the party part 4: negotiating

I looked back up to the old man and granny the old man had anger in his eyes wall granny didn't care what I did so you asked me what I wanted for me to do this little project of yours mmmmmm let me see and I leaned back in my chair as I stroked my beard mmm I think a better question is what are you willing to give me how much does this portal mean to you and a huge greedy smile spread across my face as Granny side and Hallow snorted boy do not be to greedy this portal isn't just a benefit to us it can save thousands of lives that includes your self and your family the only people who might be able to ascend to Eden is your father and mother and maybe your elder sister if she is lucky but no one else your family maybe gifted but you ant that gifted so don't act like you don't need us as much as we need you a huge cocky grin spread across my face do you care to bet your life on that I seen Hallow shook his head saying what's there to bet that isn't an assumption or guess that is a fact nothing more hahahaha my laughter echoed through the room a fact you say haha man I guess I am to us to my previous life lingo cuz I am hearing what your saying old man but your words but I simply ant comperhinding what your saying cuz you see and I leaned forward in my chair as I crossed one foot over the other and I rested on my head as my elbow rested on my knee my huge grin getting bigger before finishing cuz you see old man the thing you said that was a fact can't be farther from the truth I and my family don't need you your family or your guild we have survived without you help and we will keep on surviving with out you help so I say again what are you willing to sacrifice for this deal and before you change your mind and say you don't need me I can assure you that you do sure someone might be able to do the same but on a much smaller scale and that's only a maybe unlike me I can not only do the job but I can do it better and at a much larger effect i cant say if I will succeed on the first try sense this is ancient technology we are talking about that we know little about but I can tell you I will have a working portal before the time runs out Nutin yelled boy what makes you think your better then us no better then me huh and he slammed his hand onto his table braking it show me one weapon or item that I can't replicate I laughed looking to him o goody a competition of works mmm ok lets play there is two people in this room who has some of my best work be it in this life or my last hell I could us fireant for this but where is the fun in that I looked to Onna Musha smiling warmly I bowed slightly she did the same before I asked miss Misha do you mind she smiled warmly and I heard a female voice in my head say only if you bring me in on what ever deal I raised a thought eyebrow as I spoke in my head this is a strange ability of yours I assume it's from your oni right o never mind that was rude of me to ask my apologies for asking such a personal question I heard her giggle at me your fine it's no big secret your guess was correct this is one of my oni ability i nodded again in my mind you said you wished to join my family and I but y when you already have a powerful family I heard her sy thats simple I do not care for these people they have treated me like dirt sense I was born half oni I have had to work for everything I got even the rock I sent you thanks for that by the way the weapons are grate I nodded in my mind again your welcome and alright I except your partner ship feel free to join us she nodded and this time it wasnt in are minds that hole conversation only lasted 4 seconds or so Onna stood up gracefully her sword on her hip as she nodded yes sir colt I will assist you I nodded thank you miss my eyes then want to a particular nun that has a clothe over her eyes miss Eda do you mind if we us your your cross also I seen the blind woman smile and looked over to me and I heard another voice in my head but not from her but it was Hael she asked me to ask you if she to could join you I raised a eye brow at that responding y Hael side before saying cuz she is Lucifer 's desendent she refuses to tell me more other then that and one other thang she believes she got a massage from Lucifer him self telling her to find you I chuckled that answers part of my question but you haven't answered the other and that's Y she is still living y haven't the church or the angels killed her hell y haven't you killed her for that matter Hael creamed back don't you dare say such a fucking thing don't act like you know me any more or what I have gone through when you left me my brain hurts from how load she was screaming that plus the flux of power that slammed into my mind when she did that hurt like hell but I noticed something through all of the anger I heard sadness I side in my mind saying Hael you might be right I have no idea what you have gone through sense I have been dead for a hundred and something years do to your order I don't know how have struggled laughed cried or anything I don't know anything what your life has been like ever sense I died Hael huffed you mean when you left me I side chuckling no my dear Hael I mean exactly what I said I know nothing about you after my dead then she cut me off saying yes you know nothing about my life ever sense you left my order not just after your death I couldn't help a little grin spread across my face as I responded o my dear Hael just cuz you didn't see me doesn't mean I wasnt there did you truly think I wouldn't keep tabs on all my friends in the order hell Anna and I met each other plenty of times and she talked a lot about all of you Hael was stunned I laughed did you truly think just cuz you tried to kill me that I wouldn't watch over you like I always have you never stepped foot on this hole planet with out me hearing about it I kept tabs on you up till I died Hael yelled impossible I would have noticed you or at least sense you I side chuckling have you forgotten who your talking to dear I am the devil dog if I didn't want you to find me you wouldn't all though you did come close plenty of times but we can have this conversation later tell Eda I expect her deal and let us start this party off for real Heal snorted and whispered something to Eda who smiled happily the hole conversation with Hael took about 7 second a bit to long people was starting to notice the silence she stood up saying I would happily join you sir colt I nodded I looked to Nutin who's face was white from shock your move sir Nutin what items will you choose he thought about it for a moment before he waved his hand to his secretary saying bring me the mock 6 the Secretary face want pale sir are you sure those our but the man screamed get me them now the secretary nodded bowing right away sir as she ran out of the room she was only gone for 2 minutes in this time Greg father, Duke, Quite, Samuel and I lit cigars Eda and Onna walked over to are table and sat down on Titubs left I looked to the girls saying hello you two my name is Hunter Ace Colt a pleasure Onna bowed slightly and all of us heard a voice in are heads Onna Musha wall Eda smiled and spoke out load Eda Morningstar my mother looked to her then to me before asking so Girls y are you helping us Onna looked up and looked to her and I heard a response in are heads and it was simple enough to get me away from my family and your son seemed like a man I can follow Eda nodded my reason is basically the same as her plus I got a dream that told me to seak out your son so here I am besides mam if I am being frank the nun life just doesn't feel like the right path sense I seem to question everything plus I am a dreamer so this sort of mine set isn't good for a nun and my colleagues know this so they tend to leave me out of many things they say it's do to me being blind and yet I can see better with out my sight then I ever did with them my mom laughed nodding good I can tell you girls are good seeds Lucy started skeptically at Eda and before anyone could do anything Lucy picked up a fork from the table and flung it ar Eda the fork was deadly account but before it hit Eda it cot cot between two fingers Eda smiled as she turned her head to Lucy saying did I pass your test Lucy chuckled indeed it would seem you can see I side and used my shadow control to smack Lucy on the back of the head saying again big sister Lucy gralled what I wanted to test her she might have been faking I side mother said she was fine and don't you think I would have said something if she was faking it Lucy was confused but then she noticed my draconic eyes and she side muttering fucking dragon eyes I chuckled what was that big sis I don't think I heard you Lucy huffed looking away we all laughed at her reaction but my eyes couldn't help but glance at Eda I could see what she was hidding under that clothe there was a huge burn scare that want all the way across her eyes the scared skin was burnt black even her eye lids was burnt but oddly enough her eye lids wasnt burnt shut that's when she opened her eyes to prove this but I noticed her eyes was a glossy gray color they moved slightly and I had a feeling she was looking at me but I didn't mind but there was one other thing right between her eyes was a white cross brand burned into her skin who ever did this to her I hoped died a painful death but my eyes then flicked to Onna more specifically to her neck that was being covered by a under shirt but meer cloth couldn't stop my eyes this is how I new Onna had a one wicked nus scare on her neck and when I say wicked I don't mean that in a good way I noticed 6 puncture scars that mixed with the nus marks my blood want cold seeing this sort of scare I new exactly what did this to her someone attacked 6 sharp items in the nus that was not only a painful death but a despicable one also by the looks of the scars they used metal claws the fact that Onna wasnt dead is a fucking shocker I have seen what that sort of nus does to someone and it's brutal that's when Onna eyes moved to me and a sad smile spread across her face as I heard her voice in my head you know it's not nice peaking at a lady right I chuckled in my mind saying my apologies if my eyes made you feel uncomfortable she shook her head they didn't oddly enough I feel warm and protected under your gaze so look all you want I raised a eyebrows noticing she didn't hide her words to any of my girls Triss nodded agreeing with her wall Meg simply snorted and Sihtric simply didn't do anything except for shoot me a lustful glance I chuckled seeing that but my smile was soon gone and I only asked one word to Onna who she shrugged as I heard her sy is he aways like this Sihtric laughed girl you have no idea the other two nodded Onna side and glanced to her family saying my families elder and leader all though none of them are innocent to this matter they all either knew and didn't stop them or knew and joined them a huge grin spread across my face as I looked over her family marking every one of them but this is when the receptionist came back but she was pushing along two boxes she pushed them next to Nutin who smiled happily he quickly opened the latches on the wood boxes and boom the wood peaches hit the ground and standing in the center of the boxes was two suits of full plate armor they both looked like knights from the passed but there wasnt any weapons Nutin stepped away and pushed a button on his watch the second he did that a blue light formed in the visors and the suits of armor stood up straight I whistled them are some nice automatons you got there sir Nutin tell me true is that armor self regenerating and is that a force field covering there body nice very nice Nutin smiled happily thank you these are the mock 6 prototype are most strongest and knewest automaton and you got a good eye boy they do got a full body force field as you said and there armor can regenerate so are you scared now can you tell the difference between us I chuckled asking are these your only working prototypes she shook his head no we got one more but y so you ask I laughed simple cuz these two are going to be scrap metal I waved my and and all the tables and chairs moved out of the way lets see mmm rules sense the ones I chose are flesh and blood I want you to swear on the heavens that you won't mame or murder my team Nutin huffed gralling insulin brat ok I will play your games I swear on the heavens that my automatons won't meme or kill your team the second he finish thunder shook the sky above us I smiled the heavens are witness to this deal Eda Onna destroy these prototypes please the second the girls stood up the automatons took one step forward and then I seen the bottom of there feet start to glow before boom the two of them rocketed towards us more specifically they was rockobg at me Nutin laughed what a fucking fool you didn't have me swear not to kill you so your free game I smiled blowing out smoke from my mouth my leg was crossed I didn't even move I wasn't worried cuz flying passed my head the next second was a glowing gold cross attached to a chain and a ninjatō that was consumed in ghostly blue energy flew by my head and impacted the automatons the gold cross slammed into the right automatons head the second it did the cross gold energy exploding which completely shattered the force field the automaton had and it's head exploded in to chunks wall at the same time on the left side a ninjatō sank into the left automaton chest where a heart would be the ninjatō simply passing through the force field like it wasn't even there and the second that ghostly blue energy impacted through its chest the automaton started to shake for a few seconds before it exploded from the inside I snapped my fingers shadow strings pulling the shrapnel straight to the floor so it didn't hurt anyone the gold cross got pulled back passed my face and ninjatō simply shot by my face as they want back to there masters I looked it Nutin stunned face with a huge grin this is y I asked if you had another cuz your see sir Nutin you might be the technology genius of this Ara but I was not only the genius of my Ara but I was called the 1 in a ten thousand genius a genius among geniuses I have been trained by some of the best genius of all time I even had the pleasure to learn from the last fire giant, storm giant and snow giant just before they died I even had the pleasure to befriend them all and to be right there when they was on there death bed there isn't one race that I haven't learned hell even the angels I not only learned from them but I made arms and armor for them that are still at us today fireant here and picked up the blade that was rested on the table in front of me and held it up this was the first weapon I made with the fire giants teachings it was a wedding gift to my past lifes first wife and I believe it's only right I give it to this lifes first wife and I held it out to Triss who was shocked Hunter are you sure this is a precious item from your passed I chuckled that's y I wish for you to have it Triss the weapon it's self holds no meaning to me it was the outh I made over this blade to my old lifes first wife that makes the differents and I gift this weapon to you so take it Triss hesitated But Meg laughed saying what you waiting for first sister take it Sihtric nodded I agree it's a physical simble of you being the first wife Triss smiled at them nodding ok and she looked into my eyes as she grabbed the hilt saying I accept this gift I laughed good girl I made a outh over this blade ones and I will do it again I Hunter Ace Colt swear to the heavens above that Triss Colt is my first wife through the good through the bad may we walk this path together may we live and laugh together may we make a home where are children can grow up may we be forever together in this life or in the next and if someone takes you away from me I will burn down the hole world in your name and when I die may we meet up and start again this I swear on my name, power and my hole being if I brake this outh by the heavens smite me down and like this the the building shook slightly from the thunder that struck not one not twice but three times Triss was crying but she was smiling happily I realised the blade saying you was the first who stole my heart my hot sorceress Triss whipped her tears and hugged me saying I am so happy I chuckled hugging her back my mother side we all looked over to her yes mother Triss asked Moon side again tears in her eyes you all are stealing my little boys heart from me but she couldn't hide the proud smirk on the edge of her lips Meg giggled saying that is the goal we all chuckled at her my eyes want back to Hallow and Granny sense everyone had recovered from the shock of the fight and the tables was back where they where so what say you old man to that he clicked his tongue disappointedly damn it boy I ant that old I am only 74 I chuckled o only that young my bad with all those wrinkles I thought you had to be in your hundreds at least I seen a small smirk go across his face for a moment but it was gone so fast that I was questioning if he did or not listen lad I don't care about you not calling me grandfather sense as you said nothing I have done has been very grandfatherly that's something someone has to earn so let's just talk like to normal people ok you can just call me Hallow no honorifics no titles or anything just two people trying to make a deal sound good I nodded ok Hallow sense you have allowed me to call you by your first name it's only right that I allow you to call me Hunter Hallow nodded ok Hunter let us get down to business that was a fine showing of your talents not only your weapons great but you have a good eye for spotting hidden talents and you even gave them clear and direct orders I am impressed and agree if you worked on this project it will be masterfully done so I am willing to hear out your offer but remember dont be two greedy mister Nutin and his people could still do this project maybe not to your standards but it will get done so what do you want a huge grin spread across my face yes let's milk this old man dry I thought as I opened my mouth browing smoke out of it as I tapped my fingers on my kain before saying all I want is 4 simple things Hallow was a bit shocked and a delighted smile spread across his face as he said name then if there with in my power I will grant it I smiled I held up one finger saying the first being is I take a half of each guild resources and I don't simply mean money cuz we all know the power of the dollar is about to go to the ground I am talking about supernatural resources be it metal, gems, weapon, armor, books, scrolls or what ever secondly I wish for every single power in this room to hand over every single peace of my work you have be it weapons, armor or ever ever this includes cursed gear and devine artifacts and if you can't give it back to me then I want compensation I do not care if you destroyed them or they are bound to you and don't try and lie and say you didn't or don't have the item I have researched where my gear want besides as there maker I know things you couldn't even fathom thirdly and I held up my third finger I and who ever I chose is allowed to train live eat hell even shit where ever this rift is forthly and listen up cuz this is a two for one if I take a member from any of your guilds you are not allowed to retaliate or attack but we are and if we do no one runs to anyone Ade in hopes of killing me and my family these are the only things I want take it or leave it I leaned back in my chair my cigar going back in my mouth it was silent if someone dropped a pin we could hear it I allowed my words to sink in and it did but they all was outraged many people pulled weapons out one yelling he is trying to rob us that's right he wants to separate us to gain all of are loot not only that someone screamed his wishes to steal are talents from us we can't have that lets kill this child but before anyone could move Hallow screamed silence and they all did good he huffed he looked to me anger and pity in his eyes saying I can allow request 3 that's easy enough but the rest of it I can't do the rest of it sense it has to do with everyone else and not only are you threating all of us your doing it openly is there any chance of you changing your mind lad I grinned nope this is a fare deal for my skills and what I have planned and do you truly think all of your will us up that much resources you won't and if you think about bringing it to Eden allow me to say this everything we have over here is nothing compared to over there everything we have that we think us valuable would go for the lowest price over there so y not just hand them to me so they can get a us besides I won't be taking all of your members only those I find worthy as for my work I will allow anyone from this life who has bought my work to keep sense you payed for it but the rest of you have not only cheated me of my money but won't return the item and people call me shameless as for the last part it simple really comply or die simple as that I don't see the big deal if we truly wanted to we could take all of yalls resources and not even back a eye as are force kills you so what will it be are you in or are you out you got till I finish this Cigar to have my answer people starting talking with them selfs time slowly passed and one man yelled this boy is laying he has no force nor does his family cuz haha who would join such a small and discommoded family and bloodline my eyes glanced at who spoke a hidden angel how fun and so predictable many others yelled yea yea yea that's right lets kill but before anyone could finish Quite stood up and looked to me yelling the Killeen family is with you death hound Titubs stood up also yelling the phoenix family and my academy is with you death hound Alucard stood up smiling the Tepes family is with you death hound and oddly enough Triss mother stood up with her husband yelling the bayonetta family is with you death hound one white and gold haired boy about my age stood upthe people at his table was shocked I grinned at him he grinned back as he yelled I Connolly Wolfgang am with you devil dog if you will have me I laughed who would have thought the two of us would be riding together again you blasted holy wolf he disappeared in a flash of white and gold flames and he appeared next to me I stood up and we clasped arms not holding back are grip strength yea yea its good to see you to you fucking undead wolf and it's a shock to me to who would have thought the one they called the holy hound and the one they called the death hound would ride together again I laughed it's not that surprising we did swear to the heavens if we ever met again in another life we would be brothers so I welcome you brother he laughed as we let go of each other arms let us take this new world by storm he said laughing I nodded triss mother walked over to us with her husband her birds on her shoulders I looked to her and only said one word y she side I have never been a good with expressing my feelings do to my upbringing and I thought I had to teach Triss the same lessons I learned as a child it sadly took me this long to realize all of this so and she looked to Triss and bowed her head saying I am so, so very sorry Triss I know I have been a terrible mother but if you give me a second chance I wish to change for all of my children Triss had a confused look on her face umm mom I am yours and fathers only child what do you mean and then her face want pale don't tell me she asked your pregnant her mother started to cry as she put a hand on her stomic 1 months yes Triss was practically vibrating with happiness o my gods o my gods I have always wanted a sibling and she hugged her mother saying I am happy you wish to change mother and I will happy help you with that her mother at this point broke down Loosy came over and hugged the two wall Triss father Quite and I started awkwardly at one another I side chuckling man today is one of those days I looked to Triss father and held out my hand saying Hunter he smiled and took my hand I wasnt surprised to feel his hands was gruff Merlin I nodded Quite and him shook hands after we was done Merlin side and I could tell some stress was gone I chuckled woman am I right Quite and Merlin laughed nodding with me I looked over to Titubs smiling I thank you Titubs for your support and faith she laughed no need child I hope you can teach my kids how to survive and I know no one better then you to do that nothing more I chuckled I believe we can figure something out but remember I am a hunter yea yea she said waving off my eyes lastly fell on Alucard who was grining at me I thank you for your support and faith Alicard but I have only heard of you so Alucard laughed o don't worry Hunter father and mother maybe have already ascended along with a few of my siblings and friends but I still got plenty of people most of them have been resting for a really long time they have been waiting for me so I nodded my eye glanced to Hael who had stood up and I could see longingness in her eyes as she looked us I spoke in my head allowing her to hear it y not join me Hael and I fully looked at her this time we locked eyes I had hope in mine wall she had longingness in hers she shook I will ask you again Hael will you come with me she was shaking from emotions she crosses her arms to help with the shaking as a sad expression want across her face I can't I don't belong here I chuckled that's right you don't belong over that you belong next to me no where else Hael had tears hearing my words but this is when Hallow stood us saying I can't agree to your terms are you sure you won't reconsider grandson I side looking to him shaking my head no grandfather your either your in or out nothing more are you really going to do this we may not see you as much but your blood and we might not hesitate killing you but we won't like doing it who would so grandfather are you going to prove your deserving of that title are you happy with how the Hela guild is right know a bunch of greed arrogant fools who have no sense of honor or duty people who miss us there power and people who steal other peoples glory huh is this what you envisioned for your guild he side smiling you sure hot a silver tongue on you Hunter but that's when one of the angels at the church table screamed no bad mortal don't you remember are deal we kill the boy and his family Hallow grinned I never said I agree with your deal you simply asked me if I understood it and I did that angel was pissed he flipped the table yalling kill the death hound kill the colts and there allies yea kill and like that people pulled out different weapons as they moved forward towards us my group formed a circle around the table as we all stood up and got into a defensive stances or most of us I simply put my cigar back in my mouth saying it ant a party with out some good old blood shed that's when I heard Hallow scream out I am with you devil dog don't none of you lay a fucking hand on my daughter and her family and he snapped his fingers and like this 4 gun turrets formed out of one chandelier that was above my family and I and like that I heard the spinning of a mini gun then ratatatatatatatata the 4 guns opened fired with a wooothoothoothooth brass rained down around us I broke out laughing seeing this haha haha haaahaaa as I broke out into song hallelujah its raininging bullets hallelujah.