Some chest pain

Skull appeared in front of me saying it would seem host has got mixed up in something way outside his wait class task has changed

Your new task is to just to survive for that you will benifet much but by the very very slim chance your able to kill this winged fucker then your rewards will be even better

I seen that nodding Azzy chuckled raising his sword saying man you still got a act for pissing people off I chuckled flashing in front of Zachariah meeting him half the distance my hands was on tempest who shook with anticipation as my hand gripped the hilt Zachariah thrust out his thin blade at my chest but I simply leaned back sliding under his attack as I unsheathed Tempest who's blade was sparking with my green lightning I slid passed him a few feet before stopping and standing up as I stood up I flicked Tempest down and slowly sheathed it Zachariah looked down at his body with wide eyes but he didn't see no wound nor did he feel any pain so he turned around yelling as he swung his thin blade but as he turned around his right leg separated from his body which made him fall down to the floor screaming Tempest slash I muttered as I glanced black to see odd gray blood spraying out from his leg that liquid reminded me a lot of oil and not blood how odd I muttered but the next second a flash of that gray came out and extended out forming a new leg as that gray fire faded Zachariah was about to stand up that's when 3 Azzy appeared over him thrusting down with there blades but Zachariah burst in to gray fire disappearing he appeared behind me thrusting his thin blade at me but I turned around and with a huge Wolf ish grin I snapped my fingers when I did the ground under Zachariah exploding one of my paper bombs going off this throw him back he slammed into the thick reinforced wall which crumbled under the impact I looked to Azzy asking you got anything to counter his healing the three Azzy side and walked next to me as he did his clones merged into one as he nodded yea but sadly I can't us them in this state if only someone hadn't destroyed 3 of my hearts I would have been able to take my true form for a few minutes I side saying yea yea sorry but Hi maybe next time put up more of a fight and maybe that would have happened he glared at me with his middle finger raised I chuckled yea, yea fuck you aswell take this and I reached into my bag and through him a vile that had a odd black purple ish liquid inside of it he cot it confusion written all over his face put that on your blade and don't get any on your self its a poison it can affect any supernatural creatures to a extent he grilled angrily as he uncorked the vile and sniffed it black death be muttered he looked to me asking where the fuck did you get black death I flashed him a huge fanged smile saying I didn't get it from anywhere I made it he huffed angrily of fucking course you did y ant I surprised I shrugged saying us it or down I don't care and I started walking towards the hole Azzy side and followed me as he dumped the liquid on his blade his red blade seemed to hum and glow darkly as that liquid touched it he looked to me asking ant you going to use it as well I shrugged simply saying one word no and like that, we walked outside my left hand holding Tempest sheath my other in my pocket as I stepped out under the moonlight my tails seemed to take in the light as I walked I seen Zachariah standing there waiting I chuckled saying you ant as dumb as you look I assumed the little pigeon seen the traps I laid out so you waited for us out here Zachariah smiled laughing Urial was right about you your to scary for a aip are you sure you won't join us again it wouldn't be hard for you to become a hi ranking Angel with your connections and mind I am sure even Michael himself would see you as a threat come and he held out his hand I am sure Anna would go through with your marriage proposal just like you wished plus its fully in are power to bring back your children you could be a happy family again you would be at the top with only a few rivals doesn't that sound nice what do you say he smiled and he extended out his hand do we got a deal Hunter Ace Colt I looked at him then down at his hand a little part of me wished to take his hand to leave behind this life as a hunter but my more realistic and rational side killed that little side of me and I adopted a cold neutral face and in a low voice I asked you could do all that his smiled got bigger nodding that's right Azzy was about to speak but gray glowing chains wrapped around his body Zachariah glared at him saying shut it demon he looked back to me that warm smile back on his face that's right child you could have all of that all you got to do is take my hand I started at his hand my eyes getting colder and colder a chilling wind blow passed us I looked up into his gray eyes saying no I made you angels a promise don't you remember Zachariah happy smile faded and what replaced it was a frown I would pay you all back the blood that has been spilt I would pay yall back tenfolds it doesn't matter where you run and hide it doesn't matter what say no matter your excuse you all burned my children and for that I draw Tempest but instead of lightning sparking done the blade what want down the blade was a dark red flame that had lines of blue sparking in it I pointed it at this angels chest saying how easy you angels and demons forget who I am don't worry I will remind you all y you fear my name and flying out from my coat was 5 floating daggers each of them burst in that same dark red fire as my sword green lightning sparked off my body and like that I was gone I stood swinging down at Zachariah back but Zachariah wasn't going to underestimate me anymore his body started to glow with gray light and his thin blade formed into a rapier the blade glowing with radiant light the hilt was silver wall on the guard was a silver cross with a gray gem priest into the center of it he deflected my strike as he twisted up with his sword thrusting at my chest but right them 2 throwing knifes flow at his arm he easily deflected them but that stopped his attack I swung tempest again as 4 of my daggers also struck at the same time but he was keeping up with my fast attacks he was able to throw in a few of his own I had a cut going across my chest wall he had quite a few small cuts on his body but unlike before these wounds wasn't healing Zachariah twisted around by blade and thrust at my open chest I wasn't able to block or move so I simply gritted my teeth ready for the pain as I swung Tempest and 4 Daggers shot St him his sword sank into my right shoulder I gritted my teeth arking Tempest up cutting Zachariah left hand off that was holding a golden chain in it Zachariah screamed as his hand hit the floor and his stomp burst into that red fire from my blade he kicked me away I flow back hitting and flipping on the grounds a few times before I stabbed Tempest into the ground throwing up blood I could tell 2 of my ribs was broken and I think one lunge was either nicked or punctured which wasn't good but I looked in front of me with a cold calm expression as I stood up I seen Zachariah defending against 5 pissed off Azzy his blood red sword flashing wickedly in the moonlight Zachariah was being pushed back by Azzy cuts started forming on his body and those cuts dripped with my poison I pulled Tempest out of the ground I took one step confidently but immediately my chest burst with pain as I coffed up more blood shit I gralled but I didn't have time to worry about this cuz I heard Azzy yell Hunter watch our i got a cold feeling behind me I leaned forward as I spun around I seen Zachariah thrusting out with his rapier with a huge confident smile but shock replaced it when I dodged his strike 3 of my tails slammed into his body which made him slide back into all 5 of my throwing knifes which cut deeply into his back he screamed his hurt wings convulsing from that attack I wasn't done I flashed in front of him swinging Tempest but before I could finish my attack soul retching pain shot through my chest as I coffed up more blood this pain brought me down to a knee I tried to move my body but I was having problems breathing one of my lungs was burning I got a cold feeling and I tried to move but I felt a pain rip through my chest I looked up to see Zachariah with a huge grin on his face his rapier thrust into my chest he leaned down asking happily any last words death hound I coffed up more blood before a huge fox like smile spread across my face saying sure I do I took a deep painful breath before yelling go fuck your self I win Duke and I grabbed his hand and wrapping around his body was chains made from blood my blood that's when I heard a distant boom Zachariah face want through many emotions shock, anger, and fear before his head burst open like a watermelon his gray blood and brain matter spraying all over me i released my blood chains his body hitting the floor but that's when his body started to glow gray shit I muttered and I controles the shadows to drag my back as Zachariah exploded in gray fire which left a scratched humanoid form with wings where his body was I side in pain I heard the sound of vehicles I looked to Azzy saying what you waiting for go you fool Azzy hesitated are you sure I was going to not but it was to late 2 figures appeared one was doc Nicolas she had her normal outfit on but on her hands was a odd set gauntlets that looked to be made from wood with green veins under the park wall neck to her was a tall tain man with a nice brown beard and mustache his hair was cut short and slicked back he had on a nice red and gray suit his eyes was glowing silver and in his hand was a odd looking silver Axe the two looked us over Doc Nicolas eyes shot to me then to Azzy then to the building then to the scorched image of Zachariah then back at me more specifically at the blade still in my chest she side wall the man next to him glared at Azzy saying demon and he was about to move to attack when Doc Nicolas stopped him what you doing Griffith seeing how it was hunters under my branch who risked there lives to by us time I have say if he lives or dies Griffith was about to retort but and looked to Azzy saying tell them everything Duke will help and like that I passed out from blood loss.