The after math

I appeared on the disk right in front of Sihtric who looked absolutely beautiful with her wings she was already a beautiful woman beforehand but with the wings I don't know y but her beauty had increased she was easily one of the most beautiful women I have ever seen come to think of it all of my woman was top tear beauty that anyone would do to get but they was all mine a huge happy smile spread across my face thinking about that I said nothing but I simply brot her into a hug Sihtric was shocked but happily hugged me back I whispered in her ear your beautiful my giantess Sihtric buried her face into my chest I felt her body shake and tears hit against my chest but I didn't mind I simply hugged her tightly after a few minutes of Sihtric quietly crying into my chest she looked up into my eyes I could see nothing but love in those eyes well love and a bit of lust but that's to be expected she smiled saying yes my dear I am your giantess no one else I will follow you to the ends of the universe all that I ask is you love don't leave me I smiled happily chuckling you silly girl you already have my love and a place in my heart so as your man I will of course lead the way she smiles happily but I leaned down attacking those scrimshaws poison lips she shook under my advances but happily reciprocated and what first was a little kids turned into a hot make-out session filled with passion and love we pulled apart a string of saliva was visible for all to see I licked my lips taste hi no fear and Meg want under my left arm I want some to husband no as the first wife I want next and Triss got my right I smiled what man wouldn't want to have 3 loving beautys in his arms Meg stomped her foot angrily the disk shaking from her strength but she didn't care your no fare first sister Triss smiled all is far in love and war second sister I thought you know that Meg opened her mouth to retort but soon she realized she didn't have a come back to that so she simply side and shut her mouth Triss smiled that's right I win so dear it's my turn and she looked at me expectantly lust and longing in her eyes I laughed happily I am one lucky man to have three gorgeous flowers all to my self ok first wifey your wish is my command and I leaned forward taking her thin lips with my own unlike the kiss with Sihtric which started off general and slow this kiss with Triss was much more lively she didn't hesitate to pry my mouth open with her tongue and to explore my mouth with her forked tongue of hers but I couldn't allow her to do all the exploring so I pushed back with my tongue and snaked into her mouth are tongues doing circles with each other by the time we separated we was a bit out of breath and you could see strings of saliva brake as we pulled away Triss licked her lips seductively her forked tongue visible for all to see taste she happily muttered third sister you taste good Sihtric heavily blushed at that comment Meg huffed angrily I chuckled home here my gatoress and I kissed her also Meg was stubborn at first but one I snaked my tongue into her mouth she loosed up and started kissing me back and by the time we pulled away we both was huffing for breath but a happy smile want across her face as she to licked her lips looking to Sihtric grinning first sister is right third sister you taste good it's almost like a drug haha we all laughed at her blushing expression she shook her head and buried her head onto my chest again I heard her mutter shameless every last one of you we laughed at her words that's when I heard a familiar voice say well it looks like you having fun lad I looked down to the floor to see two armored humanoid wolf figures one was Geralt but the other one looked familiar she was about the same age she was in her hybrid wolf form her fear was as white as snow but the end of her fear was black her eyes was bright blue and I could sense her strength it would take a purple ranked hunter to fight quality with her but I didn't focus on her I smiled at Geralt saying but of course Geralt what did you expect me to do after teaching that little snake who he fucked with as I spoke I flicked my hands and shadow stairs started to form Geralt laughed and started walking up the stairs his daughter following him Geralt stopped in front of me smiling a huge fanged smile I would like to thank you on behalf of the white fang tribe devil dog even though you didn't have to do all this you allowed my family to take over all the business of the lunging serpent gang and as we discussed the sirens song is under your name as the owner but that woman is the boss but you can change that if you wish it isn't my business so I won't say anything else about this but this isn't the main reason y I am here and he held out his hand that had a scroll in it I let go of my flowers and took the scroll opening it and what I read made me a bit shocked

I the Elsa White Fang leader of the white Fang tribe hereby declare the Colt family as both are business partners but also respected members of our family I hope together are two families can make a better future together.

I closed the scroll and looked to Geralt who had a huge smile on his face I could tell there was more so I asked what's with that shit eating grin Geralt he laughed o it's nothing just a happy father I raised my eyebrow and then my eyes fell onto the woman next to him who kept on glancing at me with nervousness and skepticism I realized what they wanted I looked back to Geralt my eyes going sharp Geralt do not tell me you wish for me to take this woman as one of my own Geralt shrugged nodding that's exactly what Elsa and I wish what better way to bring are two families together then marriage what don't tell me your apposed to taking another lover when you already have but before he could finish I smacked him across the face Geralt was shocked so was everyone else for that matter well everyone except for my woman they wasn't surprised in a cold angry voice I spoke you will not insult my woman again yes I have three woman this doesn't mean that I don't love each of them my woman are not just pretty things that stand next to me that I will us and throw them aside after I am satisfied just the meer thought of that pisses me off secondly I will not make a woman that I don't love my wife that's fucking stupid and lastly I thought you was a better father then this just look at her she doesn't want this and wet she is her as a father ant you supposed to protect her and not give her away like some meer object Geralt and everyone else was shocking hearing my words especially the daughter her eyes was wide from confusion I looked to Geralt who straighted up sying your right lad but this wasnt my choice nor my wifes choice no this came from are elders so Elsa and I had no choice but to listen I huffed you had more choices then you think Geralt instead of asking me to take her hand now what you should have done was introduced the two of us what happened after that is out of your old folks hands sense you shouldn't get involved with the younger generation problems if you did this then it would have been up to hear to win a place in my heart wall also saving both Elsa and yours faces in the tribe Geralt side chuckling you are right lad sadly I ant a smart man I am simple minded I would rather solve my problems with my fist then scheme in the shadows that's y I married Elsa she is the brains I am the bronze I laughed at least your honest Geralt at least your honest this is y I like you honest and straight to the point so as your friend I will help you out a bit I looked to this woman who had stayed quiet the hole time simply watching the introduction between her father and me I smiled tipping my hat saying hello miss my name is Hunter Ace Colt what's your name the woman was stunned but in a shy and oddly sweet voice for still being in her hybrid form um my name is Asena Ylgr Whitefang I smiled how interesting you do know your name has many meanings in Norse right she nodded slowly good it's a pleasure Asena tell me how do you like my craft a happy smile want across her face as she responded quickly it's exquisite masterful work it's so light and moveable and fits me so well like it was made specifically for me I nodded that's cuz it was each suit of armor was made for each individual measurements she nodded then realized what I said and shyly looked away by the sounds of it your a smith to I asked she quickly shook her head heavens no I could never do suck work I am simply a nerd who likes magic items I chuckled sounds to me your on the brink of starting your smith path besides the only reason y I started mine was cuz I liked weapons and making something with my hands if you wish I can teach you the basics her eyes lit up happily nodding I would appreciate it I nodded smiling your father can give you my number she nodded happily but then realized what I just said and she shyly looked away and if I didn't know any better I would say she was blushing but hard to tell sense she was in her hybrid form I looked to Geralt who mouth thank you but I shrugged walking back to my girls saying I will give this scroll to my father ones he is free he will want to talk to you and your wife but if you will excuse me it's been a long day and the night is almost over I wish to get some sleep before then Geralt nodded ok lad stay in touch I simply nodded I rapped my arms around my girls and we disappeared and appeared in my room I slumped down to the bed tiredly the girls falling next to me we stayed like this for a bit but I side ladies let us get ready for bed they nodded and we changed I noticed Sihtric wings wasnt on her back but I noticed a huge back tattoo of two draconic wings so I assumed this was her hidding them I kicked out of my boots and clothes I soon climbs into bed with nothing but underwear on the girls following me snuggling with me and soon we all feel asleep together i stood on that mountain top the sunset in the diacetone Skull appeared in front of me asking

will the host wish to remember a lesson from his past life yes or no

I clicked on yes and quality the surroundings changed the temperature went up and the humidity was terrible I heard the sound of metal being hammered in front of me was a huge forge the forge for a giant and there standing at the anvil was a fire giant his beard and hire was nothing but fire his skin was black he had on a dirty brown shirt and leather apron he was hammering a huge axe head he put the head back into the force flame which just seemed to be lava and he turned around when he seen me a huge smile want across his grimly face and in a deep booming voice he said devil dog I wondered when we would be seeing each other again so I assume you here to learn what you've lost I simply nodded indeed Below you are as lively as always Below chuckled which shook the hole room I see there is still a little of you who remembers me good let us get started come step into the flames let us start forging out those impurities that you mortals seem to love to make I laughed throwing off my clothes and walking into the force saying don't act like you don't got any impurities your self Below scoffed I see your tongue is as sharp as ever as I walked into the lava it burned and hurt like hell but I sat down and crossed my legs Below nodded good I see you still got that strong will good start to channel you Ki through your hole body I did as he said the pain leasing a bit good ,good now use your ki as the hammer and the flames as your forge your body is the steal forge your self into a weapon clang, clang, clang each drop of Below hammer I smashed my ki against my body I first started with my organs and blood I smashed and burned away any impurities in it I forged them into new organs and fluids next I want with my bones I smashed my bones and used the flames to mold and fold them strengthening and getting rid of any impurities this lesson showed me that I am only as strong as my body you can swing around a fancy weapon but it's your body that's the true weapon but this ability I was doing wasnt just strengthening my body but my soul also by the time I opened my eyes my body was chiseled like I was a marble rock that a sculpture just chiseled out into a statue I stood up walking out of the forge but the lava wasnt around me no more and as I stepped out I seen Below was also gone this was just a dark dusty underground forge that hadn't been used in a while Skull appeared in front of me it saying

Congrats host for relearning body tempering giants might - this ability allows you to strengthen both your body and soul but be warned the pain you will feel is great so if you're a wimp I would stay clear of this ability

I laughed hearing those words as I did the surroundings changed around me and I opened my eyes to the feel of three warm squishy pillows in my arms I side in my mind this is heavenly I stayed like this for a bit longer but side again in my head I new it was time to get up so I used my flash step to get out of bed so I didn't awake the girls I pulled on some jeans and a simple gray shirt I pulled on my boots and grabbed my phone and hat as tempest shot onto my side I climbed out the window pulling out my glasses from my soul space I put them on and used them to look up different materials and started placing my orders it would arrive here in a few hours man teleportation talisman are crazy expensive but no matter I got plenty of money after the passed few days I got in front of Ent who was moved I pat him saying thanks buddy I will explain everything after breakfast ok it shook and I want back into my bunker I walked to the book self that I barely had touched I side it's time to relearn skull appearing in front of me

Would the host wish to learn everything from these books yes or no

I nodded do it I said sitting down luckily I did cuz the next second the pain that shot through my head hurt like hell I wasnt sure how long that passed but I simply fought through the pain till it faced and I looked through everything these books was my own hunter journals from the time with the angels before they fucked with my mind they talked about many of the hunts I had been on and I must say this really helped me grasp how to us my abilities to a much greater effect I sensed I broke through through the next stage of my understanding in all my abilities which was nice the more I understood my abilities the easier I can use my powers plus this also unlocked more skills from that ability but there wasnt just info on my hunts no there was blueprints to all the weapons I made for the angels which were cool but what really made me happy was the puppet blueprints I found there were some of the first puppets I made each blueprint was an improvement of the one before it this helped me break through my puppeteering ability plus my puppet making the last piece of info was a map of my other hidden hunter where houses there was one actually close by I compared that map with the city map that I brought up and what I seen made me laugh it was right underneath the sirens song how the fuck is my luck really that good or is the world fucking with me no matter I have a place where Azzy and his lover could hide wall also make some cash I chuckled speaking of them it's about that time and like on q crates started to appear in my bunker I spent 2 hours going over all that information damn no matter I cracked my fingers let us get to work shall we and a huge grin spread across my face.