The party part finally part 1: stand off

The shadows seemed to dance with my presence as I moved but it wasn't only the shadows all no the fire in my eyes danced with an intense beauty like it welcomed the chaos with open arms waiting for their return but the cold shine to them was indifferent like it didn't care whether we killed only one angel or all of them it didn't matter their lives were forfeit the second they got the orders to come after me and these angels didn't seem to comprehend how fucked they were but I wasn't worried by the time they realize this it would be too late isn't that right Sekhmet it shook with a happy anticipation as I heard her say that's right master but enough talking I thirst for their blood feed me, master I haven't tasted blood in so long and you're been using Tempest so much that I thought you forgot about me I chuckled don't act like a spoiled brat you taste blood soon and angel blood at that so don't act like I am wronging you Sekhmet giggled oops you cot on huh hehe as sharp as ever it's good to see dead and this new life hasn't weakened you I huffed but of course this is me we are talking about but enough talking time to feed my spoiled child and like that I flashed in front of two angels my scythe slicing down towards them they tried to move but couldn't do to shadow strings locking them in place well shadow strings and do to there muscles didn't and couldn't respond to there thoughts it was like there muscles seized up and that's exactly what happened but I wasn't doing this consciously it was subconsciously the shadows fire and ice wasnt the only power if mine that welcomed the chaos it was more specifically to say almost all my powers either fed or thrived off of death and chaos this was my blood manipulation at play plus a bit of my bone manipulation also so to say the angels wanted to move but had no power to would be a understatement they had no choice but to die there heads flying into the air shock and despair written all over there lifeless faces the second there heads got separated from there shoulders was when there bodies started to poles with holy energy but the next second the skin slipped off there bones there skeletons slowly clattered to there feet as thin blood strings attached to there bodies but I didn't care enough to pay attention to this i flashed to my next victims and just like before they was powerless in front of me my scythe cut them down like weet to the sycthe but I wasn't the only one who moved my parents and uncle all flashed and engaged other groups of the angels but I had the biggest groups which was 20 they dealt somewhere better 10 to 15 but unlike me they wasn't killing the angels just incapacitating them it not that they couldn't kill them but they had nothing that could prevent the angels bodies from exploding each angel explosion could kill those above the ascended rank so if a one of those go off and my family is close to the angel when it goes boom death is mostly likely the only answer I was lucky enough to escape the range of this explosion when I killed Zachariah but even that was to close for comfort the only person who might survive a explosion like that would be Samuel and I but this was do to are fucking crazy flame resistance but that was pushing are luck I cut down another group of three at this point I already had 10 skeletons behind me that clanked there teeth when another joined them it was the reapers symphony, and it was scary I looked at the last 10 with my huge demonic grin my fangs showing Sekhmet shook happily it's blade covered in gold oil like blood but the next second that gold blood sank into the black and red blade I licked my lips Sekhmet and I was soul bounded so not only we could sense each others thoughts and feelings but we shared basically everything taste was included in this I could taste the angels blood through her taste buds and I must say the taste was so good and sweet that it was almost addicting that mixed with me stealing these angels souls and devine essents made it harder not to get addicted to this feeling but I was not one to be ruled by such things enjoyable and sweet it may be but it was a fleeting and temporary feeling just like any drugs but I also wasnt going to stop yet these angels have pissed me off I have given them plenty of opportunities to just leave me and my family alone but no they can't seem to be able to do that I told them blood would be spilt and I wasn't joking one of the angels a woman stated at me with fear in her eyes as she stuttered please sir death hound you have made your point show us some mercy I laughed saying that exact thing i thought before you angels haha I have given you plenty of chances to just leave me and my family alone I was satisfied with Zachariah death I was satisfied with his blood and I told you all that but no you had to come after me and those I love this I can't allow you angels might be powerful in Eden but this isn't Eden now is it no this is my home my domain and you all foolishly tried to kill this emperor and his family and on his own turf none the less how arrogant doesone haveto be not to see the stupidity in that then ask for mercy how shameless is one race pride no you reap what you sow angel and you have no one to blame but your selfs your master your master master and most importantly your kingdom for your deaths and if that wasn't proof enough you all should die then she is all the proof I need and I pointed at Hael who shook under my stare but it wasn't out of fear for me all no it was fear of what her power had made her but it wasn't just fear I sensed shame overwhelming shame and discussed for her self I shook feeling these emotions from her gone was the proud angel commander that I was us to hell I didn't even see the discussion of a worrier that followed her no all I seen was a defeated woman on her braking point I seethed in anger feeling this things coming from her I could imagine the hell she had been through and what her superiors had done to her and just the thought of that made my stomach boil with anger you fools I gralled but my voice had changed into a demonic beastly grall is this how you treat all loyal soldiers who have dedicated there hole life to your cause how sickening how dare that bastard call Azzy a disgusting being when your all way worse you look at her with discussed in your eyes like she is a plague when it's you your selfs who are the plagues but don't worry doctor Death hound is hear with his trusted scalpel and I twisted Sekhmet slightly so the lights shined off the edge I was about to move when I heard a old familiar voice a voice that I truly didn't want to hear ever again it was weak but still there it was that damns rat voice that's right my student skin them alive just as I have tought you but at this point I was sick of hearing this fucking rats voice I closed my eyes and was standing over a black sea but the stairs was above us it shined off the sea I didn't even look around I spoke come out you damn rat but no one formed but I heard his voice from all around me hehehe did you truly think snap but I couldn't give two fucks what this rat spoke about I snapped my fingers and forming up from this black water was a hunched backed monstrosity that had a rat face and other features of it and a ugly pink tail was wrapped around its wasnt and what is to be a suit was tarred onto strips of rags this being looked terrible but I didn't care my draconic eyes looking at this damn rat no more specifically a part of that damn rats soul that bound it's self to the old bodies soul and when are two souls mixed it bound to me also this damn thing manifested as my heart demon to try and steal control from me but after that plan failed it want into hidding into the deepest part of my soul it could and waited till it felt the time was right and I guess it thought today was the day and it was the one but I could tell it hadn't thought this far do to the shocked fearful look it shot me and in a annoying squeaky voice it squealed but how I was sure I was hidden from your sight a huge grin cocky grin spread across my face bitch please you may have bound your self to me but that doesn't mean we excepted you are souls could easily find something that wasn't supposed to be there such as your self the rat squealed again impossible you lie I chuckled darkly maybe but have you forgotten what my soul houses and like they was summoned hound and Fox formed up from the black water behind me Fox as big as a the Eiffel Tower it's tails flicking behind it like they had the mind of their own appearing around this fox was 9 floating blue fire balls that's danced around it laying next to him was a wolf much smaller then the fox next to him but is was still bigger then a mammoth it was laying on the floor the shadow dancing around it wrapped around this wolf was ghostly green chains and laying next to the wolf was a sheathed sword the fox had one eye open and it flicked to the rat who looked pale or even more pale then normal boo the rat jumped back and he tried to sink into the water saying escape I must escape but no matter what he did he couldn't sink into the water I huffed this is are soul and your trespassing and we are in American and you know what we do to trespassers right no no must escape must live it whimpered as it tried to run I laughed and forming in my hand was a ghostly green shot gun I pumped it yelling we shoot trespassers and boom the rat got a hole blown into its chest no it scratched I must like you fucking brat I will boom it's head was gone good know stay dead you fucking rat I gralled as I opened my eyes it had only been 2 second so no one noticed my little internal reflection you all are marked for death I gralled no matter what and like that more heads rolled none of these angels had apparently came into contact with blood or bone manipulation or some had but couldn't reach in time so by the time a few seconds passed 5 new skeletons had joined the others and the last five was staring fearfully at me one of them noticing something you you your stealing there devine essents he yelled pointing a finger at me I laughed clapping my hands o so you finally noticed to bad it's to late and 3 more heads flow and only 2 angels and Hael remand I moved to finish them off when I got bumbared by many different lights that flashed in front of me and I heard a powerful voice yell be very afraid and more angels descended down this time hundreds all at the purple rank or higher Holt death hound sease this mindless slotter and maybe you and your family will get out of here with your life a familiar black man in a gold and black suit said as he descended down in front of me I laughed saying Uriel my old friend you are looking good I would say it's going to see you but it's a sin to lie so Uriel smiled chuckling Hunter as sharped tongued as ever glad to see death hasn't put out your spark I laughed you and my old father and brother will have to try a lot harder if you wish to put out this spark he smiled is that so he looked over to the two remaining angels then his eyes moved to Hael a look of discussed want across his face as he spoke o Hael how losm it is to see you especially sense you did nothing to stop him from killing the angels you was tasked to sacrifice your worthless life for but you couldn't even die right how dare you no matter I will punish you later and he looked back to me a smile going back onto his face where was we Hunter O right surrender or your family does and like that angels surrounded my group my eyes briefly flashing to the sides I noticed what weaponry they was using full auto cross bows the grip was made from porcelain and the rest of it was made with golds and silvers the bolts was peer holy bolts made from holy gold and dipped in the highest grade of holy water these was masterpieces all the was down to the bolts and familiar masterpieces at that my eyes flicked back to Uriel grinning face I am sure you noticed these works of art are of your make it still baffles are smiths how a mortal from this side could make such works of art I grinded I am flattered at the compliment what smith doesn't like hearing how good there work is but sadly the compliment is to put it simply sour do to you using my creations to threating me and my family he laughed man I have mist your smark ass comments heaven is to boring and sense Hael punishments and Anna disappeared my life has been to boring so how about it old friend do you like my gift and hekf his hands out I scoffed I would give it a 6 out of ten you can do better my old friend but no matter i glancing to Hael who looked like she was trying to be as small as possible so she doesn't attract attention I looked around saying in my head to her Hael I will only asked you this one last time do you wish to come with me her eyes want wide as she looked to me hope in her eyes but that hope was short lived when she looked around Hunter there is to many there is no escape I chuckled maybe not but I would rather die trying knowing I gave it my best besides dear you haven't seen most of my abilities I will ask you again do you wish to come with me to live the life we should have had in the passed I seen hope in her eyes but also hesitation as she looked away sadly no go without me I don't deserve this chance I ant the same person you had fallen in love with in the passed I have become something dark something broken I side enough it's time for you to stop feeling sorry for your self it's time for you to wake up she gralled cutting me off how dare you say such words when you know nothing about what I have become I cut her off gralling back I know exactly what you are fallen angel I new second my draconic eyes fell onto you but you are different your a mutant they gave you demonic blood this was there ultimate punishment to you wasn't it no matter what you do you can never be a angel Hael was crying at this point and in a weak shaky voice responded that's right I am a discounting mutant I don't but I cut her off enough you deserve love more then anyone and your not discounting your just unique, even more unique than the day I first met you and still as beautiful what they call a punishment and a curse I call a blessing in disguise, you a commander of the angel kingdom was betrayed by the very kingdom you dedicated your life to and what did they give you nothing but heartache come with me Hael come be at my side just as you was meant to be take a leap of faith and trust in me you do still trust me right she started at me shocked she looked me up then down but in the end she side I guess I didn't lose any feeling for you I just locked them deep down I know what I have done to you has been wrong but please Hunter take me with you I don't think I can handle this anymore I grinned good girl ones the signal happens are you still as fast as ever I asked she nodded but of course faster actually good ones the signal happened a move to my side as fast as you can got it she nodded slightly I looked back to Uriel who started at me patiently I grinned at him laughing I shook my head saying I take it back my old friend I will give you points for helping me so 10 out of 10 you should do again Uriel was shocked what do you mean I helped you Hunter he asked cocking his head to the side I grinned at him o no matter I can always just is this and I raised up two finger that was rapped around each other you see my old friend you have miscalculated something I don't just got my old lifes powers but some new ones also like this and I spoke in a honting voice death domain Uriel face want pale hearing my words no you can't fire fire at will but it was to late the shadows got sucked in covering the room everyone could still see fine but everything was black it was like looking through a black thin cloth Vail and in my demonic voice seemed to come from all around the room you see my old friend I am a warlock as well as a hunter and I must say the two match really well with my skills I am a soul eater after all I thank you for bringing me so many powerful souls and like this ghostly green chains started shooting up from the ground into peoples chest the second these chains with spikes at the tip of them sank into anyone there life energy disappeared and there souls was pulled out and devowered by the chains more skeletons formed they walking a few steps before disappearing Uriel looked around madly but he couldn't find me or my group sadly the chains didn't work on him and many of the other powerful angels but enough of them was just at the right rank for me to do this and I couldn't be more happy after a few seconds of this Uriel waved his hand saying holy flame domain and a gold ora cleansed the room my group stood there me with a huge grinning smile Hael with us I waved my hands all the skeletons shooting to me and into my soul space well it's been a long day so we will be leaving having a good day Uriel raised his hand saying no you don't but right at that moment poof poof 5 smoke bombs want off quickly filling the room with smoke I turned around to my group who was all holding onto one another I was at the head of this Triss and Hael put there hands on my shoulders it was obvious that the smoke didn't effect them much I made three hand signs before twisting my hands together as held up two fingers as I mumbled puppet teleportation and like this we disappeared what replaces us was puppets who looked like my parents siblings my girls and Jinufer clacked to light and like that these puppets pulled 50 Cal machine guns and granade lontures off there back and started shooting all around the room the smoke still filling up the room but when they ran out of ammo is when Uriel waved his hand to see the life like puppets who all grinned at him and pulled pins out of a vest they had on before charging forward before jumping into groups of enemies before boom they exploding but it wasn't the explosion which was the deadliest thing here all no it was the dark purple mist that came after the explosion my puppet charged at Uriel he looked around at this as he breathed many times his anger rising my puppet opened his mouth saying I hope you like my last gift my old friend sea ps if you haven't felt it yet this is black death of my own make I made this specifically for you in mind I had predicted this all sure some things didn't go as planned but that's life you got probably 15 seconds before you start feeling the simptombs I would go home you might not get rid of this poison there but it will slow the poison down grately as for your soldiers I thank you for gifting me there souls there sacrifice won't be in vain there sacrifice is for the batter good of me my power and group have a good day old friend hope to see you again soon and in good health hehe he screamed at the top of his lunges damn you hunter damn you before he was gone but the rest of his soldiers didn't have that luxury they was on the floor holding there throats there faces turning purple and white froff came from there mouth blood dripped from there eyes ears and nose before the struggled no more.