a unexpected friends

We find our family and crazy hero? Villain no matter all dressed to the T in nice clothes we will start with Perseus and Moon father had on a very nice and expensive black suit that had blue lightning moving up the coat his vest was blue with green serpent dragons moving across it his undershirt was a simple black he had no tie around his neck was a raptor claw from a past hunt locked arms with him was mother she was in a beautiful flowing light blue robe that had white dragons flying across it her hair was pulled up into tight bun with that same tiara she had on the plan, this showing off her far white neck and shoulders around her neck was a silver necklace that had a blue gem hanging from it next to them was Samuel he had on his Phoenix robe the same one he had on the plan behind them was Lucy she was in a simple nice black tux it was simply and it had get down mister president vibes which I loved her hair was cut short like normal and slicked back behind her was Meg who had on a simple green and black robe that made it look like she was wearing scales around her neck was a green gem hanging from a gold necklace next to her was Sihtric who was in a dark purple and black Robe that had a green dragon head on the cotton of it her back was exposed showing off her huge tattoo around her neck was a purple gem necklace next was Triss who wear a black robe that had green and blue lightning shooting the bottom of it and up her long sleeves both Sihtric and Triss Robes had sleeves wall Megs didn't I was in the dead center my arms around these beauties I had on a dark red tux with green lightning going up the sleeves that want all the way to my back that's where there was a black death hound and a orange nine tails fox running through this lightning storm under this coat was a black and gold vest under it was a black long sleeve shirt the top three buttons was undone showing off a bit of my scares plus around my neck was my gator necklace black pants plus the skull and raven cufflinks both my beard and hair was braded like normal I had a huge smile on my face and in my left hand was my kain behind us was Duke who had on a black tux that had gray smoke that moved around to his back and this smoke formed a smiling wolf head under this coat was a simple black and dakr red vest with black shirt his necklace and bracelets was on him his hair was cut short and slicked back locked arms with him was Jinufer with her uniform and metals on behind them was Rose who had on a bright red robe with orange flames on it a simple red ruby necklace lastly holding hands with her was little Astrid who had on a simple red and orange robe that want really well with her tails and ears Astrid arrived today this was the last sign from her tribe that she was no longer one of them she was a Colt now this group was getting out of a limo in front of a huge simple white and black building there was a crowd forming on the stairs these was the normal hunters from all over waiting to get in and not VIPs when are car pulled up and we started getting out people turned to see who we are ones father and mother got out first people started whispering and talking loadly some clapped and cheered some simply snapped a picture and some stayed silent I could tell father and mother where seen as hero's with many when Samuel got out following them they clapped for him also but it wasnt till Lucy that the crowd want wild some people whisloled some clapped some screamed her name some stomped there feet it was wild to see this Lucy was pretty reserved the fact these people was doing this meant she was pretty popular next was the girls as me I stepped out first and held me hand out for each of my girls helping them get out ones we got out and I rapped my arms around the girls is when some clapped for us but many people started jealously at me I heard many whispers saying basically the same thing y does he have three hottys can't he leave any for the rest of us I grinned proudly at these comments and looks we walked up the stairs Duke and Jinufer got out next and people cheered for Jinufer but there was many girls that started jealously at her wall Duke got the same stairs lastly was Rose and Astrid when these two got out the crowd want wild man whislped at them girls cheered Rose stopped to sign a few shirts and stuff it would seem she was quite famous wall Astrid waited patiently for Rose she didn't show her nervousness on her face but my group got to the top of the stairs to huge double doors that was open as we walked in someone yelled are names know interning the lightning dragon Perseus Ace Colt and his wife the ice dragon Megan Barrett Colt the blue phoenix Samuel Ace Colt I heard clapped both in front of us inside the building but also behind us as the tree of them stepped in the voice then yelled the Wind tiger Lucy wind Colt more clapping as the girls and I stepped up I heard a voice in my head ask me what do you wish for me to say I chuckled giving him my answer the girl did the same I guess it said ok step in we did that voice yelling The death hound Hunter Ace Colt and his Wife's the Raven queen Triss Ash Colt , the second rock jaws Meg Green Colt and third black wing Sihtric Siren Colt there was no clapping as we stepped in I looked around noticing we was at the top of a stairs in front of us was a huge ball room with white cloth tables huge chandeliers and everything there was hundreds of eyes looking up at us many I could tell wasn't friendly my eyes scanned over the hall noticing there wasn't just hunters where no there was witches wizards warlocks and even supernatural creatures but my eyes fell onto one group who was wearing all white the holy church I thought my eyes picking out 5 angels in that group of 25 but i noticed other angles in other groups bleeding in my girls and I started walking down the stairs as we did I sensed many killing intents and people pressuring us but I simple huffed and used my own pressure on my girls and me I didn't even us all of my pressure and yet mine could cancel out there pressure easily we got half way down the stairs when that voice yelled out Duke Ace Colt also known as Cerberus and his girl Jinufer jack Bella the green spear people clapped for them as they started walking down the stairs the girls and I got to the table where are group was sitting at as we sat down the man yelled out again the red oni Rose Gold Colt and the 3 tails Astrid Fire Colt people was shocked hearing that and o noticed a few people pressuring the girls but funny enough Astrid used her pressure to cancel out all the others to the shock of many I grinned as I picked up a glass of wine and taking a swig from it but regretted it immediately I used my fire to burn this liquid out of my mouth I handed the glass back to the smiling server and in a cold voice i gralled you all only get one strike try that again and I won't hesitate to kill you got it the man's smile faded into terror seeing the poison having no affect I side pulling a drink from my soul space muttering it hasn't even been 5 minutes and yet someone already trying to put something in my drink my group head me and my dad laughed but of course what did you expect son welcome to politics I side pulling out a cigar lighting it I took a few puffs saying it's going to take a hole lot of these to keep me from not going on a slotter Samuel chuckled I feel you buddy I feel you but would it really be such a bad thing from what you told us earlier but he stopped do to some people walking to are table with bad intentions or more specifically they walked up to Triss it was a tall pale skinned woman who had on a beautiful purple and black dress that showed a little to much her hair black hair was straight and want down her back and she had on expensive jewelry and perfume gods my eyes burned from how much perfume she used but it couldn't hide the sent of blood on her from me both fresh and old next to this woman was a tall tan man in a purple and black robe he to also was decorated with experience jewelry hell he even had eye liner on but unlike his wife I didn't smell blood on him no I smelled fresh ink and paper the woman started at Triss for a while then scanned over us disapproving her eyes finally fell onto me she looked me top to bottom she scoffed broot she looked back to Triss so daughter you seem to be doing well ant you going to introduce us to your new family Triss simply ignored her as she turned to Lucy who just asked a question to her yes Lucy if you mix blast rock with water stones it has a very interesting effec but before she could finish the woman huffed saying unruly child you see this is y you was loved your unruly, and a brat hell you even got married with out your fathers or mine promotion and you dare to ignore your mother but Triss didn't even back a eye at her as she finished her sentence effect most of the time the rock explodes when it does pressured sea water shoots out from it the water pressure is so strong that it can cut through steel the woman huffed gralling you little bitch do you truly think you can ignore me and not suffer the consequences and she reached her hand out to Triss but before her hand could even touch Triss a cold white hand cot it as my mother was there her face was calm but her yes was shining with a cold frostyness I hadn't seen before but I could tell this was her pissed off face my mom spoke in a cold voice what do you think your doing to my daughter in law the woman tried to pull her hand away yelling she is my daughter so I can do what I want with her this is none of your business bitch but my mothers grip was like steel hell I think it got tighter pain spread across the woman's face as she yelled you dare hurt the likes of me your but before she could finish my mother slapped her across the face and in a cold voice she spoke no your all wrong how dare you come over to my families table and threaten one of my daughters in laws not only did you disrespect her but you wanted to harm her as the mother of this family it's my job to protect them and to put a bitch like you in your place and she slapped her again this time it was the back hand you say she is your daughter so what that doesn't make her your property hell you're nothing to her sense you kicked her out of the family not only did you tell her that on the phone but you sent a hut team after her and yet a cowered like you dares to try and harm one of my family members who the fuck do you think you are bitch how dare you call her your daughter if it wasn't for Triss hiding her powers from you that hit man team would have killed her and yet you come crawling on back into her life the fucks up with that huh I should fucking just snap your neck here and know in front of everyone to show how easy it would be no that's what I am going to do I could tell my mom was heating up my mom raised her hand but Triss side saying that's enough mother it isn't worth the effort my mom looked back to her asking are you sure dear it would be actually quite easy Triss side I know but at the end of the day she did give birth to me so as a thank you for that spare her this ones this will pay back that det a life for a life my mother side nodding fine dear you win and my mom jurked the woman's hand that she was still holding to the side completely snapping it off my mom pulled a ring off that arm saying I be taking this as payment so fuck off and she threw the woman's arm back to her but the woman was on the crowd screaming clutching her shoulder her husband picked up her arm and pulled out a potion from a storage item he pored this potion over the wound as he pushed the arm back into place the arm started to be grafted back onto the shoulder the husband then picked her up and walked away my mom sat back down flicking the ring at me saying trapped I nodded and looked over the storage ring and noticed a strange rune that wasn't the same farmila as the rest of the ring a exploding rune how brutal so when someone other then the person it's bowed to puts it on and tries to accuse what's inside it the ring explodes distroying the ring and everything inside it in the process plus it you probably blowing up your hole body killing you easily hell if anyone tried to deactivate this rune it goes off but this was to easy for me I simply forced my will into the binding rune overriding the woman's connection to the ring I handed it to Triss saying just got to bind it to you she was shocked she looked over to Mother smiled and nodded but that's when the man yelled out the Alucard tepesh and Greg Phoenix my head shot up to the top of the stairs to see Greg in his normal black and red gothic like suit next to him was a tall pale man he was at least 6'8 or taller his hair long straight hair was black his eyes was gold slits he had on a simple black and blood red robe Greg and him was talking like they was friends i laughed standing up and let out a load whistle over the clapping crowd this got there attention Greg grinned and Alucard chuckled I jurked my head to the empty seats at my table Greg looked over to Alucard like he was asking he nodded and the two of them started walking towards us people whispered seeing this ones they got to the table Greg and I hugged like long lost brother he saying here I thought this was going to be boring but definitely not wall your here brother I laughed indeed , indeed I pat him on the back a few time before whispering we got much to take about in private he nodded I stepped back looking to the man next to him saying sorry where is my manners my name is Hunter Ace Colt and this is my family that man is Perseus, my father the beauty next him is Moon his wife all are mothers the buff man on next to her is Samuel the grumpy wise uncle the woman in the suit is Lucy the eldest then the man in the black suit that has smoke on it is Duke the third born and the woman next to him in the military uniform is Jinufer his girlfriend the two at the end is Rose and Astrid as for the other 3 hotty they are my wife's Triss , Meg and Sihtric he finished I have heard quite a lot of you 4 all good things Meg staring at Greg Alucard laughed yes indeeds all mostly good things but where is my manners my name is Alucard Tepesh a pleasure and we shook hands people was freaking out first it was Greg and I hugging and calling each other brothers and now it was cuz of Alucard being respectful to a family I chuckled saying well come let us sit be careful of the wine it's poisoned they chuckled nodding and like that we sat down.