are yes I know you Bel and you should definitely know who I am I have killed many of your brother and sisters hell I even defeated your God once upon a time so tell me Bel what is my name I gralled Bels eyes want wide your him Hunter Ace Colt the death hound but how your dead hahaha I was yes but I am back baby and you not only hurt my little sister but also did things to her so what should I do with you mmmm I heard combustion is very painful lets go with that I raised my left hand a blue fire ball appearing over my hand Bels eyes want wide and he tried to shake his head but I didn't care I thrust this fire ball into is face whoosh his head burst into blood flames I kicked him down the stairs listening to his screams slowly the blue fire spread through his hole body and lets just say he didn't died quick I side smiling man I feel good and I started walking down the stairs when I felt a cold feeling behind I rolled down the stairs luckily I did cuz flying over my head was that stone table I looked to the top of the stairs to see an odd blood humanoid shape forming I looked around and noticed all the blood from the cultus was moving up the stairs towards the circle shit I yelled Duke get Rose and the others out of here know even if you got to blow this place to the ground do it Rager that what's has happened Hunter Duke asked no time put me in touch with Doc and the rest of them know rager that here your connected I heard Doc voice what's up Hunter what has but I cut her off no time for the small talk doc cultus are dead but the ritual isn't stopping he is using there blood he is about formed I heard Doc curse several times before asking how much time can you give us I laughed I will give you as much as I can Doc hell I will even kill the fucker if I can but I don't got the proper gear for this shit so the odds of me killing him is probably 10% and that's being optimistic at best I heard her sy but before she could respond I heard a gruff voice say that will have to do we are 30 minutes out you and Duke will just have to make do with what you got and that's that I gralled saying so your the fucker who has made this hole processes slow great work the man simple said there is rules and regulations son we can't just go guns blazing when we have no reason to there was so civilian threat to anything so you watch your town talking to me no fucking reason the fuck I would have thought a prince of hell a pretty damn good reason to me he is literally one of the seven deadly sins for a reason and if you and those higher then you don't think so you can take your rules and regulations and shove them right up yalls asses your sweat summer child fuck of and pick it up I got to prepare for this shit handing up on them and like that I waved my hands moving between my fingers was my exploding paper and I started throwing these paper all over the room both on the ground and the walls hell I even put some on body after that I put my hand on the floor and used my shadow control to draw even more runes around this room that I know could weaken devil as I did this I heard Duke in my ear peace ask so where do you want be brother I shrugged he can hear us Duke so it doesn't matter if you us the ear peace or not but you should just stay out of this just like you do when we go hunting for mountain lions you will only get in my way he side fine brother be that way just don't die I don't want to tell mom and dad or your girls plus Samuel I chuckled the plan is to live but we shall see what the fates have in store for me besides Azzy and I go way back so maybe he won't kill me Duke chuckled yea I Holy doubt that I chuckled Hi let a man hope you bastard but that's when I heard a cracking noise I looked up to the top of the stairs to see a odd blood cocoon and there was a huge crack going down it right at that moment boom the cocoon shattered parts flying everywhere that's when Skull appeared in front of me it opened to a page and it wrote out

Host has stumbled across a ritual to summon a princes of hell Asmodeus is here what will you do

Road of the cowered: turn around tuck your tail between your legs and say fuck this ant my problem and let Asmodeus rome free chances on Duke trying to stop him 100%

Path of the Hunter: fight and by time for the reinforcements to get here fight this prince of hell risk your life for the world chances on you killing him with your current gear 3% chances on you hurting him with your abilities 100% extra rewards if host kills him

Path of destruction : join Asmodeus on his quest to destroy the world you will be the bringer of hell to this world and the heavens will abandoned you do will your family but you will be at the stop probably

I read over all these and smiled of course I chose the second one I looked up the stairs chuckling well here we go again I mumbled.