the party part 2: some old forgotten memories

To say this news caused an uproar would be an understatement many powerful individuals shouted at Hallow and Granny but mostly at Hallow people were outraged hearing this news hell there were still a few individuals who were still processing this information but there were 3 groups members that didn't look surprised at this news my group was one of them well my family and girls anyway wall Alucard, Titubs, Killeen and Loosy also didn't look surprised but wall Greg and his parents and siblings were stunned hearing this but my eyes locked on two other groups that had members that weren't shocked the first came from the angles group none of the angles was surprised nor were none of the members they had with them wall the second grouped all had white hair and wolfish features these were the Wolfgangs but only two people didn't look surprised and that was the leader of the family and the elder both were man and both looked similar you could tell these two was father and son but the leader had on a white and black suit his snow white and gold hair touched under a top hat wall the older man next to him wear a pristine white robe this mans long white and gold hair was braided down his back and he had a long white beard it was obvious these two know this news already I looked over all of there members but I wasnt shocked to see none of them know this but one man cot my eye he looked stunned like the others but his eyes darted to the elder and leader and he quickly realised they knew I seen a flash of anger pass through his eyes but he quickly calmed him self before acting like all the others and I must upload his acting skills if I hadn't seen what he did before this I would have believed this act hold on y do I feel like I recognise this man I looked him over again he was about my age early 20s maybe a few years older he was very good looking with his wolfish features and long white and gold hair and his clean shaven face his eyes was which were a light brown blowed with a slit hidden flame in them no this can't be I thought a certain white haired figure from my old life appearing in my mind I compared this boy to him and I must admit they was a spitting image of each other minus the beard of course Connolly is that you. you old bastard I thought and the boy eyes glanced at me I guessed he sensed someone staring at him we locked eyes for a split second before Hallow was able to speak shut up all of you this is my house my territory best you remember that before you start disrespecting me or my family this shut everyone up and people sat down angrily this made this boy and I stop staring at each other and looking to Hallow but I noticed a slite twitch of the boy mouth that made a slit smirk it was so slite that I almost didn't notice it but this answered my questions I chuckled quietly as I looked to Hallow who was waiting for everyone to calm down before he continues which didn't take long Hallow nodded good now that I got all of your attention and you've composed your self's I will go into a bit of detail about y we asked you all here today and the simple fact is this and a huge predatory grin want across his face before he finished this planet is dying and there aren't enough resources for everyone to get but a few people screamed one older man in a pink suit I could tell he was a business man yelped out what do you mean the planet is dying the hell is your Hela guild playing at Sir Hallow a few other business man and small guild members voiced there agreement with what the man said Hallow side and glared at him saying you don't got to believe you can walk right through that door go on no one will stop you but I warn you ones you leave this room I won't be offering you this chance again this goes for everyone if you leave this chances leaves with you but if you stay I can't promise you will leave alive if you don't agree to work with us so the choice is yours leave now and die later or stay and run the chance of us killing you but it's just that a chance you all got till the end of my count 20 19 18 and like this me started counting I seen panic go across quite a few peoplea faces but they wasnt hunters they was the politicians, businessman, and others like them and a few people did leave quickly but most was to scared to move by the time Hallow got to 15 about 20 groups left of many different sizes and by the time he got to 5 I smelled iron I shook my head at those dum fools for leaving they they Really just think they could walk out of here ones they heard what Hallow said Astrid and Meg also now they had died Meg could smell the iron like me wall Astrid sensed there souls dapart as for me I both smelled the iron and sensed there souls dapart sense I was where they daparted from no one sensed those souls being obsorbed into me well almost everyone my eyes fell on that female angle again her gray eyes was locked on to me intensely that look shit my doubts on this woman not being Hael was starting to disappear well only one way to know for sure I chuckled and reached my angle radio out to her I immediately felt a connection and a cold familiar angry voice said what do you want human I chuckled o nothing just confirming something that voice I closed my eyes remembering long lost forgotten memories that had involved this cold voice time in the smithy working on arms for the angles this cold voice happily helping me with my work teaching me how to craft angle arms and armor this voice and I fighting and training together this voice and I laying under a familiar tree looking up at the stairs and moon us holding hands walking through a weet yield laughing but sadly these happy peaceful memories was soon clouded with darker memories me refusing to slotter a new born werewolf put this cold voice saying this life means nothing is nothing before I heard a yelp of the pup being killed this voice scolding me fir not listening to orders and even this voice punishing me for not following orders this voice ordering me to kill innocents saying there sacrifice is for the greater good but the sad part was I actually followed these orders ugg I fucking hate that I hate how weak I was but the last two memories got to me me fighting with a big black man this man was on his knees with Sekhmet in its scythe form pressed against his throat the black man looked back to me and snarled do it you coward I snarled and was about to but his head off before boom a gold blur flashed in front of me I was lontched back slamming agiant a wall I felt 4 ribs brake from that punch wall my spine was in pain from hitting the wall I spat up a mouth full of blood as I fell onto my knees breathing hard one lung punctured I mumbled I heard a commanding cold voice say stand down death hound or be put down I slowly looked up to see Hael standing behind Uriel her fists still crackling with gold lightning I chuckled at that cold look she was giving me I felt killing intent in those eyes I slowly picked up Sekhmet and used it to help me up my spine cracked unwillingly I had a huge pained grin on my face I pressed my hand on my chest using my blood control to heal my body sadly it was only good enough for me to move without much pain I looked to Hael those cold eyes still locked on me I seen no love or anything in those eyes and this hurt me more then her punch I smiled sadly tears starting to form in my eyes tell me the truth Hael do I truly mean that little to you where you could kill me with out backing a eye Hael expression didn't change and she simply stated yes you are only a meer mortal only ones you die would we be able to be truly together ones you become one of us my sad smile stayed on my face my eyes quivered as I looked down to my blooded hand and I seen all the innocent lives that I have taken with these hands in name for the greater good nay i did all this for her and yet I clinched my hand and brot it to my chest my hole body quivering I heard the sound of wings beating and I felt a another presents enter the seen a woman yelled Hael what did you do and I heard running feet towards me but I had already fell onto my knees my hole body quivering gone was the proud worrier who could and would stand up to anything in his path gone was the hunter the death hound what was only left was a broken hearted 15 year old who was having his hole world being shattered around him and the consequences of his choices and actions bearing down upon to him I let out a little whimper as I slammed my hands onto the floor yelling god damn it god damn it all no not this not again please lord no please don't take my world again I whimpered but no one answered me no one came there was no god or if there was he didn't care about me and no one would come and save me no not in this brutal supernatural world the only person you can trust is your self yes your self cuz at the end of the day you can only rely on your own power my eyes was still closed and at this point tears was hitting the ground below my face but this wasnt salt water all no this was dark red blood my eyes started to burn I screamed and whimpered in pain and sadness as more bloody tears dripped from my face Hunter I heard someone say close by me but I whimpered stay back the moment I said that a bubble of lightning covered around me I felt and heard someone slamming agiant this bubble yelling my name but at this point the pain I was feeling was to much I wanted to die I had nothing to live for I have done to much wrong to many innocence have been killed by my hands I should die and go to hell to repent for my actions aaaaa sob sob sob this world has already taken everything from me twice I can't handle the pain of putting my self back together again sob sob sob my mind was at its lowest I wanted nothing but death and I felt nothing but pain I was on the brink of braking but that's when I heard hound say how pitiful tell me me if I am you and you are me then yare you like this fuck these people you need only but are self to survive I didn't bind my self to you for you to just give up on your self like this no we are supposed to go out in a firey ball of glory not by are own hand these poor fools don't understand all they have done is slightly inconvenience us but nothing more all they have done is made us stronger cuz we do not back down we do not retreat no we stand and fight and if we get nocked down we get right back up stronger then ever so arise Hunter Ace Colt the Death hound let us take are fate into are own hands let us path out are own path stand I know you can do it sense you are me and I am you let me hear your worrier spirit i leaned back letting out a load roar that sent shock waves throughout the room this roar was that one a angered cornered beast the lightning bubble disappeared as I slowly stood up my body palst with new found power my body cracking as it quickly healed I rolled my shoulders they making a cracking noise as I opened my eyes but they wasnt normal they was more draconic there was two yong simbles in it I looked forward to see Hael and Uriel go into a defensive stance wall closer to me was a white woman with firey red she had her feet dug into the ground like she just had skitted back a huge predatory smile spread across my face as I raised one hand to me face feeling the blood I shook my head chuckling and this chuckled turned into a crazed laughter the red haired woman stood up straight a look of worry was on her face as she looked to the other to Hael worriedly asked Hunter are you but I cut her off saying you of all people don't get to call me that angle I waved my hand in front of my face the blood disappearing as I playfully looked to Hael who looked pained hearing my words but my eyes didn't match my smile that was cold the same eyes she started at me not to long ago what know your worried about me haha pleases I rolled my eyes Anna looked over to me worriedly asking Hunter shat has happened to you I side saying I don't believe I should tell angles this but sense it's you Anna who asked I will answer your question or at least a bit of it my family has a ability that only awakens when the owner feels overwhelming emotions like sadness and depression and so ones I heard the one that my hole world is made around the one I dedicated my life for the one that I killed for said they wouldn't even bat a eye at killing me just cuz I was a mortal not only did they attack me that about killed me but they looked at me with no emotion on there face and the only emotion I see in there eyes was killing intentd directed at the one they loved this shattered my hole world and if it wasnt for my soul beast I would have never have woken up from that nightmare so naturally I reached the natural mind state to awaken this ability for this and for opening my eyes to the truth I thank you angles you have opened my eyes to the fact you have no care for mine or any other mortals life we are nothing but ants who are unwanted there is only one of you who understand us and that's you Anna and that's cuz you was stripped of your powers and you had to live as a moral so thank you but it's time for me to take my leave but Hael yelled what do you mean Hunter you can't leave you can't leave me I looked to her sadness in my eyes and I held out my hand saying come with me Hael we can live together in peace away from everything well up till I die that is haha so will you come with me my love and I held out my hand Hael looked to my hand then back at me asking y would I go with you I got duties here so do you I side slowly moved my hand back sadness in my eyes y would I stay in this place where I am unwelcome and looked down upon I shook my head I have done so much for you angles and yet I side I remembered one of my fathers lessons sometimes you got to be the bad guy I side angrily no I will leave I am taking my fate into my own hands I have had enough being told what to do and who I must kill fuck that and fuck yalls orders I get to chose who lived and dies by my hand I waved my arm Sekhmet flying into my hand I slammed it into the ground by body starting to glowing blue I looked to Hael sad eyes before I disappeared I said if you change you mind I will be where we first met 3 moons from now and like that I was gone and this memory faded the next and last memory I stood in a weet field next to a huge old hole that was way bigger then me the moon was hi in the sky I waited And waited but no one came the moon slowly fell and the sun started to rise I smiled at this beautiful site I closed my eyes feeling the morning coming letting it wash away the sadness I was feeling at least for a bit but that's when I heard the snap of a crossbow my blood red ki armor appeared over my body as I cot this bolt my draconic eyes appearing in my eyes as I looked around and I sadly got up Sekhmet appearing in my hand still in its scythe form so this is your answer Hael you not only betray me but you sold me out man I was a fool I mumbled this as 3 angles burst appearing around me one of them saying surrender and come quality Death hound we don't have to do this o but we do I gralled I ant going back and I dragged my hand down on my face my wolf mask forming and my shadow clothes and claws forming on my body Sekhmet hummed happily as the blade shinned sharply in the suns light I killed 6 angles that day sadly are fight distroyed are surroundings so no more sweet field I side sadly at the after math I would have liked to keep this place like it was but I guess it can only live on in my memory I looked up to the sky shedding real tears silently this is where this memory ends and I heard a cold angry voice in my head saying are you done remembering the good old days or do you wish for more time I chuckled boy howdy I have missed the sound if your sweet mocking voice Hael more then I care to admit so what are you here to kill me she huffed but in a more kinder voice she said that all depends on you hound I chuckled o how fun and I blocked my thoughts from her as Hallow opened his mouth.