the party part 1: so many arrogant people

So this is what you meant was when you said you were preparing to attend a Hunter party huh Greg asked as we sat back down I smiled putting my cigar back in my mouth I puffed out smoke nodding indeed but I wasn't expecting you two if I am being honest well Greg said looking over to Alucard for promotion Alucard smiled nodding feel free Greg and he want back to talking with Samuel it would seem they know one another huh strange no matter Greg and I thought before he looked back to me saying to be honest with you Hunter we ant the only supernatural creatures that have been invited if I ant wrong Grandmother got an invitation also the same with my parents but we ant the only power they have invited I heard the Musha, Killeen, Wolfgang's and more powers have been invited Triss porker up at that asking o so grandma might be coming sweet and like on Q that man's voice echoed through the room yelling Quite Killeen the Black Jack and his wife the storm empress Loosy Killeen we all looked to the top of the stairs I smiled seeing Loosy in a very similar robe to Triss it was just a bit longer and the sleeves was less baggy this showed a little of her tattoos on her body the hair on the sides of her head was shaved showing off her head tattoos wall the top of her head was braided she had a huge confident smile she was locked arms with a tall big man he was probably 6'2 his shoulders was wide he had on a checkered black and red suit that had different playing card simbles on it under this coat was a gold and red vest and his under shirt was black he was clean shaved well mostly cuz right above his top lips was a curved black and gray mustache his hair on his head was cut short and smoothed back his eyes shinned with a happy red light and he had a little grin on his face as he walked in Loosy easily spotted us sense Triss waved her down and like that the two of them started walking towards us Triss stood up hugging Loosy saying good to see you grandma Loosy smiled happily it's good to see your doing good Triss I stood up and walked to them saying it's good to see you misses Killeen Loosy looked to me smiling misses huh how respectful she said chuckling I have said this already child just call me Loosy or grandma either or I laughed saying ok grandma this must be your husband I heard so much about and my eyes feel on the man next to her the man chuckled and in a deep kind voice he said you be right about that and you must be the Hunter Ace Colt that is taking the supernatural world by storm I chuckled I don't know about that I am just a simple crazy smith with some strange ideas the man laughed so modest I like you lad and we shook hands superisinly his hands was gruff from the life at the forge a smith and a hunter how fun I said chuckling the man grinned and winked at me saying what did you think you was the only one I laughed heavens no I ant that arrogant but come let's sit and like that we sat back down Loosy and Quite sat next to my parents who so that would put them in between my parents and my group I looked to Greg who was talking with Meg and Sihtric a angry snarl was on his face it would seem Sihtric was telling him her story and she just had gotten to how I killed him Greg nodded at my work saying good riddance me looked to me asking so y didn't you contact me I would have happily helped I shrugged saying thought you would be a little busy with school and that sweet demon you met so how has it been Greg huffed at my shamelessness we have been taking things slow she works a lot and is busy all the time but so am I so we have simply taking it one step at a time and playing it by ear I nodded Triss giggled next to me Greg glared at her saying what is so funny over there little missy Triss shrugged saying who would have thought Greg the play boy be taking a relationship slow and one step at a time The other girls giggled at that also I put my cigar in my mouth taking a few puffs from it to hide the grin but Greg seen it and he pointed at me saying what you grinning at you hillbilly fuck you was more of a playboy then any of us and yet look at you settling down what do you got to say I shrugged o that's simple Greg I was fishing yes indeedy my good laddy I was practicing catch and release fishing till I snagged a three for one package how could I simply release them back into the sea for another fisherman to get them hell no these are mine no one's else's Triss , Meg and Sihtric had frowns on there faces at first but when they heard my finished words they had huge happy grins on there faces Triss leaned in kissing me on the cheek saying that also goes to you dear your ours and ours alone if another fish tries to swim into are waters to stur up trouble they will soon realized these here be shark infested waters we all laughed at her attempt at a pirate voice at the end but this is when the man yelled out the fay Titubs Phenix and her eldest daughter Bridget Shatter and her husband Xander Shatter plus there 3 sons Greg the 2 , Jack, Wish and there 3 daughters Gem, Gold , Dragon all of are heads shot to the door to see Titubs walking in with a small smile on her face she was in a colorful dress that glistened and shinned behind her was a younger woman that looked just like her but she had on a dark red dress and unlike her mother Bridget had a cold indifferent expression she was locked arms with a devilishly handsome black man with a white beard and balled head he had a expensive red and black suit on which match really well with his wife following behind them was there children all resembling there parents the eldest was probably 18 or a bit older he resembled Greg a lot but he had a cocky smirk on his face and the youngest kid was a little girl no older then 10 she had a shy expression hidding behind her siblings who scoffed at her for that one's everyone looked up to them I seen Greg's head lower a bit hearing his parents name Titubs walked down the stairs and moshed for the others to head to a table as she walked towards us but Bridget and Xander waved to there kids to take a sweat as they followed but the eldest son and daughter followed miss Titubs i said standing up smiling it's a pleasure to see you again Titubs smiled nodding it's good to see you also child thank you again for your help what ever you did it worked heck it was so affective that I should hire you permanently as a teacher so how about it lad I chuckled shaking my head saying I am honored miss Titubs but I am a hunter and a hunter must hunt she side nodding I figured that would be your answer o well I had to try she looked to Alucard bowing slightly thank you again for helping my grandson out Alucard waved his hand saying no need Titubs i was happy to help a old friend family besides I have enjoyed my time with Greg it's refreshing for a old being such as my self to make a new friend and to teach a student again besides Greg is a special boy with many hidden talents I am happy to nurture him to see how hi he can go Greg blushed slightly from his word's Titubs smiled and was about to speak when I heard a annoyed click of a tongue all of are eyes fell on to Bridget annoyed face Bridget looked to Alucard saying my apologies sir Alucard but I can't help but disagree Greg's younger Brother Greg the second is ten times the mage as his elder brother hell most of my kids out rank there eldest brother both in skill and potential Greg the second puffed his chest out in self importance and he held his head hi at his mother words even the girl next to him looked to Greg arrogantly a snide smile spreading across her face Titubs angrily turned to Bridget saying I told you to go sit down Bridget held her head hi saying I ant a child anymore mother I can make my own decision Alucard looked to this woman then over her kids then back at her I could tell he wasn't impressed and in a calm neutral voice he asked really I have a hard time believing that all I see is a arrogant child who has been pampered and spoiled all of his life Bridget glared at him saying what do you mean by that sir Alucard the proof speaks for its self just look at Greg and she started resentfully at him he has 0 talent in anything he is a playboy just look at the company he keeps and she looked us all over arrogantly but Alucard side shaking her head saying enough child do not project your anger at others when your angry at your self for loosing a gem like Greg we all know your just stroking your own ego wall also trying to drag Greg's name though the mud besides you truly do not wish to make these people your enemy if you do you and your family will die Bridget clicked her tongue disapprovingly she looked us all over arrogantly really sir Alucard has a funny sense of humor what can these weaklings do to the likes of me and my family they can't even look at us as equals let alone over power us I pull my cigar from my mouth chuckling many in my family chuckled with me she gralled what's so funny weaklings Duke shrugging you he said simply he took a drink from a glass before continuing your to arrogant your blind to the fact your standing in a wolf's den best be careful Lucy nodded indeed best watch your step the only reason we haven't put you in your place is cuz we was enjoying the drama so I blow out smoke from my mouth finishing her sentence so best watch them manners or what Xander said angrily you will report us or something and a mocking smile spread across his face my father grinned with him no nothing to complicated we will simply beat you till you beg for us to stop Xander huffed saying I would like to see you try pesent and his hand reached into his coat pocket my dad smiled confidently my dad pushed his chair back about to stand up till Greg the second looked to me saying your Hunter Ace Colt right I shrugged nodding blowing out smoke from my mouth saying that's what they call me yes a huge cocky grin spread across his face good , good soon the world will know me as the death hound killer and he to reached a hand into his coat pocket I rolled my eyes saying many have tried all have failed cuz at the end I am a faster hand then you and today isn't the day and your not the one fuck off brat I would hate to kill my brothers sibling but I will if you force my hand Greg the second snarled at me Bridget looked to me arrogantly saying and to think I was going to have Gem here marry you into the family how sad but it was my mother who spoke for me bitch who do you think you are to even make that decision for him know your place Bridget snarled at her saying if you wish to die be my guest and she reached a hand under a sleeve my mother simply moved her chair slightly back a cold smile spread across her face simply saying feel free to test that assumption at your earliest convenience Gem huffed angrily staring at me saying you see what you're done just be a good boy and come here I promise I will treat you good way better then them old bag of bones next to you I about was sick hearing her words Triss gralled bitch who do you think you are as the first wife its my job to put arrogant bitches like you in there place Gem huffed try it bitch and she reached her hand under a sleeve Triss didn't even move she simply slammed her hands together lightning arking off her fingertips saying brat let me teach you a valuable lesson when facing a sorceress no one made a move the tension in the air was so thick you could practically cut it with a knife no one moved and everyone watched to see what would happen but it was Greg the second who want to move first but before he could even pull his wand out from his sleeve a hand tightened around his throat Greg picking him up yelling enough his eyes was glowing blood red his fangs was long showing his hissed over to his parents saying enough I have with stood your words for years I do not what you say about me but you not only disrespected my master but also my brother and his family say what you want about me but keep there damn name out your motherfucking mouth or I will show you y wish for my powers Bridget and Xander was stunned seeing there son like this Bridget hissed how dare you speak to your parents like that but a loud slap range through the chamber standing in front of Bridget was Titubs her hand raised Bridget was stunned at this but recovered her face want red from embarrassment and anger she screamed how dare you you old bag of slap Titubs slapped her again saying enough Titubs eyes burst into colors she stared at her daughter angrily I have put up with you and your families shit for long enough you think your something special do to your blood your wrong hell your a subpar mage family at best the only good things that has come out of your family was Greg and little dragon and yet you treat them like shit i have raised Greg I have been there for him when he needed me but you two she huffed you shouldn't even be calling his parents all you are is is the sperm and egg carrier nothing more I couldn't be more ashamed of you so from this day forward you are no longer my daughter Greg and Dragon are my children now so you and your family fuck off to say Bridget was stunned would be a understatement I chuckled flashing next to Greg lowering his hand saying congratulations brother and I hugged him Greg's fangs shrunk laughing with me and like this time slowly passed with groups walking around talking to one another some time a fight with brake out and threats was thrown but this was common at these sort of parties as people mingled with one another I noticed 2 familiar looking weapons the first was a katana the other a cross chain blade both was in the hands of there owners the katana was on a Asian woman about my age maybe a bit older her black hair was cut short and in a tight bun she had on purples and black robes I didn't see the dagger or the throwing knife's I made her but I assume she was hiding them we locked eyes her eyes was purple very pretty I smiled nodding at her she nodded back at me with a little smile my eyes then feel on a nun who had this cross weapon handing around her waste she had black and white nuns clothes but her eyes was covered with a white clothe that had a gold cross stitched into the center the woman turned her hand towards me and I had a feeling she was looking at me I chuckled smiling and waving at her and to my suprise she smile and waved back she was with the group that had the angles but she stayed as fare as she could away from them but there was one angle that was next to her a female light tan skin her firy red hair want down to her shoulders and her cold gray eyes was calmly looking around my heart skipped a beat seeing this woman Hael I mumbled no it can't be she wouldn't be that foolish I looked away this is when the man at the top of the stairs yelled know interning the hosts general Hallow point Hela and mistress Jonifer O Hela everyone stopped talking and looked to the top of the stairs to see granny walking down the stairs in a blue dress locked arms with her was a tall old man with Snow White hear that was cut short military style clean shaven and a white military uniform they slowly made there way down the stairs to the other side of the room that had two silver thrones placed at the top of small incline People cleared a path for them they walked by with confident strides they got to the top of the stairs and turned around sitting down silently Hallow opened his mouth he didn't speak loudly but his voice was load enough for everyone to hear let us get this meeting started and the reason y yall came the Hela has a rift this caused a uproar I chuckled o this should be interesting.