4 months

Warning dark content ahead

Where was we O right ones upon a time there was a family called the cults this family was very old even for a hunter family the colt family was feared and respected throughout the land for there knowledge and power but this wasnt y they was feared O no they was feared do to there mutant experiments each Colt made themselves into a powerful mutant sadly they tested there mutant serum on children most didn't live through the process and the ones who did was enslaved by the colts born into this family was a bright eyes boy with a peer heart Hunter Ace Colt the second son of June Ace Colt and the younger brother to Sam Ace Colt mother unknown since the first memory Little hunter had was of his father killing his mother in a drunken rage as he was forcing him self onto the woman he didn't control his strength and when he thrust His hips he broke her spine but the man didn't seem to notice he just keep on going soon he finished that's when he finally noticed but all the man did was snort and say you bitch and like that he fell asleep next to the body like this Hunters childhood or lack thereof June beat the living hell out of Hunter he called it training but it was anything but that and if that wasn't bad enough by the time hunter got to age 5 he was being trained in the family secrets June forced hunter to kill all of those children who wasn't taking to the process well his fathers colt becoming a concert feeling in his hands Sam was respectful to Hunter up till this point after this he started competing for Jams attention by the time Hunter was age 10 he had already killed his first supernatural creature and started going on hunts but this is when his fate shifted in one of these hunts had to kill some huge mulls that was destroying farm ground there he met a woman that was as beautiful as a angel who saved Hunters Life and offered him to come with her Hunter happily joined the woman he asked the woman what her name was she giggled and said Hael from there Hunter started to train and become the being everyone knows as the death hound 3 long years passed in these few years Hunter leaned how to do many things from smithing to fighting he even found friends in the forms of Uriel and Anna and even love in the form of Hael sadly all things come to a end Hunter started to become more and more aware he was being used and the church wasn't good 2 more years passed in that time Uriel and Hunter had fought many times out of anger Hunter was getting more and more fed up with the angels up ill the day he beat Uriel and about killed him if it wasn't for Hael who got in my way they all seen how I broke down under the guilt of my actions and more my heart was broken they all seen how Anna showed up soon after that and rushed to my side or tried to but was stopped by my powers they all see me stand up laughing like a mad man and they seen my draconic eyes when i opened my eyes they seen what I said and did before disappearing soon after this they all seen the fight in the wet field after that Hunter started fighting for him self he started to build his own name not involved with the angels and church 5 years of Hunter just roaming the land hunting gaining strength and finding lost knowledge up till he walked into a trap the angels places for him in a mine shaft that sent Hunter to the under dark where they seen Hunter fight and live in the darkness he met the squid faces and then Nicolas and her queen and like that about 7 years and some months had passed by the time Hunter got back to the surface he was already 27 Hunter want back to his family in those months he declared he was still alive and as strong as ever on the way back is when he met two twins woman both had came after Hunter demanding to learn from him or they was going to kill him Hunter simply laughed and easy beat the woman in a fight he left the woman a life and moved on but the woman wouldn't take no for a answer so they followed him 4 months passed with the 3 of them traveling together and funny enough in them months they three fell in love Hunter quickly married them both so by the time they got back to his family home both women was already pregnant Jams happily give up as the family head giving it to Hunter this angered Sam greatly but he couldn't do much everything he had tried had failed so like this 12 years had passed with Hunters children growing and his family expanding unlike his father hunter was a great father who didn't mistreat his children sure he was hard on them in training but nothing like his father Hunter kept up with everything that his enemies was doing that included the church and angels hell be met up with that Angel Anna and even saved the angel Hael many times from the shadows wall she was on her missions Hunters life was happy till one day Hunter want on a hunt and found a prince of the nine hells this prince said his name was Asmodeus Hunter and this prince of course fought up till the angels came and rounded there fun Asmodeus and Hunter fought off the angels then after they got a drink quickly becoming friends Hunter offered to hide Asmodeus the prince agreed yelling Hunter to stop calling him by his full name his friends call him Azzy his family happy welcomed Azzy with open arms his children even started calling him uncle Azzy 6 happy months passed that was up till it happened one day Hunter was summed on a important Hunt Hunter hurriedly left but when he got to the place noticed no one was there he quickly realized he had been set up he rushed back to His home in a thunderstorm he got to the house just in time to see it explode in a holy gold fire his children and wives screamed in pain burning to death Hunter clasped outside of the house tears streaking down his face up till Azzy walked out of the fire holding two scorched bodies he placed them in front of him Hunter started giving the kids healing potions before looking up to him asking who feary and hatred in his eye Azzy Side simply saying the ones that are after me he pat me on the shoulder saying he was sorry and he walked away this is when Hunter screamed out his outh the outh of blood to the heavens how I will pay them back the blood they had spilt in ten folds and this is a outh I still plan on fulfilling they just had to Fuck with my new family ugg but this is when the Angel Zachariah started to talk and appeared the angel made his sweet promises and said his sweet words but Hunter said he would kill him this is when Zachariah formed in the real world and put Hunter Asleep Hunter then woke up in a white room in a white medical bed that he was strapped to a angel in a nursing outfit appeared and started to do the brain-altering thing after that Hunter appeared in the ashes of his old home he stood up and walked off his eyes was lifeless he did hunts that we was asked to and he crafted whatever but two years passed his eyes was still lifeless at this point Hunter was 30 to 34 this is when his Jam and his dual where Hunter was much faster then the old Jams Hunters first bullet going straight into his heart Hunter then fanned three more shot one in the center of the chest another in Jams throat and the last one right between the eyes Hunter spun his revolver on his finger holstering it Jams stumbled forward falling onto his knees he chuckled shaking his head he spat out blood saying little monster and like that he fell forward unmoving Hunter walked up to his fathers body and pulled out a smoke he lit it and side saying you might have tought me to kill old timer but you didn't teach me how to drew and like that hunter flicked the match onto his fathers dead body before turning around but before he could take a step boom a bullet impacted his back Hunter turned around angrily his hand going to his gun but before he could draw another bullet impacted into his heart Hunter spat up a mouth full of blood falling onto one knee he slowly looked up to where the shot came from and standing there with a victorious smile was Sam he had his pistol in his hands standing slightly behind him was Uriel Hunter glared at his brother before laughing he took a deep long drag from the cigarette from his mouth be breathed out smoke from his nose saying at least the old man had the guts to fight me face to face unlike you brother hahaha Sam forever the cowered Sam smile face turned into a snarl shut up you little brat and die already and like that be pulled the hammer back on his gun I grinned mockingly do you truly think you can kill the death hound hahaha haha I will be back for you elder brother haha yes Iwill be back boom a bullet going right between Hunters eyes his head jurked back and fell back that huge grin still on his face and like that Hunter appeared in a stary void huh where am I Y am I a ghost the fuck o that's right I was just betrayed again huh that fucker didn't have the balls to face me face to face some days I wonder who the older brother is no matter lets rest and like this Hunter closed his eyes who knows how long passed in this void Hunter just kept on sleeping for what seemed like hundred of years to the point it got boring but right then his eyes flashed own and he looked in a detection flashing that way and he appeared in front if lady dead Hunter took a drag from the ghostly cigarette in his mouth before saying this boy isn't me he doesn't have my soul as you can see and like that the movie ended credits rolling but all it said was my name over and over and over again

we disappeared back in to that story voice I stood in front of them all smile sadly now you all know my passed life story there were a few things it missed like how I met Bow and Connally and many other things but this was a main high light but right then mother shot forward and hugged me and started to cry into my chest O my pore sweet boy I am so, so sorry we should have asked I hugged her back saying Mother it's fine I promise you all to have a right to know and I am happy to tell you all the past can hurt but hoe I see it you can either run from it or learn from it and seeing how I don't run from problems haha my only option is to learn from it Moon looked up into my confident eyes she smiled tears still falling I am proud of you son and she kissed my cheek as she backed up I was about to wave my hand to send them all back when 4 figure lunged at me tackling me to the ground my girls held me tightly I simply hugged them back and tried not to laugh I snapped my finger sending the others back but I spent a bit longer to came my girls down and like this 4 months passed where my guild did nothing but grow and train in the first month Nicolas and my puppet reached a familiar underground city we easily walked through the gates and walked to the palace female half elfs whispered as we walked through many started at my puppet like they was better then it but the moment we walked into the thrown hall Nephiah and her sisters kneeling down bowing there heads Nicolas and I simply walked next to them and looked straight up the stairs and what I seen made my scalp go numb right above the stairs was a huge spider web that held a fucking huge drider but that face it was much elder then the last time I had seen it but this was still the same queen her blood red eyes were still as sharp as ever maybe even more so she slowly lowered her self onto the ground right under her web asking what's this Nephiah y did you bring a dark elf that smells of the surface and a odd construct that looks familiar hold on she looked Nicolas over again no scratch that they both look familiar but I wonder y that is huh the two of you speak state your name I will allow it Nicolas clicked her tongue annoyed wow mother you don't even recognize one of your own daughters and the only spider druids how sad the queens blood red eyes want wide hearing her words that voice no it can't be Nicolas is that you but how Nicolas shrugged fate this world is ending and I believe it's the one that reincarnated me what this world is what don't you lie to me girl the castle shook from the queen below but I laughed feeling that power she ant laying queen and hello it has been awhile I wonder if you member this male the spider's eyes want even wider saying I know that voice also your Hunter ace Colt but how I laughed don't worry with how I am alive it's basically the same as Nicolas but a bit different this isn't my real body this Is a puppet that I am controlling but what Nicolas said is true this world is coming to a end the Queen shook out of fright come sit tell me everything she snapped bring chairs and drinks for our guests as for you three and she looked to Nephiah and her sisters she smiled proudly well done girls we will discuss your rewards later but go and rest they nodded and like that Nicolas and I was sitting in front of the Queen we was offered drinks that both Nicolas and I happy took I couldn't digest the liquid but I found taste it I took a sip nodding damn a dark wine 90 years old if I ant wrong damn good stuff and I took another drink the queen grinned thank you it's refreshing to see you havent changed much half you Wolf I laughed shaking My head you know you're the only person who calls me by that nickname the queen huffed good so explain everything to me so we did it took us 2 hours to do so by the time we was done we were on our second bottle of dark wine the queen was leaning back as she looked up to the roof at her web her eyes was glost over like she was thinking heard her left hand was curling her white hair in-between her fingers her purple and black robe covered her top but not very much and with each twist of her finger her twin peeks would shake slightly but I didn't mind this familiar site after 15 minutes the queen broke out of her thoughts shit this isn't good not one bit and right when they Illithid are about to attack I laughed shaking my head saying you still can't keep your daughters from taking them weapons can you she Side nodding yea but it ant fully there fault they Illithid have started putting hypnotizing runes on there weapons I shook my head they have always had those on there you just know are noticing she Side angrily well sort of hard to know these things senses this kingdoms rune and smith master left a long time ago and he was stubborn enough not to teach anyone his trade I smiled shrugging you wished for me to teach them all I know of course my answer would be no if only you asked me to teach them the basics those people could have improved on there own the queenside and was about to speak when the floor started to shake shit Nicolas And I said purple worn we heard an odd collapsing noise as a might scream school the air I stood up yelling back at it Fully is that you and I shot out of the rune lighting arking off my body I appeared in the entrance of the castle at the bottom of the stairs was a huge armored worm the side of a fucking dragon maybe even bigger it's teeth was sharp and it was looking around crazily at the dark elfs throwing spears and attacking it but the spears bounced off its hard scales and all spells fissal out but going across its face was a old huge scare that had fully healed and had armored scales on Fluffy I yelled flashing in front of this huge worm people tried to stop me but they simply weren't fast enough I appeared right above its head and hugged it the worm stopped squirming around and it let out a deep purred that shook the city all the dark elfs stopped attacking and started dumbfoundedly at me the queen and Nicolas moved out of the thrown room and seen me hugging a purple worm Nicolas yelled what the hell Hunter are you fucking mental I laughed sitting up and looking down to them saying you have met my Wifes right Nicolas Side fucking mad man the queen simply started wide eyed at me umm Hunter care to explain she asked I laughed sliding down Fluffy that moved its body so I shot into the air before landing next to it I pat it saying I found Fluffy here after she just got done fighting against a gem dragon that scare across her face is a souvenir from that fight and that right girl and I scratched her she wiggled happily well she was about to be killed by some gnomes well hehe I killed them and nurses Fluffy her back to good heath sense then we have had a bond she can sense my presents where ever I go it would seem she was close by and wanted to see me again the queen gulped asking umm no offense Hunter but I have heard of no one taming a fucking purple worm you are fucking insane Nicolas nodded that's what I have been saying I laughed Fluffy here is the biggest creature that I have formed a bond with down here Nicolas And the queens face Want pale the queen asking there are more I laughed but if course I spent 7 years down here and had lots of free time haha so I studied your ego system I have come in contact with a hole lot of strange creatures like Fluffy here I saved a few of them and nursed them back to help the creatures forming a connection with me sadly it would seem not many are still alive Nicolas Side I am scared to ask but how many are still kicking I laughed holding up 5 fingers there's Fluffy here and I put down my thumb then there is Rocky which is a very strange looking sand shark I put down my pinky then there's Rex the poison and shadow wyvern I put down my third finger then there's Criss the iron mantis he be a sweet heart i put down my second finger and lastly there's Quin the horned serpent that's all Nicolas And the queen was stunned so was the rest of the other dark elfs who heard my words I pat Fluffy happily it purred happily Nicolas then bellowed the fuck do you mean that's all how the fuck ant you dead I shrugged patting Fluffy even more saying with much skill and determination fuck if you think that list is bad you should her the lift of all the creatures that I have talked to and formed a friendly relations with most of them are gem dragons and a few odd beings like I met a beholder that said his name was Jeff but handing off of one of his eyes was a sign that said his name we Fred hahaha man I missed this place Nicolas slammed a hand to her head shaking it the queen chuckled well I guess your she posed to look over the worm next to me before she looked back to me little friend has arrived at the right time do you think it would like to protect us I laughed shrugging ask her your self she can't talk but she is very intelligent but right thin I got a light bonk on my head from Fluffy I chuckled see the queen was stunned again seeing that but she quickly recovered and looked up to the worm asking will you please protect us Fluffy she seemed to think about it for a few minutes before nodding the queen let out a viable sy good know then let us go back to discussing but before she could go back my puppet made a few hand signs with his fingers before slamming them onto the ground and poof 20 more puppets appeared all looking exactly alive but the moment they appeared they was gone shooting in different directions Nicolas raised her eyebrow asking gathering them I simply smiled and walked back into the castle Fluffy curling around it protectively meanwhile on the surface Hunter was control all of his training puppets many guild members were fighting against my puppets haha but I didn't pull my punches each puppet was 3 ranks higher then whoever was fighting it and it only used the same elements as there target sadly for many people fighting against one puppet was easy but ones you start fighting against one the others around it will rush to help it no you had to fight not one but two three 5 10 you name it haha this made them all start working together or ambush my one lone puppet That was away from the others Hallow and Jonifer was fighting against a group of 15 I grinned seeing them get there ass whipped Hallow just got punched in the face by a fist that was imbued with window the flow back and hit the ground sitting right under the box I was sitting on I looked down to him grinning saying you good there old timer he scoffed slowly sitting up but right thin Jonifer slammed into him making them both skit back and hit the box I was under they both coughed up blood I chuckled seeing there state Jonifer glared up at me what's so funny lad all you have been doing is sitting on that box the passed month you have done nothing no training or anything lets see you do better I laughed You truly think I haven't been training how foolish where em I sitting she looked around and mumbled the dead center where the elements merge but what's that matter you only us fire and lightning nothing more I laughed pushing me self off the box and walked over to the snow side and shook my head saying you still presume way to much granny just cuz you haven't seen me us other elements doesn't mean I can't Jonifer was stunned no it can't be I laughed o yes it can I walked forward to a group of 10 puppets the moment I got in range the puppets heads snapped to me and charged many of them formed weapons out of Ice or lightning I laughed waving my hand and 5 ice spear formed in front of me and forming on my hands was ice gauntlets the first 3 puppets flashed in front of me thrusting there weapon at me but I moved my body my feet for mint blade at the bottom as the ground around me froze I skated around the attacks easily getting behind the first puppet I thrust my hand out punching in the face it got launched back but I didn't see what happened no I whipped my leg to the side sending another puppet flying but right then I was surrounded by 5 puppets but I flicked my hand down the 5 ice spears that were flouting covering us shot down impaling the puppets at this point there was only 3 left that I easily took care of I walked back to my box and sat down my ice, gauntlets disappeared and as it sat down the puppets that had holes from being impaled by my ice spears started to shut I looked to Jonifer and Hallow who had stunned expressions what I asked Jonifer stuttered out you can us niflheim but how you never used it before I laughed O I have you just have never seen me us it But if you had it this hole time y didn't you us it or at least tell us she said angrily I shrugged I didn't feel like using it and you didn't asked Jonifer through her hands into the air yelling fucking impossible your impossible to deal with child right at that moment a warm laughter walked through the snow side and stood next to me it was Moon she smiled at her parents Jonifer looked to her angrily Moon you didn't mention your son could us niflheim Moon shrugged Y should I have if he wanted you to know he would havee used it I didn't see any importance in telling you besides y should i have told you anything about my son's abilities Jonifer was stunned hearing that maybe because we are your parents Hallow said calmly Moon glared at him you have no right to call me your daughter Hunter may acknowledge you as grandparents but you still have to earn the right to call me daughter again Hunter and I are the only people who have been able to us Niflheim to its full ability so what's it matter to you Jonifer side sadly it's cuz all the previous users of Niflheim have been women Hunter is the first and probably only male that has unlocked it's full ability I laughed yes I know I am special you don't got to tell me haha they shook there heads at my shamelessness right at that moment the rift behind us started to shift and move unnaturally and the energy from Eden increased ten folds to the point it was almost suffocating and flying out of the rift was a holy shit that's a fucking ship or at least the caption quarters and the hold but that wasn't it chests metal and wood shot out from the portal I stood up waving my hands stoping all the materials in mid air so no one got hurt and the lastly stumbling through it was someone a demon he looked around with blood shot eyes his captions clothes was in tadders he had hundred of cuts on his body the demon looked over us all but I flashed in front of him the demon tried to swing at me but I grabbed his face and used death touch and soul snatch plus I took his demonic ora or his yang energy the body quickly lost all color and life as the man died I placed the drained mummified body on the ground I started looking his body but found nothing but a space shall ring I pulled it off his finger before looking it over I seen it had a binding array on it but nothing more I used my soul power to start braking this array as I stood up Azzy and Hael in front of me Azzy was looking over the ship I walked next to him saying a ship the hell wasn't expecting that Azzy laughed this isn't no meer ship Hunter this is a air ship and one that transports mining resources to one kingdom to another well hahaha lets go and plunder the booty Ivy appeared next to him saying you called for us master Azzy side shaking his head shameless I laughed as I walked forward saying you go and plunder that booty wall I take this booty hahaha Azzy shook his head chuckling but did disappear with Ivy Hael walked next to me saying Hunter you stole his yang energy but how I seen you steal the angels yin engery I grinned shrugging I can steal and us both energy's Hael as stunned what that's impossible no being has ever had full control over both I shrugged well you are looking at one so the impossible I guess is possible she was stunned and white faced I smiled at this cute reaction well my dear are you going to help me plunder this booty or will I have to take yours instead this snapped her out of her thoughts she smiled seductively promise I was stunned hearing this coming from Hael who was a shy girl O no I think we are corrupting her Meg said as she walked next to us Sihtric nodded giggling as she hugged Hael saying don't worry fourth sister we will show you the way of the dark side hahaha Triss walked and hugged me smiling and whispered hers better not be the only booty plunders got it caption and like he heard my little brother got heard I side chuckling look what you have done you have awakened him and yet we can't do anything we got to deal with this Triss giggled maybe latter if you ever get an office then we will satisfy you under the table I laughed O some secretary roleplay me likey the sound of that I guess I will have to get a office then Triss giggled good I got the perfect outfit and like that we started looking the ship we found mostly metals and other types of or Hael categorized it all wall I looked the captions quarters I found plenty of sailors clothes but it was pretty nice stuff sense it was from the caption a few bottles of alcohol a few normal looking weapons and most importantly a huge map I opened this map and smiled it showed not only kingdoms but their borders, trade ruts and even cities Hael took a look at this map smiling pointing at the far east kingdom that was in the mountains saying this is the kingdom of Light or what you mortals called heaven across from it and she wants west to what looked like a huge volcano hell but funny enough it was more green and alive compared to basically anywhere probably do to the volcanos this is Brisinger aca Hell north of us is the kingdom of mean Shusha and to the south is the kingdom of beasts Zolrock in between these kingdoms are the other small kingdoms and cities Hael side leaning back shaking her head this is the man cost but there are plenty of other lands around us you won't believe this but piracy is a actual profitable business there is even a kingdom that was made by several pirate captions but hold on what the hell Hunter y are your eyes sparkling no bad Hunter we don't rob people and he smacked me on the top of the head but that didn't get rid of my huge grin and the shine to my eyes I can rob loot and plunder as much as I want it's a dream come true Hael side hearing my mumbling she shook her head fucking mad man but she smiled after saying that and like this another month passed and every one of my guild members was starting to have the mentality of a cultivator and in this time I had finely broken the binding seal on that damn ring and what I found on the inside made dollar signs appear in my eyes gold and a shit tune of it Azzy and Hael looked it over smiling well you are some what rich it would seam little brother but don't get your hopes up there are 4 types of coin copper which Is the lowest mostly poor people us this coins next is silver this is the main coin that most common people us next is gold this is your reality and guild members and obviously shops and trading companies haha and lastly there is the purple coin this is what big guilds and kingdoms uses plus big companies and guilds but that's neither here nor there listen up one silver people is 10 copper peace a one gold equals 100 silver pieces or 1000 copper pieces and lastly purple coin equals 100 gold or 1000 silvers or 10000 for copper so as you can guess most people us silver to get there Dayley needs or more people convert 100 peaches into 1 gold since it's a hole lot easier to just have one coin on you than a bag of coins but there are 3 low-grade healing pills which normal go for about 10 gold these pills could heal anyone wounds below the silver rank O right cultivation levels I forgot you don't know him he side listen up little brother cuz I won't repeat my self againI will only do a brief overview of all the levels since it truly all depends on what cultivation techniques you train in but the standard format is copper mortal stage , silver mortal stage, gold mortal stage, holy spirit stage , demi god stage and lastly godly stage as for how many stages there are in them all is hard to say since again it depends on what technique you train in but normally in the copper rank to the silver rank there are 50 stages before silver and for the silver to gold is normally 20 to 30 stages and from gold to holy spirit is 10 and from holy spirit to demi-god is again 10 and lastly from demi-god to Godly there are 7 stages but again this can change easily it all depends on what technique you chose for example My technique is called demon lust technique I created this technique from when I was meerly a lowly demon in the silver mortals stage sense then I have grown and improved it all the way to the demi-god grade so that makes it a demi-god rank technique haha Hael nodded I similarly had a demi-god technique sadly I only got to the holy spirit stage before my situation happened know I can no longer us that cultivation technique so I am back to the copper stage I snarled hearing that but remember the meeting I had with the death twins, Lucifer and Lilith they said that ones I give my people their blood it should turn them into a new race and Lilith told me to not only mix their blood together but add my own blood when I give it to Hael she will become a new race she would no longer be a fallen angel but something more and completely different I looked to her asking dear does one have to be an Angel to us that cultivation technique Hael eyes want wide hearing my words but she shook her head no not necessarily but it was made for an angel but I have seen Humans us it not to the same effect as an angel but still I nodded good Y she slowly asked I smiled you will be able to us that cultivation path if you wish by the time we leave they both had confused expression I scratched the back of my head looking around my new office that I had made in the house Triss, Meg, Sihtric

Hael and I was staying in on the second floor it just was to tempting for me not to get a office sadly Triss or any of the other girls haven't come and gave me the secretary role play fun that I was promised but we wall all busy I side forgetting that I hadn't tell these to about my meeting with Lucifer, Lilith and the death twins so I filled them in on what happened that day by the time I was finished both was shaking but for different reasons, Azzy was trying not to brake out in prideful laughter wall Hael was shaking in both fear and a bit of anger she slammed her hand onto the table cracking it yelling you did what I smiled shrugging I stole the arch angel Michael devine essents but she yelled that was rhetorical I heard you the first bloody time are you a fucking idiot? You do know Michael will stop at nothing to kill us all know right the fucking angels are considered members of the righteous path and yet you dared steal from one of the most powerful cultivators from the righteous path he will try and label us members of the dark path like the fucking magic beasts, and the demons hahahahaha but before she could finish Azzy couldn't hold it in anymore he broke out in laughter that practically brought him to a knee with tears in his eyes he said haha you dared to steal the essents from haha the holy arch angel Michael him hahaha self but not just that you was able to make him bleed haha when your not even a fucking cultivator yet hahaha that's my little brother hahaha Hael yelled it ant funny Azzy this is serious we can't go pissing people off powerful powers willy-nilly when we haven't even gotten to Eden Azzy took a few moments to calm him self down he took a deep breath and stood up straight again he looked to Hael with a smile come on Hael you and me both know it's impossible for him to stay out of trouble besides your guild will be under my kingdoms protection where you all can grow and adapt in relatively safety not only that I will declared Hunter as my little brother no one would dare to touch him or his family after that Hael shook her head Azzy you don't get it just cuz they can't get to us directly the can indirectly sense we have a guild not only that you have pained a target on our backs do to you declaring Hunter as your little brother your enemies will target us just to get to you Azzy chuckled that isn't what I said was it I said I will declare him as my little brother did you catch the will this time Hunter and I have already discussed a plan for this I and my guild will protect yours from the shadows and when the time comes I will declare to everyone that Hunter is my little brother but that will only be when he can stand on his own ant that right Hunter I simply nodded Hael side fins fine but I hope you understand what you did Hunter I laughed Hael I won't apologize for my actions if I had the chance to go back I would do it again just to see his reaction Jael was dumbfounded at my words Azzy laughed nodded welcome to the dark path little brother sadly we are all out of cookies I laughed that's all right elder brother haha I got my eye candy so I will forgive you and I started at Hael simply admiring her beauty Hael blushed slightly under my stair but stood up saying and that's all I will be till we get to Eden and like that she walked away or tried to before she could walk through the door she felt something smack her ass Hael turned around a gray fire in her eyes I grinned and winked at her saying if you say so my little fallen angel but remember and I held up to fingers and moved them you mine forever her legs started to shake she yelled you fucking shameless bastard and boom the door slammed shut Azzy grinned at me saying you sure have a way with flirting haha you always give me new ideas how to us my powers I laughed happy to help meanwhile under the ground my puppet was sitting on top of Fluffy but laying on my lap was a huge purple and black horned snake head her tongue flicking out every know and again tasting the air Fluffy was still wrapped around the castle off in the distance I seen 5 gem dragons one of each color flying towards us I senses 5 of my puppets riding on each dragon I remember the confirmations to each of them they all remembered me and ones they heard the world was coming to an end they happily joined me but for them to join me the prize was taking half of their hard gem dragons don't hold many things mostly information and rare gems but I actually confirmed where one of the inheritances locations I had and this one I wanted to find for Sihtric she was on her way down to it actually Triss and Meg had also moved out to two inheritances Precious, Moon, Samuel, Lucy had all gone out to get one of the inheritances on the list I gave them Astrid, Rose and Duke was still training for there's but they were about ready speaking of inheritances the dark elf queen brot Nicolas to a hidden inheritance that had been hidden for thousands of years Nicolas tried to refuse saying the queen should take it but the queen had shook her head I have tried but that being rejected me don't worry your thoughts on me I know of another inheritance that is more suited for me Nicolas had nodded and gone in she had been down there for a week already but I wasn't worried naturally the 5 gem dragons had already completed and gotten there inheritsnces apparently they made there comes close by to it saying it was there blood right apparently there parents had stayed in the same caves that they lived in and just before there deaths there parents walked into the inheritsnces never to be seen again so before we left they completed what ever test that the inheritsnces had the Queen was waiting for Nicolas to return before she want to hers she thought about leaving me in charge but couldn't stomach the idea of a man commanding over her daughter especially when this man was sitting on a purple warm and had powerful creatures coming at his summons creatures like Quin here hehe I pat her happily sadly they all will have to wait till we get back to the surface for them to become my familiars but more was come well haha more familiars that is the 5 gem dragons wished to join my hounds and I would be a fool to turn them down but I wasn't just sitting here petting Quin and Flufft even though that's what it looked like I sent puppets to scout and keep a eye on the illithids they was preparing for combat no shocker I side closing my eyes and like that two months passed again and I have actually sent some guild members to get an inheritance as for my girls they still wasn't back yet but my parent's elder sister and uncle had come back and they were much powerful than before they urged me and others to hurry and get there inheritances sure it was very dangerous but the effect of having one compared to not is like night and day I chuckled nodding uncle your in charge wall we are out and like that I quickly escapes to the inheritance location that had been leaked wall this was happen under the ground Nicolas had passed and gotten here she know had two spider leg mandibles coming out of her back they looked as sharp as blades I only had one word to describe her hot in this time Rocky, Rex and Criss had arrived Rocky was the size of a megalodon it skin was black and red wall on its fins had sharp obsidian spikes that sort of looked like teeth it faces was that of a hammerhead shark but it had black obsidian over the spin like armor its eyes shinned in a bright orange it's body was pretty hot but I could easily sit on it without being affected Rex was a black and dark green wyvern that had good eyes and loved to swing it's armored tail into things and lastly Criss he was a black and silver mantis the size if a pickup truck it's sharp long blades shined wickedly in the faint lite down her it's eyes was a bright gold it clicked happily as it rubbed against me Nicolas walking up to me shaking her head saying you are a fucking mad man who would dare try and take these creatures Criss angrily clicked at her wall both Rex and Rocky gralled at her words She took a few steps backward at that I laughed anyone could have done the same if only they looked by how scary they look and get to know them it's all about trust Nicolas tell me y does your spider follow your orders Nicolas shrugged that's cuz I raised her from birth I nodded you are her mother Nicolas nodded I smiled patting Rocky under me there is a reason y they say if you wish to train a beast train it from birth otherwise it's very hard to do so ones they get older but just cuz something is hard doesn't make it impossible she slowly nodded My puppet laughed it would seem the main body has decided to get off his lazy ass and go and get the inheritance that had been leaked Nicolas was stunned hearing this Y do you say your probably the only person who can inherit it she asked slowly concern in her eyes I laughed that would be single be because who's inheritances they are who she asked I shrugged Abe no Seimei and if I ant wrong Oda Nobunaga WHAT she yelled do you want to die but I simply laughed hahaha bring it on Merlin the Magician of Japan and the demon king of the sixth heavens prepare to meet the death hound hahaha.