the real memory and the fake

Azzy laughed as he pointed his sword at me saying you wish to fight me with those shiny toothpicks hahahaha as you wish and like that he flashed in front of me his sword thrusting at my chest I dicked under it my body moving like a snake I thrust my sword at his chest but one of those cocoon shards shot up and blocked my straight sparks few and the shard was cut in half do to how sharp my sword was I then stabbed my dagger towards his leg he couldn't block my dagger sank into his leg I channeled lightning into the blade and my green lightning coursed through his body he feel to one knee as my dagger was pulled out he gralled and was about to get up but that's when I thrust out my dagger hand but there was a paper in between my fingers I pushed the paper on his chest it sticking to him I thin flashed back as it exploded dust was thrown up but I didn't wait for it to pass I lunged into this dust and seen Azzy body split into 4 again shit I gralled I used my shadow control to wrap shadow tendrils around the clones feet Azzy was shocked as I flashed in front of him my sword swinging down my green lightning coursing up the blade Azzy didn't block my strike he simply swung his sword at me I raised my dagger blocking his strike as a deep cut want across his chest but the power from his strike made me slide back I hit another pillar I spat up blood I could feel those shards cut deeper into my body from that we both wasn't looking good but he was definitely much better then I sense he was a fucking deadly sin and a prince of hell and I just a normal human but I stood up spitting out the taste of iron from my mouth Azzy and I was about to charge at each other again when a flash of blinding light appeared in the room Azzy and I turned away from this light moving back luckily we did cuz in the spot where we was standing was 2 gold and white daggers that glowed white with holy light and I heard a powerful voice say be not afraid the light was gone and standing in its place was a very handsome man his skin was dark and on his back was a set of white wings and above his head was a halo but unlike what I remembered this halo was gray and not yellow ish gold I got a bad feeling when this being appeared and my dragon eyes fell over him his body was glowing with that same gray energy as the halo Azzy gralled shit under his breath seeing this being and oddly enough it appeared at the top of the stairs where Azzy formed at this being looked around with a huge happy smile his eyes fell onto me o what's this the death hound has returned no that's not right your missing part of your memory how fun I am sure the death twins will have a lot to say about this when I heard that a shutter want through my soul his eyes then feel on Azzy and his smile got even bigger Asmodeus did you truly think you could escape from us huh sadly we haven't found your lover or this would be a much different conversation Azzy started to grall at the mention of his lover and I seen his long hair raise and burst into dark blue flames and in this fire I seen 3 skulls two small humanoid skulls on the left and right side of his face wall his face in the center wasn't human it was more bird like it reminded me of an owls skull this was his true face as I stared in that blue fire a jolt of pain shot through my head and I heard screams the screams of my children and I was back in front of my burning house my kids were inside I was on my knees crying that's when one wall was blown away with blue fire and walking out from the flames was Azzy his face covered with that blue flames he had on a similar suit and in his arms was two body's I ran to him he put the body's in front of me I looked over them I seen they were breathing I immediately pored a health potion down there throats and on there bodies this made them breath easier I looked up to Azzy my eyes red from crying who I gralled he side them who are speaking me with that he walked away I screamed to the sky Anger and pain this was the cry of a hurt beast one that could shake the heavens and hells alike no one was safe from its faith I screamed I will fucking kill you I do not care where you hide I do not care if this labels me a heretic the blood that's fallen I will pay you back tenfold this I swear you fucking hear me I will but that's when the area around me want black and I felt several powerful eyes fall onto me then a flash of light flashed in front of me and appearing in front of me was a man in a white suit he was white-skinned and even his teeth shined white when he smiled happily down at me and in a confident voice he said hello there Hunter pleasure to meet you my name is Zachariah I glared at him what do you what Angel I gralled he chuckled walking to the side his hands still behind his back o so much hostility and killing intent from a Ape tell me child y do you show me such hostility huh y do you bare suck anger at my kid I scoffed you know damn y Zachariah you have been watching me for a long time and at one point in time you used me as one of your ponds in your games till I broke from those chains he chuckled nodding you did put us in a pinch when you did that you was a loyal soldier even if we had to pay for your services Anna and Ureil still us the arms you made for them even Hael still talks fondly of you and your skills I smiled at them names just the thought of them names brought me back to a time to a much younger me where I was happy making arms for the angels with Hael and working with Ureil and Anna taking out targets which was a evil in the world I believed I was doing the right thang and in some sense I was I killed many evil being in the world every evil I killed another would form besides I remembered all the people I killed some was just trying to live to make a better life for there family hell some was innocence I was dissatisfied at how many innocences and good creatures I had killed I brought my complaints to the others but Ureil wouldn't have none of it and we got into are first full out fight where Ureil about killed me luckily Hael and Anna found us fighting and was able to drag Ureil off me they made complaints for him saying he was tired and the hire ups was pressuring him and he was stressed out from all that but I didn't believe them that event opened my eyes to the truths that's when the weg between me and them formed to them I As nothing but a mortal that they would use and when I became useless they would throw me aside a snarl was back on my face as I remembered the events that followed Ureil and I fought again and again till I had enough I about killed the angel in my rage and after that I felt cutting all ties with them and started making my own name for myself I asked again what do you want Angel Zachariah side disappointedly I could tell he brought up those names just to calm me down but it didn't work sense be brought up Ureil I am here to bring you back into our employment I laughed mockingly you truly think I would help you with all you have done to me and especially what you have done to my friends and family you and the rest of you fuckers can suck a fat one fuck off and I waved my hand the shadows moving away from me and I was back kneeling next to my two kids my burning houses in front of me I huffed angrily but that's when a burst of white fire want in front of me and appearing from this fire was Zachariah in his white suit he had a huge smile on his face and he pressed to fingers to my head saying this isn't a request and I felt my mind go black I soon woke up in a bright white room I was strapped to a chair that's when a woman in a doctors clothes walked next to my chair she had a beautiful smile on her face saying o good your awake let us beginning and I felt thousands of shark objects stab into my brain what happened next was pain as they altered my memory instead of them starting the fire that burned my houses and kids they put Azzy who did it they also put the memories of the two kids who survived died later and if course the erased all memory of this ever happening the last memory I awoken in the ashes of my house and that's when I started my bloody path to hunt down Azzy mind burning pain shook through my head as I covered my head as I feel to my knees I felt blood coming out from my ears, nose and eyes as I recalled the true memory but that's when something tried to erase it again out of my mind but I pushed through all the pain and fought back against this power the fire lasted till the memory ended that's when I heard something shatter in my mind and I felt that power disappear my mind felt weak like I had spent all day taking tests for school but my body felt fine it was just mintal fatigue, I opened my eyes which was normal my eyes was red from the blood and pain you I bralled the man smiled and he looked behind him then he looked back at me then pointed at him self me he asked I gralled yes you Zachariah he had on the same white suit as before I saw shock spread across his face he head cocked to the side what's this you remember me but that can be your just a mortal how could you have broken are mind-altering mmmm huh no matter we can always just do it again Azzy yelled Hunter watch but it was to late cuz Zachariah disappeared in a push of white flames and a burst of white formed in front of me and Zachariah appeared his arm outstretched his two fingers about to touch the center of my head my arms was lack that's when my hands brushed two objects I glanced down to see the two parts of my Glaive I was able to scoop them up right before his fingers touched my head but when they did a overwhelming sleepiness feel over me my eyes got very heavy and my body was swaying side to the side he took his fingers away as he turned around to Azzy smiling when he did that I feel forward my mind going fuzzy that's when I heard hound and the nine tails grall out is this all will we fall under there control again is this all the mighty Hunter Ace Colt gots to end up a slave to the angels again no I gralled my eyes snapped open they bursting with fire as my dragonic eyes appeared and blue fire swarmed in my eyes forming another yang Mark I felt strength return to my body my hands tightening around the two broken parts of my weapon I pushed my self to my feet lightning sparking off my body Azzy smiled seeing me get up Zachariah seen that smile and turned around but he was to slow cuz I flashed forward my weapons sparking with lightning as I stabbed the end of my glaive into his right shoulder with pinned his wing to his back I then swung up with the other hand that had my glaive blade and a deep cut want across his back my lightning shot through his body which made his limbs shake and lock up I used this chance to swing my glaive blade down again this time half of his left wing was cut off but right then a shock wake exploded out from Zachariah which through me back I slammed through three pillars some more of the roof fell in at this point the roof was about to collapse which wouldn't be fun I through off the rubble on me as my eyes locked on Zachariah who just pulled out the end of my glaive which still had lightning sparking off it he triedto move his wings but both was badly damaged his eyes burst with gray fire as he looked at me he flung the end of my glaive at me with so much force and speed I barely had time to lean back the spike just missing me it hit another pillar completely destroying it how fucking dare you your just a fucking hairless ape how fucking dare you damage my wings I will fucking kill you I smiled and in a mocking voice I asked o so much hostility and killing intent from a over glorified pigeon tell me little pigeon y do you show such hostility to me huh the gray fire in his eye got more intense and a snarl spread across his face I am going to kill you little ape he opened his hand and that gold dagger from the top of the stairs into his hand the dagger blade extended into about a 7 to 8 foot long blade Azzy flashed next to me his sword raised we Good I laughed putting away the blade of my glaive into my bag as I pulled out Tempest I then pulled out the blasting gauntlets and pulled them on as I said yes Azzy and I am sorry for what I had did in the past he shook his head no need I know I ant the easiest person to be friends with so I probably derived it I chuckled shaking my head you ant that bad and what's this I hear about a lover don't tell me the demon of sin and lust fall in love he looked to me with a complicated expression not one that I have ever seen on him before I laughed yep it's true you fell in love but y are but that's when Zachariah charged he moved so fast he was a blur of white Azzy blocked his strike with his sword Zachariah screamed filthy lonely demon you dare Azzy smiled pushing against his weapon of course I do what would you expect from a Prince of the nine hells but I could see his arms shaking slightly he was definitely struggling to match the angels strength but no matter he wasn't fighting alone I thrust out a fist it struck in the center of Zachariah's chest the second my gauntlet was punched into his chest 4 slamm explosion want off all coming from gauntlets Zachariah got thrown back he hit the wall his chest smoking from that strike I smiled down at these gauntlets fondly but I looked over to Azzy asking so y is but he side I will explain everything after if I live ok I nodded ok let's kill this fucker and I dragged my left hand down my face and forming on my face was my black wolf head and coat made from the shadows but forming through my wolf face was lines of bright red and forming through my black hat was two red and black Fox ears and forming behind me was 5 black tails with lines of red running through them let us play together I heard Fox say I chuckled as Zachariah slowly pushed his way out of the wall he glared at me saying I am going to fucking kill you no matter what form your in a huge toothy smile spread across my face my teeth was blue fangs o your so wrong about that Zachariah cuz you see I Mark you for death and that's what I did my deaths Mark formed on his hand he looked at the mark his eyes want wide no he yelled impossible I will kill you for putting this disgusting thing on my I flipped him off saying talk talk little pigeon that's all I am hearing if you wish to kill me come try it and stop talking he screamed charging at me again.