A family hunt ending

Warning the following chapter will have gruesome content so to all those who are squeamish or don't like to read about that sort of thing you may skip past that part of this chapter I will space out the two parts so you know when to skip ahead a bit if you wish.

Aaaaaaaaaas please stop aaaa please I am sorry whimper and the sound of weak sobs echoed through the room along with the screams of pain that came from Jacks who was a sobbing mess it had already been 20 minutes and yet Hunter didn't stop punishing Jacks nor did the little snake die somehow Rose, Sihtric And Triss watched Hunter punish this snake each of them had an indifferent expression well Rose mostly did wall Sihtric and Triss tried to adopt the same expression but their feelings of lust got stronger by the second seeing how intense and brutal there man was being just for one of his girls that wasn't even his wife yet both Triss and Sihtric was moved seeing him like this and any doubt they had in there hearts about how he would treat each of them had been burned away by his actions sure they had made a promise to share the same man if it was him but they still held doubt if they would just be a item to him something that he would only us and through to the side when he was done or actually his to stand next to him to share everything with him his victories his defeats his happiness his sorrow and most importantly share in his heart the only one out of the three girls who had overcome this doubt was Meg she had cast all doubts out of her heart after she seen how he protected and treated her friends and her family Meg had seen how far Hunter was willing to go for his family speaking of Meg she jumped landing on the platform with the others 3 she was in her mutant gator form luckily for her Hunter had enchanted and made clothing that could grow and adapt to this form or she would have been naked she leaned forward onto her huge clawed fist as she gazed down through the hole and what she seen made a huge fanged grin spread across her gator face as she let out a hiss that sound like chuckling and in a hissing voice she spoke how brutal I approve she glanced to Sihtric who had her wings back they pocked out the back of her dress that showed off her back quite a lot so the dark green dress wasn't destroyed Meg nodded saying there beautiful on you third sister Sihtric smiled proudly hearing her words thank you second sister it feels good to have them back and she stretched them out Meg nodded as she looked back into the hole asking so Rose how are you feeling Rose side her eyes going dark I am recovering fast but I can't help to feel like I am a burden to not only big brother and you all but to my hole family I am the youngest sibling I had ones been proud of my rank I had reached the silver rank at my age not many kids can say that not even kids from the big families but compared to Hunter I and nothing but trash he has only been awakened for a few months and yet he is almost at the purple rank he has showed off his skill and prowess not only in battle but in strategy and smithing he is unrivaled but a voice cut her off you would be wrong about that little sis Lucy jumped from the ground landed next to Rose sitting down she looked down into the hole her eyes shinning coldy first of all you shouldn't compare your self to others who are older then you as you have said your unrivaled at your age and that's something to be proud of just don't let it go to your head second you say Hunter strategies are something only a genius could come up with but your wrong it's nothing quite so complicated if Hunter sees a problem he takes the most direct path to get rid of it he would rather solve his problems with his fist then sneak around in the shadows playing mind games it's not saying he can't but he just doesn't see the point but another person side shaking his head and appearing next to Lucy forming up from the shadow disk was Duke he had one arm resting on his knee as the foot rested against the edge of the disk wall the other leg hanged off it he had his head rest I g in his other hand it was easy to tell he was bored your wrong Big sis don't forget what Hunter said at the hospital when mother spoke about the invitation from grandmother big brother seen right through that old vipers plan intently and he had plan on his own if that isn't genius then I don't know what is Lucy scoffed Triss then spoke up I believe your both right in a way Hunter is a genius as Duke said but as Lucy said he likes to take the most direct path aka using his fist I believe Hunter adopts both methods you didn't see him at the tribes meeting out of everyone Hunter was the one pulling the strings at that meeting and it want exactly according to his plans and when it came to fight Hunter was brutal not showing any mercy to anyone ant that right Astrid in a puff of red mist Astrid appeared sitting on Megs shoulder she was a humanoid fox but instead of one tale she had 3 moving behind her Astrid giggled kicking her feet as they handed off Meg you all seem to be forgetting somethings like the fact that big brother has memories and abilities from his past life his spirit beast is a perfect example of this who do you know who was born with two spirit beasts Lucy, Duke and Rose looked to one another and shrugged Lucy saying it has happened but usually that's cuz of there parents forcing a beast spirit into there child body wall they are still in there mothers womb I also know different bloodlines can effect this also Astrid nodded exactly Hunter was born a normal human so his spirit beast never fully developed or awakeded fully that was up in till he awaked and this brings me to my second point I know he has told you all the story on how his old life soul merged with his current soul but the fact he had to do that shows how broken this lifes soul was I am a descendant of a 9 tales fox so I am naturally attuned to souls I can consume them to make me stronger just like my ancestor so I have a good understanding on the subject so I will just say this the fact Hunter previous soul was that badly damaged that the death twins them self were going to destroy it out of pitty shows how badly that rat harmed him scars of the body can heal and faded but scares on the soul she shook her head sying not as easily healed the wounds on his soul should have manifested into heart demons and they did the fact he was able to overcome 1 heart demon that powerful shows how unique he is no normal being would have been able to overcome 1 of those heart demons let alone 2 more after that they all was silent all of them was thinking over what she just said Astrid looked into the hole a huge fox smile spread across her small face even in this form she was small about the side of a 6 year old child maybe a bit younger wow remind me not to piss of big bro scary Astrid words broke everyone out if there thought they all looked to this small humanoid Fox child impressed Astrid chuckled I have never met anyone like Big bro and his family you all are very unique and strange Lucy, Duke and Rose broke out laughing as Samuel appeared in a burst of fire saying who you calling strange you little fox Astrid stuck out her tongue at him Samuel laughed as mother formed from a poof of snow mist she smiled at Samuel saying be careful what you say to my new daughter or I might have to take your knee caps Samuels's face want pale slightly what you didn't Moon and he turned and looked at her my mother smiled happily we signed the papers this morning little Astrid tribe didn't care and was happily to send her with us and hi it's there loss and that right dear and appearing next to her from a crack of lightning was father who had a huge grin on his face that's right little Astrid is part of this family now she is a Colt so better be nice to your new niece Samuel or I can't say what she might do to get you back Samuel looked back to Astrid who was grinning at him they looked at each other for a few moments Astrid then said what you got something to say old man Samuel huffed shaking his head a angry smile spread across his face but everyone could tell his expression was fake Duke looked behind him asking is that really true mother father do we have a new baby sister they simply nodded at him Rose smiled happily looking to Astrid holding out her hands saying then come here baby sister and give your big sis a Hug Astrid looked to Rose smiled and disappeared in a red poof but she didn't appear in Rose arms but on Lucys lap Lucy was shocked but grinned patting her head saying so you know who your real big sis is good Astrid hummed happily at Lucy touch Rose started dumbfounded at this but after a bit she huffed fine be that way you little shit and she crossed her arms Lucy laughed that's no way to talk to your baby sister now is it Rose glared angrily at Lucy who pulled a brush out from her soul space and started to brush Astrid hair and tales and Astrid was happily smiling and through glances at Rose just to piss her off mother walked forward and looked into the hole and a hold smile want across her face it would seem at least one of my children has inherited my skill in torture I wounder if he wishes for a second y not he wouldn't say no to his mother and she jumped down into the hole father tried to stop her but she was already gone all the colts faces want pale hearing her words Triss laughed you all look like you have seen a ghost Duke shook his head worriedly no you don't understand mother isn't allowed anywhere near a interrogation room Triss, Meg and Sihtric was shocked y is that Meg asked turning to her human form in a shaky voice Samuel answered cuz she just doesn't stop you wouldn't believe what that woman hides under her kind loving smile she is a fucking demoness o gods no Father started to mutter shaking in fear last time this happened she made a blood eagle and after that she fucked my brains out for 4 fuckings days straight Meg laughed well father-in-law you might want to start running cuz she and Hunter just got done talking and they have evil grins on there faces father nodded quickly yea that's a good idea and he turned around but before he could take a step shadow tendrils wrapped around his body freezing him in and a sweet echoed through the air o you trying to run from your wife dear don't worry I will make sure to punish you later maybe if your a good boy and stay there I might be merciful hehehe maybe and like that the voice was gone everyone on the disk looked to him pitty in there eyes but soon screams started to echo through the air again and they looked back to the show meanwhile in the hole

Warning blood and gore ahead- a few minutes have passed and I stood in front of Jack I had my coat off and my sleeves rolled up to my elbows but I had gloves on my hand and I punched him in the face ones again at this point his face was a bloody bruised mess his eyes he could barely open his eyes hell I was shocked he could still speak but it wasnt just his face that was bruised no it was hole upper body this time I punch him in the face his body going limp shit I nocked him out no matter I walked to one of the shelfs that look like it had cooking spices in it I pulled off salt and a huge bull I then walked over to a sink I filled the bull with warm water then I dumped a shit tune of salt into the bull I stirred it and walked back to Jacks I dumped the bull onto him he woke up immediately screaming and twitching from the pain well good morning butter cup we lost you for a moment there don't worry the ride isn't over yet Jacks whimpered please, please just kill, kill me I laughed tell me did you stop when you forced your self onto Sihtric or hell any other girl for that matter no then shut up its man like you who I really hate just look at that girl over there and I pointed to the body wrapped in a blanket you forced your self onto her so much that she got pregnant that woman last wish was for me to kill her she would have rather died then to live with the things you did to her so tell me Jacks y should I show you any mercy it's obvious that you didn't so y should you get anything differently Jacks glared at me but he started to laugh hahahaha I hope you suffer tenfold more them me I laughed with him that's a funny joke Jacks it really is jokes on you I already have here let me show you and I stood up and unbuttoned my shirt showing off my scares his eyes want wide or as wide as they could he even tried to move away from me how are you still alive me mumbled I shrugged rebuttoning my shirt half way I got lucky I watched a rat district not just me but 3 of my beast friends alive in front of me I was the last of that damn rats victims I even got to see him be filled with silver bullets boy that was a sight I laughed Jacks yelled your fucking insane I shrugged maybe probably most decently but just thank about this you're the one who touched one of this insane man's girls so what does that make you huh an idiot a fool a fucking dumb ass or a mix of them all Jacks screamed how was I supposed to know you claimed her for your own i have known her for much longer then you so your claims make no sense besides I took her first time so I will always have that my smile faded into a snarl my draconic eyes was as cold as blizzard I waved my hands sying you just don't learn all the blood that was on and around Jacks floated up and formed hundreds of long thin needles these needles floated around him menacingly the tips of them shining from the moonlight but before any of needles touched him I snapped my finger and any swollen spot of his body bust open like a pimple but his skin quickly got sown back together healing him but it was very painful and his skin felt a bit numb ones it was done this hole time Jacks screamed and squirmed from the pain but my shadow tendrils tightly bound him to the chair a few more blood needles was formed from this after it was all done he had his head down and he was breathing hard tell me Jacks do you know what happened when your chakra vains are puncture by another ki users chakra the first thing that will happen is pain soul shaking pain next comes the burning feeling as your chakra fight back against this invading chakra and the third thing that happens is if your chakra can't eliminate the invading chakra your vains will burst greatly wounding yourself and your chakra gates so much so that you would probably die from the back lash or if you did live the odds on you using chakra again is basically 0 you might ask your self but Hunter if that's the case y doesn't people us it in battle and the simple answer is we do but on a much smaller scale most of the time most people can't accurately hit chakra veins in mid-battle so they go with just attacking the body or limb pushing there chakra through there enemies body the difference between the two is like throwing a rock in a pond sure something might happen but the odds are not high but let's say you was able to his a chakra vein then it's like throwing a rock down a toob filled with pressured water the odds of your rock winning against that is slime to none that's y you don't just throw a rock but a army of rocks I have never seen this happen my self sense are chakra veins are very hard to hit and even harder win sense chakra is constantly moving through our veins so you are going to be my guinea pig or guinea snake haha lets let the tests start and twitched my finger one needle shooting down and stinking it's self into one of his chakra veins he immediately started to scream the second the needle sank into his skin I started intensely at him my draconic eyes picking up everything that was happening in his body my black and blood red chakra was storming through his veins Jacks sickly green chakra was stopping my chakra in its tracks and soon my needle shattered that took 4 seconds maybe 5 at make that's when I heard a sweetly cold voice say so that's chakra vein dispersion how intriguing I looked to my left to see my motherland next to me she had a smile on her face but her eyes was as cold as mine plus they was glowing white slightly I nodded indeed I have also never seen this before so I wanted to taste how much it would take she nodded it's a good idea but let's bring up the needles go with ten this time I nodded and twitched my hand and 10 needles shot down and stabbed I to his chakra veins but after 10 seconds the needles shattered again my mom waved her hand the surroundings grouping in temperature so much that frost formed on the ground and any glass items I breathed out seeing my breath but I didn't mind try again my mother asked I shrugged and 10 more needles shot down this time they lasted for 20 seconds before the needles shattered that was cuz of Jacks chakra moving slower then before the drop in temperature effected his chakra veins how interesting mom mumbled I nodded it would seem so I bet if we make it hot as hell they will go faster my mom waved her hand the frost disappearing do it she said I nodded and waved my right hand my blue fire appearing in front of me and suddenly the area got much more hot and humid it was like I was standing back in my forge to I didn't mind but I could see my mother move uncomfortably from the heat but she didn't say anything and again 10 more needles shot down and I was right it only took 5 seconds till the needles shattered but I noticed after they shattered Jacks was out of breath and he looked tired I walked my hand my fire disappeared huh so heat does improve the time but it cost more energy huh interesting my mom mumbled I nodded so it's similar to how are blood reacts to the elements I mumbled interesting who would have thought no matter I am tired of seeing this test subject so and I made a fist with my right hand all the needles shot down stabbing into his body everywhere minutes passed with him shaking and screaming in pain as one by one my needles shattered but it was the 5 minutes when aaaaa poof his body started to shake and twitch more intensely the next second his skin the layer under his skin burst open ripping off skin as it happened this happened all over his body he was a bloody screaming mess till he slumped dying from the whiplash and blood lost my mom and I looked to each other smiling well that was interesting but I got a naughty husband to attend to thank you for stopping him by the way all through I do love a good hunt and she licked her hips I waved my hands yea, yea I don't want to hear it mom I already want to throw up just from that she laughed o come on its not like I am the only one who is going to get some action tonight and she elbowed my in the side a few times I side rolling my eyes no problem not I think I just want to hold all my woman for one night besides o don't want to scare Sihtric off on the first night my mom giggled I doubt you could buy far enough I will have your other siblings deal with the aftermath but you will be put in charge of a new section of are business and that's arms dealing well that's what we are putting on paper but your father and I will be the real bosses you have enough on your plate as it is but you will at least get half from each transaction this will also be a good chance for you to sell your items on bulk I nodded fear enough these few months are going to be busy my mom laughed your telling me son your telling me but come let us go I nodded actually hold on and I pulled out one of my 1911s and boom I shot him in the head I looked to my mother who just shook her head what I asked grinning she side I think he was already dead hunter I shrugged better to be safe then sorry and like that we was gone.