A few lessons from the passed and from a senior out of this world

2 days passed relatively quickly my family and I haven't left this house sense granny left but everyday food and refreshment was delivered or was just a call away but we didn't eat or drink any of it we did not care if it was hi dollars shit or not besides mom soul space was not only full of artillery and ammo but it was packed with rare expensive cooking ingredients that not only tastes better then the food the Hera family sent us and best part was we didn't have to worry about poison in our foods my family spent this 2 days just hanging out with one another like a real family Duke, Lucy and Rose told stories on there beginning days of becoming a hunter and how are parents trained them from birth I came to realize that are parents training for them was gentle compared to mine the only one that had an inkling that understood the hellish trainers are parents where was Lucy sense when are parents had her in a war what that war was it was actually quite simple many dark powers and factions revolted and tried to make a grab for power to say they failed would be a understatement but if I wasn't with my family you could mist likely find me in the training room through my self at a wooden training beam that had seen better days there was chunks missing from it and there was scales logged into the wood but my hard work paid off I could now not only form scales on my hands but my hole arm, shoulder and legs and this wasnt even taking about how I could move these scales anywhere that wasn't covered I ripped and tard my skin to be able to do this no normal person could even think about doing what I did they would bleed out that doesn't even cover how painful it was but I was no normal person my healing abilities mixed with my absurdly high pain tolerance allowed me to do this with no consequence or scaring all though I did work up quite the appetite but that was easily fixed with mothers cooking well that and the 3 flowers that would interrupt my training haha and all I will say is thank gods these rooms was noise canceling or otherwise the hole house would know how often the girls and I fucked in these two days if we wasnt with my family and I wasn't training I was fucking hell even when we slept the first night there wasnt much sleep that happened the girls was on supernatural birth control so we didn't have to worry about that too much all although it did make them really horny which we all didn't mind too much we find are self sleeping in a huge bed with 3 warm naked beauty in our arms on the 2 night we had just feel asleep I didn't see this but Skull appeared over me it slipped to a page and words started to appear

Warning host your lesson is being forced to start for unknown reasons good luck host I do hope you won't change too much

And like that, it snapped silently shut disappearing the second it did that I twitched the happy small smile that was on my face faded into a frown my consciousness was being pulled I blinked by feet hitting ground I opened my eyes squinting a bit from the sunlight I looked around I was standing next to a familiar tree on a hill all though it looked much smaller and younger there was a born on my right and a familiar house across from it I had on simple brown pants and a white shirt and on my head was a stra hat but that's when I heard a familiar whistle that stopped that's when I heard a males voice above me it's about time little brother we have been waiting for you I looked up in the tree to see a familiar grinning face he looked similar to me but with dark brown hair and a shaggy beard plus he was much bigger then me but I was still taller he had on basically the same thing as me just no hate he looked to be in his late 30s maybe he was chowing on a peace of stra that stuck out of his mouth his blue eyes held mischief in them I chuckled seeing this man hello brother it has been a while he nodded chuckling indeed it has and yet you have changed a bit your still as brash and prideful as ever I chuckled naa the prideful one is you brother I was always the careful one he chuckled shaking his head saying you can't lie to us I raised a eyebrow asking us that's when I heard a gruff deep voice behind me that's right boy us I glanced behind me to see a man in his late 40s maybe both my brother and I looked like this man but I got his raven black hair wall my brother got his bulky build I was still a head taller then him though this man had on farmer clothes a stra hat on his head and Tabacco in his mouth he spat at my feet saying what shocked to see me or something I chuckled controlling my rising anger I had a bad sinking feeling on what they was doing here o no father i ant shocked if I could find big brother then I knew you wasnt fare behind the man smiled coldly his teeth was stand yellow and black from years of tobacco chewing I see your tongue is as sharp as ever hunter good I was at least able to get that through your thick skull I huffed old man you have no right to call me that sense your skull is as thick as mine I laughed it felt cold and mocking plus annoying to the ears he looked to me his smile fading you brat you was always sharped tongued but you didn't listen to any of my other lessons but don't worry I will teach you again and like that the surroundings changed my father still stood on front of me my brother behind me I looked around when my feet touched onto ground I stood in a dark laboratory there was tables that had 2 children strapped onto them hanging next to them was a glass bottle connected to a toob that ran down into these kids arms in this glass bottle was a liquid that was glowing different light blue and brown this liquid was being forced into these kids by a needle the kids was screaming bloody murder and fighting agiant the restraints I sadly recognized this lab this is where my father made and tested different mutant formulas my brother was taught this process and sadly so was I father waved his hand saying this my sons is what hundreds of years of research done by our family looks like this is what are family is known for this is y they both fear and respect us just like my father and his father before him and his father before him I have tought you boys the family craft you both have been given this gift from me but you both need to pay for this gift and show me your dedication show me your strong will and he pulled out a revolver from one of the tables and he slammed it down on the table between us my brother was standing next to me he smiled confidently asking what do we have to do father my father waved his hand saying make a choice and he pointed at the two kids saying these two are not taking to the process well they should have become mutants weeks ago and yet they haven't and you both know what that means my brother and I nodded I side thinking this meant that there was only a 5% chance of them becoming mutants my stomach sank and anger clouded my mind this bastard wish for us his sons to kill these kids when it was him who gave them the serum and he expects us to do his dirty work my brother nodded and picked up the gun and walked over to the kid on the right side a young boy my brother raised the gun pulling the hammer back the boy seen this through his pain screamed no plea boom the kid was dead my brother walked back to the table and coldy put the gun back on the table father nodded clapping him on the shoulder he looked to me saying your turn Hunter I clenched my teeth at this point I couldn't hide my anger how many I gralled my dad side 10 took the serum only 3 was successful these I had great hope would have been the fourth and fifth but here we are I glared at his cold emotionless face y I asked he side shaking his head for the better good sometimes my son you got to be the bad guy to do good I calmed my self down and my cold expression spread across my face my eyes shined with a cold ruthlessness o I know father o I know and I picked up the pistol and with out moving shot the kid on the head my father nodding smiling proudly but his smile was gone ones he seen a barrel being pointed at his head I pulled the hammer back saying you say I don't remember your lessons father o how wrong you are did you truly think I wouldn't remember the two people who killed me I glanced over to my brother with my cold ruthless eyes cuz I seen he was slowly reaching out to the table move any closer to that table brother and I will pull this trigger my father scoffed bull shit you don't got the nerve I looked back to him coldly and in a calm voice I said try me and I started into his blue eyes we started at each other when his eyes want wide but before he could do anything I seen my brother move his hand fast but I was faster I pulled the trigger before his hand could even touch the table are fathers head lurched back a hole in the center of his head father no and my brother longed at me but I cot him by the throat pulling the hammer back on the pistol and placed it agiant his head a snarl spread across my face my eyes glowing with green fire was it worth it brother huh was it worth shooting your brother in the back for the damn angels huh he looked away from me shame on his face answer me you motherfucker I said shaking him we was brothers and blood and yet the two of you betrayed me but at least father had the balls to face me face to face but not your big brother o no you shot me in the back so was it worth it answer me you spineless cowered he looked back to me yelling yes it was you don't understand Hunter you took everything from me I was the eldest I was the strongest I was important up till you came that's when I was no longer quite as important no I was treated like a equal with a fucking kid 4 years younger then me I was the eldest son I was to inherite everything the family land the family head title hell even the family secrets and mission but no when you came along all that was gone we was equals we trained as equals we ate slept as equals but you was a fucking genius among geniuses and I a genius was soon overshadowed by his little brother I did everything father asked just to get his approval and recognition but no I was never even looked at do to his favorite second son you took everything from me so I took the one thing I could from you your life ones you died I was the head of the family and the angles blessed me with many gifts haha hell they blest father to we ant dead brother we became angles and high ranking ones at that his body started to glow so did fathers they started to float I let go of him as the two of them floated next to one another father head lurched forward snapping back into place the hole in his head disappearing he started disappointedly at me saying you should have taken Zachariah offer Hunter that was the only chance you will probably get brother laughed your still showing favoritism father he shrugged no if I was I would have offered him something like Zachariah brother huffed and he started down at me a huge evil grain spread across his face saying I hope you have enjoyed your new life little brother cuz its soon going to end I laughed o don't you worry about me elder brother I be looking after your self cuz after I ascend out of this world I am bringing a can of whoop ass with me he laughed o you won't get that fare but I wish you luck anyway and like that he burst into gold flames father looked to me pitty in his eyes saying your brother is right you won't make it that fare angles have descended just to kill you I laughed o so yall haven't learned your lesson no matter I thank you all for this chance hahaha I dropped the pistol on the table saying I don't hesitate when people attack me or my family I go straight for the kill so best warn them that father side saying even if you do live from the angles you nor your family won't be alive for long hell no one of you will be alive for long when I heard that my expression want dark what do you mean I gralled father chuckled you ant stupid lad I hope we don't have to meet again son and he was gone I bellowed angrily this bellow sounded like two beasts one a nine tails fox roaring and a death hound howling I woke up in a start I looked around noticing it was still dark the girls was still sleeping around me I was breathing hard I gralled in my mind asking the fuck was that Skull it appeared in front of me and I heard a voice in my head but it wasnt skull no it was way more feminine and enchanting that dear was a gift I changed the scroll you got only a bit you still got the lesson from your past life which was sometimes you have to be the bad guy and that you shouldn't trust anyone easily just look where it got you in your passed backstabbed by your own father and elder brother they got the last laugh or they did they took the easy way out and now they have stagnated at there current strength for hundreds of years I squinted at Skull asking you must be Lilith y would you do this for me I heard her laugh not easy to trust good it would seem you have learned from your passed but to answer your question it's simple you and your family are my only children that have my blood that ant demons this goes for your father side wall believes it or not your mother blood has my husband blood in them you and your siblings are my husband and mine only relatives that didn't change from our blood your still human my husband and I simply wish to see how far you can climb up the latter and in the end if we help you and in the future you help us then it's a win for all parties I chuckled so you like watching us how creepy so got any tips for this senior Lilith laughed how shameless already asking me for tips mm I like it so I allow it I will give you three peaches of knowledge one for your hole family in total one peace of just advise and lastly one specifically for you which do you want to hear first I leaned my back agiant the wall closing my eyes thinking lets go in the order you said its just the easiest ok give your girls your blood this will truly make them yours you have the blood of not only my husband and I in you but the blood from the first killer Kain and naturally you got blood his mother Eve to so your blood will awaken and strengthen them in ways you can't even imagine but ones this happens they will forever be bounded to you and one another this is a old ancient practice that couples would do at there weddings this also strengthens your bloodline after you do this made your hole family mutants believe it or not this is a very common thing the humans do in our world every living being evolves this is part of nature next is my advice what your old father said is true and it is as you thought your world is coming to a end and the world is rapidly weakening my advise to you is simple get a force together and strengthen them all to the top of this world limit Azzy and his love will help with the rest don't be scared to slotter other powers the sake of resources and more people and this brings me to my last subject my advice to grow your power first step is this stop being a fucking idiot and the book bonked me on the top of the head the way you've been using your warlock power is so crude and inefficient your using this power like a fucking caveman y do you only just us the shadows and the death mark both are useful but your a warlock of the fucking death twins tell me didn't you find it odd how when you got this body your soul gate was open already I nodded of course I did but I chocked that up to me literally being a soul I heard her sy angrily you not wrong that is the starting factors to it yes but that's where your power comes from or part of it this is the part you've not been using think about it your a warlock of the Death Twins liliterally the Grim Reaper himself and his younger sister the queen of shadows and undeath you have absorbed souls before right I nodded of color I have hold on don't tell me and my face want pale Lilith chuckled so the child has a brain after all yes you are not only proficient in shadow and soul laws but undeath and naturally death laws I was confused at this word call laws but I guessed it was the laws or the power over the world hold on does this mean I could bring someone back from the dead I heard her chuckle yes you could sadly that person would truly never be the same, not many people can overcome the fear of death like you and this fear will become a powerful heart demon but bringing zombies and undead is easy for the likes of you your basically a new still growing reaper hold on I thought I can mix this with my spirit beast o gods my face want pale again at the possibilities Lilith laughed that's right child most warlocks death abilities are through touch or they channel that through weapons but you are much scarier you can literally rip the souls out from people with your ghostly chains killing them enstently but both of your beast are soul devourers just the thought of you fighting makes me shiver in anticipation buy be warned there will be some powerful souls you can't simply harvest easily so good luck my child hahaha I can't wait to see you work but I leave this last piece of info you got 2 years maybe 3 at tops and it's chaos over here people are choosing sides sooner or later you and your family will have to choose a side I hope it will be ours have a good night death hound and remember we are watching and like that Skull fall onto my lap seconds passed as I started worriedly at it before it shot up it flipping open

That damn woman is as brash and annoying as ever but she did unlock and open both of our eyes to many things congrats host for learning his warlock abilities you fucking fool haha about damn time

And like that it disappeared I chuckled at its as I looked to the side to see an alarm clock on a nightstand it read 6:00 am Today is when the hunter meet is and I had a feeling this meeting was going to be big I could already smell the blood and chaos in the air haha I hope they play nice for a bit I got 3 flowers to dance with and I won't tolerate anything else.