The beginning of a legend

People parted as we landed in the center of the courtyard Titubs took the lead as we walked up the stairs people started to whisper that is Titubs the headmistress of this school and is that sir Alucard who is the rest of them though those three with dark skin have a demonic ora around them they must be demon or devil descendent that is the green tribes chiefs son Sobek and the woman next to him must be his wife man she is a beauty I wonder if she would want a real man warming her bed or maybe she gots a daughter or two hehe hi doesn't that woman next to that tall tan man in the center look a lot like Sobeks wife huh o your right she does they seem close perhaps there married naa ones she feels the touch of a real man she won't want to go back to that boom before that person could finish a hole apeared right between his eyes as the back of his head exploded open as his head got jurked back the man who had been saying all the lewd comments hit the floor head people stopped talking and started dumbfounded at the smoking gun in my hand I lowered my hand holstering the pistol as I continued forward like nothing had happened but as I walked twisted one hand and a ghostly green chain pulled the mans soul out from his body and it shot into my body the moment it did two beings appeared behind me one a wolf as black as shadows the other a 9 tails fox as red as fire these two beasts seemed to trip a mans soul in half before eating it but it was only for a instant people blinked and they was gone making them all reconsider if they really seen those two figures Meg grinned happily so did Joanna and Sobeks just who is this kid many people mumbled as we got to the top of the stairs right in front of the huge double doors where my family was waiting so was Elder Sobek and his wife Sherly, Athena and her husband was also here and all the other elders from the meeting and many more I didn't recognize these people was standing and talking with my parents on one side of the door wall Lucy, Duke, Astrid and Rose stood on the other side with the people they called Lucy had 3 rikshasas and 1 bronze elder dragon in there human form all 4 of these creatures was females and they seem to talk with Lucy like they was sisters or something Duke locked arms with him was Jinufer both of them was talking with a man and woman both looked to be in there 60 maybe 70 both had on the uniform that Jinufer and Jinufer looked similar to them so if I had to guess this was her grandparents standing behind the two elders was a woman in full black plate armor that reflected shadows that woman seemed to be on guard she intensely watched my group as we walked up Astrid didn't have anyone around her but Lucy seemed to have sensed that and brot her to talk with her group the other woman seemed to treat Astrid just like a little sister as for Rose she had a 10 other hunters standing around her I could immediately tell that this was Rose hunting group every one of them was at the same level as her so they was all in the silver to yearly gold stage Rose was the strongest so she must be the leader waiting for us in the center between these group was Hael, Steal, Metal, Quite, Loosy, Onna, Eda, Greg and locked in both arms was two familiar woman one was Ashley the other was that demon from the funeral I believe Greg said her name was Caitlin shockingly enough my Samuel and his girlfriend miss Siren stood of the side of my group talking with uncle was 2 man and 1 woman all three of them was built like a truck they had to be at least 7 foot something as side as a car bumper and muscles of stone there skin was dark red and there hair was fire orange and red there eyes shined with a blue flame and each one of them had huge grins on there faces as they laughed with Samuel as my group walked up all the talking stopped and everyone looked to me my family stepping forward next to my as everyone else backed took a step back way from us I looked to Samuel grinning plans seems to be going great Uncle when you plan on tying the not everyone snickered seeing his face turn a little red from embarrassment he slipped me off as he spat fuck off brat mind your words you ant to old for a spanking I grinned at him but my father flapped his hand saying lets get this started and he stepped forward so he stood at the top of the stairs he cleared his throat but no one seemed to hear him my mother side and was about to step forward but I waved my hand to her and I stepped up next to my father yelling shut it maggots my voice thundered over everyone people covered there hears and glared up at me but I stood next to my father with my normal cold expression my hands in my pockets good know listen to what my father has to say and like that I took a step back my dad nodded at me as he looked over the crowd he cleared his voice again before saying first of all before we get this meeting started let me thank you all for coming I am sure you all have busy schedules so thank you for squeezing us onto that list you won't regret it know let me be the first to tell you all this everything covered in this meeting won't be spread with anyone else you got it if we hear a single rumor or peace of information that was covered in this meeting whoever shared the info will die no matter where you hide no matter where you run we will find you and we won't just kill you we will strip you of your flesh feed it to you then heal your body then do it all over again you will beg us for death do I make my self clear he scanned over everyone of there fearful stricken faces cuz they could tell he wasnt lying Lucy didn't seem to like the silence that they all gave as a response so she stepped forward gralling do you understand her killing intent bared down onto them they all nodded and yelled yes mam like fearful puppies Lucy spat good and she stepped back I heard Sekhmet say damn I like that one I chuckled at her you have no idea my father smiled warmly at the crowd let us began choose someone to lead your groups cuz there is only so many seats around the table and like that the doors behind us slowly opened and we walked in as I walked by the suits of armor I nodded to them they nodded back I could feel there enjoyment from there souls they loved me acknowledging that they was there as we walked into the great hall there was a huge round table placed in the dead center of this room behind the chairs at the table was sepret chairs placed farther back of the table for everyone else I didn't see any of the normal tables that would be in this room and I also noticed this room was bigger then normal I laughed I love magic as I walked around the table and sat down in the same area as I did last time my Girls and my group sat behind me I also noticed my hounds appearing from corridors and filling up the seats behind on my right sat Lucy and on my left was Duke it want my parents then uncle then there kids eldest to youngest then the tribes elders then Alucard and Hallow and his wife Jonifer next to her was one of the huge fuckers that was talking with Unlce next to him was the elder dragon who was talking with Lucy Jenifer grandparents and a few other people who was heads of hunter branches and then Titubs at the head of the table she looked over everyone smiling let this be the first to many meeting start everyone stopped talking and payed attention my father stood up thank you misses Titubs let allow me to tell you all y we summoned you all here and that's for the simple task of making a guild unrivaled by any on this world and like that people started whispering with each other and one of the few hunters sitting at this table that wasnt my family or I stood up yelling your fucking crazy how could a hunter form a guild with both hunters and supernatural creatures when us hunters are meant to hunt beasts I laughed hahah beasts you say don't make me laugh Griffith you of all hunters know that those of hunter guild is nothing but over glorified mercenaries under the governments and head familys rule perhaps at one point in time that's what we was and I said this with a dark bite to my voice but somewhere along the way this generation of hunters started forgetting are roots you all no longer push your self you all are don't grow no you rely on shit like this and I pulled out a cybernetics arm and through it to the center of the table you rely on this shit instead of strengthing your selfs you all are to scared of dead you all think taking the safe way is best sense you still have your life but it's not us hunters was meant to do one thing and that's to hunt simple as that that's y the supernatural creatures of this time are much more stronger then you hunters unlike you all they haven't forgotten what makes them stronger Griffith face turned red so did many other hunters behind him but I didn't care I pulled out a cigar from my mouth and lit it saying isn't that right green spider Droid Nicolas i heard a woman giggle I looked to Nicolas who was in a dark green rob that seemed to be made from leaves her eyes was shinning green and her hair started to float up as her body started started to change her ears got longer and want to a point her skin want as black as midnight and her hair long hair want white people gasped seeing this transformation a dark elf a person gasped so you figured it out huh about time I thought you would never notice and like that she looked to me her hair falling her eyes stopped glowing but they was still green she smiled at me I blow out a smoke ring as a huge grin spread across my face my draconic eyes shinning I chuckled who would have thought the first hunter I met when I awakened would by a friend from the passed reborn also haha and right when I think on finding us all you come arrive hahaha this world seems to be fucking with me Nicolas chuckled she looked to Griffith who was stunned her smile faded as a cold expression replaced it Hunter is right this generation of hunters are a bunch of disappointment only a rare few deserve the right to be called hunter so shut it and listen and like a good dog Griffith sat down and shut up Nicolas looked to my father nodded go on sir you was saying something my father nodded you heard me right yall my family and I wish to form a guild one that is unmatched in this world and you might ask your selfs how could we even do such a thing in fear the governmenta and big families and guilds would destroy us or that's what you all think some of you might also think y would my family do such a thing both questions can be answered with this simple truth my father took a deep breath building up the suspense before he breathed out this world is coming to a end WHAT HOW THE FUCK LIAR many people stood up and started shouting many different thing at my father but they all shut up seeing mine and Lucy'a murderous eyes as we glared at them all they sat back down going quite my father chuckled saying its not that surprising to see all yalls reactions but it is two the government and big guilds already know this they wanted to monopolize all the resources between them selfs before they tried to escape to Eden they think they could survive with the resources they take with them but they are all wrong nothing they bring will be worth much sense Eden has a abundance of resources ten times as better as anything we have but Azzy spoke up more like 50 times people was stunned hear this or well many was there was a few that wasn't surprised these was your elders and high ranking hunters plus a few others Elder Sobek cleared his voice asking so how long do we have Hallow stood up and was about to open his mouth but I spoke before him 2 years everyone froze hearing this Hallow looked time slowly asking no lad that isn't what we found we have at least but I cut him off again we have 2 years right Azzy and stepping next to me was Azzy who nodded at me that's right Hunter Hallow gralled and how did you come to that, conclusion demon Azzy side I chuckled show and tell them Azzy he chuckled yes sir and like that he pulled of the ring I made for him the moment he did his true ora exploded out from him as his horns curved out of his head his eyes burst with a green flames and woosh his skull cot fire forming in this fire was two small obsidian human skulls and in-between these two skulls a owl like obsidian skull formed that had two sharp horns that came out then up the sides of the skull flashing in the eye sockets was two Green owl eye sharped like fire balls he looked over everyone as he spoke and oddly enough he sounded normal let me introduced my self my name is Asmodeus prince of the nine hells and one of the seven deadly sins I be the sin of lust I would say it's a pleasure to meet you all but I can smell the sins coming off many of yall it sickens me besides you ant people of my guild yet so if you wish for my respect you must earn it as for you and his eyes shot to Hallow who started to shake in fear yes I am talking to you you'll old sinful bag of bones you asked me how did I possibly come to that conclusion and that's quite simple unlike some people I know the reason your world is dying and it's quite simple a war is about to start between the heavens and hell with all the other powers choosing sides this will be a war that Eden hasn't sense Lucifer fell and lead his army to heavens door hahaha boy that was quite the time well dearing that war your world this world literally broke away from Eden and floated to where it is at it is funny who would think thats where the big G would banish Adam, and Eve to that small chunk of Eden hahaha but enough of the history lesson to put it simply if that's what happened to this world when the last great war happened it's no wonder it will brake ones the war starts Hunter here and his family has chosen a side my peoples side or that was the plan but Hunter wishes to form his own guild no that isn't the right word he wishes to form his own empire people started whispering at that and he allowed them to whisper for a few seconds before he cut them all off he has allowed you all hear for this your the chosen ones to begin this new empire truthfully I don't know what he sees in all of you but it isn't my place to question my friend and leader so I will give you all some advice fallow him and his family never betrayed then never betray each other cuz if you don't this man and his family will lead you all to higher places and with that I have spoke enough and he put the ring back on he want back to normal and he walked back to his seat he pat me on the shoulder three times before whispering good luck sir I chuckled at this everyone was stunned seeing the back of Azzy then he sat down my father chuckled saying this is perfect everything I needed to cover is gone it's his turn now to do the rest he looked to me grinning it's your turn son I side and stood up nodding my father grinned as he looked to everyone saying to all those who don't know this is my eldest Son Hunter Ace Colt you might know him as the death hound the rest is his show and like that my father sat down under people yelling the fuck you say huh this boy no no it's the death hound shit we need to but a hand slammed onto the stone table cracks through the table from the force from that hit as Nicolas hissed shut the fuck up before I feed you to my children and to prove her point a huge brown and green spider appeared on her back or was it always there it blended in with the leaves on her rob so I was leaning to that option but the spider crawled off her back down her arm onto the table and when I say this spider was huge it was the side of a fucking sea turtle legs as sharp as a blade yellow eyes like leaves and snipers and fangs like the predator movies hell it even made the clicking noise but the moment it walked onto the table it hair and body changed to match the table the only thing that didn't change was they eye color people shut up real quick seeing the huge spider that had camouflaging abilities Nicolas nodded good and she pet the spider saying good girl it clicked happily Nicolas looked up to me saying you was saying devil dog I chuckled seeing this familiar site but I shook them thoughts out of my head I stood up straight hello yall I am sure you have many questions for me like what exactly Azzy meant or who and how will this guild be ran and to put it simple it will be run like a family my family will be the lead of the family wall those under us will have sub families and then people just joining us will be outer families but get one thing straight we will be one family following one banner I do not care if individual families wishes to have there own marker but it will be flown under my families banner or mixed together with it what that banner is you may ask here allow me to show you and I pulled down my shirt showing the tattoo on my left peck many people gasped seeing my scars but I didn't care I moved my shirt back into place all families will have a voice at the table where we can discuss business for the guild but my family gets the last say in the matter unless we put it to a vote then each member of my family vote is worth 3 compared to your one this allows us to hold some power but not all the power this will benefit you all if we vote with you and if a vote is tied and we can't reach a conclusion we will wait till next meeting to vote again if we tie again then we wait till the next meeting and if the 3 meeting is tied then we salve this the old fashion way a dual between the two families who started the vote of course the you don't have to chose someone in your family you can chose anyone from any of the other families that voted with you as long as the head of the family allows it that is yes this includes my family the dual wont be till death cuz that would be stupid and if any member tries to kill another family member in any way then they answer to my and my mother and I promise you this if your actions harmed any members of this family death will be the least of your worries hell it would be a mercy no family should betray one another I don't mind bad blood or competition between other houses cuz what family doesn't have these things but I expect you to at least respect one another and when the time comes stand together as for the empire part it will be ran the same way just at a much bigger scale ever one in this family is allowed to do what they want if it benefits the family I don't care of your a fighter and you hunt monster cores for the family or your a smith making wears hell you could be a fucking painter I do not care if it doesn't harm the family good if it benefits the family grate if you kill a dragon and take its treasure even better haha of course each family will be allowed to keep what they keep we will just take half to a quarter and before you get all pissy about that it isn't for my family it is for everyone else family aka it's for all of you sure one family will come out ontop but that's cuz they killed the bloody dragon if there is one thing we all respect it would be power as for enemies of the guild I will say this and I will only say it ones if one of yall does something stupid and you don't got the nerve or power to back it up and you bring a storm to your door step you will face it alone unless you beg for help from any of the other family or pay off a family to help you but if one of the family comes asking for help it's up to everyone to help weather its for free or what ever is up to the family but we do not deal in people if I hear any of you ask for someone's wife or husband I will force feed you your balls or eggs that shit is despicable i don't mind if you do arrange marriages as a payment most of us are already us to that way of payment so y change it marriage will be done at the head family building where we will through the newly wedd couples one hell of a party plus it will be my family who will guard the wedding sure the bride and groom families can help with the guards and all that we be one family after all and your families happy day is all of are happy day haha any questions people didn't move they was all absorbing the information I just spat but Nicolas raised her hand saying I got one Hunter how will be chose the head of each individual families and who will be the overall leader of the guild I smiled shrugging the way of choosing the individual families head is up to that family you can put it to a vote you can have a duel you can so both I do not care as long as the family heads are capable cuz if they ant they will be replaced fast as for who the leader of it all my family and I didn't but right at that moment Lucy stood up saying all colts who believe Hunter should be are leader raise your hand everyone of them did I chuckled darkly you fuckers you planned this from the start didn't you Lucy giggled of course we did so how about it little brother will you except I shrugged I could but I have a better person in mind and I looked over to Moon she raised a eye brow asking me Hunter really plea but I cut her off saying all those who believe mother should be the head of the family and funny enough everyone raised there hands including me she glared at Perseus who was grinning sheepishly at her she mombled trader she looked to me angrily y not you son I shrugged I could but it will be a real headache when I leave for long periods of time to explore or to get stronger so I thought you would be way better at it she giggled shaking her head no you would be the best at it besides if you ant there your wifes can fill in for your place haha it's a good things you got more hehe besides it's time for the new generation to take lead I side at her words fine I will accept on two conditions the first you and Lucy will train are army for war Moon nodded simple enough what's your second condition I grinned and looked to Duke he visibly tried to move out of my line of sight but couldn't that if I or my girls ant there Duke and uncle will take charge and leading in my place my mother giggled done Hi MOTHER damn you Moon but I grinned back to Nicolas saying I guess I am the leader she giggled of course you are devil dog you know I am with you I have been sense the beggening I nodded and looked to the other groups Alucard shrugged you know I am with you so are the ones behind me Titubs nodded same her lad this gives this old lady a chance to get rid on the stain to my family elder Sobek chuckled shrugging lad the green family has been on your side sense the day you came onto are land said you was friends with Meg and killed those that threatened us hahaha besides Mag is now your second wife so haha we are sort of stuck together I nodded grinning indeed grandfather well said I seen the big fary man chuckled your uncle has told us much about you devil dog and I must say your idea for this guild seems like something to strive for so you have the support of the Ghostflame family we maybe few but we are mighty I nodded let us burn are enemies together Jenifer grandfather stood up then smiling hello there son we have never met before I am Jenifer grandfather Snow and this is my wife Temp we have heard may good things about you from both Duke and Jenifer and I am happy to see that they was all right my family is already tied together with yours so might as well say we join right haha I nodded it is a pleasure to meet you both and thank you Athena stood up smiling in her human form I take back what I have said about you lad your nothing like him your more like Samuel you not only saved my families hatchlings not only did you pass every test that I put in front of you but you also taught my my eldest children how to fight others outside of there race my family and I would be honored to join and follow a man like your self her mate next to her nodded like he agreed all the other elders nodded even the ones I didn't know except for one the fox tribe my eyes fell on to the elder of the fox tribe but he was starting hatfuly at Astrid his tail flicking behind him angrily I cleared by through the me looked to me angrily what brat I raised a eye brow asking are you in or are you out he snarled do you even need to ask my family wont join those who has one who has tainted nine tails blood she is a sin and should have been killed at birth enough I gralled my draconic eyes going move fox like as 6 burning fox tails flicked behind me and my hands turning hsd fox claws form over them and in a deep angry voice I gralled you will not address are little sister in such a way nor will you speak like you know anything on us nine tails so shut it you damn wanna be nine tails the elder hissed who are you to call me such a thing all you are is a fucking human spirit beast nothing else you don't even know anything about but in a booming voice that shook the hole room I yelled shut the hell up you fucking inbred no good wanna be fucking nine tails you will not talk to me a true nine tails fox in such a way and forming behind me was a huge nine tails fox made from fire I chuckled shaking my head you done it know mate he is pissed I would start begging he might only eat your arm he huffed he is only a spirit what could a but before he could finish a firy orange tail whipped the table in front of the elder completely cracking it to the point you wouldn't want to put any pressure on it or the table might collapse the elder face want pale and it's eyes wide seeing this but how he mumbled he is only a spirit beast how but I cut him off you obviously know nothing about spirit beast do you what do you mean boy spill everything or I will kill but the next moment the elders left ear was ripped off he screamed my fox held a ear in one of its claws it then ate it gralling you don't get to make threats or demands here you inbred fox but I am fearing jealous soul beasts are different for everyone and have didn't power rankings to them they are the same as the hunters ranking a gold ranked beast could do this anything higher then that wasn't just snapped into existence o no we are souls from dead monsters from Eden naturally if you had a assendent ranked beast soul it's power would be greater then the others we have two essendent beasts me and hound so you see I am a real nine tails fox I have all my memories and such and so I be the first to tell you this little Astrid here has the blood of a real nine tales fox unlike the rest of you but what did you do when you realized she had a bloodline you fucking abandoned her you treated her like shit not a one of you helped her she had no one till she me us and we plan on making her into one hell of a nine tails fox wall the rest of you will be struggling to even walk the proper way hahaha the progenitor the mother of all foxes would be ashamed is ashamed of you I should just rip you all into pieces then eat and shit you out at least you will have some sort of usefulness hahaha no that's exactly what I will do and it started walking forward towards the elder as it walked its feet want straight through the table like it wasn't there the elder started to freak out his eyes was looking for a escape a way out but there was none well he didn't seem to think so and he shot towards the huge closed double doors his tribe's man following him the elder pushed against the door trying to open it but the huge doors didn't budge even when his other foxes helped him my fox chuckled hehehe where do you think your going little snacks haha did you truly think we would allow you to leave after hearing everything well we probably would hehe but you had to insult Astrid his little sister and the fox I have chosen to pass down my teaches to you might not know this but when a adult nine tails fox finds a nine tails cub we are bound to that cub sense most nine tail foxes don't get parents the moment the cub is born the mother sacrifices her life energy to keep the baby healthy and to grow in her most mothers don't survive the birthing process do to this reason as for the father who knows most male nine tail foxes are very brutish they don't really focus on who they mate with or if that mate gets a child so it us written and sealed deep in our bones that whenever we find a nine tails cub we take them in as our own teaching and treating them like our own child so what I am about to do it will be very personal and I am going to enjoy every moment at this point he was face to face with the elder his teeth bared in a sadistic, grin the elder screamed as he punched the door open you fucking big bitch but the door didn't move he turned around and looked to me with fearful desperate eyes help me child call off your soul beast you still need my family right you ask me to join my family and I pledge are selfs to you and your family for life just please call back your soul beast I laughed shaking my head my black tails moving behind me you misunderstand me elder I don't need mist of you hell my family and I could and would happily watch you and everyone else fight and bicker over the scraps that is this world the Colt family has been in the background since Alucard trained the first hunters my family has always been either at the forefront of huge events or we stayed in the background helping all of mankind the Colts have always been a threat you all just have forgotten about that haha besides I am no saint o no and I never will but am I the bad guy not really I can be brutal one moment and the next be the kindest person you have ever met I am probably neutral or neutral evil besides have you forgotten what I did in this very room not to long ago and like that I appeared standing at the center of the table I slowly looked around me my draconic eyes changing as another eye slit crossed over the other one making a T this new slit mixed perfectly with the other as the two merged I didn't see this but when my eyes scanned over everyone people shaked as my eyes passed over them, especially the ones who knew what I did in this room I had a huge fox like grin I looked back to the elder fox saying I take what I said back I am the bad guy my hands are covered in the bloods of my enemies I pushed the limits of this world in my old life and I am doing the same in this life I will take my family to the top not just in this world this is only the beginning of this legend I can't wait haha yes indeed I can't wait to find my enemies and kill them to stan my hands red with there blood I have slottered literally thousands and I am sure I will have to slotter thousands more cuz the path to the top is never easy this goes for all of you if you join me if you follow me your hands will be stand red with the blood of thousands we will not be a guild that stands in the back and allow people to walk all over us no we will take Eden by storm we will grab this new world by the horns and take are fates into are own hands I reached out and land a fist that made a shockwave green lightning and blue fire sparking around me join me if you wish but if you do you will have to fight for it you will have to become a monster yes a monster like me so no one will ever dare touch are family of monsters haha let us forge out this path together let us build a future together if you are with me let me hear you ROAR the room shook from the battle cry that thundered out from everyone be it hunter, beast ,undead or whatever they all yelled we are with you sir that fox-like grin on my face got much bigger I nodded good know watch this is what we do to people who treat a member of our family poorly and I turned to Fox waving my hand down saying one word kill the elder screamed NO this is unrig giggle giggle his words got cut off my his head being swiped off my Fox laughed crushing the elders head in his fangs time to play and like that he ripped and tarred through the fox tribe till not one body was alive or visible all was eaten Fox licked his bloody chops happily as it disappeared in a red ball that shot back into my chest I side happily feeling all the souls he just devoured and absorbed pass through my body I turned around my fox form disappearing my eyes going back to normal draconic eyes as I flashed into my chair I kicked me legs into the table as I leaned back smiling at them all you all say your with me but if you wished to join me then you will have to sign a blood contract don't worry it will say everything we have covered nothing more nothing less and like that contract was passed out by Azzy and his lovers everyone read over the contract very carefully but they couldn't find anything wrong with it since it said basically everything that I had stated before it did say that new members to the family will have to sign a contract like this ones they come to age and that all members should sware them selfs to the guild and no one else everyone signed it and the contracts shot to Azzy who happily nodded good I hope you all know the punishment for braking blood contract especially one made by a powerful demon they all nodded well everyone but Griffith who shook his head embarrassedly Nicolas side disappointedly at him Azzy chuckled its quite simple if you brake a normal blood contract the best thing you can get is a powerful heart demon at worst you will be cursed for the rest of your life a demons contact is similar to that but just much more harsh at beast you will die at worst well haha I don't think you wish to know and I advise you all never to find out either everyone nodded so what's next Hallow asked a huge grin spread across my face shrugging first we take over the Hela family rift and make it are own after that I looked to Titubs asking can you bring up a image of the world she nodded and waved her hand and a huge globe appeared in the center of the table.