More headaches

My dreams wasnt pleasant I was in a dark room as big as the world or that's what it seemed like to me sense I had been walking and running for hours as I moved through this world I kept on seeing shadow figures out the corner of my eye I felt thousands of eyes locked on me no matter where I ran I couldn't escape there eyes I have never been one to fear the darkness so I moved through this world with no fear I heard a knocking noise I turned around in the dream to see a blob that had thousands of eyes that was locked on me and hands that was reaching out towards me I tried to move away but it was to late one of the hands grabbed my throat my arms and legs was locked in place as this blob slowly pushed me into its self the moment I was completely absorbed by this blob I felt like I was swimming through thick oil I could barely move my body and if that wasn't bad enough I couldn't hold my breath for long and soon my lungs needed air I opened my mouth taking a deep breath in but this was a even bigger mistake I sucked this thick viscous liquid quickly filled up my mouth and was moving it's way down my throat my lungs was burning from this but that's when I heard knock knock knock this time it was much more loader my eyes shot open I was breathing hard like I had been holding my breath for a long time I used my lightning flash to move out of the bed noticing the girls was still asleep my draconic eyes activated I scanned the room crazily but didn't notice anything I scanned over my self and didn't find anything I moved to the side of the bed and looked up right above where I was sleeping but nothing I looked under the bed that's when my draconic eyes noticed the faint traces of a beings presents that was disappearing fast I gralled angrily I stood up and started to draw runes in the air and quickly I formed a protective array around my bed making sure all sides was sealed I wouldn't let whatever just tried to kill me to effect my girls I flashed to the door standing there with his hand raised was Azzy and Wolf both man smiled seeing me Wolf saying I hope we didn't interrupt you brother haha both man laughed but quickly stopped noticing I was laughing that's when they noticed I was a bit pale and my draconic eyes were activated and they were glowing with anger what happened brother Wolf asked I looked to Azzy asking is there a being that likes to take the shape of a shadow blob with thousands of eyes and hands in other peoples dreams Azzy's eyes want wide he pushed me aside and ran into the room he immediately ran next to the bed he looked above the bed frame then below the bed shit it was obvious that he noticed the disappearing presents he side and stood up and looked to me asking do you feel alright hunter you don't feel different in any way there isn't any off feeling coming from your soul I thought about it rescanning my body and soul taking my time to make sure I didn't miss anything but after 5 minutes I shook my head naa I am fine mate Azzy side that's good it would seem you woke up just in the brink of time I was stunned and angry who I asked Azzy side again one of the most dangerous dream cultivators of all of the history of Eden Dream cultivators Wolf and I was confused Azzy side again and sat down in the chair at my work table as Azzy massaged the sides of his head Yes a dream cultivator you see the dream realm is a odd place between all worlds and some beings have the power to enter this realm the skill is very, very, very, very rare only one out of thousands people are born with the ability and in those few numbers only a rare few have risen to the top the being called the Boogeyman is one of the most feared and well-known dream walkers no one knows where he came from no one knows his true name but he was quickly given the name the Boogeyman after entering people dreams just to brutality torcher them he took pride in the fear he made through Eden this labeled him rogue cultivators and that cost him his life but that didn't stop the Boogeyman no he still somehow he sent his soul to the dream realm there he still Roms torching and killing people in the dream world a man soul who's body is dead the dream realm is both his home and prison but this isn't even the bad part of this story there are powers who higher him to kill people in their dreams cuz you see we don't know how but he has an ability that destroys the soul of he kills you in the dream world mine and Wolfs faces want pale and at the same time we said shit Azzy nodded Shit is right my friend luckily there are ways to counter him the easiest way is just to wake up well that's the easiest way for you all but for us cultivators the easiest method for countering the Boogeyman is just not to sleep at all sense us powerful cultivators do not need to sleep hell many of us don't need to eat or can go long periods with out food I have seen both people and creatures just living off the natural energy of the world but as you can imagine haha not any being can or will stop eating it's the same thing with breathing sure you might not have to but it feels natural fuck I have seen a 300-year-old mommy awaken and the first thing it did was take a deep breath then immediately cough up all the sand and dust out of its mouth and throat hahaha Wolf and I chuckled to our self-imaging that sight Azzy side and leaned forward looking at the bed asking on a side note Hunter did you make this array I nodded indeed Azzy looked back to me asking if you don't mind can you tell me how I shrugged and explained to him the spell weaving book that I had found and completed and adapted Azzy leaned back the chair made a creaking noise as he did he ran a hand through his beard I could tell he was thinking about something so I allowed him to think it only too him a few seconds for him to look down to me asking Can I see the book you found and your notes on the matter I shrugged and pulled out a leather bound book throwing it to him saying it should be on page 26 to 29 he nodded and flipped the book open to that page I looked to Wolf asking so what did you two come here for Wolf was broken out of his daydreaming as he looked to me o that's right sorry brother as he turned to me as he pushed a button on his watch I felt my phone go off in my pocket I pulled my glasses out from my soul space and put them on opening what he sent me Wolf spoke as I read over the details we took the base as we had prodicked the location was heavily guarded and they was prepared for a attack all although I don't think they were prepared for a small group of 400 highly trained and pissed off hounds to drop out of the sky onto their heads haha and he was right I watched a video from Wolf's helmet cam it literally showed my hounds running and jumping out the front gates of the school which lead into open skys do to the school fucking flying Wolf was at the head of this group leading the charge the group dived down the wind whipping passed them as they shot through the clouds which revealed what they was plummeting to there was woods all around and right below the group was a huge clearing on a hill this hill had a fucking military base ontop of it I saw there was machine guns nest and trenches hell even razor wire they was ready for a battle alright I even saw antiair missiles this base didn't even notice the group of 400 hundred hounds plummeting down to them and it was mid-day so the sun might have helped them but even so gods damn the group was about to hit the ground when an alarm finally started going off as gunfire filled the sky but it was a little to late for that bright orange fire shot out of Wolf's feet as he did a flip in the air right before he gently touched down on the floor the moment his feet hit the floor people started moving to shoot at him but Wolf simply swung his hands up like he was pushing a wave in water with both of his hands a wave of fire exploded out from him as he moved his arms I heard some screams and guns fire but by the time the fire was gone there was nothing but red hot ground the razor wire had melted in the places where his flames touched his flames that when a water whip shot at Wolf who stepped to the side the whip just missing him Wolf looked to where the whip came from a hunter in blue clothes was angrily staring at him the Hera family mark on his chest the man pulled his hand back and flipped around the water whip shot back to the man and spun around him before whipping back towards Wolf who simply raised a arm that was covered in orange ki armor the whip wrapped around his arm hissing but doing nothing more the man tried to pull Wolf forward to him but Wolf didn't budge an inch the man angrily started at Wolf saying leave know and you don't get to die there isn't any point to this fight when you ant fully evolved you can still turn back and leave you don't have to listen to that a curses Colt family you can still join the light they are nothing but bloodthirsty savages who will die soon the heavens won't allow them to get to Eden Wolf huffed I do not care for your words nor will they affect me Wolf jurked the arm that had the water whip still rapped around it back the man was shocked he didn't have time to realise it so he was pulled forward Wolf thrust his hand out which formed into a flame blade the men got impaled on this flame blade the man looked up to Wolf with wide eyes mind less savage and like That he slumped off the blade the mans words didn't affect Wolf in the slightest he simply want to the next fight soon the group cleared out all of the enemies and found a bunker door ones inside they found more guards which got killed these guards was coming out of hundreds of doors I seem Wolf look into them all living quarters they quickly got yo the center of this bunker the room opened up into a wide cavern and in the center of this cavern was a huge glowing blur portal this is where the video ended I looked up to Wolf nodded have you started the move in process he nodded indeed dwarfs Steel and Metal have been helping us clear out a much bigger space they wish to add 3 more levels to the bunker all still in range of the portals influence the first level will change into a training ground below it will be a new living quarters below it will be a school and market and below that will be a smithing and crafting area funny enough Steel and Metal apparently called up all of there relatives all dwarfs ones they seen the plan that we gave them they got to work so are guild are up at least 100 dwarf craftsmen the first and second floors are done the 3 is about halfway done I was stunned hearing that I asked what the fuck how long have I been asleep Wolf laughed shrugging about a hole day brother it's already the third morning it would seem You needed some rest I rubbed the sides of my head hearing this but Azzy then spoke I doubt that it's more likely that was the Boogeyman doing if we hadn't come and woke him up when we did then Hunter probably never have woken up again Wolf's face want pale hearing that i gralled I do not care if he is the fucking Boogeyman or the fucking jolly Saint Nick himself he fucked wasted my time and for that he will pay Azzy laughed good luck with that Hunter he probably won't try that again for a while but on a different topic I have read through the your notes and I must say I am shocked I raised a eyebrow asking y is that it's nothing to complicated Azzy laughed Hunter there was a reason y that scroll wasn't complete it's cuz the scroll you found was one from Eden usually most of the abilities and magic of this world are just shitty copies from ones from Eden but what you found wasn't a shitty copy o no my good friend this formula came from Eden it's self I am sure it came from a rift no one could ever finish it or they did and just got rid of the scroll I know the basics of array and runes so I can tell you this is the beginning of a basic formula fora array but you have done something completely different that is quite common with those rune masters who go into combat a lot you naming this ability rune writing is correct it's just a much faster way of both making and activating runes and Arrays and at the skill I have seen you can easily become a runemaster I laughed happily hearing this what about my alchemy or smithing Azzy's face want pale realizing what I meant that's right Azzy said chuckling your not only skilled in Runes and smithing but your also a fucking Alchemist haha man I can't wait to see what sort of reaper you become cuz gods Azzy stud up and walked by me giving my book back to me saying but it's time to get to work guild master I side hearing those words yes mam Azzy rolled his eyes we will be waiting outside I nodded Wolf and Azzy walked out of the door I walked to the bed releasing the protective array I woke the girls up they wasn't happy but ones I told them how long passed that got them moving shit shit shit they ran around all taking turns with the bathroom I laughed saying I be going ahead and like that I walked out of the room and started walking down the hallway asking so what's first today Azzy side many things but you need to look over these and paperwork got sent to me I looked through them all it most of it was authorizing money for something it was either money or fucking resources and if we didn't have this resources we had to by it or make it both cost money so it all came down to money money and yes you guessed it even more money but it wasn't all bad I had to authorize the training and teaching for the guild which also cost money but no matter other subfamilies was already asking for resources to strengthen there members I also had to make up a force that can police everything luckily there didn't have to be many rights know but I wasn't going to lose anyone does to stupid in fighting I had already told them how this guild will be ran and they seemed to be adapting fast to it I also had to look are hole headcount and where to put people I had about 2000 members counting both me, woman, children, and elders and these numbers was slowly going up by the minute as more people showed up from but I wasn't worried this was what being a guild leader was all about I actually enjoyed seeing are numbers go up I also had to approve all the outer families I told them all to have their leaders picked out and report to me when they had been picked 2 days from now this didn't take me long sense I had my draconic eyes and superhuman speed and comprehension so by the time we got to the huge open double doors and walked outside all of us nodded to the knights on each side of the doors they nodded back I seen students running in and out of the school it would seem it was all chaos controlled chaos but chaos none the less 2 people appeared next to me the first was Alucard the second was Titubs both appeared in different ways Alucard had a blood red Ara around him when he appeared I could tell it was speed since I could see his movement clearly Titubs literally walked out of a green portal I smiled to them as they bowed and smiled back to me Alucard spoke first sir my group is ready and waiting for orders I laughed at his enthusiasm his eyes was glowing like a kid in a candy shop it would seem awakening you old friends have done wonders for you Alucard I said he chuckled shrugged no sir it's probably cuz I am part of a team again it's been a long lonely road for me so it's just nice to be around such liveliness again I nodded understanding what he meant I assume you and your group are fitting in well I asked he shrugged nodding they to haven't been around people for along time most of them haven't been awake for hundreds of years they are getting kind of restless I nodded hell I would be the same way if I have been asleep for hundreds of years tell me what make up most of your group your report didn't state this he laughed this showed off his two long white fangs all of them are day walkers and a few odd demi gods who have been sort of abended by there parents so I nodded ok Alucard i was going to send people out anyway I might as well send your group out if your volunteering but before I do anything I got one more thing to ask you do you trust these people when Alucard heard my question he immediately responded with my life sir I could tell he fully believed his words I nodded Good I sent him 10 locations of inheristances he looked over all the locations as he pulled out a phone his eyes want wide he looked back up to me sir he asked I chuckled I trust you Alucard and you trust your group so I will trust your judgment go and find these locations not down where they are at and a brief discretion of the entrance stay out of site do not go inside if any of them and move fast o one last thing take Greg with you I think it will be good for him Alucard nodded I agree he was about to leave when I grabbed his shoulder and whispered something in his ear if any of your people need to feed then do it I don't care if it's humans as long as that person is scum and no one is turned Alucard was shocked hearing my words but he nodded and like that he was gone I looked to Titubs smiling let me guess you want the same thing she smiled shamelessly yep I got students to train so come on I side do you truly trust all of your kids and staff she shrugged y shouldn't I sense I was the one who brought them all into the family and under my command I will trust them cuz they are sort of stuck with me now I laughed far enough I sent her 40 inheritance locations she had a much bigger group them Alucard so she could over more ground she smiled thank you I will won't let you down guild leader I side at her calling me that she laughed and poof she was gone I brushed sparkles off my body sying gods damn it Titubs I used my blue flames to burn them off me I started walking down the stairs when I heard a booming noise and the ground shook Azzy and Wolf moved next to me bunker Wolf and like that we dashed out of the school which was literal sitting on the military camp and right in front of us was the bunker door that reminded me of a valet door but I didn't waste any time I dashed through the group Azzy and Wolf behind me I noticed a 5 elevators in this huge training ground and at the back of the room was the portal i shot through a door that said stairs I jumped down the spiraling stairway I saw smoke and dust coming from the bottom door I hit the floor bending my legs as green lightning armed off them two boot marks was formed in the stoned floor as I sprung forward into this room my draconic eyes was already activated so I could easily see through the dust the dwarfs had jumped away from the far back wall And I could see y the back wall had a collapsed part That formed a huge tunnel standing in this tunnel I entrance was 3 pissed off female dark elfs all had on the same black and gray armor that had a spider esthetic two of them had blood red eyes wall the one in the center had bright red eyes this was the one that had her hand extended forward a black staff in her hand wall the other two had two curved swords in there hands the elf in the center wasn't done she could sense the dwarfs was still alive so she moved her staff across the air forming 3 fire balls that short forward i quickly sent a message to Azzy and Wolf find Nicolas And bring her here quick before i snapped my fingers the fire Balls stopped in mid-air and poof they Fizzled out the dark elf in the center was shocked seeing this but she wasn't going to be outdone she pulled back a fire arrow and shot it forward the moment it shot forward at me it split into hundreds of arrows enough i gralled snapping my fingers again this time I release my killing intent and are as the fire arrows shot to me and started to circle around me I waved My other hand the dust cloud disappearing the dark elves was stunned seeing me Steel ran up next to me or as far as he could with fire arrows circling me sir be careful they ant alone I nodded I know I can see them I ant worried I looked around these woman on the wall next to the tunnel inferences was 3 huge camouflage spiders who was staring at me with evil intent i looked back to the dark elves speaking in there tonge i said you can bring them spiders out I can see them all three women were shocked hearing my words the one on the left spoke you speak our language well human what be your name a huge grin spread across My face responding it's rude to ask someone's name and not introduce your self first the woman smiled you might be right but I hold all the cards in this situation i am sure you don't want these dwarfs to die rig but before she could finish a fire arrow shot passed her face just missing it the arrow impacted the wall leaving a huge chunk missing from the wall you was saying i said my smile not fading the woman fround and side fine my name is Nephiah black widow of the house black widow and your I nodded huh the black widow family I have met a few of your family before o right my name is Hunter Ace Colt the women was stunned hearing my words she smiled you got a very interesting name human I laughed I am sure I do but right at the moment the other woman flunk a dagger at me and I must admit it was fast and deadly on target but sadly for her, I was faster I cot the dagger out if the air i looked over the black blade noticing the odd tentacle engravings on the blade and these runes wasn't elven these was illithids I shook my head saying you girl are a fool this is an Illithids blade if you took this from a kill then you be fucked I would throw it away and quality walk away wall you still have the brains to do so i flung the blade back at her it just missed her face and sank into the wall the woman was stunned the dark elf that had been talking this hole time cocked her head to the side I could tell she was confused I looked back to her with a smile what is it miss Nephiah i can see your confusion so might as well say whatever you wish to ask she started at me her blood red eyes scanning me over and very slowly she spoke You Human are strong not only that you speak Are language so well you even now about Illithid and there weaponry culture so you must have spent quite a long time in the Underdark haven't you what's the story behind that I laughed waving my hands the arrows disappearing now that is a story mmmm Nephiah and the other two was stunned seeing me get rid of the fire arrows so the girl in the center spoke arrogant the dwarfs die now and she waved her staff again fire Balls shooting towards us but the fire Balls curved around me and shot behind me but i didn't move i simply grinned at that woman boom the room filled with black smoke and dust but i waved My hand dispersing the dust and the smoke quickly disappeared but not a one dwarf was injured Steel scoffed brushing the dust off his clothes saying in under common damn dark elf did you truly think your little flame could hurt us, dwarfs and you called are guild master arrogant when it's obvious you're the arrogant one who is lacking experience come on guild master let us at um I chuckled stand down Steel, for now, Steel clicked his tonge annoyed but nodded yes sir I looked back to Nephiah chuckling Your sisters are quite the firecrackers ant they Nephiah made a confused face I ant sure I understand I know what you mean human but they are quite impulsive and quick to anger I had hoped this mission would make them move level headed but I guess not I nodded shrugging younger siblings are always a hand full we both nodded at that so will you answer my question she asked I shrugged smile i don't see y I couldn't But I will give you a quick version Nephiah nodded that's fine I nodded ok a hundred or so years ago a lone wolf walked into a trap this trap collapsed the mine that the wolf was in the people who layed the trap presumed the wolf dead they said nothing could survive the fall little did they know how wrong they was this wolf plummeted down through this cavern for days on the 4 day the wolf noticed a shinny surface below him that was quickly getting closer the Wolf didn't panic and simply used some of his powers to slow his fall the wolf gently landed on this underground dark river the Wolf looked around noticing he was in a huge cave system but before he could think anymore he was attacked by a creature under the water this creature took the wolf by surprise so the creature was able to drag him under the water but this was a mistake the moment the wolf saw the creature he used one of his abilities to easily kill the creature the Wolf exited the water and started walking in a random detection time slowly passed minutes turned into hours and hours into days and days into months 2 years passed with this wolf wondering around in these cave systems killing any creature that attacked him the wolf eating anything even the creatures he killed that was when this wolf ran into a illithid din where he seen these odd purple skinned creatures that had squid faces and mind powers the wolf naturally didn't engage with these creatures choosing to stay out of sight and to minuter them from a far from watching these tentacle faced beings the wolf discovered many things about them and they way they act they was a hive mind they thought ate and dead thinking nothing but for the hive there life didn't matter as long as it was for the hive this is also where the Wolf started to learn words in their language enough to start understanding elements of conversations another 4 or so months passed with the wolf watching these odd creatures and odd they where they didn't rely on weapons no they would rather us there mind powers to charm there enemy so they could feed on their brains but the wolf did see a few who had odd weapons with them these was the more important members of the hive mind they was also the strongest the Wolf got to see many of there secrets how they made weapons how their magic works hell he even seen how more squid faces was made the Wolf watched passively as many humanoids was turned some was even human but this is when a attack happened it would seem the dark elves the squid faces took was important or well important enough for a full scale battle for them the dark elves fought bravely and succeeded in getting there members back and they started to retreat the Wolf decided to follow these elfs but on the way out I seen one dark elf no that isn't correct A spider is better to call her struggling against one of the squid faces that used a weapon this Spiders skills was top grade but the squid face was slowly pushing her back so the Wolf killed the Squid face to help the spider but the spider wasn't happy that a male wolf had saved her so she tried to kill me sadly for the little spider the Wolf said he could cure her sisters that had been captured of course the spider didn't believe the wolf but to be safe the spider wanted to capture the wolf which the wolf didn't struggle so the wolf was chained by the spider and before they ran away the spider took the squid faces sword they easily escalated the squid faces and got back to the spiders city after 4 days in that time the wolf was chained gagged and stripped naked the spider did feed the wolf nor did she allow him to speak or else he get whipped hell if the wolf lagged behind the spider would whip if the wolf looked around the spider whipped basically if the spider didn't like what the wolf did she whipped him well they got to the city where the wolf was put in a dark prison where he simply sat down in the center of the dark room and closed his eyes 3 more days passed with no food nor water for the wolf who hadn't moved from that spot but the wolf was using a ability he had made to scan and monitor the city the Wolf grinned evily noticing the people who had been infected by the squid faces was starting to show signs of turning but the Wolf didn't move he was a born hunter he new when to be patient and when to strike like this 2 more day passed of the wolf not doing a thing at this point all those who had been infected was in there beds screaming and twitching from pain this is when the Spider came to the wolf asking if he truly had a way to heal the infected the Wolf didn't respond at first which angered the spider who opened the doors to the Wolf's prison and whip him but the Wolf didn't move this pissed the spider off even more so she swung her whip but no matter how much she hit the wolf the wolf just didn't react till the Spider through the whip to the side screaming and crying gods damn you gods damn it all this Is when the Wolf opened his eyes and spoke in broken under common in a ruff thirsty voice you asked for help not swing at it the spider didn't like that she pulled out that squid faced sword and pointed it at the wolfs throat as tears streamed down her face you do not get to make demands slave you either help or your die the Wolf who was unperturbed by the blade at his throat the Wolf simply shrugged and said two word do it the spider snarled as you wish she moved her sword back and swung it down but the blade stopped right before it hit the Wolf's neck The Spider was shaking in fear staring at the wolf who had no fear or regret on his face the Wolf was smiling like he wasn't scared of dying and the wolf truly wasn't and this scared the Spider more then anything in her long life she had never seen anyone who had not even a little bit of fear just before they die the wolf chuckled and repeated you ask for help the Spider angrily huffed sheathing the sword the Spider glared at the wolf and very slowly the Spider asking will you help just those 4 words made her snarl but the Wolf chuckled responding yes but I need out of these and he held up the chains the Spider was skeptical but unchained the naked wolf who didn't run he asked for some pants which the spider gave begrudgingly and like that the wolf asked to be lead to where the infected where and very easily the wolf used one of his abilities to get rid of the squid faces tadpoles curing them after that the Spider took the wolf back to a cage but this one was a bit nicer and a few days passes where the Wolf actually got some food and water but nothing more on the 3 day the Spider came and got the Wolf And brot him in front of the Spider queen who was quite a beautiful and scary woman from her waist up was that of a female dark elf but below her waste was a huge black widow body this queen asked a few questions in the wolfs language like y he helped her daughters and where did he come by the knowledge to cure the tadpoles the wolf responded truthfully saying how he had been roaming the caves for a year or so before he found the squid faces and watched them up till her daughters attacked as for y he healed her daughters the wolf shrugged y not I had nothing better to do the Queen was stunned hearing the Wolfs words so much so that she started to laugh saying how the wolf was a oddd one the queen asked so Wolf do you got any other talents of value it was the wolf turn to laugh the wolf responded with a yes mam he told her he was a smith and a bit of an adventor plus an alchemist and beast tamer the queen was happy to hear that so she gave the wolf a choice work for her as the city smith or die the spider drew her sword and put it to the wolf throat again the wolf looked to the sword then back to the Spider unimpressed he looked back to the queen with the same eyes shrugging do what you wish queen I won't work if i ant paid the queen was shocked again she asked you getting paid is more important to you then your life the wolf simply grinned not the pay mam it's my work every single weapon, armor or item that i will make will be nothing you have ever seen so it's less Your payment is worth my life but my craft is worth my life yes I won't pass on my knowledge to anyone one i die all my secrets die with me the queen laughed again and agreed to the wolf request simply because she felt like it and like that the Wolf set up a Smithy in the Spiders residents and 4 years passed with the wolf crafting things for the dark elf queen and her daughters and in return he got knowledge of there language there way of life hell even how there magic works in this time the spider and wolf had become friends living under the same roof does that to you but on the 5 year is when the illithid attacked the city and the dark elfs was heavily out numbered and the illithid easily broke passed the gates the Spider rushed to grag the wolf but the Spider was being chased by 10 power of illithid who wielded weapons similar to the one that the Spider was using and she was struggling to fight them off the wolf came up from behind the Spider and asked these same words you ask for help the Spider angrily hissed at him saying this ant the time for jokes the wolf shrugged as he walked by the illithids who paid no attention to him Spider was shocked seeing that y ant they attacking you she asked the wolf shrugged again saying again ask for help and maybe I will tell you Spider snarled at him fuck you she spat help me please the wolf Nodded ok and she flashed in front of the spider grabbing the sword she was using and throwing it to the illithid Spider yelled hi what are you doing the wolf shushed her one Illithid cot the blade and looked to the wolf and bowed to him the wolf bowed back to it and like that all of the illithid retreated the wolf turned to the Spider who was completely confused the wolf laughed all they wanted was there sword back apparently Spider want pale faced as she slowly spoke so this attack is my fault Wolf shrugged again well only half of it is the other half is on me sense i was the one who killed that illuthid and allowed you to take the weapon Spider turned on Wolf yelling did you know about this from the start Wolf shook his head simply saying no but the Spider didn't believe the wolf she pulled out a dagger and charged at him yelling attack the wolf he has betrayed us and like that another battle started that between the Wolf vs the Spider and her sisters the Wolf wasnt going for the kill so the battle took longer then normal by the time the wolf nocked out the last Dark elf it was only the spider and him standing Spider was about to charge but landing between them was the queen yelling enough the queen looked over her daughters seeing they all was just knocked out and not dead the queen looked to the wolf saying you didn't mention you was this skilled of a fighter I could have used a powerful general Wolf laughed no mam I didn't cuz you see not to long ago I was part of a group that betrayed me I promised my self after that I would follow no one's rules but my own I won't kill for anyone but for my self and not you nor the heavens will be able to chain me down again besides haha would you have truly made a man a general i doubt that mam the queenside so that's how it is then i am sorry you must die so are secrets die with you the wolf Shook his head laughing no mam that ant happening but i give you my word I won't tell anyone about your secrets this i swear on my blood and name the queen hesitated at first but nodded at the end sying very well I have seen first hand your willing to die to take secrets to the grave with you so i will trust you one last time with this Spider will lead you to a path to the surface and like thatthw queen started taking care of her children Spider glared at Wolf And huffed and started storming away wolf simply followed her not saying a word a day passed till Spider stopped in front of a cave and pointed at it saying this will lead you to the top go and like that spider started walking away Wolf yelled hi if your ever on the surface come and find me you might not like me but I consider you a friend and I don't get many of those anymore haha you would probably be the only one actually Spider stopped and glanced back to him angrily that will never happen my home is here not up there but she side I did enjoy our time together perhaps in another time we will meet again but till then see you cowboy and like this the spider and wolf want there separate ways end of story Nephiah looked at me still confused what does this story got to do with you human I don't understand I laughed rubbing the back of my head saying well you see I am the wolf in this story and I am the spider and like that Nicolas walked next to me still in her green leave dress I noticed her spider on her back camouflaged Nephiah and the other two eyes want wide seeing Nicolas your the spider droid the girl in the center said Nicolas smiled nodding I have been called that yes the one that through the dagger spoke but how I thought the died to a purple worm Nicolas laughed you would be correct I did die that day but the moment i died I awakened in a toddlers body so I guess you can say this is my second life and the person you know as the spider droid is dead I am a new being I have all of my past life memories and skills but I ant the same person Nephiah side this all is confusing but we have been here for long enough come with us so you can talk with are queen Nicolas and i looked to each other before sying I don't got time for this I got shit to do around here there your people Nicolas take care of this and like that I made a few hand signs before I disappeared and a puppet was standing where I was before Nicolas Side seeing the puppet which looked exactly like me it even had the same clothes the puppet looked to Nicolas and it grinned as it spoke o come on Nicolas did you truly think I was going to allow you to go alone my main body is needed here but my puppet will easily be enough Nicolas shrugged if you say so she looked to Nephiah saying lead the way they nodded And want back into the tunnel Nicolas and i followed them but before my puppet left it turned to Metal continue as planned Just be on guard they all nodded and luke that my puppet walked into the tunnel wall my main body appeared outside of the base Titubs students had raised a stone wall around the school and bunker I appeared on this wall in between Azzy and Wolf my family behind me I side seeing the fucking tanks armored trucks and helicopters flying towards us I looked down to the wall and noticed there was 3 spots where tank rounds impacted the wall huge chunks was missing It would seem the Hera family and the government are already making there move Wolf said I side chuckling I yelled fire out 3 warning shits at 350 degrees the moment i said that a second passed then boom, boom, boom the shots fired out it impacted just in front of these tanks which stopped seeing we had artillery the trucks and tanks converged into 3 different groups I smiled yelling fire the red round this ones at 400 a few seconds passed till boom, boom, boom three rounds was fired they whistled through the sky the moment they got over the 3 groups the rounds exploded in mid air raining down fire I pulled out a cigarette litting it Hunter Moon yelled was that desolate mixed with but i nodded y yes it was mother she yelled that's a fucking war crime woops she side angrily but Azzy laughed mam no offense but there is no such thing as war crimes in Eden there's only honorable and not but even that is optional the only thing that matters is who wins and who looses Moon nodded I figured that Azzy I ant angry about him doing a war crime I am just a bit jealous that's one of the only ones i haven't done yet I laughed well mother you know what they say there isn't nothing like overkill feel free to give the order Moon brightened at that really Hunter I laughed it's a early birthday present or someone Moon hugged me o thank you thank you my son and she kissed me on the cheek before turning around yelling reload and fire again Perseus leaned over and whispered thanks brat look what you have done you got her excited again and I had only just calmed her down from yalls little snake experiment I laughed whispering back your welcome he glared at me I sware my little brother is going to fall of cuz of you I laughed patting him on the shoulder you will be fine you know you love it besides it won't mine get used much more then yours and it is still kicking just enjoy your Self father but it would be best probably not to have anymore kids for now he nodded we agre but right at that moment Boom, Boom, Boom 3 rounds were fired Moon giggled and moaned slightly when she seen the rounds explode she looked to Perseus with lustful eyes I looked it him and winked at him saying take charge for ones old man Perseus side nodding and walked up to Moon picked her up saying your going to be my lunch dinner and breakfast and i hold your ready cuz i am starved with that he turned around not saying another word and jumped off the wall and started quickly walking towards the school Moon was stunned but was smiling with a slight blush Wolf side seeing that I looked to him laughing when was the last time you took a brake brother he shook his head I haven't I nodded that's what I thought go home go see your Wife and kids and this isn't a request this Is a order I can't hog you all to me self now can I besides Lynx will kill us both if you don't go home soon Wolfs face Want pale slightly thinking on what i just said good point he mumbled and like that he started walking away I looked to Azzy who had a huge grin in his face Azzy I ant going to ask y Drodo and Ivys soul are in your body but try and control your expression we got kids running around Azzys smile want down a bit good point thanks Hunter I nodded sending messages to everyone saying training will start in the next few days and like that I jumped Down and got to more work.