a Meeting with the deaths again

Lightning crackled around me and thunder rolled as I moved through the sky flying as suck speeds as fighter jets would find it hard to keep up with me but I wasn't flying over the us no I was heading back the other way under me was the sea but soon it passed quickly enough as the first signs of land came into my sights this is when my green lightning boots sparked again and know I had on green lightning pants it was odd it sort of reminded me of plate armor with how slick and smooth it felt but this wasn't the biggest change no it was my sleep it increased I was moving way faster than a fighter jet now hell I was going at touch speeds that normal humans would be feeling the g force hell I wasn't even sure the human body could handle this speed without protection but I was fine hell I felt great I grinned laughing as I disappeared in the flash of a lightning bolt and the thunder rolled we find are Hunter a mountain but just just any normal mountain it was the tallest peak in the world Mount Everest but right now the mountain was going through a pretty bad storm the hole mountain was dark with nothing but white to see all around not many people come to this mountain anymore sense there had been so many who had conquered her only the really rich who wanted to and the only reason was just so they could say they climbed to the top of the world but at the highest peak a green lightning bolt slammed into the summit as a man in a nice black and red suit stepped out from the small crater he had made the man had a cold indifferent expression as the ice cold wind blew passed him making his hair move crazily I side in annoyance not from the cold but from the wind whipping my hair crazily but I side shrugging no matter I walked to the top of this mountain and looked around my draconic eyes glowing in the dark storm it was odd they say no one liked to climb this mountain anymore but there was a damn lot of people that I could sense and see be it guides or what have you there was a t least 800 to 900 of them but that number was lowering with each moment I noticed this had to do with the storm yes but that wasn't the only thing human stupidity was the biggest factor well that and the supernatural creatures that called this place there home I noticed one group who had taken shelter in a hidden cave but these people got ripped apart by 2 white yeti's but I didn't blame the yeti's the humans had barged into there home and started to trash the place so it was what ever I wasn't for them all no I was here for those my eyes slowly moved up I could see thousands of screaming souls many screaming in pain this was a death zone a place that had connected it self to the death realm or at least a very small fragment of it these places was born where negative emotions and death are at the heaviest there wasn't many in the world anymore sense these things disappear after they harvest all of the souls in the area I could guess where quite a few might be like the beaches of Normandy or the holocaust Museum hell even some really really old cemeteries I heard that the Bermuda Triangle has a few of these around it also sense that's where the rumors in Atlantis disappeared at these things was also one of the biggest reasons y the Bermuda Triangle is one of the strangest places when it comes to weather but the reason y I came to this particular thing was quite simple it was the biggest and will remain the biggest do to how many people have died here and this is what I wanted I needed to be close to that shadowy realm that I had roamed for so long I looked to a rock waving my hand the snow being burnt away from my flame as I sat down on it crossing my legs and closed my eyes going into a deep meditation where I focused on my connection to that realm And in Azreal the weapon was quite literally made from one of the masters of the realm a small insignificant peace from it but a part none the less and that's all that matters I felt my surroundings change around me the cold was gone and I was back into that stary void this time I could see everything clearly it was odd I felt a strange connection to this place like I could move freely in it I waved my hand as start shadow formed a disk over my hand I was about to fling it when I heard a females voice say i wouldn't do that sir Colt and appearing on the side was Lady death I smiled asking o y is that miss death she side shaking her head her white skull shining from the stars cuz you don't know what's out there nor what your messing with this place is on the edge of reality and what's passed it well let's see if you can figure that out go on take a guess I thought about it for a moment but little did I know I was speaking out loud and not in my head so lady death heard my rambling nonsense what would be beyond the edge of reality my first guess would be heaven or the after life's but that isn't right both the nine hells and heavens are linked to Eden so I can only assume purgatory is also on that list what would be beyond everything passed the death realm only one place came to mind the abyss I said looking to her Lady death was stunned I seen here purple fire balls in her eyes go out for a moment in shock but they came back fast as she through her head backwards her jaws opening as she laughed and just like her brother her laugh was oddly warm and alive she looked down to me her the purple flames in her eyes glowing even more intense as she spoke you my good man are fucking mental who thinks like that who assumes shit like that and more importantly who comes to a conclusion like that but hahaha you are correct in all of your assumptions which to be honest is fucking scary are you sure you wasn't a fucking profit or an Oracle in your passed lives I grinned a bit embarrassedly I just realized that I had spoken all of that out loud but at her question I shrugged i don't know you tell me lady death is my soul that old she chuckled shaking her head depends on what you mean by old soul technically everyone has been reborn at least a few times but each rebirth cleanses your soul so it starts a new I chuckled so basically you just refresh are souls back to the beginning settings she nodded indeed but I am sure you didn't come here to listen to this old laddies rambling did you so come come death hound it has been to long sense a living mortal has stepped foot into this realm and willingly at that it would be rude for us not to show you at least some hospitality and like that she turned around and disappeared into the darkness or it was more like she simply walked through the darkness like it wasn't there but I could sense where she was going sense she wasn't trying to hide her self I took one step forward when I did my stomach dropped like I had just been on a big roller coaster but I was never ones to get sick from these sort of things hell it just made me excited so I kept on walking and it was like I was in a fucking jet I wasn't sure how fast and far I was moving with each step but the decisions was great i felt lady death stop and I felt a familiar presence next to her I appeared walking from the shadows to see lady death and the grim reaper sitting on black thrones made from shadows at a table made from shadow there was tea cups and a plate that had cookies on it the reaper took a sip from the white tea cup before he looked to me saying oh death hound your finally here good good please have a seat I nodded and waved my hand the shadows moved up into another black throne just like the other twos and I sat down across from them Lady death waved her hand a tea cup flying in front of me asking tea or coffee dear I chuckled southern style sweat tea place she nodded and a kettle flow in front of me and poored tea into the cup the kettle flew back to the center of the table and 3 sugar cubes flew into my cup and even the spoon lifted and steered it for me I chuckled picking up the cup and taking a drink from it I smacked my lips my eyes lighting up from the taste this tea I mumbled looking down at it this was the best tea I ever had nothing on earth could compare to this lady death giggled of course there isn't dear your plant has been dying for a very long time so of course the materials of your plant would fall short compared to ours I nodded taking another drink enjoying the flavor sweat just how I like it hehe I lowered my cup the Azrael put his cup down also as he looked to me asking so Hunter what can we do for you on this fine day I raised a eye brow as I looked around at the story void umm no offense Azrael but isn't the weather the same here everyday Azrael side wall lady death giggled at her brothers pain it's was merely a figure of speech by boy you do know what that means right I chuckled but of corse my good man what I said was sarcasm ever heard of it Azrael jaw dropped open lady death was at this point was looking away trying not to brake out laughing and she was failing at it Azrael looked to her then back to me then to her then back to me saying you little shit you set me up I grinned and that same sarcastic voice said me no you got me all wrong would I ever do such a thing at this point lady death couldn't keep it on anymore she broke out laughing she pointed at Azrael laughing and through her laughter she said these four words he got you good hahaha Azrael looked away embarrassed but I could tell if he had a face he would be smiling right now lady death calmed down a bit later and Azrael looked back to me saying putting your rude actions aside what do you want I shrugged as I leaned back in my chair asking can I smoke Azrael nodded I pulled out a cigar and lit it Azrael pulled out a Gandalf smoking pipe that he packed the end with some sort of black weed it got lit by a blue flame as he put it to his jaws even lady death pulled out a long thin straight pipe that had intricate carvings of a serpent dragon she put that same black weed at the end of hers before a purple flame lit it as she brought it to her jaws very proper like we sat in silence enjoying are smoking but I was the first to brake the silence you asked me y I am here and to be honest I ant fully sure my self I am running off of hypotheses and guess which annoys the fuck out of me but can't I just come and talk to two old friends every now and then especially when you both gifted me some of your powers Azrael breathed out some through his jaws as he pointed his pipe at me saying you can currently but that isn't y your here your just trying to butter us up before you ask I laughed shrugging your got me you old bag of bones Azrael laughed come now lad we both are way older then you did you truly think you can fool us it was impressive that you was even able to set me up and I didn't notice it but your a few two sentences to short to be playing those games with us yet I shrugged perhaps but what I did say before wasn't a lie I truly did just come here to talk with two old friends what I get out of it depends on your two moods and what I ask lady death chuckled nodded that is how conversations work indeed I laughed nodding indeed so y don't we start with this and I waved my hand and a ball of blue light shot out of my chest and in a flash of light a glowing gold contract floated in between us lady death and Azrael was shocking seeing that I could bring out the contract but lady death looked to me with confusion asking what do you mean Hunter y start with this when both parties have signed it and agreed with everything I grinned blowing out smoke from my mouth saying you would normally be right lady death but I started to notice things after I was reborn my warlock powers was much greater then that of anyone should be starting out my control my speed sure there was still a learning curve but it was way to short I learned all of these abilities like I was born to us them but I put this thought at the back of my mind thinking it was nothing and had everything to do with my talents and Skull but just recently all the peace's feel into place you see someone said I was a new forming reaper and it wasn't just one person who said this there was a few this made me think about everything and look deep into my soul that's where I found this and I pointed at the contract I looked it over thousands of times but didn't see anything so I tried going at it different angles and lower and behold when you do this and I snapped my fingers channeling my warlock powers into it the contract started to glow and appearing at the bottom of this contract formed new green letters it read

Whoever signs this will not only be gifted are powers but also a small part of our essence which will mix with your essence easily you will gain power beyond what any normal warlock could ever us you will grow into a new reaper so arise thee hound who walks amongst the graves fear as black as night eyes as bright as the moon 9 tails as deadly as claws the master of two soul devourers rise to the very top of your world we will be waiting for you death hound don't keep us waiting too long are loyal hound.

I watched Lady Death and Azrael's reaction to this I saw them glance at each other before they both side Azrael leaned back in his chair smoke rolling out the sides of his jaws you cot us Hunter we wished to make you a reaper as for y we wished to do this I can't say do to you being too weak all that I will say is this my sister and I are tired of being neutral we are tired of seeing our friends and there families we are tired of taking there souls ones this war starts we will be joining it and I won't say what side since you can guess this but my sister and I may be powerful but even thousands of ants can destroy a dragon so we needed an ally it didn't matter how strong they were all that mattered was their personality and potential we needed a person who wasn't scared to get there hands dirty a person who wasn't asked to fight overwhelming odds and smile in the face of death a person who had powerful connections and most importantly we needed a person who had a mind for combat and war my sister is powerful yes and she has been in her fare deal of battles but she isn't good at leading as for me I was one's the captain of a hole guild of reapers but I failed them when it mattered most so naturally we chose you I raised a eyebrow saying one word y lady death giggled isn't that obvious Hunter your a brutal and fearless leader your tendency to prepare for the worst but hope for the best is a great trate for a leader ontop of that you care for all those under your command and your a realist you except the hand that the world throws at you but you don't back down you adapt and overcome you are the devil dog Hunter Ace Colt Azrael nodded plus you got powerful connections the demon prances I believe you call him Azzy and his lover are powerful friends to have plus you and your family are descendants of Lucifer and Lilith them selfs and if that ant crazy enough you got the blood of Adam , Kain and his mother eve your family is a fucking anomaly this shouldn't have ever happened but it did and I can't wait to see what monsters you all turn into I chuckled shrugging thank you Azrael but y make me a reaper like you two Azrael laughed Hunter reapers are only a vague title that is given to those who have passed a certaint stage in soul cultivation o right you don't know what that means well no matter I am sure Azzy and his lover will fill you all in soon all you need to know is all those who have earned the title reaper uses soul power to attack other souls killing them some of us can even us death energy like my sister and I and apparently you haha I raised a eyebrow trying to understand everything but I was missing some peace's but no matter I will figure it out latter I side saying I don't like it how you two didn't tell me about this but I know I am to weak to hear the truth so I will just except this but just be warned I will do my own thing like I always have Lady death nodded but of course Hunter we don't want to chain you down no quite the opposite to be exact we wish for you to sore to the top to stand next to us as equals you are one of are friends right I laughed waving my hand the contract shooting back into my chest I crossed my arms looking to the side huffing I don't know with how shady the two of you are acting I ant sure they both laughed at my acting skills I even chuckled along but my face got serious so I heard I can bring people back from death Azrael side nodding you can but be warned Hunter the dead are supposed to stay dead if you bring back someone who has died the trauma from dying is not something most people can recover from not everyone is as crazy as you I chuckle nodding lady death nodded as she took a sip from her cup before saying besides there is a time limit if the person has been died for more then 1 year then the odds of reviving them is less plus the soul must consent to be brought back to life and if the caster of this spell doesn't know who they are trying to bring back then the odds are also less but many people get around that by having something personal to the deceased or even better then that is someone who the deceased considers as family I took a sip from my cup nodding makes sense but enough of this subject that wasn't even the question I wanted to ask but it's better you told me all that then me try testing bringing someone back without knowing the consequences so thank you the both nodded Azrael leaned back in his chair as me moved his pipe saying so what did you wish to ask us I took a few puffs from my cigar before responding I wish to know where I can find blood from powerful creatures for my family and my self Azrael brought a boney hand to his chin in a thinking pose Lady death took a a sip from her cup like she two was thinking about it a few minutes passed in silence but Azrael side well Hunter there isn't many options do to how weak and spent your planet resources are best thing you could find would be either deluded blood or only a few drops of blood from a powerful creature which isn't enough but your in luck Hunter there is still a few forgotten locations that haven't been explored one of them even holds my sisters and mine blood in it hold out your hand I didn't hesitate I held out my hand Azrael took it his boney hand was ice cold but I didn't mind o this might hurt hehe he said the fuck do you me but before I could finish a piercing pain want through my brain I wasn't sure how long the pain lasted but it hurt like hell Azrael withdraw his hand from mine nodding there you go this will help you greatly the pain started to dissipate as locations started to passed through my mind and basic info on them the fuck I clutch my head the headache slowly going away when I removed my hand my face was pale and it wasn't cuz of the pain these location I mumbled my eyes shooting to Azrael y is there so many I thought you said most inheritances was gone Azrael looked to me with a blank look that's right almost all of the places that had inheritances have been either found, or distroyed but the ones I have given to you are locations that have either been forgotten to time or very few people know about them but I will give you this warning there is a reason y these locations have been forgotten to time and that's cuz every one of inheritances trials are fucking really hard and just brutal and that's cuz many of these inheritances are from beings from Eden that descended down to your planet to just disappear into time luckily my sis and I have been alive for a bit so haha we remembered everyone of these locations but y I asked Lady death giggled y not she responded I looked to these two old beings and side chuckling you was bored wasn't yall Azreal chuckled extremely but this is when my soul shook and pain shot through my body from it Azreal side it would seem it's time for you to go your soul has reached it's limit if you stay any longer here your soul will return to us I clutched my chest gritting my teeth no I am fine I got one last thing to ask and I looked up at him my draconic eyes glowing intensely how many from my time Azreal thought about it before he chuckled it's funny you ask that it would seem your planet has a will of its own it allowed you the death hound to return and the white hound has been reborn so who knows go find out for your self hahaha there definitely is more though but it's time Hunter feel free to stop by at any time but beforeful who you trust there are thousands of eyes locked onto your planet and on your group so just watch your back Lady death nodded indeed my brother is right be careful one last thing from me the beings of the inheritances most are not to be trusted they are old souls with there own agenda so guard your minds well good bye death hound I nodded but before I could leave the stary void around us shook that's when I felt a overwhelming holy presence bare down on to this realm and in a booming thunderous voice I heard a man yell Azreal let me in now I know he is in there with you let me in now I demand it and the shadow world shuttered again Azreal head shot to the direction of the voice the green fire balls in his eyes bursting into a intense green flame that my soul shuttered feeling I heard his teeth grind in anger Michael lady death put down her tea cup the purple fireballs in her eyes as intense as her brothers spoiled brat I will go and teach him some manners as she slowly got up from her shadow chair o that will be fun to watch and a demonic tare formed next to the table and walking out of it was a tall woman with demonic wings on her back she had on a black and purple dress with long red hair that flowed down her back her black obsidian horns curved up and around her air her eyes was glowing with a demonic orange color this woman was fucking tall to call her a Amazon woman would definitely be correct she had curves in all the right places and there was just a air of power around her but she wasnt alone locked arms with this women was a tall man similar in hight to the woman next to him he had on a red and black suit that had little devil emojis all over it his gold hair was slicked back and he had a huge demonic grin on his face which showed off his sharp teeth but even with the teeth and this smile this man was devilishly handsome flicking behind the man was a black tail that had a heart shaped tip that was red and came to a really sharp point his eyes was glowing with a demonic blue flame this had to be lilith and Lucifer the one who had talked was Lilith she looked at lady death with a beautiful smile that sent a shiver down my spine in fear I knew that smile the same smile my mother had when she is about to do something brutal do you wish for help little sister Lilith asked Lady death giggled y not it has been awhile sense we got to lay the smack down on something together Lilith nodded but right at that moment the world shook even more and I heard Michaels voice again he was even more pissed Azreal let me fucking in now I order you and that bastard sister to let me in I do not care if I laid hands and tried to cort her in the passed let me fucking in or I swear to father I will brake this precious world of yours you will do what and at that the world shuttered at that cold angry scream I fell down to my stomach do to the pressure I was feeling from this presence I couldn't even look up or move a finger hell I could barely keep my eyes open and the only reason my body was withstanding this pressure was cuz my healing factor was healing the damages to my body before they get bad I even felt my bones brake from the weight this was the power of the grim reaper and he was pissed you fucking dare I heard him yell this isn't your domain this is mine you have no authority to order me around in my own fucking home and you fucking dare say that about my sister say anything like that again and I will kill you your lucky I only took your left hand for laying a hand on her so best mind them damn manners but Michaels thunderous voice yelled back even more powerfully I am the fucking leader of all of heaven I am the leader of you I don't care if father gave you a fancy title to me you and your hore sister are nothing but ants compared to a great being like my self you have someone who has killed my soldiers and if that isn't bad enough he robbed them of there devine essents but more importantly he and his hole family have the blood of Lilith, Lucifer and fucking Kane they need to die and I will start with him but I have had enough of this I started to laugh even though I was face planted to the floor I laughed and laughed like I just heard the funniest joke my body started to shake my black ki armor appeared over my body and the shadows reinforced my joints and very slowly I lifted my face up from the ground my hole body was shaking from the strain I was putting on it blood started to leek from my nose eyes and ears but I had a huge bloody grin on my face my dracomic eyes was glowing with a intence angry fire and I looked to where Michael was my vision zooming through this realm till I seen what was passed it a huge planet way bigger and more beautiful then earth ever could be but hovering in the story space was a man who literally had a gold holy light all around him he had 3 white and gold wings on both sides of his back over his tan scans was a white and gold plate armor that had a sun imblasend on his chest his gold and white hair was pulled back into a ponytail and his eye glowed with holy gold light hahaha the more I laughed the more red this mans face got what's so funny you ant you will die today this I promise hahahaha tell me Michael if I am a ant just as you say then y did a dragon come to stomp me out someone who is beneath your grate and powerful self hahaha o no no no Michael you don't see me as a meer ant no no haha you see me as a threat yes indeed a small ant sized threat that is growing at a rapid past I maybe a ant right now but just think if this is what I can do as a ant sized threat then what about when I grow into a dragon like your self hahaha my family and I will be a world ending threat that's y you wish to kill us wall we still are ants a easy kill cuz you know ones we become dragons you won't be able to kill us as easily and that scares the shit out of you but allow me a meer ant to show you y I am feared here and a cross airs mark formed on his forehead I pulled out one of my navy colts and pulled back the hammers the red veins on the gun started to glow brightly as I condensed the shadows around us to form 1 bullet this took all of my concentration my wolf face formed and my fox tails flicked behind me but there was 6 tails now I looked down the sights my draconic eyes glowing brightly a huge demonic predatory grin want across my face showing off my fangs and in a demonic voice I gralled boom and as I pulled the trigger a 3 yang sign formed in my eyes my hand shot up and back from the recoil I heard a snap come from that shoulder but I didn't care I grinned seeing what happened Michael simply crosses his arms and allowed the black bullet to slame straight in between his eyes shock waves exploded out from his body the second my bullet impacted his head Michael eyes want wide feeling the bullet sink a few meters into his skin but stopped there he didn't even remove the bullet from his head as a bit of gold blood ran down his face a huge confident grin spread across his face oh so cute the little ant is playing dragon just like the baby he is I will admit child you shocked me and was able to make me bleed and for that you earned my respect your father and brother was right about you your a fucking wolf in sheeps clothing to bad you didn't join us I would have loved to see what sort of angel you could have became hell you might have even been able to take my place as the head angel who knows haha I laughed with him indeed who knows but you see Michael you made 3 mistakes Michael grinned o what would those be boy I chuckled there simple enough the first not only did you bring up my old brother who you ordered to kill me but you also brought up my old father both who I hate with a passion the second is you disrespected Azreal and lady death but you even said some distasteful things about lady death which was very unkind and not very gentleman of you but your last mistake was saying disrespecting a woman and saying you laid hands on her in front of me as a gentleman I must put spoiled, entitled brats, such as yourself in there place I said this last part with a beastly snarl on my face Michael started to laugh o how cute the ant is playing dragon ag but right then Michael the arch angel feel to his a knee as he spat up dark gold blood black death poison but how and y am I feel my power leaving me that's when he seen the ghostly green chain that was coming from the center of his head no impossible you dare but I gralled cutting him off saying in a growing powerful demonic voice yes I fucking dare you not only have threatened to kill me but my family also you dared to threaten my family and I have no problems being the bad guy my old father and brother should have told you that I will cheat, steal, blackmail, torture, experiment, and kill for my goals and just think if I dare to steal both steal and eat some of Michael the fucking arch angel soul and devine essents just think what I will dare to do ones I get over there Micheal screamed and brushed my ghostly green chain this made my black spike bullet fall out from his head your a fucking demon just like the rest of your bloodline I laughed no I am no demon I am the mother fucking death hound Hunter Ace Colt if that labels me a demon or devil I will happily embrace it and throw off this human body knowing that I will never be like you but thanks for the delicious snack if your wondering you tasted like chicken wings happily fuck off Azreal waved his hand and Michael was thrown away by hundreds of shadow tentacles Michael said some things that would make a sailor blush as he was thrown away ones his presents was gone Azreal presents was gone he side chuckling thank you Hunter I chuckled no need but if you could catch me what right at that moment my ki armor and shadowswas gone and everyone seen the bloody state that was my body bones was sticking out of my skin and my skin was red and a hole lot of blood dropped to the black floor as my legs made a braking noise and I feel forward shit some catch but before I could hit the floor I hit something that was very warm and soft my face was in-between two warm mounds I was able to see black fabric my eyes edmired the big mounds as I heard lady death whisper in my ear and only enough I felt her hot breath hold on skeletons don't breath the fuck but she spoke in a very charming voice that made my brain numb hearing it thank you Hunter I know you did this mostly for me but she pulled away as I got sat on a shadow throne my body slumped onto it my head slumping down but I was able to see the beautiful pale face that was in front of mine pale white skin thin red Rosie, lips thin black and white eyelashes and black and white hair she whisked at me her glowing purple eyes shinning before she stood up the skull back that was ladies death face her true face fuck me she was a heaven shaking beauty holy hell no wounder she wares a mask it's like a vale for her ow damn haha ow ow my body started to make unnatural snapping noises as my body healed it's self ones I could moved my arm and fingers I grabbed my head and jurked it back my neck making a snapping noise as I did that ow fuck I grall ones my neck was fully healed I leaned it to one side then the other popping it ugg gods I looked forward at the table to see everyone was staring at me Lilith had a huge grin on her face wall Lucifer had a impressed smile wall lady death and Azreal I couldn't tell do to there fucking skull masks I picked up the still lit cigar that was on the table and put it in my mouth as my legs started to heal ow ow fuck I blow out smile from my mouth saying remind me not to piss you off cuz god damn Azreal this bloody hurts he leaned back in his chair chuckling hi what's so funny you old bag of bones huh I gralled he shrugged o nothing I thought a ant was talking nothing more I gralled at him my wolf mask forming on my face Azreal chuckled held up his hands saying same side remember same side I gralled saying it doesn't seem like it cuz ow but enough of this I looked to Lilith and Lucifer saying hello misses Lilith morningstar and sir Lucifer morningstar it it a pleasure to meet you Lucifer chuckled I must say Hunter Ace Colt you made one hell of a first impression on us my wife told me you was a madman but I didn't think you would be that fucking crazy do you got a death wish lad I laughed shrugging no offence sir but if I did die there then I will go out the same way as I lived in a blaze of glory not taking shit from anyone but my mama and throwing shit right back cuz sir you see my mama didn't raise no little bitch Lilith giggled at her husband shocked expression I told you dear so what do you say should we Lucifer shrugged I see y not and they both looked to me and both pulled out a bottle that had a red liquid out from no where and both places there bottle in front of me Lucifer saying this is Lilith and mine blood directly from the source I am sure you know what to do with this I chuckled shaking my head I can't but Lilith spoke in a calm powerful cumanding voice cut me off saying no Hunter you can and will this isn't negotiable the gift has been given I was stunned but quickly nodded yes mam and I put away the bottles in my soul space thinking there is enough blood in both to make about 15 , potions o gods so many options but I got snapped out of my thoughts when Lucifer chuckled I am sure you know what are blood can do to you and your family right I nodded yes it should further awaken are bloodline right he nodded yes and no this won't just awaken your bloodline but completely change it to something completely new you and your family will be completely new beings that the world hasn't seen before cuz you see you don't just got mine nor Lilith blood in you but the blood of Kan, Adam and Eve you and your family are fucking anomalies that should have never happened but it did but I will just give you these two warnings if you go through this change now most inheritances being won't expect you as there successor do to you being strange hell you still might seeing how strange you and your family are no more Lilith nodded that's his advice mine is this kill anyone that stands in your way of that portal the hela family has and ones you get it defend it with your life you will find out the reason y and secondly the fallen angel girl you taken in gift her your blood and are blood also the mix of the three will make something new especially for a angel and lastly dear find all your lost friends it's time for you all to be lead by one banner do not be scared to revive them from the dead if you must but Azreal gralled watch it Lilith you maybe a dear friend but that doesn't mean I won't teach you a lesson Lilith raised her hands like she gave up this is when my soul started to burn I clutched my chest in pain Lady death started at me with her purple eyes it's time for you to return Hunter your soul still can't handle being gone from your world from long go don't worry we ant going anywhere go and form your guild no go and form your wary of wounds go my death hound I will be waiting for you on the other side and like that I was back ontop of the mountain the cold wind was whipping agiant my face but I felt a warmth to it I opened my eyes to see the morning sun cresting over the horizon in a beautiful sight I side leaning back on the rock my legs popped as I moved them beautiful I mumbled I glanced up my drafonic eyes flashing in my eyes and noticed there was much less souls in the air I chuckled looking back down at the horizon smiling I felt at peace in this moment the world can show you many beautiful things all you got to do is go out and find it beautiful ant it I was stunned hearing that voice it was familiar I looked to my left to see a tall tan skinned woman she had on blue and purple robs on the sides of her head was shaved wall her dark brown hair at the top was pulled into a long brade that want all the way down her back her eyes was blue like the sky she was about my age perhaps a bit older to Lucys age I laughed seeing this woman yes yes indeed it is big sis bow and I looked back forward but as I did I noticed a small grin spread across her face as I said those words yes it is I mumbled and we stayed like this for a while till Bow asked so Hunter a little birdy told me you need trust worthy worriers and that you planned on finding those of your passed tellme is that true I laughed Connolly he couldn't never shut hit mouth in front of a hot chick no matter yes this world is ending and I plan on making the most out of it before we essend Bow laughed o yea then what I grinned stand up my body bursting with my blue fire and my green lightning sparking off me burning way all the snow off and around me I teach out to the rising sun my black ki claw fist and in a demonic beastly voice I formed a fist gralling we take Eden by storm Bow laughed hahaha you sure got some funny dreams I chuckled darkly this is no dream this is a fact my guild my family will take Eden by storm like stampeding cattle in a lightning storm but I need people yes I need people like me who have the same like minded thought I need the best of the best the craziest mother fuckers out there those who ant scared to die in the pursuit of people but most importantly I need trustworthy people who won't betray there own family cuz that is what my guild will be a huge family we live together we fight together and we die together if the fates call us but we will take every single one of are enemy's down with us as we go so tell me Big sis Bow are you with me gone was my ki powers and my demonic I turned to her with a huge grin as I held out my hand to her she looked at the sunrise for a bit longer keeping me in suspense but it wasn't working side chuckling a family you say the monastery was all I knew all the family I had and yet perhaps I was wrong I still got a family out there a boy who came to me to learn and left leaving behind a promise the promise of we would always be family even in the next life that stubborn kid was you Hunter your all the family I got and she looked to me with a huge grin and what sort of big sister would I be if I didn't watch over my little brother and make his dreams come true I am with you Devil dog and she took my hand let us make are new family together.