A family hunt part 2

I was back to standing in the air over the city my draconic eyes already activated ontop of that I used all 5 of my senses to there max as I did this people started appearing next to me in the air the first to appear was Samuel his draconic eyes was activated also he still had three yang signs in his eyes it would seem he hasn't gotten the forth yang simble yet but I believe he was close his eyes was moving way faster then mine but that wasn't any surprise sense both his sight and comprehension was much greater then mine is but even still he was still scanning over the city as my father and Rose appeared my Father gently set Rose down in the air next to him Rose wasnt in the gold rank yet so naturally she couldn't fly naturally yet hell I shouldn't even be able to sense I wasnt in the purple rank but do to my Hermes boots I could do this easily hell I was much faster then most hunter but I snapped my fingers as a disc of shadow formed under us making a solid platform so everyone could stand on nationality but I didn't stop scanning next to appear was Lucy and Duke both in different ways Duke literally emerged up from my shadow disc wall Lucy emerged out of the top of a parking lot below us and with one might leep she landed on the disc shaking it slightly Duke laughed saying what the hell Lucy you trying to destroy this disk with that fat but a load thump noise came from behind me cutting him off Lucy had punched Duke on the top of the head Duke was hunched over smoke coming from where she struck Duke rubbed his head angrily as he glared at her saying that hurt bitch Lucy flashed a beautiful smile that wasn't a smile at him Duke felt a shiver go down his spine ones he seen that smile and he glanced away quickly Lucy huffed that's right you little punk Triss, Meg and Sihtric appeared in a flash of lightning as this little dispute happened Meg , Rose, and Sihtric grinned chuckling at Dukes pain wall Triss walked next to Samuel and I her eyes glowing with blue electricity the hairs on the back of my neck stood up as the dark clouds started to go even darker as a light mist started to fall Duke huffed his teeth jittering from the cold wind that blow passed us as mother formed from a poof of mist a few snowflakes dropped around her as she appeared she looked to Duke and Lucy who was still cursing at one another a sweet scolding voice spoke Duke, Lucy nock it off this is a hunt act your ranks both of them looked to mother shame in their eyes as they looked down to their feet yes mom she nodded at them her eyes falling onto Samuel, Triss and me anything she asked Triss turned around shaking her head nothing he isn't outside of he was I would have senses him through the mist my mother nodded her eyes falling on Samuel and me what about the two of you she asked coldly uncle side he isn't on the west or north part of the city I checked all the building and underground areas all through there wasnt many of those sense we live in a swamp how about you lad any luck I side I haven't located that little snake but I have found other of his snake dens I pulled out my glances and pulled up a map of the city and started to mark locations there was 10 of these so-called dens each of them was a bit different but not by much wall I also marked down 10 other locations these was there storage dens and coke houses plus a few actually business like the sirens song 5 of these locations was storage dens, 3 of them was drug houses and the remaining 2 was businesses as for what all they stored I wasnt sure I didn't care to look but 3 of the storage houses I sensed and seen supernatural mutual in them but if that muteals was weapons, armor, madison or what ever I didn't look over it I turned around as a shadow map formed between us with a waved of my hand and a detailed map formed I marked the locations that I was talking about my family looked over this map taking in all the information my father quickly spoke that's a lot of locations for only 10 people a huge grin spread across my face saying who says we are only ten my family looked at me confusedly what did I forgot to mention that the white Fang family said they would help us in this endeavor I heard them all mown exasperatedly no son you didn't my father said annoyed I rubbed the back of my head sticking out my tongue slightly embarrassedly but Triss elbowed me in the side saying nice try but we all know your to shameless your little act won't work on us I glanced at her a huge grin spread across my face saying you say that awfully boldly dear for standing so close to me best be careful or I might show how really shameless I really em and I winked at her Triss blushed with a stunned face she took a few steps away from me instinctually I laughed at her reaction but that's when Samuel spoke is what you said true lad the white fang is willing to fight with us I could tell he was skeptical I didn't blame him I shrugged saying we all know the leaders of the white tribe right they all nodded good that makes it much easier Geralt mother was the one that made this suit I asked him if he knew a good Taylor he said yes and on the way to the Taylors shop he showed me a video apparently the lunging serpent hired some mercenaries to attack there home as a warning you see one of the white fang members got into a very bad situation with a few members of the lunging serpent luckily for the girl she was able to call for back up and some of the girls family saved her but killed the lunging serpent members and Jacks wanted payment for there deaths the white fangs told him here he could stick it and soon the attack on there house came Geralt asked me to get rid of 3 locations for him one a storage dock where they both shipped and stored military weaponry the second location was a drug den they was making the singing pixie drug untop of much more you don't got to worry about that I took there stock of the singing pixie drug they had stored there plus all the ingredients I even copied there recipes on a harddrive before wiping the computers of the information sure they lost other resipes but I don't care and as fir the last location was a bar called the sirens song ran by one beauty half siren I looked to Samuel saying she is single and ready to mingle I gave her uncles number sense I believe you two would hit it all Samuel nodded a few times with a cold expression then he registered what I said and he yelled you did what he burst into blue fire as he glared at me y the fuck would you do that you little but I waved my hand dismissing do what you want with that information uncle it was only a thought I truly believe the two of you would hit it off great but I won't but in with your love life hell for all I care you could just ignore her but I have this one thing to say to you do you truly believe that they wouldn't want to see you happy I believe they would open your eyes uncle and see the truth know back on topic in the Sirens song Jacks little brother by the name Lucky was there and lets just say I had a nice little conversation with that little shit but even he didn't know where his big brother was so I gifted him to the white fangs Geralt then told me him and his family had my back o also it might help that I not only saved his mother the Taylor but also her store from the daily drive by with RPGs you know cuz that's fucking normal so I believe they will help us Geralt isn't one to lie besides I have done business with them and will probably keep doing business in the future my father and mother glanced at each other before nodding ok Hunter this is your hunt you lead my mother said so what's the plan son I looked down to the map squinting my eyes as I thought Duke then spoke chuckling what does the great mighty death hound not have a plan come but I waved my hand and a shadow tendrils wrapped around his mouth shutting him up Lucy grinned at him smugly Duke tried to pull off the tendtril but it didn't move so all he did was look to me and raise both of his metal finger at me but I paid no attraction to the fool I was to cot up in my mind I had a feeling I was forgetting something and it was pissing me off but what was it mmmm my eyes turned around the city I scanned over it thinking that's when a bat few by us my eyes locked onto the bat more specifically my eyes fell onto it's black wings that's when it clicked a huge evil grin spread across my face as I started to laugh my family looked to one another concern written all over there faces but before anyone could do anything I turned around to them my huge demonic grin on my face my eye glowing I got a plan and I started filling them in on my plan a few minutes later Geralt was passing around in a office in front of a desk he was in his full plate armor sitting at the desk was Elsa she to had armor on but unlike her husband she was calmly sipping on some tea grandma Judy sat in front of her she two was sipping out of a teacup Geralt past back and forth a few more times mumbling to him self but grandma Judy loudly set down her teacup as she scolded Geralt calm the fuck down son you're supposed to be a leader and here you are freaking out like a little pup show some damn pride and respect in your position there are many others who would kill to be where you're at Geralt gralled I know mother but I but Judy was having none of it she glared at Geralt which shut him up Elsa giggled at this rare helpless sight usually her husband was wild and bloodthirsty but this is a side he only shows to his loved ones it's heartwarming besides only his mother can make him this helpless but her thoughts was cut off when Geralts phone started to ring he quickly pulled it out and answered it putting it on speaker his face lighting up yow Hunter what's the go news you could hear cold laughter come from the phone before it said the usually on a hunt Geralt chuckled so I assume this means we can join you on the hunt then Hunter chuckled but of course but I got a business proposition for you Elsa asked what sort of business proposition they heard a cold laughter come from the phone before these terrifying words got spoken next o you know the best proposition of all butchering and skittering the enemy in a building on the east side of town well hidden was a hidden bunker underground this bunker was a pretty big room there was coachs placed around and a huge tv on the wall there was book selfs and even a few weapon stands but on the left wall in the center was a huge bed that had different animal fear blankets on it handing around the bed was dark purple curtains and there handing over the bed on the wall was two set of beautiful black clawed scaled wings the sparkled from the handle light coming from around the room wall coming from the bed was the sound of quiet sobs mix in with the sound of a wet slapping noise plus a man grunting well that was in tell Boom the full thick steal sealing exploded open and there standing on a huge metal sheet and debris was a tale man with shoulder length raven black hair that was pulled back into a brade there was a scar going across his face and down his neck his clean cut beard was black with spots of red in it he was wearing a red and black suit and on his hip was a katana he had one black gloved ha d testing on it wall the other was in his pockets and his eyes was glowing draconic eyes with 2 yang simbles on either side of the draconic slits and around his neck was a neckless made from a gator fang a man shot off the bed but naked the man was small maybe 5 foot his skin was a white as snow his hair was brown and all in all he was average looking but his eyes where yellow serpent slits this pale man tried to pull on some clothes but for some reason the shadows wouldn't let them go the only thing he was able to grab was his underwear after he pulled on that he turned around screaming who the fuck do you think you are do you know who your messing but right then the ground shook as a distent boom range through the sky the tall man in the suit had a huge smile spread across his face as he spoke o yes I do know who you are as for who I am its simple my name is Hunter Ace Colt but you can call me Death hound or your worst nightmare either or Jacks laughed at this man in the suit o so your Hunter ace Colt I must say all the rumors was wrong your not terrifying at all but y are you after me colt I nor my gang has done anything to you or your family yet so y my smile got even bigger o that's also a simple one your say you have done nothing to me or my family Jack nodded that's right he moved slightly back his hands going behind his back i have done nothing for you to attack me I started to chuckle hahahaha you got some funny jokes but tell me Jack you say you haven't done nothing for this attack but tell me did you truly think i wouldn't drop in after you dared to touch one of my girls my smile was gone what replaced it was a cold expression Jacks looked confused as he yelled I haven't touch anyone related to you your laying cold laughter echoed through the room coming from me this sent a shiver through Jacks's spine my cold eyes fell back on to him as I spoke you but right then Jack pulled something from behind him as he yelled die you fucker and he pulled the trigger on a Tommy gun it awakened with a ratatatatatata click click a clank clank clank I wasn't surprised to see the Tommy gun sense I noticed it immediately so when he opened fire on to me he had a huge victory confident grin on his face my hand shot to Tempest I unsheathed it cutting each bullet out if the air as I flashed in front of him the gun going click click click as it was pointed at my chest the bullets hit the ground split into 2 pieces Jacks face want pale feeling the blade at his throat I leaned forward my eyes glowing do you know your sins I asked in a low quiet voice Jacks looked stupified but a snarl spread across his face as he hissed fuck offs and before I knew it a sharp tail thrusting at my chest but I simply moved to the side swinging tempest down cutting part of his tail off as my green lightning sparked through his body he screamed out in pain I looked at his bleeding wound a huge evil grin spread across my face we can't have you bleeding out on us that would be to easy so here let me help you I prest a hand onto his wound which burst with blue fire cauterizing the wound in a intent Jack screamed out in pain again his face going even more pale he hissed please stop I laughed o no we are just starting I sheathed tempest as I patted his shoulder a few times with each pat I shot my lightning through his body o no, no, no we are just getting started by the time we are done you've would have wished you didn't hurt one of my girls Jacks screamed out I never hurt any of your girls I don't know who the fuck your taking about just please stop I chuckled o so you say you haven't hurt any of my girls but I could have sworn those was her wings I turned around and looked to the beautiful set of wings pined to the wall I glanced back to see Jacks dumbfounded expression your talking about Sihtric one of sirens little sluts one of my sluts but how is she yours you have never met her before unless and his eyes want wide like he just realized something no impossible I coldly chuckled o so the little serpent gots a brain after all but yes you're right I met her at school I was merely a normal human at that time I still had some semblance of sanity but now I am free I am awakened and doing what I love and that's hunting so tell me little serpent do you know your sins now Jack face want red you fucking dare to do this to me over a no good dick suching slu but before he could finish I punched him in the face I started at him coldly you was saying I asked Jacks spat out a mouth full of blood and a few teeth he looked up to me angrily yelling I should have killed that slu but I punched him again this time in his chest knocking the air out of his lunges I also sent my lightning through his body he fell to the floor twitching I clicked my tongue disappointedly you are really disappointing me here Jacks even your own little brother lasted longer then you all though I don't like either of you I got to give it to that brat he had balls and a bit of a spine you on the other hand your just a little snake through and through all you got is bark but no bite it's a shame braking peoples will was always the best part of interrogation in my opinion all though I stood up and turned around as I finished my words all though I guess I am way more proficient in interrogating supernatural creatures and hunters normal humans are just way to weak I walked to the edge of the bed to notice a young girl about 16 to 17 years old naked she was just laying there on her back silently sobbing but her eyes was devoid of life I noticed she was a few months pregnant I side placing my hand over her eyes and used my healing ability to calm her mind some light came back to her eyes I withdrew my hand the girl looked to me with pleading eyes and in a weak voice she spoke please kill me I raised a eyebrow are you sure lass she weakly nodded yes please put me out of this nightmare I side of I will free you I pressed a finger unto her head and I used my blood manipulation to form a blood spike and shoot it into her brain killing her instantly I removed my hand to see her face was at peace I side wrapping her body in one of the fear blankets before I placed her body to the side I walked onto the bed right in front of the wings I seen they was hanging in a glass display case that seemed to me locked Jacks started to laugh as he sat back up you will never be able to get her wings out it requires my but I ignored him and simply waved my hand using my metal manipulation to unlock it Jacks was stunned I opened this display case and took out the wings I was very general with them but oddly enough the wings still felt alive like they was still part of there owner and in a way they was a half dragons wings are both a sign and the conduit of there power without there wings a half dragons strength weakens greatly plus they wouldn't be able to use much of there powers Jacks knew exactly what he was doing when he took these wings from Sihtric it was like snipping a birds wings with prevented the bird from flying Jack cut Sihtric wings cutting off her power wall also making sure she couldn't fly out if her cage he put her in luckily for Jacks a half dragon can be put back onto there owner and like on Q the wings twitched in my arms I smiled and walked over to the hole I made and whoosh right when I got under the clear night sky the wings shot out of my hands up to a dark disc platform I smiled at the burst of power I felt spread through the area the next second before it disappeared I heard a weak chuckled behind me so what's next will you leave me alive I turned around to Jacks a huge demonic grin spread across my face Jack shook under my cold stare yell me Jacks do you know what I did to be called the death hound what my job was when I worked for the church Jacks shook but slowly nodded like he was forced to I chuckled coldly I was tasked in hunts of course but also assassinations I became one of the greatest assassins of my time and lastly I was the angels torture for supernatural beings and hunters sense I was very creative with my torture methods I always happy to try a new idea sadly I don't remember what all I did all though I don't know whether to be thankful for that or angry no matter it's not like I am scared of testing my ideas again so you tell me Jacks what do you think is next and a huge demonic grin spread across my face his face want deathly pale I took one step towards him then another he shook his head no stay away from me he tried to move away from me but I waved my hand and shadow strings wrapped around his body I then jerked him towards me I placed him in a chair saying buckle up butter but I am a bit rusty so this is going to hurt a lot probably I waved my hand and hundreds of blood needles formed around him and sank into his chakra points he let out a gut wrenching pain his screams echoed around this room for a while over this area was a black disk sitting ontop of this disk was three girls Rose, Sihtric And Triss Rose and Triss was admiring Sihtric wings that she was flexing and stretching on her back occasionally they would glance to he what Hunter was doing Rose side I can't believe big brother is this brutal her eyes feel back into the room Triss and Sihtric looked down with her should we stop this Sihtric asked worriedly but Triss shook her head I doubt we could besides this is a side of are Hunter we need to get us to Hunter was born part of this supernatural world Sihtric side yea but that's but Triss cut her off saying yes it's brutal but I have been with him the longest since he awakened and he is still the normal hunter he would have just killed the little serpent but he is doing this for you Triss looked to Sihtric who had a complicated expression on her face but y she asked in a shake voice Rose spoke up there Hunter is very serious about his family he would sacrifice parts of him self just to make us happy this is the type of man my big brother has always been besides you heard him he us to be the torture for the angels none of us truly can understand what he as gone through and yet he still has good in his heart even if it's black Triss laughed I think it's hot seeing him like this that serious look in his eyes mmmmm Sihtric nodded daydreaming about it Rose shook her head mumbling and you was worried about him but yall are no better.