2 months

Like this 2 months quickly passed where I literally didn't leave the house or my bunker hell the only people who really got to see me was my girls sense Ent aways allowed them down in my bunker the only time my family got to see my face was when I came out to eat, clean, and sleep that's it all though I did get to spar with every one of my family members that included my parents and uncle sadly I couldn't beat my parents no matter how much I tried but this allowed me to understand my power scaling yall I was in the high gold Rank I could fight people 3 ranks higher then me on equal footing o yea I also learned the ranks after the purple rank there was 4, body, spirit, godly and ascendent each of these ranks had 3 levels to each these levels was low, common, and high the distances and power gap between these levels was great so wall I was still at the high gold rank I could fight people in the low spirit rank on equal footing but this used all my abilities, skill and tactics to the fullest all though if the situation was right and I had the advantage like if I ambushed my target and I had time to make the proper preparations I could kill people on the common spirit level but it all depended on the situation Lucy learned this the hard way sense I layed out a trap in our spar and I executed it perfectly and there was nothing she could do about it if I was a enemy she would have been killed this was a eye opener for her as for my parents they was in the low godly rank and by the sound of it they was one of the few in the hole world that was able to get to the godly rank uncle would have been on this list also sadly he got injured so he couldnt is his full strength nor could he get any stronger he stayed at the hi purple rank this reminds me he allowed me to scan his body after I told him I had a away to possible to heal him he happily excepted I got a huge shock after I did scan him this wasn't any normal wound it had corrosion properties that ate away at his bones and organs making them much weaker and if that wasn't enough I sensed cursed elements to it like it was waiting for something before this curse activated I soon found what it was waiting for all of his bones and organs in the center of his chest had runes slowly being each onto them these runes was moving in two detections his brain and heart this could not happen at any cost but the first stage of healing him was getting rid of all this dark purple energy but at the time I wasnt able to help him much just to slow down the process so that's what I did I told my uncle what sort of condition his body was in I told him after I was able to get into the purple rank I would be able to help probably he simply nodded and urged me to work hard and work hard I did let me first tell you what I did in the first 2 days and that was making a life sized puppet of my self it's body was as tuff as steal it's punches could dent metal and it could even talk in my voice sense I put a voice modulator in its throat hell I could even see out if it's eyeing the only difference between the two of us was it was made from wood and steal and not flesh my next stage was puppeting it instinctually but this was pretty easy sense I had a pretty powerful mind and soul I could focus on many things at ones I had always been good at multitasking but with my improved mind it was crazy but this wasn't even the best part about my puppeting ability all no it was the fact my puppet could act as a conduit for my powers think of it as a odd puppet wand so this allowed me to use my powers through my puppet all though there was a distances but that distances was fucking massive as long as I could still sense my puppet it could use my abilities the area that I could sense was already big but with my draconic eyes it was greatly improved I could stay at home and have my puppet fly to the city and still be in my area range and we were miles out of town you might ask your self y would I make a puppet first and that was to simple with it I could focus on my training wall also fulfilling orders for my business and from this one puppet 3 more was born all 3 of them was the same as the first puppet models of me this made my production ten times as faster and I didn't even have to pick up a hammer I had many people trying to get orders from me be it human, hunter, monster or something in between they all wished for Reaper Smithy arms and I was happy to deliver but I made a detailed inventory of everything I made and for who this of course wasn't specifically told to the customer but it should be fucking common sense so wall 3 of my puppets focused on smithing I sent my 4 puppet back to the city to the sirens song or more specifically it want underneath the sirens sing this bunker entrances was in the sewers luckily it was my puppet and not me actually there I walked through this sewers till I got to a odd dark wall the stones was much older in this peace of the wall compares to the rest of it and there invisible to the naked eye was my old life simble a snarling wolf with a glaive scythe in its mouth I pressed my hand onto this simble and channeled my death hound spirit power into it the door clicked and swung open I walked passed it to see stairs I shrugged and started walking down the door swinging shit behind me when I got to the bottom I smiled this was a actual bunker there was a few old beds and living supplies but all of it was way outdated but passed this room was what I was looking for it was a lab there was vials on the wall that had a red liqued in it and in the center of this room was a desk with portion bottles, caldrons and more all for the pursuit of alchemy I walked to this desk and there resting ontop of the desk was a closed notebook the leather that made up its spine and cover was warn old and Dusty like it had been sitting here for hundreds of years I whipped off the dust on it smiling so it would seem are lifes work still remains dear good I wonder if you would approve of my new lifes path and actions shrug no matter I was always good at getting on your nervous so this would be the same I smiled and opened the book reading through it all after that I cleaned up this placemaking inhabitable to live in hell I even installed electricity that ran off the sirens song line it wasnt that hard I was a fucking master smith so doing this wasn't that hard I also procured living supplies like a bed cookies supplies and the likes I even had to install a sink, shower and toilet sense there wasnt none down here the last thing I did was made sure the conceal formation and runes was still good they where I nodded it would seem it's time my puppet flashed appearing over the city it pulled out a talisman but this wasn't one of my pepper bombs not this was a one time us message talisman that I made the range was shit and you could only say 5 worlds your all clear I said the talisman shined blue before burning away. In a familiar dark prison the only things in this room was two chairs that sat across from one another with a metal table between them chained to one of the chairs with a gold blade sticking out through his chest was a black man in a nice suit this man had his eyes closed and his breathing was slow like he was sleeping but his eyes slowly opened hearing Hunters words a huge grin spread across his face finally he thought he jurked his hands up the chains snapping easily Azzy stood up stretching his body still with a blade in his chest ugg fuck my ass is so numb fuckers couldn't they at least brought me a fucking cup of water or my gods damn phone call no matter sadly this isn't like in those movies right then a alarm started going off Azzy smiled and walked to the back wall pulling out the Blade immediately after that he waved his hand the cameras being crushed he looked to the blade pulling something off the blade he stuck it onto the wall and took a few steps back boom the metal wall exploded open Azzy stood there unfazed but click the door opened behind him and 3 people in full black armor with holy weapons in there hands rushed but the was stunned seeing the hole in the wall Azzy looked back to them with a huge grin on his face he gave them a two finger salute saying so long lads I wish I could say it was fun but it wasn't and poof he disappeared in a puff of bright blue fire. I heard a exploration a few minutes I gave the sign and puff appearing next to me was a white hot man in a simple black suit I waved my hands consoling both of are presents with my shadow and soon we disappeared from that place luckily we did cuz soon puff a group of 5 appeared where we was before where did he go quickly disperses he can't have gone far and those 5 people was gone but Azzy appeared in his new home aka my second bunker my shadows was gone Azzy looked around nodding this will do greatly thank you Hunter I laughed flicking him 2 rings Azzy cot them and examined them they was made from a twisted red steal his eyes want wide black steal asteroid how rare I laughed struggling they have concealment runes on it so they will hide your demon presents he nodded slipping one on thank you Hunter this will help us greatly I shrugged we are helping each other out remember old friend he smiled laughing I see you back to using puppets again good so what's next I laughed well right now my actual body is strengthing his foundation before he brakes through to the purple rank as for you rest get healed up and ones that's done I got a strip club that is in need of some new faces I believe you would be just the man Azzy laughed o I think I can do that yes indeed I will also us this chance to try and build a information gathering group I nodded sounds good but I got work to do so get some sleep he nodded and I walked back into my lab meanwhile my main body was currently sitting cross legend in my forge I was using my giant might ability the force around me was glowing much hotter the fire was huge and over my body was a huge figure made from fire that held a hammer in his hands clank clank clank with each swing of its hammer pain shot through my body as I forged and burned out my bodies impurities this had already been going on for 2 hours already my face was scratched up in pain a hissing noise hissed throughout the room and with each clank of the hammer you could hear my bones or something in my body brake and there was a smell of cooked beef the filled the room if anyone seen what would happen they would probably immediately throw up from the smell realizing what it came from then be worried about me but luckily no one had found me yet and I had already been doing this for 3 days already 5 hours each day the 5 hour just hit and the last hammer fall came my body cracked my sweat and any other liquid being burned away from the forges flames I stood up and walked out of the force the flames going back down to there normal size I seen my 3 puppets busy at work 2 of them was working on orders wall the third was making new puppet but unlike these 4 which had nothing really special about them they was just meant to be workers for me that could fight but the puppet it was making was made with battle in mind I pulled on my clothes and walk into the next room walking into the training ground yelling warm up and like that 10 dummies formed up from the ground ki weapons forming in there hands Sekhmet appearing in my hands the glaive hissing with blue fire let us dance master she hissed I laughed spinning the blade it turning into a double sided glaice but the blades was c shape so less glaive and more axe I guess no matter I cleaved through these dummies but the more I cleaved and took town the more appeared plus they slowly got stronger I was soon fighting agiant hundreds of dummies but I didn't stop cleaving my way through my enemies I used all my abilities to there full expect hours passed with me training but soon Meg came down yelling dinner is ready I stopped my training smiling nodding at her saying food she laughed food indeed and like this 2 months passed I temperatured my body and soul with giants might then I trained against the dummies fighting adapting and learning in these 2 months I had made 2 puppets made for battle one had a fox face the other a wolf both had black clothes on they was able the same size as me but they was switching between different hidden weapons as we weaved and bobbed through the enemy line we moved so skillfully together that it was scary but I noticed the wolf preferred using guns and chained weapons wall the fox preferred to us melee weapons in both it's hands and all the 5 tails it had it I didn't mind mixed in with these weapons was my abilities the three of us danced around us it was oddly beautiful in a I will gut you like a fish sort of a way but hi who mind that haha in these months I had strengthened my foundation and understanding of my abilities I easily broke I to the high Purple rank I wasnt sure how many ranks I would win against know but it has to be greater I just broke though 2 days ago I was know getting to know my new people but I'm these few days I did place some time aside for uncle sense it was sense his life was in danger it was important for him to heal for the family sake yes but as I was healing him I smelled a woman perfume on him it was very familiar he had also been grinning a lot more the past month I simply said you slay dog good on you he simply winked at me saying can't let you steal all the keepers we had a good laugh at that before I started his healing process it took me 2 days to clear and heal his bones and organs from that purple energy which made him look much heather I gave him a blood purification pill tell him to take it tomorrow this will purify and strengthen his blood which with help me heal him faster it was currently 3 days after that and Samuel was completely healed this brought his rank from the hi purple to the hi spirit rank before he got the wound he was at the low spirit rank so to say he used this to his advantage would be a understatement besides his comprehension of his abilities had greatly improved after he was wounded sense that was the only thing he could lately strengthen senses it didn't put much of a strain on his body so he solely focused on that for the passed 15 years I bet he was a match for even ascendant powerhouses but that was only a guess Samuel had actually been joining me in my training in my bunker I didn't mind wall I tempered my body and soul he used my training ground shaking off his rustiness that had accumulated in these 15 years to say he was happy would be a understatement hell even his sword shined happily I came to know that his sword was a cursed gear like Sekhmet it was called Lavafang apparently it could heavily burn the user if they wasnt careful but Samuel had tamed this blade a while ago I just got done with my tempering I had pulled on my clothes my body was chiseled and tain tempest happily shook on my hip as I put her there I chuckled thinking also in this time Sekhmet and Tempest had gotten closer so much so that Tempest was starting to unlock new abilities compared to Sekhmet Tempest was a young spiritual weapon o yea spiritual weapons are simply weapons that have a spirit in them nothing more but Tempest found out she could change her form slightly as long as it was still a katana she could changed into it I walked into the next room to see Samuel cleaving through dummies his draconic eyes shining brightly I smiled at this sight and was about to join him when Triss came running in yelling family meeting Samuel and I looked to her and we all bolted out of here we got into the house where everyone was sitting around the dinner table we took our seats Triss on my right Meg on left and Sihtric on her left then it was Samuel at the head of the table next to him was Lucy next was Duke then my father Rose and my mother who sat across from Samuel my mother looked to us and waited for us to sit down before she flicked her hands throwing a opened letter onto the table I picked it up and started to read through it Triss Meg and Sihtric leaning over reading it with me

Dearest daughter i hope this letter finds you and your family well but let me get down to business the hunter meet is in 4 days you and your family are to be here in 2 days don't worry I have already made preparations for you so you don't need to worry I hope to see you soon signed your mother and grand mistress miss Jonifer O Hela.

I huffed throwing the table onto the table again Sihtric and Meg also huffed wall Triss stayed quiet that is another order huh how fun I shrugged I don't see y we shouldn't entertain her wish but we won't be staying with the family that's a fucking death wish they all nodded this brings me to my next point what's the plan my Father asked I laughed to show them that are family has no connection to there's this will establish that are family has worked for everything we have and it wasnt grandmother and her family secretly backing us next we mingle with everyone introducing are selfs to other powerful families this will gave us specific names to get information on after but the biggest and most importantly plan of them all is that whatever grandmother and her family has planned we can not allow them to sweep us into there problems or plan she doesn't know how strong most of us are severally Samuel, me, my girls and Duke, Duke and I haven't showed our full strength to the public and people will still think uncle is a cripple and my girls come from strange backgrounds to information on them is limited I bet Triss has the most out of the three seeing she came from a big family but she has also grown passed that point so any information on her power scaling is useless unlike the 4 of you who like showing your powers to others I huffed at that last part my parents grinned embarrassedly Lucy had a neutral expression wall Rose was rubbing the back of her head embarrassedly the biggest wild card we have is uncle me with uncles flames and my puppets we can but I stopped at that moment a crazy I idea forming in my head a huge evil grin spread across my face that's perfect I laughed nodding to my self my family started at me shocked what is it Hunter I filled them in on my plan and huge grins spread across there faces but Rose raised her hand saying but only you have that ability we don't I laughed well I will just have to teach it to 2 days that isn't long but no matter let us get started.