the party part finally part2: we made are escape

I grinned seeing the aftermath of the puppets distribution and the chaos that my group and I had made this wasn't anything simple our choices and actions wouldn't just stop here in this world o no the ripple that we had made would carry over to Eden this was a blow done to the egos of the angels a slap to there face a shame to their honor that they won't easily forgive but I didn't give two shits about them or their kingdom I would rather die than go back under that kingdoms rules it was so suffocating especially for a force of death and chaos such as my self all that matters that I got my life and my family is fine and we did a heavy blow to our enemies and we fucking came out on top hahaha I started to laugh as I turned around to look at my group Connolly had stopped playing his harmonica the moment we teleported and funny enough granny and grandfather was with this group I looked them over granny left hand had been blown almost off and the old man had a few too many holes in him but they both grinned at me like they wasn't bleeding all over the floor Hallow chuckled saying that was quite the show young man care to tell us what you just did and where the fuck we are I laughed shrugging ask your daughter when we get out of the Hela family as for where we are that's simple I looked around at the simple living room that really didn't have much I looked to the only door in or out of this room asking Wolf is everything ready I heard a familiar mans voice say yes brother it is and the door swung open and standing there was a familiar face the face of the begger I had seen and talk to but the man looked much differently first of all he looked healthy he wasnt pale or dirty and his body wasnt thine hell he didn't even have the wild beard or hair like I had seen before his face was cleaned shaved and his hair was buzzed short military style and his eyes wasnt sunken in but his blue eyes still held the same shine in them gone was his white uniform no what replaced it was a black shirt and red vest that had my raven tattoo imbalanced in gold on the back of this vest the next thing one would notice after you recognize this man would be the fect he had all of his lembs both legs and arms and these wasn't any cybernetics this was real skin and bone Hallow was shocked seeing this man asking Wolf what is going on Wolf looked to Hallow with a give grin fuck you old man that's all he said before he looked back to me saying the transports and everyone is ready I nodded and walked forward as I did my coat got thrown off into my soul space underneath it was my vest I rolled my sleeves to my elbows and pulled on my black gloves saying good give me a full status report on the way Wolf nodded and stepped aside I turned around to my group many looking at Quite, Onna Ade, Alucard, Greg, Titubs, Lusy and of course my grandfather and Triss is parents listen up you 8 we ant out of danger just yet my man will protect you all with your lives but you must trust them no you must trust me Hallow piped up saying what the hell is happening boy what are you talking about your force there is no way you could have gotten anyone through the barrier without the Hela family members knowing about it But it was Moon who spoke she huffed saying foolish father have you gotten so soft to see the truth Hunter didn't need to bring a force through the barrier when there was already a force inside the barrier and we are angry but that last part wasnt said by Moon but by Wolf Hallow glared at him saying so you and others have also betrayed the hela family aswell Wolf grinned at him his eyes that of a predator no old man it's hard to betray something when it has already betrayed you Hallow was so confused at all of this it would seem the years of peace and profit has really made this soldier weak minded it's hard to grow or learn when you stand at the top of your world and as long as these two have its no wounder so many people was betraying there guild but this didn't bother my I looked over everyone again saying you swore your selfs and your family to me so from here on your part of my tribe my guild my family has been working on this for fucking 3 decades so I say this as a fact you are all under minr and my families command now weather you like it or not so fall in line with my man they will explain the plan as we move I pulled out a pocket watch seeing the time 12:58 about 1 I mumbled I shot this old looking pocket watch Hael raised her hand I looked to her saying none of that dear if you want to speak then do it this Guild is not one of military stricter or anything like that no we are a huge crazy family that's how this guild will be run and all of its members be treated such Hael nodded quickly got it Hunter I just wanted to gift this back and a black wood case formed in her hands it was about the size of a shoe box just much thinner my eyes lit up and a huge happy grin spread across my face seeing this box I walked forward and looked down at this box there was a my smithing brand stamped into the center of this box it was huge and blood red I flicked the two gold levers on the side to unlock it and I slowly opened the box and there resting on a black padded cloth was 2 navy colts both as black as the night there was dark red carvings of red dragons on each single side of the cylinder these red carvings moved up to the smooth black barrels these red carvings twisted around the black barrels forming points 4 different points one on both the top bottom and each side and the grips was made from a mix of dark purple obsidian and porcelain and at the bottom of these grips was a scythe I slowly ran a hand over these guns saying so you did keep them Hael blushed but nodded but of course these was supposed to be your wedding present but sadly we know how that turned out I nodded understanding what she meant I started at these two pistols I could sense a strong pull to these weapons they was calling to me they was beginning me to us them they was beginning for reaper as there master Hael smiled take them Hunter I took my eyes off these guns to look into those gray loving eyes the eyes I had seen in the passed these are my gift to the man I not only dedicate my life to but dedicate everything my power my mind being and soul I will stand at your side like I was meant to so long ago the heavens be damned I laughed there she is there's the Hael I remember I placed put hand on either side of her face and kissed her on the head it's good your finally awake dear my eyes shot back to these guns as my hands moved from her face to hovering over these guns I hesitated at first before I grabbed them the second I did a lightning bolt shook the sky I felt something bind it's self to my soul it was a familiar feeling that's when I heard a familiar voice about damn time master I was dying from boredom I was shocked Azael I asked looking down to these guns I heard the being laugh yes but your only half right I am a small minuscule fragment from the being soul you know as Azreal that is actually the name I was given when I was born so master who's next to die I was shocked before I broke out laughs I spun these revolvers on my fingers as I did the red curvins started to glow blood red soon enough Azreal and like that two back holsters formed on my belt as I holstered them I grinned to Hael and pat her on the head saying good girl but it's time to get out of this damn place I tapped my kain onto the ground as I turned around the kain was thrown up in front of me I cot it with my other hand the second I did the kain changed into tempest who shot to my hip Onna screamed seeing my sword o my gods o my gods that's that's but I nodded yes it is the blade your thinking if her name is tempest and yes I got it from her old master the angel if death no he isn't dead anymore questions Onna made a pouting face but she shook her head good let's move on Greg here take this and I pulled out something from my soul space and through it to him he cot it his face want pale seeing what he held or more pale then normal hehe a black leather belt that had two things sheathed on it the first was a rapier both the guard and hilt was made with a gold red steal that was mixed together the guard had a red thorns design to it the hilt was gold and black in color with a red wire twisting around it the pommel was a blood red gem in the shape of a upside down cross spike but this rapier blade was much longer then normal rapiers a good few feet longer actually sheathed on top of it was a wond made from dark red and black twisted steal that came to a sharp point the grip was wrapped with black leather and a gold wire at the pommel of this wond was a green gem this wond was a few feet longer then his old one but it wouldn't matter to him I looked back to see his shocked eyes flick to me saying Hunter I can't except I laughed you don't got a choice leach boy either you take my gift or I shove them up your ass Greg side grinning shaking his head that was all you got you blood bag I chuckled shrugging I seen you fight back there you was good but not as good as you could be these will even the playing field so us them and us them well brother and happy late birthday Greg was shocked hearing my words but I wasn't sure y it was no big secret that when a vampire was first turned is when there new birthday is sense they are born again or something like the the vampires have a odd believe system and I definitely wasn't going to try and comprehend that right know I pulled out a cigarette and walked passed Wolf through the door as I lit it saying devil dogs move out sir yes sir hundreds of voice screamed back at me we was standing in front of Wolfs house which was on the opposite side of the compound to where the gate was but I didn't mind over here was good hiding to most people my family and I didn't go out in those two day or that's what most people think do to us not being seen leaving the house but there was much more ways to leave a building when you got a person who can quite literally control the earth Lucy had made hundreds of tunnels that lead both in and out of the city but this wasn't the biggest contributor to my plan no it was my puppeting abilities I had quite literally the first moment I got into this guild had sent thousands of puppets out in the form of little spiders and naturally I gave one of these spiders to Wolf and easily made contect with the man with my speed Dukes shadow movement and Lucy's control of the earth we had many options I want with Duke shadow movement sense it was the most untraceable I met Wolf and his wife who want by the name Lynx and there two kids who had the names Tiger and Husk but just like Wolf none of them looked healthy hell the kids was stuck in bed with very high fevers and Lynx didn't look no better the woman was running on fumes and willpower alone I discovered many things with them both had good information on how the Hela family was ran and was doing do to Wolf old position and the fact Lynx worked at the most popular restraint in the guild the woman had a good head on her shoulders sadly she wasn't awakened that could easily changed I had made offers and told them the truth of the world they happily joined pledged them self to my guild after they heard my crazy plan I healed there kids and Wolfs lems this awakened his wife the vale lifting from her eyes like a curtain as she seen her husband lems regrow after that Wolf helped me round up other like minded people touch as him self and his wife and they all fell in line pledging them selfs to my guild every one of these members was powerful in there own right they had been to badly enjoyed in battle for the family and through back here forgotten I had met hundreds of people who was angry at the Hela family for betraying them and there families even old timers by the time 2 days passed I had eyes and ears everywhere in the Hela family best part is that do to Lucy's tunnels we was able to get out all of these people family members out from there my Uncle and father took it from there calling in people to pick them up to take them back to the us and as the party was happening the plan was that my hounds would sneak into the family vault taking everything but not just stopping there they was to procure vehicle transports so we can head to the Hela family hidden armory and from there we take everything and fly are happy asses out of here the barrier wouldn't stop us sense it can identify the guild vehicles there was 20 fully armored trucks in front of me all decked out with machine guns rockets and more best part was standing in front of these vehicles was about 300 to 400 hunters the lowest being in the common gold rank and highest being on my parents and grandparents level but that was only 3 old folks all three male and all three brothers triplets to be exact every one of these people was ready for combat but the all dressed similar to Wolf a long sleeved shirt and vest the colors of everyone's outfit was different but the only common thing was my gold tattoo onto there back that of a raven sitting on a dragons skull I blow out smoke yelling I said move out you fucks or did you not fucking hear me this lit a fire under there ass and everyone started running around getting into the vehicles like they was trained to I looked back to Wolf and Moon who walked behind me saying Wolf give me that report as we walk to the front car the two of us will be leading this convoy he nodded I looked to Moon saying mother deal with are new numbers put them where ever you wish she nodded sounds good son and she turned around yelling alright maggets listen up I grinned at this familiar side of hers I turned around and started walking to the front of this convoy Wolf walking next to me as he gave his report brother the raid on the treasury was quite fruitful we made away with all of there booty yarg and we won't give none back I chuckled at his pirate impression it was good seeing this side of the man who I first met didn't have this playfulness apparently this was how he was before the wyvern attack that reminds me and I looked to him asking was the body there as I guessed he nodded yes indeed the wyverns body was there the only thing missing was a few teeth the fuck I thought odd no matter what about its core I asked he shrugged I have it hear and he pulled out a soft ball glass ball that had a firy red ora glowing I side of it he held it out to me but I laughed shaking my head and pushed it back to him saying no brother you killed the beast unlike the Hela family we won't cheat our members of the resources they earned with there hard work we will only take a small peace of it beside the world is ending haha I don't think it will see much use after we ascend Wolf grinned and held the core to his chest saying thanx brother I clapped him in the shoulder nodding don't mention it mate now let's go deliver another fatal blow to this guild shall we he grinned indeed let's like that we got into the front truck I on the driver him on the passenger Greg manned the gun at the top of this truck wall Triss and Sihtric got the side guns and Meg got to main the rocket pod controls we had 5 other members that didn't man a weapon Hael was part of that group we was the first unit the spear head we had the most dangerous position and all of us had smiles on are faces ok welcome to the colt 1 o'clock express are first destination is the hidden warehouse of the Hela family on the way we are to destroy anything that blocks are way so for riders safety seat belts are recommended and please keep all hands feet and anything appendage inside the armored vehicles at all times Jonathan and I looked at a particular big man who to put it simply was a imbread and hillbilly as fuck he literally gave me a two tooth grin as he said hi sir your singling me out I glared at him saying you know exactly what you did this got everyone to laugh at my fake serious expressions Jonathan gave a overdramatic side like I had taken his favorite toy or something as he spoke understood sir I nodded good buckle up mother fucks cuz I got the need for speed and like that I shifted the truck into gear and shot forward leaving black tire tracks behind me we got to the end of this road I jurked the wheel to the side as we quite literally drifted around the corner leaving more skid marks in front of us I seen a blockade of vehicles in front of us people lowered those off rifles at us and I heard one of them yell turn back or be fired upon but I didn't care I was to busy laughing at Greg's cursing above me he about got thrown from his machine gun hole when I drifted around the corner I laughed hi leach they are about to scratch the paint job on this beauty do your damn job I heard him saying you mother fucking over glorified blood bag how dare you talk to this great being like that ratatatatatatata his gun burst to life I seen bullets spraying in front of us people ducked behind cover but that's exactly what I wanted I shifted gears again and picked up speed yelling hold on you fucking over glorified tick I heard Greg yell motherfucker before boom we rammed into this blockade with so much force that people and cars alike got fucking thrown back killing may in the impact or at least badly hurt pinned under there vehicles as we drove by I took a deep drag from my cigarettes before flicking it out of the window we was already moving down the road when woof boom the many of the people behind us burst into flame Wolf side shaking his head what a waste I raised a eyebrow asking what was that Wolf he side shaking his head again saying y you gotta waste a perfectly good smoke like that what a waste I chuckled o so you smoke alway he grinned but of course what military member doesn't smoke or dip wall they are in I shrugged far enough I guess I wouldn't know much about that sense I have never actually been in a military the closest thing that I was in would be wall I was working for the angels but that was more special ops then being in a army or military I only met one other group and it wasn't for very long the angels loved keeping there secrets even more then they love that holy stick up there asses hi I heard Hael yelled behind us I chuckled Wolf was a bit shocked hearing my words but he pulled out a cigar from his soul space he cut the head of it off and lit it before he passed it to me I took it and took a deep puff from it and I must say it was damn good one of the smoothest cigars I have ever smoked he lit one for him self I took another deep puff saying damn this is good one of the best cigars I have ever smoked it's even better then my families smokes where did you get it he grinned I got it no where I rolled it my self and the misses provided the glue I was stunned hearing that but I shrugged taking another puff from it saying I ant going to ask but I assume by this taste and aroma you used my families plant right he nodded correct and the paper I made from bamboo and pine tree sap then I soaked each peace of paper in hundred year old moonshine and whiskey I sadly had to sell my stock of booze though to feed the family hell I sold most of these cigars also I only got a few boxes left but luckily for both you man me the Hela family had my booze in there valt so hehe I smacked him in the shoulder saying down scare me like that you fucker but Meg yelled watch the damn road I looked back to her as I swerved to the side a rocket just missing us I started at Meg with a huge grin my draconic eyes glowing with mischief what was that my gatoress and I swerved again another rocket flying by us Meg side shaking her head at me saying pay attention to the damn road you fucking mad man I chuckled swerving my wheel to the side again I must me a mad man sense I have 3 powerful supernatural beings warminh my bed when normally they would simply eat me Sihtric giggled saying I mean we still do that just in another mess but it's more to say we eat each other Triss licked her lips with her forked tongue as she started lustfuly at me I nodded putting the cigar in my mouth as I moved the wheel to the left saying damn straight yall are my little breakfast lunch and dinner all rapped in three packages and it's all you can eat one of the other members a woman who was red faced spoke can the 4 of you stop flirting and dirty talking one another some of us don't got a active love or sexy life I could smell her arousal so could Meg and Sihtric wall Triss could just tell Sihtric looked this woman from top to bottom saying we can't have that what's a strong hot thing like your self not being chased Jonathan chuckled o she is but don't let her sweat face fool you this woman is fucking a first grade psycho and pyromaniac she loves burning all the man or woman who try to court her the woman's kind warm smile was gone what replaced it was a cold crazy grin shut it you two tooth embread fucker you blow my cover Triss laughed dear you truly don't think your act fooled any of us do you the woman glared at her with crazy psycho eyes shut it you sorceress bit but before the woman could finish Sihtric flashed in front of this woman and boom Sihtric slammed her scaled fist into her face that one punch broke the woman's nose and nocked out a few teeth the woman spat out her teeth to the side before looking to Sihtric anger in her eyes bitch she gralled how dare you touch the great me soon your man will be mine and all of you will be my slaves ant that right Hunterboo you want me more then you want these ugly frogs and she bat her eyes at me with wide eyes she even leaned forward showing off her huge assets I felt drown to those mounds and those lips mmm but my eyes wasn't looking at the woman's but Sihtric the woman cried out pay attention to me simpie I admired Sihtric body for a few more moments I even moved the wheel as another rocket flew by us but I looked over to the woman my lustful expression was gone what replaced it was a cold indifference yes what is it woman couldn't you see I was admiring art the woman angrily huffed she ran a finger up her chest very seductively then the ran it back down pulling her shirt down slightly which showed off more of her assistant almost all of it to be except and with her other hand she backend me to her with two fingers as she said seductively come clame your empress I grinned ok and I stood up and walked to the back seat as I walked by Wolf I passed him my cigar to hold it as for who was driving a puppet was of course I slowly walked to the back my eyes locked on this woman who was posing very sexually I walked towards and soon I stood in front of her she grinned that's right come come take me plant your seed in me no what are you doing but I didn't pay attention to her as I turned to Triss who was across from this woman Triss had her arms and legs crossed and a small grin on her face like she wasn't worried about what was happening but I noticed her tapping her finger on her arm but ones my eyes fell onto her she wasn't nervous no more she held out her arms saying come my emperor come to your empress I chuckled yes mam and I quickly scooped her up into my arms I looked into those Green eyes that held nothing but love in them the eyes I loved to much and I kissed her deeply no no no you come back here you bitch he is mine stop no boom Sihtric punch this woman again but the woman didn't stop no you don't deserve him you don't deserve the air he breaths only I can give him what he wants only I deserve him what are you doing my emperor stop this at ones you boom Sihtric fist crashed down again I looked to this woman with cold eyes this woman's face which was one's beautiful was now blood and puffy she started at me with tears in her eyes my emperor y are you treating your empress like this call off your dragoness I am all your need I am all you want I side shaking my head you should stop trying to us charm arts on me I may have been a play boy and I maybe have more then one woman but this doesn't mean just anyone can have my love no one can force me from taking someone as my woman if I don't love them this is one thing I won't back down on my beliefs might label me a hypocrite but I do not care this is my life I get to chose who I love and you bitch is not one of them the woman started to cry no please my emperor I want and need you and you need me I shook my head saying again your charm arts have no effect on me woman and y would it look at these beauties and I waved my hand to my girls Hael included in that these women are ten times as beautiful to me then you or anyone else could be my eyes , mind , body , soul and most importantly my heart is there's and there's are mine how could I be charmed by anyone else they are my honey they are my treat they are mine and I am there snack there emperor and I am there's but sense you ensalted and disrespected my empress and her sisters I will allow her to deal with you I looked to Triss saying give her hell baby and I smacked her ass before I want back to driving Triss grinned evilly at this woman saying so I heard you like playing with fire well let's see if fire likes you back and she pulled out Fireant from under her sleeve and started her work Wolf passed me back my cigar both of are faces want pale hearing the screams after they started Wolf looked to me mouthing woman I nodded putting a finger to my mouth but the screams so died down and a chard body got thrown out the back door I pulled the wheel to the side throwing everything into a seat as I spoke prepare for impact tall I heard Greg yell o you mother fu boom we slammed through a solid reinforced concrete wall I twisted the wheel to the side as we skitted on the smooth flooring I opened up the door as I did this throwing Sekhmet in its scythe form it lagged its self into a guards throat pinning them to a tank in my other hand I pulled up one Azreal and boom boom boom each shot made the glowing carvings flash brightly this gun didn't shoot out normal bullets I am sure it could but I didn't need that it was shooting out condensed spikes of my death energy so as long as I had my death energy I wouldn't need to reload or anything I dropped out of the truck as Sekhmet shot back to my hand I walked forward still smoking as I fired with Azreal and throwing Sehmet my unit following close behind me the other trucks coming in through the hole I made and soon we whipped this hole hanger from soldier and just like pirates we started looting the booty filling up storage items and soul spaces with these machines of war and soon this hanger was empty all but one thing a huge plan that said grandpa buff on the side I smiled saying all aboard the buff and soon we had this plan gassed up and on the strip taking off and like that we took to the early morning sky we both back to the us fast enough seeing how I slept for most of the way but the moment we got over land I told my father who was piloting the plan to open the back door he asked y and I simply said I got twins to meet he didn't understand what I meant but he could tell I wasn't taking no for a answer he side fine just don't be late I grinned o I won't be I said goodbye to the girls and my family before I jumped out of the plan with no parachute or anything I plummeted down in the morning sky the wind wiping passed me I grinned admiring the sun rising over the sea but I soon shook my self out of this state before I lightning started to spark off my and poof I was gone.