A small brake and talk after meeting

I nodded thank you she smiled nodding I waved my hand the room getting darker and a place started to glow Paris Hallow side damn it how do you evern know where it is Granny asked we made sure to hide it no one new where it was other then us and the angels I laughed you do know the fallen angel Hael is mine right but we found it easily with out her help with help from Wolf Samuel and I sensory abilities we found it with ease there are some areas you can fully hide rifts are one of such things besides it wasn't that hard to find since it is in your secret bunker but even without uncles Wolfs and mine abilities it would have taked us long sense one of Roses members is no only a good hunter but is a genius hacker so it was easy to find all of your secrets Hallow slumped agiant the table defeated wall Granny was still trying to cope with how she was outsmarted and outplayed not once nor twice but three times and it hasn't even been 2 days she glared at me saying did you plan all this sense the beginning I laughed waving my hand naa the initial plan was just to see what you wanted and to keep poking the fact we wasnt part of the Hela guild hehe basically our main goal at first was to see what you both had planned and to completely embarrass you and your family in front of everyone but you told us about the rift and I ran into Wolf so plans changed from embarrassing you to destroying and robbing you blind hahaha and I must say it was quite easy you danced on the palm of my hand the moment the two of you walked into that party so in a way are initial plan we completed with flying colors she glared at me then looked to Moon asking is all of this true daughter Moon shrugged grinning we did warn you not to fuck with us didn't we Hunter just capitalized on the opportunity and you did exactly what we thought you was going to do you underestimated us and this is what you got Granny side leaning back in her chair defeated Hallow leaned forward a proud smile on his face who would have thought my grandkids would end up being so scary hehe I waved my hand saying enough Titubs are we there she nodded yes Lad we are right over the location I nodded Good I turned around to Wolf he had on a black and red spiked chest plate made from the wyvern he had killed and on his back was a bone spiked sword wall I was away my puppets made this for him at this point my puppeting skill was on a completely different level and sense I could split my mind to do different task one part of my mind was always connected to them even wall I was talking with the death twins it stayed back in my body to complete this armor the rest of the hounds had black armor with helmets that had a visor that looked like a snarling wolf and on there chest plate was both of my brands the reapers smithy and the family brand mixed I to one to prove that they was my hounds Wolf smiled at me saying ready and waiting sir I grinned go give them hell he nodded standing up and slammed a fist to his chest saying yes sir and like that he put on a simple helmet to the others but his had gold inlays in the face to prove who he was Wolf looked to Titubs who smiled nodded and waved her hand and like that Wolf and the hounds disappeared in a flash of green light know that's out of the way let us truly start this meeting I leaned forward looking over them all Azzy your up tell them he nodded and walked next to me listen up fuckers cuz I don't like repeating my self I am about to explain how Eden is rules have any of yall read any cultivation books like from webnovel or something you have good then this should be easy to comprehend with yalls small minds Eden is a cultivation world all the powers you all have been using are quite literally just a shitty replication of cultivation that shouldn't even be compared to the real thing you all have stagnated from the true path well most of you anyway in Eden there is 3 cultivation paths and these are path of the body, path of the soul, path of the spirit do not get spirit and soul mixed up they are nothing alike spirit users are similar to mages they throw around spells and shit like that wall Soul users quite literally us their souls to form attacks this is similar to the site Hunter just showed you all and lastly we get to body strengthening this is similar to you hunters and beasts who us ki you us the ki in your body to deliver overwhelming attacks and such no one path is supper then the other it all depends on the individual and many other variables next we will go over Edem kingdoms and technology we don't us guns and rockets no we us blades and spells honor is a real thing there basically think of it as a fantasy medieval world we don't need the things you do sense we have magic and such sure there are magic carts but most people us magic beast and kingdoms are ran by duked kings emperors and such there are laws in the kingdoms but the world follows the survival of the fittest the strong rule the weak fall in line everyone can us powers either there skilled is another story this brings me to the level you all come in at if you all get to the very top of this worlds power which is the ascended rank in Eden you will be considered a beginner cultivator you will be at the bottom and half to work your way up but don't worry not all is lost Eden has many resources that can assist you and if you get a inheritance this will boost your growth speed greatly but it was Griffith who scoffed what do you mean demon all of the inheritances have been take id most of them and one ones who haven't ant powerful so your plan has failed Azzy looked over to me grinning I chuckled nodded you would be right about that Griffith all known inheritances have been taken yes Griffith smiled like he had just won a great victory but his boy was shot lasted do to my next words that it maybe true that all the ones you all know About have been taken but I have knowledge on hundreds of inheritances that has been forgotten to time and none of them are weak untop of this I plan on making us all into mutants Griffith was shocked hearing that mutants he hissed but y we will lose what makes us human I shrugged no you will just evolve into a new being this is his humanity has been this is how all living things are we grow and evolve us humans are just much better at it besides this isn't a request this is a order and you damn well fallow it know for the inheritances there is a reason y they have either been forgotten to time or barely remembered by some cuz everyone of them are inheritance from beings from Eden so naturally they are quite powerful this just makes the job getting them even harder Azzy will give you all a location to a inheritances he is much better at that sort of thing then me we have 2 years get inheritances and to reach the pinnacle of this world two years to grow as a guild as a family we will be targeted by others and I got one thing to say to that strike hard strike fast and go for the kill this is the end of the meeting feel free to make your selfs comfortable in our new bunker and like that I stood up turned around and walked to my girls grabbed them and walked out the moment we was out of earshot Hael glared at me saying fallen Angel huh I know it's true but gods Damn it you heartless prick I got feeling to I smiled o did you not her me call you mine Hael huffed angrily whatever I chuckled and pinched her ass winking at her saying I will make it up to you she just huffed and looked to the side but I could tell she was trying to hide her blushing face I chuckled but Triss smacked me on the chest saying not before us I side you all are greedy but fare Triss smiled hearing that but Meg looked to me asking so what's next Hunter I smiled shrugging we get stronger we grow and get inheritances every one of us then we leave never to look back again Meg side a bit sad what about all of the other people she mumbled I raised an eyebrow what about them Meg side again looking down to her feet I don't know It just doesn't seem right to leave them all here just to die when we could be helping them I side hearing this I stopped and turned to her o Meg you got such a good and peer heart my dear and I grabbed her hands she slowly looked up into my eyes I could see worry and sorrow in those eyes plus she was holding back tears I side and dragged her into a tight huge my dear gatoress y didn't you bring up your worries to me but Sihtric side when could she have Hunter things have been moving so quickly in these few days and you have been either in the middle of meetings like the ones we just was in or we have been fighting for are life we haven't had time alone sense the party started and a lot has happened I side nodding you are right as all ways my giantess but no matter how busy I may look I will always have time for my love ones all you need to do is ask but a lot has happened in a very short period of time so you asked me what my first order of business I smiled that's easy enough we are all going to sit down and talk come on and like That I picked up Meg who still held tightly to me her face dug into my chest silently crying I didn't mind this I just held her close to me as we moved to the room we used last time we sat down on shadow chairs that formed up from the floor I sat Meg in my lap stroking her hair she happily purred happily as I did wall the other three started jealously at her but Meg moved her head up off my chest and stared into my eyes Hunter I wish to know y we ant helping more people you easily awakened Wolfs wife Lynx right and his children also so y are we just abandoning them to there deaths I side my dear do you know how hard it is to awaken someone who doesn't want to be awakened nearly impossible the only reason Lynx and her children was so easy was cuz they lived in the Hera family where the Vail is weak plus the chakra energy there was pretty great another things is what do you think would happen when we tell the world that they only got a few years left and if they wanted to survive join us at best people won't believe us and just go about there daily life and at worst we cause a massive uprising it will be a fucking free-for-all just to be the first to join us humans will do anything in order to survive and if that isn't bad enough the big families and governments would us this chance to attack us we would be surrounded on all sides I don't want this to happen we maybe strong but thousands of ants can kill a dragon besides we ant the only ones who are preparing to ascend I am sure there are many big guilds preparing especially after what we did at the Hera family and what all was said in that meeting and if this wasn't bad enough we are being watched closely by forces outside of this world and I have already made a mortal enemy out of one group of those we have to remember we maybe powerful here but we are just small bugs compared to them take Hael here she was one of the strongest angel commanders in all of heaven and yet she could easily be killed by me in this world and there is one last reason I will give you and this is probably the most important we don't got enough resources to grow that many people there isn't enough inheritances to go around like that fuck by the time all send and done we will just barely have enough for the numbers we got they all was stunned hearing that Meg looked confused so she asked umm dear didn't Azzy say we had plenty of inheritances I laughed he did yes but that would be if everyone only got one inheritance nothing more Megs eyes want wide you don't mean I nodded smiling yep I am hoping when all is all said and done everyone will have at least 2 or more there isn't any point saving them for later I want this guild to be as ready as we can be before we acend but only you 4 and Azzy know my true plan well Samuel does also I think he just hasn't said anything Meg nodded I understand better Hunter thank you and I am sorry for doubting you I shook my head kissing her on the head saying no dear no need to be sorry you had every right to ask these questions but please dear I know it's hard for a peer heart like your to turn away people but please do not let there fates worry you ok Meg side nodding and she rested her head on my shoulder I simply hugged her as I looked to the other 3 Sihtric shook her head saying I got nothing Dear I trust you and ant worried about anyone else but my family which is already part of this guild I have no room in my heart for anyone else nor do I care about anyone else the rest of humanity can burn in hell for all I care Triss nodded I agree fuck the rest of humanity as long as I am beside you my hound my emperor I could watch the world burn Hael shrugged I have killed innocence with my own hands in name of a shity kingdom they was my hole reason to fight to live and kill but I see I was a fucking fool when you left me I felt hallow like my very being was taken from me like I was missing apart of my soul and know that the kingdom I fought so hard for has cast me aside who found me at my lowest but the other half of my soul I will never betray you again my reaper the light to my life as long as we stand together I do not care what happened next I laughed shaking my head you all are fucking mintal and I fucking love it haha come let us get a few hours of sleep before we got to go back to work they all nodded and we all snuggled on the bed easily falling asleep.