a talk with one death

Darkness all encompassing never-ending darkness my mind thought over many things in this time like have I died again naa this is completely different from last time all though perhaps it has something to do with how powerful I was before I died the me right now still can't hold a candle to me back thing the power, the influence, hell even the fear and respect I had it all through my hard work and the simple fact I never stopped trying to improve my self be it in combat, smithing, rune writing, reading action knowledge and lastly my experiments with both my mind, body, and soul I pushed against the chains of humanity to the point I evolved into a new type of human no that isn't right I didn't evolve I to a new being of human I just unlocked something deep down in me that brought out something action something that was locked away for all humanity what was this you may ask I have no fucking Idea my memory hadn't come back fully yet which is infuriating but I can't force through that wall of mist do matter how hard I try fuck thought how annoying that's when I remembered something that Zachariah said when he first seen me I am sure Reaper and lady death will have much to say about this what did he mean by that how could he even talk to death them self's that's when it clicked hold on the reaper is fucking Thanatos, formerly known as Azrael, he is literally the angle of death as for lady death I wasn't sure if she was a angle or a different being all though she is Thanatos sister so she must be half angle half something else what that other half is only the gods know that's when I heard a familiar male voice by saying I see your as sharp as ever Death hound and your right and appearing in front of me was the grim reaper himself he had his normal black roobs on and on his hand was his scythe that shinned sharply his bone white face with those blue fire balls for eyes but on his back was a set of beautiful black wings two on each one set smaller then the other the bigger pare was untop he floated down and gently touched down in front of me when his feet touched some sort of floor the surroundings changed we stood in that start void again I looked around nodding so I was right about a lot of things huh and I looked back to him I seen a shine go through his eyes before he leaned his head back his jaws opening before laughing which sounded odd it was oddly warm and sounded oddly alive like it could warm any soul and bring live to any room the hell I thought the reaper looked back to me his wings folding on his back and like that they blended into his cloke seamlessly I couldn't even see them and I watched them fold that's how well they blended in yes Death hound you was right about this place the reason you couldn't see it was cuz of your power hells the fact you was able to see it before was insane but the fact you could move freely in this space is even more so hell the fact you could sense where you was at your current power shows how much of a monster you are I chuckled so what do you wish for me to call you I assume the grim Reaper is only a title right he nodded you would be right it was given to me on my birth and by god him self before this world was even a thought I have been around for a very , very, very long time I have seen worlds come and go I have seen the beginning of civilization and the fall of kingdoms I have seen great and powerful beings take the world by storm and I was there when they fell I have seen and been for it all that's when he started to pace around me but I didn't mind I listened to this old being I was there when Adam and Lilith was born I watched how god mad them equals I seen how Adam who was stronger tried to order and control the wise and cunning Lilith who never showed her true strength I and my sister who helped Lucifer get into the garden it was my sister who helped Lilith through the hard times when Adam abused her and the god that made them equals chose Adam as his favorite and got angry at Lilith it was I and my sister who helped Lilith escape he hid her in a cave temporarily it was I and my sister who helped birth her first children in that cave until we sensed are fellow angles Senoi, Sansenoi, and Sammangelof we want to talk to them but Lilith stopped us she told us to hide she would face them she wouldn't run we hesitated but at the end we did as she wished at this point he stopped next to me he was looking up I could tell me was remembering what had happened I didn't rush him I patiently waited I wasn't sure how long that had passed nor did I care he finally side and looked down to me saying it was my sister and I who voted against casting Lucifer and Lilith out but when Lucifer fell many other angels followed him that's when the war started between devils and demons against the angels and god themself I am my sister wanted to follow are friends down but both Lucifer and Lilith agreed that we should be neutral we was death what would happen if us literal spirits of death was to take arms and fight not just that what would happen if we fell I thought about it for a few moments before saying if you was to fight you would win as for what if you all fell I ant sure it would matter much seeing how death is neither good nor evil it's just inevitable some people may call it a mercy some might call it cruel and some might not even care at all but there's one thing that I know and that be it if your a angel or fallen you would still be a spirit of death he started at me for a few moments before he broke out in laughter again you my good man are definitely crazy who would think like that nay who would say that so boldly out if the thousands upon thousands of creatures that I have came in contact with and talked to you Hunter Ace Colt stand at the top none of them was as unique and crazy as your self there was only one other person who had the same flare as you and that was Lilith her self perhaps that's y I like you so much you remind me of one of my first friends most creatures are deathly scared of my presents and farm many have groveled and beg me but none had talk to me as a equal or a friend yes there have been a few but you stand second behind her I smiled thank you reaper but I can't compare to that woman I maybe crazy and intelligent but she trumps me in everything he laughed of course she does Hunter she was made and give divine essence she was the first woman of your kind and she became the mother of all demons you couldn't possibly compare your self to her nor should you your two different beings after all and please you can call me Azrael I laughed nodding ok Azrael I assume you didn't come here just for that she nodded you would be right I sort of want off topic no matter and he stood back in front of me but this time two throwns made from shadows formed and we sat down he rested his scythe against the back of his chair before he spoke Hunter I won't beat around the bush so let us start you have killed a angel and not a low ranking angel either Zachariah answered to the archangel them self's so he was the highest angel just under the archangels what you have done isn't just impressive but also scary your just a mortal and a human to boot may of them say it's impossible for the likes of you to kill a angel such as Zachariah but the simple fact is you did on top of that you used my death mark on him thank you for that I get to punish I mean send his soul where ever I want normally angels can't be killed my moral weapons but with my mark and help from your poison and sword plus your hells flame and the bullet your brother shot amongst many other things you was able to kill him plus you was able to steel some of his power and divine essence which grat job usually when a angel is killed there soul and body is obliterated but luckily for me you used my mark so I was able to extract his soul before the obliteration all though it won't last for very long a few hundred years is all sadly I was shocked hearing how long his soul would take before fading but I focused my mind on Azrael who want finished I won't go into details what is happening out side of your world sense Azzy will inform you about this I am here to give you this peace of advised it's time to pick up your old weapon she has been waiting for your return also all the things you get from Skull there will be two things from my sister and I hope you like it us it's information well brake off the chains of humanity on your self you've done it ones I am sure you can do it again lastly turn this world upon it's head brake the paradox that only someone like you can it's time for you to wake up death hound and I hope you can forgive my sister and I for keeping are origins a secret devil dog it's time for you to wake up and he snapped his fingers and I disappeared Azrael stared at the place where hunter disappeared from for a few minutes before sying I hope he can tip the scale to are favor he was about to leave when he heard a enchanting powerful voice speak what's this is the grim reaper putting his faith in a moral and appearing in front of him sitting on a thrown made from bones was a tall beautiful woman her dress as dark as night her skin as white as snow her demonic eyes glowing with hells fire 4 black horns two on each side of her head both curved back like a lightning bolt and long straight red hair want down her back her lips as black as her dress and on her face was a beautiful happy smile and her eyes was warm staring at the reaper not a side many people get to see let alone live to talk about after this was Lilith the first created woman Azrael side saying should you be here Lilith she giggled you know I do what I want Azrael besides this is your domain not even Michael can come in without your promotion let alone sense inside of it Azrael nodded chuckling far enough so what can I do for you my friend her smile got bigger ss she asked y did you tell the boy all that there isn't many creatures who knows it so y tell a mortal ant you scared the angels will try and brainwash him again is Skulls could smile Azrael would have had a huge grin on his face but this was Lilith he was talking to she could tell that her friend was feeling pride all though she was baffled y he was Azrael blue eyes glowed more intense before he rested his head onto a bony hand as he spoke the lad broke there brainwashing when Lilith her this her pale face seemed to get a shade pale and in a shocked quite voice how Azrael shrugged to be honest I ant even sure my self I didn't help him neither did my sister and we didn't sense any other presents help him either Lilith asked could the brainwashing weakened to to him dying but Azrael shook his head no if we was talking about literally anyone else who had to brainwash him I would say yes but there was the angels are rune formulas and magic circles don't degrade with time or death it stays in tell we wish them to remember Lilith's face got even more pale dear god what has that child suffered where he can brake the angels brainwashing Azrael shrugged Hunters life definitely hasn't been a pretty one he has had to suffer more then most for the sake of power he pushed himself and in the end he was able to brake his chains it's sad that he was betrayed and killed soon after he broke the chains or we would have already had help Lilith nodded her features going somewhat somber and dark tensions are rising and the angels attacks are coming more frequently and if that wasn't enough the lads world is dying it has been away for to long Azrael nodded I know I can feel it and if that wasn't bad enough most of the people on it are powerless ones it happens they Lilith continued but Azrael raised his hand saying I know you don't got to say it and like that he stood up and grabbed his scythe saying it was good talking to you but I must get back to work but please stop by more often I do miss seeing your sinful face Lilith smiled standing up saying o look at you getting all sweet on me careful I might want to put you old bones to the test of you keep that up and she leaned forward arms crossed which made her assets hang down and jiggle but Azrael turned away us to her antics and as he walked away he said you might want to see my sister if she finds out you came and seen me and didn't go see her she will kick up a fuss Lilith clicked her tongue saying that girl she doesn't act her ago Azrael laughed neither do you you vixen Lilith yelled hi but Azrael was gone she side her smile was gone he seems even more somber then ever maybe this new child will shark his heart again I guess I will help might as well he is my blood after all and like that she was gone.