the party part 3: a show of power

Yes indeed what I have said is true this world is dying all of the big powers already know this and they even wish to hide this from you all but I am a fair man yes indeed I have already painted a target on my back for what I have said but dare say I do not care so I will tell yall even more this world doesn't have long how long you may ask and to be honest with you all I don't know nor do any of the other powers best we can say is we got somewhere between 1 and five years this caused another disturbance many people started whispering with one another and yelling out questions like are you for real sir or what will we ever do hell there was even some yell what do we have to do sir my group stayed quiet Titubs quickly sending her daughter away and quickly bringing the youngest girl Dragon over to the table and sitting her next to Greg Titubs also sitting on his other side as they did this I looked around noticing a lot of people was silently making alliances with one another this was especially true for the shaddy underground groups naturally would form alliances with those like them selfs this wasnt any sort of surprise I looked back to my table and noticed Gregs little sister look the pore girl looked absolutely confused and scared out of her mind she looked us all over fear in her eyes but Greg placed a hand over hers and whispered something to her the two of them had a silent conversation where Dragon visibly calmed down and sort of leaned close to Greg for protection Greg looked up and I could tell he had complicated feelings about this we locked eyes I discreetly tapped my kain with one finger Greg seen this and under stood my massage in morse code telling him if shit hit the fan my family and I would do everything in are power to keep them safe from here on him and his sister was part of us your master has already agreed to join us apparently so brother are you with me the massage was long but only he could see my hand that I was doing this with so it didn't matter and Greg fully comprehended this massage Greg looked over to his Titubs and whispered something to her She simply nodded and she glanced at me before looking to my father and mother giving then a slite nod Greg glanced back to me and I got a massage back basically in the same way as me but his was less discreet but he didn't need to hide it sense he simply said one word Y E S yes I grinned and looked back to Hallow who had answered a few questions that I didn't care to listen to except for one what what does the Hela family propose Hallow chuckled at that question what my family has to offer is simple join us in making a portal to Eden before you ask anymore shut up and listen the Hela family has joined hands with the holy church and the Wolfgangs in this goal you may ask how do we plan on doing this and if it's even possible and the simple answer is yes is possible all three of are groups have found records and blueprints of similar technology from Eden hell apparently we even had this technology at one point in time yes that's right at one point in are history we had portals that connected us to Eden one of those civilizations was Atlantis you may ask how could we possibly even know such a preposterous thing and it's simple and none of your business all you need to know is that we have the knowledge and capability to do it but not with out help and a hole lot of resources this is y all of you are here you all own or have access to the hole world resources and it's things like this that we need but we need one more thing above all else and that's man power to make this portal yes man power and a person who can watch over the creation someone who is not only a master smith but one who knows of long lost ways someone who isn't scared to take charge and get there hands dirty one person yelled but sir where could we even find such a person Hallow smiled confidently o don't you worry about that my good man the Hela , Wolfgang's and the church have already found such a person and he is in this room right now and you all probably have already heard of him Hunter Ace Colt the Death hound and he looked to me with a huge grin people turned there heads to my table and started at me i heard whispers and talk amongst them selfs but I could hear them all so could the rest of my group well most in my group anyway I wasn't bothered by Hallows words or the thousands of eyes on me I had my normal calm cold expression my cigar in my mouth a few seconds passed when a man yelled out what makes you think this boy has what it takes to lead a project of this magnitude he has only just awakened after all besides my company special in there's sort of things thousands of hunters and monster alike us are technically , arms , armor and most importantly of all are cybernetics sure this boy can make a basic sword or armor but nothing more silence no one spoke after that Hallow looked to the person who spoke it was a tall pale skin man in a lab coat and glasses his brown hair was messy and uncombed mister Nutin your words do hold some truth in them so and he looked back to me saying boy do you got anything on you that can change there minds if so bring it out and show us all so we can clear the remaining doubt from everyone's mind I slowly and meaningfully pulled my cigar out of my mouth as I slowly brought this hand down and rested it over my other hand that was on my kain I slowly breathed the smoke up out of my mouth as I slowly looked back to Hallow who had a mix of expectation and hope in his eyes but I could see he was starting to get annoyed so was mister Nutin who spoke hello boy we are talking to you do you got a brain in there or did the rat take that two Boom right when he finished his face got grabbed and smashed into the table as Lucy stood next to him a beastly snarl on her face her eyes was glowing dark green and she hissed out how dare you speak ill of my little brother and not only did you do that you spoke of how he awakened I do not care how rich you are say something like that again and next time I won't stop with one head smash do you understand me Nutin spat out let go of me bitch do you even know who your touching and like to prove his point 20 guns was pointed at Lucy and not only that someone appeared behind her putting a blade to her throat as a woman appeared behind her this woman had a nice gray secretary outfit on but she also had glasses but unlike the man's glasses which was circles this woman's was squatters her black hair was pulled into a tight bun and the dagger she had at Lucy's throat the blade was red in color and I seen a familiar brand right above the hilt it was my brand but this wasn't a weapon that I have made in this like it was one from my passed like I used the same stamp in all my weapons and I remember every single weapon that I have made and who it was for I also had records to prove this be it from this life or my last but this blade wasn't for a order it was a gift to my wife the blades name was fireant how it ended up in this woman's hands I wasn't sure but one thing was for damn sure I wasn't going to allow my sister to be harmed by this weapon but before I could move Duke disappeared and reappeared behind this woman one of the blades I made for him at this woman's throat the other one was pressed into her side the woman froze Duke chuckled saying how foolish tell me girl did you truly think you are the only one who has been trained in assassinations bitch please I am Cerberus so be a good little girl and drop the weapon the woman did as he said and dropped fireant it flipped a few times but before it could hit the ground it shot to me the woman smiled confidently saying kill me if you wish but your older brother will be killed Duke nor Lucy looked worried I huffed my green ki armor forming on my hand as I cot the blade in between two of my fingers the woman yelled what but how I looked to this woman again huffing what you truly didn't think you could hurt me with a weapon of my own creation the woman screamed you lie you couldn't have made this weapon it was made hundreds of years ago by a master smith from the past I laughed flipping the blade around saying yea by a master smith who want by the name reaper right yes I know the woman was stunned how could you know the reaper smith name I side responding Reaper now that's a name I haven't heard in a long time a long long time and of course I know him he is me the stamp on the blade is all the proof you need and I flipped it and showed the mark to her the woman was stunned every single one of my creations has this stamp on them be it ones from this life or my passed I have used the same brand and that won't change but Duke, Lucy release them both this is my fight they did as I said Duke appearing back in his seat wall Lucy have one last jab to Nutin before she to was back in her chair I clicked my tongue at her saying really big sister you need to rain in on your anger a bit who cares what they said Lucy huffed not going to happen if any of them speak ill of you or anyone else in my family I will brake there face I side at her stubbornness before I looked back to fallow my expression going back to it's normal cold calm look I took a puff of my cigar before saying in a cold neutral voice was that a order Hallow thought about my question pardon I don't think I heard you right lad I took another puff from my cigar before saying what you said before was it a order or a request Hallow glared at men but his smile didn't fade both he saying simply I chuckled so a order got it but who are you to order me around old man Hallow smile was gone he glared at me before he said in a cold angry voice who am I you already know this I am your grandfather and your mothers Father ontop of that I and the leader of the Hela family I chuckled saying you seem to have miss understood something old man he glared at me anger starting to show in his face but in the same cold voice he asked really what would that be lad I shrugged chuckling I blow out smoke from my mouth before I spoke it's the fact that I nor anyone else have any ties to you and your family you lost the right to call us family ones you stripped my mother of her rank and place in your family and throw her out hell my siblings and I didn't even new either of your names till a few months ago when she sent a letter so tell me old man is this how a grandfather and grandmother act I think not is that how a good mother and father act hell no so what makes you think you have the right to order me around or anyone else in my family to be exact huh at this point Hallow was shaking from anger people was looking back and forth between us it was clear to everyone from my words that my family had no connection to the Hela guild and this shocked many of them understanding that everything that my family has accomplished was through are own hard work and power this also painted the Hela guild in a bad light and this was exactly what I wanted and this old fart played right into my hand his angry expression was all the answer anyone needed to know everything I spoke was true I grinned at Hallow angry expression it felt so good to be a pain in the ass to this old fucker but after a few seconds of him and I staring at each other granny grabbed his hand which calmed him down she nodded before looking to me with disappointment and annoyance in her eyes as she said boy you have made your point name your prize and we will hire your work a huge grin spread across my face saying mockingly o you don't need me to show my craft I thought you wish to clear up any doubt you all had but this is Hallow gralled watch your self boy or what I said looking at him you will kill me just like you did to those that left this room go on try it I dare you but be warned if you attack me or anyone else at my table you will regret it plus any chance of using hiring me go out the window so y don't you mind your manners old man Hallow was about to stand up when someone yelled how dare a weakling from a weak family from the sticks talk to my grate general like that know your place worm and killing intent was pressed onto me I slowly moved my head to a kid about my age he wear white military clothes a member of the Hela outer family I noticed a man next to this boy who had similar a white uniform on but under his left sleeve I seen a gold cybernetic hand this was obviously the boys father who had a similar snide arrangement look like his son but the father wasn't staring at me but at my father I seen killing intent in his eyes hold on hold on no hahaha this can't be I laughed you can't be that boy who my father told me about are you the one who he had to teach a lesson hahaha you are ant you the man looked to me his killing intent exploding out from him as he yelled how dare dirt like you speak ill of me Zebra he looked to his son kill this peasant Zebra grinned happily father and like that he charged at me a long sword appearing in his hand ones that weapon appeared in his hand green ki armor covered his body as the wind boosted his speed prepare to die dirt I simply chuckled whipping tears from my eyes saying how poetic like father like son hehe I took three steps tower him as I raised my kain as my green ki was channeled into it on guard yee poor bitch and like that he was in front of me I easily blocked his first attack and the next 4 after that I hadn't even moved a step hell the only ki i was using was in my kain that was it I yawned into my other hand I say lad yeee swordsmanship needs some work don't you even know the first rules of a dual your supposed to challenge me first by smacking me in the face with a glove you know like this and I pulled the black leather gloves from my back pocket as I deflected his sword down I then slapped him across the face with the gloves a crisp smacking noise echoed through the room as Zebra froze feeling the smack people started to laugh at my actions Zebra face want red from anger you dare to mock me I laughed saying bye golly no my good lad I merely wanted to teach you the proper way to be a proper refind gentleman such as my self more laughter the lad at this point was completely red from embarrassment he let out a war cry as he charged at me his sword raised high I grinned check mate my good laddy and I thrust my Kain into his chest where his heart was the boy was stunned seeing the kain in his chest and he looked up to me tears in his eyes saying monster before he died I pulled my kain out for his chest I gently cot his body and sat him down on the floor I closed his eyes and moved his sword and hands onto his chest but as I moved his hands I took discreetly took his storage ring I was so smooth with it no one noticed I stood up and looked to the boys father saying I hope it was worth it and I turned around to sit down but boom I felt a cold presents behind me I heard a few people yell out watch out hunter but I wasn't worried I raised my kain blocking a blade that was aimed to cut off my head my green ki struggeled against the blue ki on the other blade but it held up I slowly turned around to see this man's father standing behind me his body was covered with a blue ki he gralled you dared to kill my son for that I will take your life and your woman as my own and like that he was covered in ki armor but this wasn't normal ki armor all no blue wings formed on his back and his hands turned into talents as fathers started to form on his face and shoulders as his face took the form of a hocks face and his power spiked my green ki shattered but I didn't care I simply thrust my fist out to this man's chest my black ki armor forming on my fist my black ki easily shattered through his ki armor and my fist sank into his chest this cot the man by surprised as he spat up blood but how my ki broke yours how could your ki shatter mind unless and his bird eyes want wide that's right the ki you have seen isn't my true ki merely a Shrewd weak imitation of it and I would have continued to use it to beat you sure it would have been harder but nothing more to fool all of you but you had to bring my girls into this and no one threatens them but don't worry you will be a reminder and a warning to the rest of them y people feared me in the past y you all feared the name death hound I do hope your soul taste good I dragged my other hand down my face as my wolf face formed I twisted my hand saying yes good I haven't ate a good meal in a hundred in some years and like that I ripped my hand out tarring out the man's soul as I did this his body hit the floor but forming behind me from my shadow was a huge ghostly black wolf its fur was the shadows them selfs it's eyes was ghostly green but there was ghostly green chains rapped around his body also rapped against its sides was two sheathed swords this wolf was drooling a red liquid that looked a lot like blood people gasped seeing this soul beast form behind me people backed away in fear as hound formed fully the soul in my hand took the shape of a human sized blue and yellow hock that started fearfully at hound it scratched pitifully as I throw the soul into the air and a ghostly green chain spike stabbed into the birds chest it got jerked to hound ones it got in front of him he pounced but forming next to him was a huge fox his fur as red as lava it's eyes as gold as coins it's 9 tails moved behind it like they had a mind of there own and the two of them ripped that hock soul in half the two of them scarfing them down easily crunching noise echoed through the room as the chewed but after they was down they want to there full size the Fox as big as any building but the wolf was just about the size of a mammoth and I stood in front of theses beast in the center as red veins formed on my body and 5 tails formed and two fox ears appeared but two new horns curled up from the front of my head very demonish my wolffish grin on my face as my draconic eyes formed in my eyes I slammed my kain in front of me and in a demonic voice I said so does anyone else wish to test my identity or my skill please step forth no no one good don't you motherfucking forget who I am and like that my shadow beast was gone and I was back to normal but my draconic eyes didn't disappear as I turned to Triss mother you y did you send your birds to attack Trisses huh fear spread across her face as she stuttered out I don't know what you mean son in law I huffed snapping my fingers saying Hades , Deimos come out yes master and jumping out of my shadow was Hades Nd Deimos her birds in there mouths they throw the birds to my feet I started at her saying care to change your answer she started to shake I could tell she was about to cry but she got down on her knees and started to beg people death hound spare there life please punish me instead I was a bit shocked at this it was obvious that these birds meant a great deal to her maybe they have been with her sense she was a child I side thinking to my self damn it Hunter you animal lover I snapped my fingers and the wounds on the birds body healed the birds woke up and looked around and when they seen there master they quickly flew to her she hugged them crying silently thank you she said thank you I side again I ant a evil man at heart but I ant scared to get my hands dirty cuz sometimes you have to be the bad guy especially when people force you my eyes looked to the angles and lingered on Hael my eyes held sadness as I sat back down saying Hades Deimos go back yes master and they was gone again.