A dual with a old forgotten friend

The cocoon shattered into thousands of pieces I was luckily far enough where I didn't have to worry about that sense I know those pieces was as sharp as glass and as hot as lava and standing at the top of the starts was a tall figure covered by a set of huge wet leathery wings nothing happened at first but then I seen one of the wings twitch that's then they moved uncovering the figure in the center and what I seen was confusing the figure it self had no distinctive features or ginger no that's not right it was more like it was going through thousands of faces trying to find one they liked but he seemed to settle into a females body he was very beautiful smooth white skin curves in the right places and Raven black hair that want passed the shoulders but sprouting from the top of her head and curving back was a set of black and red goats horns and from there back I seen a thick red tail form this figure started to move he stretched his arms to the side as rain his hands through his hair that is when I seen there eyes flicker open bright yellow slits and they was looking around at the dead bodies mumbling something like useless rats and he stepped forward that's when there eyes fell onto me when they did I got a cold feeling run down my spine but I smiled at this figure saying long time no see Azzy how you been I seen confusion go across there face and in an enchanting sweat voice he asked do I know you I chuckled o yes you do Azzy here maybe this will help you and I pulled out my Glaive and slammed it into the ground still with that huge smile it ant the same weapon but still should have the same affect I seen confusion still but after a few seconds his eyes want wide death hound he gralled I chuckled nodding that's right Azzy he gralled, of course, your fucking here you was the one that stopped last time but you have changed your much weaker and he flashed behind me and smelled my whats this you stink of human, magic, beast and lust don't tell me your still a human after all you have seen you know staying human will only get you killed and he floated around me I laughed o I know but sadly like you I have only just recently returned but sadly for you your time in this world ends today he laughed o so the other sents I smell I assume are your woman that would explain the lust coming off you but tell me Hunter y should you stop me you have seen the sins of humanity y shouldn't you want to burn it all to the ground join my Hunter let us burn this world to the ground forget about those playthings of yours and he placed a hand on my chest and looked up into my eyes seductively if you join me i will be all yours both body and soul I can feel your lust and he leaned up and whispered in my ear but the voice I heard was Trisses please Hunter senpai I want to be yourr but before be could finish I thrust out my hand my black clawed gauntlet on my hand with the green pentagram at the top of the hand my hand sank through his chest I seen sticking out from his back my hand clutching a deep red beating heart in my claws I looked down to his stunned expression and I leaned down whispering did you think I forgot my promise to you after you killed my children in front of my eyes memories started coming back the face of my smiling kids my 3 sons and 2 daughters I remember raising them and being proud of there power but then my thoughts want dark I remembered a very familiar house on fire with the screams of my children coming out from it only 2 lived both badly scared from that fire and only lived for a few months after that my eyes want sharp as any blade as I looked at him huh I told you I would hunt you down and kill you no matter where you hide no matter the time I would find you and I would kill you and your other sins I crushed the heart in my hand Asmodeus disappeared off my bloody arm and reappeared back at the top of the stairs he coffed violently it took him down to one knee he coffed up blood he glared at me wiping the blood of the sides of his face how did you resist my charm he gralled a huge grin spread across my face my eyes glowing brightly you are just that ugly so your charm didn't work he screamed standing up he waved his hands and some of the pieces from the cocoon shot upsnd covered his body he knows had on a red suit and forming in his hand was a red great sword he pointed it at my gralling I will fucking kill you for destroying one of my hearts I chuckled shrugging and I will kill you as well but stop talking and lets fight and I dragged my hand down across my face and forming on my face was my wolf face and those black clothes formed on my body and the black clawed gauntlet formed on my other hand my Glaive shaft was covered in shadows and the blade burst with blue fire the last thing to form on my body was the black hat I spun my glaive and thrust it forward appearing in front of him Asmodeus eyes want wide and he barely had time to deflect it as he took a step to the side I snapped my fingers on my left hand and the exact spot Asmodeus stepped one of my paper bombs appeared exploding he gralled taking the hit as he thrust at me I spun to the side swinging my sword at his head and slice his head was done but sadly a huge mocking smiles spread across his head face as it was in the air and this body disappeared and 4 more of him appeared around me thrusting and swinging there weapons at me I clicked my tongue dodge and blocking his strikes but I miss calculated which one was the real one and which was fake so as I want to block one the strike passed right through my weapon and a cut way down my back I gralled looking at them all again with my dragons eyes and noticed they all had the same level of magic in them they was exact copies through and through but I noticed one of there weapons had the more magic in its blade not just that I couldn't see any of my blood on it but I could smell it coming from it so I guessed that was the real one my huge demonic smile spread across my face as I spun my glaive around my neck as I stepped to the side dodging 2 attacks and thrust my glaive at the one I guessed was the real one and like I guessed when he seen my glaive being thrust at him he raised his sword and blocked my blade the second are weapons touched his copies disappeared we pushed against each others weapon luckily for me he hadn't been in here for long so his powers was lacking right know but all he would need is a few days to gain back his full strength I pushed up with my weapon with forced his weapon and arms up I used this chance to spin my glaive again the end of it glowing with blue fire and I thrust at his open unguarded chest the spike at the end of my weapon was about to sink into his skin when a few shards from his cocoon shot from the side and blocked my strike or it tried but he underestimated my flames and my strength those shards burned to nothing the second the flames touched it the end of my glaive sank into the center of his chest he coffed up red blood but mixed with the normal red color was a light blue color the true blood of Asmodeus I know I punctured another heart with that attack Azzy spat out a mouth full of blue blood as he glared at me saying is that all you got death hound and he swung his sword up but before it could even reach me I trusted my glaive chuckling naaa I am just getting started old friend as I trusted my glaive it burst into blue flames Azzy screamed out in pain the smell of burning flesh spread through the air I could see he was trying to copy himself again but whenever he did that copy would simply shatter I chuckled again isn't it hard to break the rules of the world when you've been impaled and are burning at the stake he let out a pained chuckled perhaps but you haven't noticed your own contention look down you dumb fool and I did look down to see my hands was smoking and I could feel slit pain coming from them I hadn't noticed do to my focus on the fight and both my pain tolerance and my resistance to fire sense I bathed in uncles fire most normal fire couldn't even make my skin red let alone hurt me but the blue Phoenix flames ant normal flames that's for damn sure the fact my hands wasn't scorched to the bone should say a lot of my resistance I looked back up to him to respond but that's when I seen his huge smile a chill want down my spine I immediately jumped back sadly it wasn't fast enough my back was rittled with red shards from his cocoon but my ki armor activated at the first sign of danger so the shards didn't pass right through me and just sank a bit into my skin I gralled brushing off the shards on my shoulders and arms I looked up to see Azzy pull out my glaive he looked down at the weapon with a huge smile nodding good craftsmen for a weak weapon it has no us and like that he snapped it in half with just one hand he through away the two pieces to the side as he looked to me with that huge smile as he slowly walked forward at me what you going to do now that your precious glaive is gone hahaha I laughed with him which looked strange with my black Wolf face I whipped a tear from my eye as I responded you truly think I don't have any other weapon with me his smile got bigger what the death hound will us a different weapon other then a glaive or a gun how shocking I chuckled I do love both of those weapons but that doesn't mean I haven't used anything else besides my body is my weapon the items I us are just tools for example and I flashed behind him and roundhouse nicked him in the head he flew to the side slamming into a metal pillar dust was kicked up as that pillar collapsed along with some of the roof but I could see him throw the dust with my dragon eyes his body was glowing a dark purple ish red the purple was his the color of his ki and magic the red was from the nine hells he stood up and glared at me as he raised his sword and shot out of the dust at me when he got in range he thrust his sword at my chest but I used my flash skill to flock his weapon to the side I then thrust my other hand out but he blocked it with his arm he then kicked me in the chest I slid back I impacted another metal pillar it and some of the roof collapsing around me I throw off the rubble my eyes burning brightly as I started at him my hands shot to my sword and dagger saying if it's a dual with blades you want then so be it and I draw out my weapons the Damascus steal gleaming from the moon light coming from the hole in the roof.