the party part 5: the real part starts

I held out my arms laughing crazily as I sang Hallelujah It's raining bullets o by the good lord it's Raining Bullets o hallelujah hahaha Connolly next to me started clapping and stomping his feet to the music and Triss, Meg, and Sihtric started to hum along Moon laughed Onna and Eda was stunned at my singing voice wall Greg held his sister close wall Titubs and Alucard stood next to him Lucy, Rose, and Jinufer was swaying along to my singing wall Duke was tapping his foot in beat with Connolly Ashley started to hum along with Triss, Meg, and Sihtric wall Samuel hadn't even stood up he was still sitting at the table he was leaning back in his chair his eyes closed as he simply smoked his cigar as for my father he simply stood next to Moon his eyes glowing Gold I didn't know y but I had a feeling he was on the brink of awakening the draconic eyes which is good the more the merrier 5 seconds passed of these many guns just unloading around us I heard the yelps of people being hit these was the ones that wasnt fast enough to take cover and sadly it wasnt many out of the thousands of people that was here only maybe a quarter of them got lit the fuck up with lead wall the rest was fast enough to take cover behind tables shield other people hell some even used there ki armor or powers to block the bullets after the 5 second the guns started to make a click, click, click, click noise as the barrels spun to a stop and people side in relief but then they heard a odd noise echo through the chamber they was stunned hearing music and the man who was singing glory hallelujah it's raining bullets and he had a humming and even a beat for him as he sang the mans voice was deep it remind people of camp fire singing and country music and of course they peeked out of cover to see who it was and they was stunned seeing me there my arms out stretched like I was welcoming a old friend as I sang but when they seen who was singing that warm kind voice they imagined was gone and what replaced it was the singing of a devil yes a devil ready to rip there spines out of there bodys and us there skulls as a wine glass they didn't know that a warm kind smiling could make them shutter in fear but that's exactly what happened as I realised the guns had stopped so my singing should stopped as well I lowered my arms as a huge smile spread across my face it has been a while sense I got to sing I laughed as I said that Connolly laughed smacking me on the back saying you still got it you hound dog I grinned at him saying what about you mate you still play the harmonica he laughed but of course and he pulled a silver and black harmonica out from his inside coat pocket I nodded good, good well play is something it's good to have boss music right he laughed nodding and he started to play it the second he did Hallow shot out if his chair looking to A yelling what is the meaning of this A y have the guns stopped A stood up shrugging that's a simple one sir I turned them off Hallow was stunned but y don't you but A cut him off gralling how dare you ask me y when you know damn well y you nor that old hag deserves to be are leaders the hela family has gotten weak under your rule Jonifer stood up and calmly walked next to Hallow she wrapped a arm into his before saying so you planned what to kill us A laughed o no nothing so simple I don't plan in killing you but we plan on killing not only you but your hole accursed seed and he snapped his fingers the second he did the walls opened and soldiers charged in surrounding everyone there rifles aimed at everyone I noticed there weapons barrels was glowing slightly my Draconic eyes peered through the chambers noticing the bullets they was using tips was glowing with the same blue energy as the barrel o how fun I mumbled a three reaction sequence the user of this gun would channel there ki or magic into this gun and when they fired the bullet passes into the barrel which allows the users power to be channeled into the bullet which then activates activates the bullet it self propelling it at such speed that it would have the force of a fucking shotgun and on impact the bullet explodes into a ki or magic bomb basically they was small bullet sized war heads and I loved it I noticed the Wolfgangs, angels and the Nutin tables wasnt being targetted I heard Quite curse under his breath fucking Nutin corp Loosy giggled at him saying do I sense jealousy in those words Quite huffed looking away from her not responding Hallow looked around at the soldiers who wear the white and blue of the Hela family as he barked out stand down all of you that is a order but none of them did A laughed you don't get it you old fool the family no longer belongs to you I am it's leader now Hallow gritted his teeth gralling you dare A nodded yes I do dare so y don't you just roll over and die already old fart and he raised a pistol that I noticed had them odd blue tipped bullets in it only 6 sense he was using a silver plated 44 revolver Hallow smiled cockily and he opened his mouth to respond but i yelled cutting him off saying don't underestimate any of them they got special bullets that can kill supernatural creatures his eyes want wide but it was to late boom A fired 2 times I seen them flying through the air and I must say I was impressed it flow and acted like a normal 44 bullet well up till it got close to its target then the bullet started to glow blue and boom it exploded luckily Jonifer listened to my warning and a wind barrier blocked the 2 bullets but even she underestimated how powerful these bullets where and the barriers shattered throwing her over the throne she was sitting in before and hitting the wall but she bot enough time for Hallow to stomp the ground as the metal floor under him creeked up and formed a wall in front of him blocking the bullets and I must say the screeching noise that came from when the two bullets impacted this steel wall made people fall to the floor holding there ears that's how bad it was plus a shock wave blow anything that was around the wall away be it chairs, tables and even some weak people after the wind died down Hallow gralled kicking the wall which flew at A who flipped over it easily but Hallow wasnt done Hallow reached out his hand and jurked it back to him self that steel wall stopped and jurked back towards A who wasnt expecting this move the wall slammed against him as it dragged A to Hallow right into Hallows out stretched other hand grabbing A by the throat But A kicked Hallow in the chest Hallow raised his other hand blocking the kick but the impact from the kick made him slide back Hallow stood up dusting off his hands grinning at A who was already breathing hard tell me boy did you truly think you could beat me with half ass power and cheap trips I have been fighting and killing sense way passed your birth and have seen things you couldn't even imagine it comes with the territory when you've been in as many wars as I have A stood up as he took a deep breath after he did a huge grin spread across his face saying I didn't expect to kill you sir just to distract you long enough for my man and the angels to kill the colt family Hallow laughed A smile faded seeing Hallows unworried expression what's so funny sir he asked with venom in his words Hallow chuckled nothing really I was just thinking how fucked your man was A was shocked as anger spread across his face listen here old man the death hound maybe powerful but he is only one man he can't kill us all Hallow chuckled shaking his head laughing your a damn fool Hunter isn't the only strong one in his family there is his sister the one they call the sky tigeress she got that name from her enemies do to her porosity on the battlefield she would rip and tare her way through her enemies with her bear hands then there's Duke the 3 child he has always stuck to the shadows killing silently he never showed his true power in public and the ones who have seen his true strength are either dead or to scares to talk about it he was given the name Cerberus the guard dog to the Underworld they say ones you catch his attention you soon be at the gates of hell then there's the youngest sibling Huntress but she goes by her code name Rose she got that name cuz she as pretty as a rose but as thorny as one also then there's Hunter the death hound I don't need to tell you what he has done and y he is feared this doesn't even cover these children parents there the boy Perseus that I may not like sense he is married to my daughter and no one will be good enough for her but I do got to give the boy my respect I have seen his strength first hand and I must say the nickname the lightning dragon is pretty spot of he is a ferocious as a real lightning dragon and as fast as one also then there's his twin brother the blue Phoenix him self sadly he was wounded so he could never hunt again but just that name makes people look away in fear and lastly we get to my daughter Moon the white dragon but I don't like this name that people gave her after she got kicked from the family no her old nickname is way better the white bear as simple as it might sound it shows more into her character cold, brootal, bloody, and absolutely fearless I have seen that girl literally kill a polar bear with her fucking bear hands when she was a kid this is where the name white bear came from so little A hahaha y should I be worried about them they are a family of sleeping dragons hell even the fox girl that my daughter adopted and the girls with my grandsons ant simple neither is there friends and connections so all this is in my eyes is you haha kicking a wasp nest nothing more hahaha A screamed shut the fuck up old man shut up you are going to watch your grandkids and loving daughter be killed in front of your eyes Hallow laughter died and he gralled watch your mouth boy A smiled there we go I like this expression much better man kill them all he yelled sir yes sir his man yelled back Hallow and I locked eyes and he only said two words go wild when I heard those words a huge demonic smile spread across my face as I looked at these should saying sir yes sir uncle I yelled Samuel side finally lets start this party off right and he slammed his fist onto the table easily flipping it all none competence take cover at the table Greg through Dragon to the table where she took cover she might be Greg sister and a genius but at the end of the day she was still 7 so I wasnt going to send her to fight I looked to Triss mother who hadn't moved from her side mother in law that goes for you also she huffed I can still but I cut her off as I looked away I will not allow it the chances of the child in you being injured is to high and I will not allow anything to happen to Triss younger sibling got it she was stunned but Merlin too my side nodding I agree with him take cover and stay out of this babe besides you need rest she clicked her tongue saying fine fine and she took cover but she glanced at me with a stunned respect as she said to Triss you found a good one dear Triss was bitting her lower lip as she started at my back lust in her eyes man I love it when he takes charge Sihtric purred out Triss and meg nodding I chuckled focus girls they are about to boom boom boom the man opened fired I slammed my kain onto the ground with my right hand then let go of it the force from that impact through the kain up into the air as I cot it with my left hand lightning sparking off the kain it shaking happily I grabbed the top of it and pulled up the kain made a click then a shink nose as I lowered my kain again the next second clank clank clank split in half bullet started to fall all around my group the soldiers and everyone else for that matter was stunned seeing this what happened one person yelled I don't know it was to quick another yelled but a woman golped saying I barely seen what happened the death hound cut all the bullets out of the air with ungodly speed and skill shit shit shit the soldiers said as they started to reload I slammed my kain on the floor yelling kill all those who don't surrender Greg Merlin Loosy stay back and watch over the none combatants Hera, Hades, Selence and Deimos protect the two of them with your life yes master Mother, father Samuel and I will engage the angel force as for the rest of yall run wild and like this all hell broke loose around us as my group literally slotterd there way through the room I seen Meg take on her mutent gator form her robs growing with her she opened her hand as her axes appeared in them the second her hands wrapped around the handle the axe headsx hummed to life as dark green water like chakra formed on the axe heads making them practically like chain saw axe blades Meg tripped, tarred, bit and flat out butchered her way through anyone that stood in her way Sihtric in the air above her throwing blades made from poison and acid hell she was also dive bombing people her wings ripping and cutting there ways through flesh her hands also formed black scaled dragon claws some creatures and hunter did take to the air to kill her but Sihtric was holding her own with Meg on the ground and Sihtric in the sky it couldn't get more perfect then that can it but it did Triss stood behind Meg she clasped her hands lightning sparking off her body and her eyes was glowing blow but her hands burst into flames fireant floating above her head lightning mixed with fire to form something wild bolts she shot these bolts that was as fast as lightning and as hot as plasma supporting Meg and Sihtric and of course people tried to take her out first but it was hard to pass the walls that was Meg and Sihtric but some did pass but they didn't make it far do to fireant shooting at them fast as lightning the blade bursting with bright orange flames and all Triss needed to control this was a flick of the wrist plus floating behind her was Merlin his eyes glowing with purple fire wind lightning and fire moved around him a simple flick of his fingers and people would explode he was supporting the hole group with his power Alucard was a red blur he had no weapon and he didn't need one either his hands was good enough he could snap a persons head with a simple back hand from him and he was forming around the room snaping heads piercing chest or just cutting off heads with a swipe of his hand there was a reason he had lived this long no hunter from this Ara could possibly match him Titubs was behind him her hands out stretched her eyes glowing all sorts of colors as she used her fay magic to make even more chaos I seen her wave her hand and 10 people got turned into frogs scary this didn't even cover my siblings Rose was righting next to Astrid who was in her mutent fox form her 3 tails waving behind her as she used her chain dart and short spear combo to great effect mixed with Roses fire they made a good team I seen Jinufer a spear in her hand twirling through enemies as graceful as the wind and as deadly as it to her spear edge was glowing with a green ki that seemed as shark as the wind it's self I didn't see Duke around but bodys was dropping left and right with three throats slashed open and with stunned expressions I could tell he was taking the most simple and direct rode to victory then there was Lucy who was jumping into huge groups of people laughing her hands was blue and white glowing tiger claws her eyes was glowing green and a huge cat like grin was on her face hell even her features got more feline the hair on the top of her head got longer but the sides stayed shirt and even fangs firmed in her mouth it was quite the site to see her rip and tare through the enemy masterful I mumbled as I slowly walked to the angel table one hand in my pocket the other on my kain Moon laughed next to me but of course dear your sister has always been a wild child more then most I laughed good to know remind me not to piss her off Perseus and Samuel nodded agree with my but Moon giggled o come now don't tell me the death hound is scared of his big sister I grinned no mam you are the only being that scares me Moon laughed good good I am your mother so that's to be expected ooo I noticed Onna cutting her way through her family I noticed she just got to someone who she was enjoying cutting into peaches Ade simple watch her back as for Connolly he was still playing on that harmonica as he dipped and dodged his way through the enemies but each enemy who tried to attack him burst into white flames one there strike missed him man he still gots it I laughed but that's when I heard a arrogant voice say that's right laugh enjoy your last few moments death hound cuz soon your going to be to dead to enjoy anything haha I looked to the angel who spoke it was the one that screamed at Hallow earlier a huge demonic grin spread across my face saying so your the first to be marked for dead ok that angel was stunned hearing my words and a mark formed in his hand his face want pale he stood up in anger how dare you put this disgusting mark on my but before he could finish I flashed ontop of the table my hand outstretched as I grabbed his head deaths touch I said in a chilling voice the angel struggled at first but soon his skin started to go pale soul snatch I mumbled and all of his heavenly essents was mine so was his soul I stood up on the table still holding this angels corpse that started to glow I chuckled and used my bone manipulation and all the bodies skin oranges his everything slurped onto the table where a blue fire burned it to ash I held a pristine gold and white skeleton the bones had thousands of runes scrawled across it plus the bones structure was so valuable do to angels power and divine essents there was no impurities in it or none that I could see at my current power I am sure there was impurities the bones pulst with a gold energy that soon vanished I smiled storing this skeleton away as I looked to the rest who had wide fearful eyes at what I just did my draconic eyes scanned over them all till my eyes fell onto Hael who looked at me and looked away shamefully that's when I noticed it all angels ora glow with a gold or white divine flame no other color this shows how peer a angels power was but as I started at Heal her ora it didn't glow with that gold holy radiance that I remembered no it glowed with a red ish black ish energy but that could only mean who thang my eyes want cold as I looked to the rest of the angels who shot discusseded glances at Heal you bastards I gralled this is how you treat a hi ranking angel general you fucking strip her of her halo and through her away I thought to show some mercy to you all seeing how you was sent to kill me by old brother but seeing yours actions and your orders actions I am fresh out of mercy come her my soul beast wish to taste your soul and I dragged by left hand down my face my black clothes and claws forming my 5 fox tails moving behind me and my wolfish snorling face formed with my fox ears and horns I gralled my glowing blue teeth showing come here to your death and forming in my hand was Sekhmet in her scythe form the blade showly started to curve up as I took one step forward so now it was a war scythe I mark you all for death and like that I moved.