1 down 2 to go

I was standing in the ocean right out side of Japan I smiled at the sight the moon was just cresting over the water I side taking in the salty wet air feeling the fool breeze of the night ocean but everything must come to a end whoosh I side moving to the side not even opening my eyes Jesus fucking Christ can't a man enjoy the night ocean in piece without some fuck heads fucking with my peaceful vow I heard a woman laugh you should have thought of that before pissing off a hole lot of powerful people if you wish you can just keep admiring your peace at least then you can die in peace I snorted really they only left you here they really like underestimating me don't they but I didn't opened my eyes I simply stood there in the air my hands in my pockets the woman laughed or perhaps you think way to highly of your self I side simply leaning back as a water spear just missed me na it's you who is the arrogant one who in there right mind would try and take the bounty on my head do you wish to die I heard that woman laughter all around me my senses told me I was surrounded but I wasnt worried and a voice on my left said you maybe right about that then a voice behind me sadly for you I took this mission just to and a voice under me to brag that I killed the death hound I leaned back I felt a hand just miss my throat I kicked out but my foot met nothing but water hahaha what did you think? You were the only one who could make puppets I side shaking my head these ant puppets these are clones this is the infamous water clone style of the water serpent drake family haha that's right so you have heard of us what are you scared now well it's to late die and I felt a presents flying at me from the front but it was just a distraction the real body was coming from the back I waited till they attached and at the last moment I moved to the side turning around my hand thrusting out grabbing this woman by the throat she chocked out impossible how did you know when your eyes was cloned I grinned shrugging my eyes and the only way I can see but no matter you ask me if I was scared and the answer is a hard no y should I be scared of a brat who can't hold a candle to the water serpent drake or should I say drakes sense there is two no that and right was two haha she shook how do you know that do you really want to know I chuckled and brought her closer to my face I finally opened my cold sharp draconic eyes I started into her blue serpent eyes you ask how I know there dead that's another simple one it's cuz I was the one who killed them but I left there eggs are you telling me your family didn't hatch those eggs I gralled she shook her head no we thought you would have distroyed them I snorted excuses I never kill children if I can help it you should have gone and looked regardless damn I should have just taking them with me no matter there deaths are on us both then I let her go pushing her away saying I will show mercy this ones leave and make sure we don't cross paths as enemies cuz if we do I will send you to your snakes and like that I started to descend into the water my green ki armor covering my body as I sank the surrounding waters got darker and darker but I could see perfectly the pressure also increases the deeper I want but I was unfazed 10 minutes passed till timp I hit the sandy ground I smiled seeing how I was standing right in front of a cave that had two eastern dragons curled around the opening making a artch I laughed as I flashed forward the moment I walked passed this artch I passed through a barrier I looked around this circular room that had 8 stone pillers also going I a circle in the center of this room was a huge magic formation I smiled brushing off my pants Tempest moving happily as I put a hand on her I walked into the center with long co confident strides I stopped in the center of the formation nothing happened at first then they burst with like and I heard a kind warm voice say welcome tester to the sixth heavens temple I Abe-No-Seimei the Merlin the Magician of Japan welcome you then another male voice spoke this one was more cold and ruff and I oda Nobunaga the demon king welcome you but shockingly enough there was a 3 male voice this one was more gruff and crazy compared to the other two and I Muramasa welcome you Abe-No-Seimei then said there will be three tests from us we will start with my tests does the

participant have any questions or statements I shrugged seems simple enough good let's us begin my first test is simple enough tell me the name of the rune that appears in front of you and what they do after that give me a example on how you would us it I nodded ok. First rune appeared in front of me was an odd wavey h or that's what it looked like to me the name is Hosha a basic strengthening rune, for example, I pulled a piece of paper out from my space ring yes it was the captions ring that I got no I don't care if I am being shameless I ripped a little bit of it showing that it was a normal paper I then drew the rune in the center of the paper with two fingers the moment the rune was done the paper shined slightly before going back to normal I tried to ripe it like before it took me much more effort then before correct rune that one is names brusha a basic and like this time slowly passed 2 hours if one was being specific but who was counting it definitely want I we want from basic runes to intermediate to rare hell he even through in arrays and formations in the mix and asked me to draw the array or formation many of it was to word off evil spirits attacks I answered the last question and I heard Abe-No-Seimei say ding ding ding good job child it is obvious your a master rune smith next round you must defeat theses oni and like that I felt a powerful killing intent appear behind me I didn't hesitate to lean forward as I spun around unsheathing Tempest passing over my head was a huge metal club I started a ugly red humanoid giant with 4 arms and that where smiling oni mask the mask smiled at me saying yes fight back it has been thousands of years sense I have gotten a work out I laughed you seem pretty live for a test let me guess your a oni that got sealed by Abe-No-Seimei the mask side yelling don't say his name damn that fucking sorcerer for sealing me here aaaaa I have been bored and without alcohol for fucking thousands of years I smiled standing up saying o if it's alcohol you want and I flicked my hand a barrel of vodka appearing in front of him I pulled out a bottle of whisky holding up to the giant saying cheers big boy and I flicked the quirk off the big boy was shocked but happily grabbed the barrel and pulled of its lid easily he held it up to me saying cheers little one and like that he titled the barrel back I smiled evily cheers indeed I drank with him we easily downed here drinks and through the containers to the side the big boy saying now ware where we o right and he swung his club down I easily turned to the side the club just passing me I grinning let us dance big boy lightning arked off my blade as I flashed forward but he was just able to block my first attack but I twisted tempest up performing a vertical up words swing that shot a blade of lightning that up the big boys body cutting off his right lower arm but he didn't scream he laughed hahaha yes more more let us continue till one dies and like that he threw a punch at me I dropped to the floor his fist just passing over me but that's when I realised I had made a very bad mistake cuz I seen his club swinging down at me shit I swung tempest another lightning slash flying out which cleanly cut the giants leg off shit, shit the giant tried to recover he used his club to prop him self up but I flashed in passed him sheathing Tempest the moment it made a click noise the giants head few off I walked back to the center of the room congratulations tester who would have thought you would have a weapon capable of killing oni how marvelous last test is this and I heard a snap and my surrounding changed I stood in a simple room flying in the floor was a woman who hard pale skin but I could see her veins slowly turning purple I heard Abe-No-Seimei say save the girl but be warned you ant alone o shut it Abe-No-Seimei let me eat him it's been to long sense I have had real flash I heard an angry female scream I got goosebumps hearing that scream the hairs on the back of my neck stood up great just fucking great I got to cleanse this woman of a Onryō possession wall dealing with what ever just screamed which I believe was a damn Kuchisake-onna or the Slit-Mouthed Woman the fact that these two extremely prideful and powerful beings was in the same build means they are working together Great just fucking great I stood up waving my hand saying

Dance dance the flame the flame to my hear na the flame to my soul shine bright my flame and burn the souls of my enemies

And like that 3 blue bolts of fire formed around me one shot through the sliding door that was in front of me I heard a angry scream as something dived out of the way but I didn't wait I clicked my hand 5 puppets appeared they all started to draw runes on the air I hear a angry scream that staggered me no they can't get that array up stop him my draconic eyes was already activated so I seen a woman in a bloodyed comono and vale that covered her face rush at me with scissors in her hands the world seemed to stop as a gray copy of this woman she moved one foot back and thrust one of her scissors at me and I seen the woman start to follow her gray capy I simply raised my hand blocking her fist thrust she screamed at tried to table up into my chest but I simply deflected her hand to the side as my leg whipped out towards her she raised her arms blocking it which made her skidded back but I felt a cut on my leg I could feel those blades was poisoned sadly for her that wouldn't work on me and the small cut was already healing I looked back up to see that my kick had nocked off her vale so I seen her face the skin around the mouth had been skinned off or that's what it looked like so the red pulsing muscles she screamed am I pretty she sobbed I shrugged your alright the woman started at me dumbfounded what do you mean I am just alright she gralled either I am pretty or not there is no between I shrugged your wrong the outside doesn't matter it's what's on the inside some of the most beautiful women in the world are truly ugly on the inside wall there are those who looks ant like the others but they have hearts of gold all they wanting is love and respect your wounds doesn't bother me sense I have my fare share of scares I pulled off my shirt and simply dropped it to the floor as I did I polled out my blasting gauntlets and put them on this being started open jaws dumbfoundedly at all of my scares I put one hand behind my back the other I moved to fingers simply saying come and fight if you wish I heard another female voice that was still in the hall way kill him quick the array is about up the being in front of me screamed you're lying to me and she charged I simply stood there on moving the thrust her fist scissors at me but I simply deflected down which stabbed I to her own leg she screamed both in pain and anger she thrust the other scissors at me but again I deflected it this top up and to the side she stabbed her self into the shoulder AAAAAA she screamed pulling out both weapons thrusting them at me but I simply cot her hands and flung them down saying I truly meant what I said I hope your rest is peaceful and with that I punched her in the face the moment my fist impacted her face it exploded right then the Array was formed and the other being screamed and charged at the protective array it was a pale skin woman with long black hair in a white wedding comono she had black makeup that formed lines down her face from crying she bellowed let me in let me in you can't do this to me let me in that girl made a deal she would be with me forever let me in let me in you can't you can't I side picking up my shirt and putting it back on shut it gods damn your fucking annoying I should have put a sound array up wall I was at it just so I don't got to hear your annoying voice you vengeful spirits are always so fucking load and annoying she scratched and banged her fist on the barrier you man are all the same she hissed your nothing but horn dogs who don't give two shits about us women it was man that turned me into this and your doing the same as them forcing me without my will I just want happiness is that to much to ask for my eyes burned with a blue fire as my head snapped towards her you dare speak of matters you have no idea of and I started walking towards her slowly my face turning into a snarl the shadows started condensing around us the woman started looking around fearfully as the shadows danced around her you she said in a shaky voice your connected to death I laughed indeed I am and yet you not only demanded things from me call me names and lumped me with the bad man of your life but I could care less about all that what gets me is the fact you dared bring up my girls and say I am a bad lover and husband to them you said I miss treat them and for that you will die and like that my hand shot out like a snake and got her by the throat as my shadow claws formed with the green pentagram on the top of my hand you dared to bring up my girls and for that your soul is mine and with that I dragged my hand down across my face my wolf mask forming it snarled happily at this woman who was trying to run she kept on flickering one moment she was visible the next she was invisible but the next second she was visible again still in my claws the pentagram pulsing green each time she tried to go invisible she screamed just what are you I grinned demonically at her as I shrugged I have gone by many names to my family and lovers I am Hunter ace Colt to my friends and alloys I am known as the devil dog but to my enemies, I am known as the death hound which do you think you are I asked as I brought my face closer to hers her bottom lip started to shake as she started to cry you are the death hound and you've came to devour my soul I chuckled darkly indeed don't worry it will only hurt a little may your next life be better my jaws opened which showed off my glowing blue teeth the spirit closed her eyes excepting her fate I took a deep breath in as I did the spirit started to turn into a mist that got sucked into my jaws never to be seen again I closed my jaws smiling mmm just like drinking a ice cold drink on a warm summers day who are you I turned around I was back to normal the woman was sitting up looking at me I crouched down smiling hello little one I am the one who saved you the girl looked around with fearful eyes what do you mean sir and have you seen my mother she said we was going to be together forever if I agreed with her my smile faded that being wasn't your mother she was a vengeful spirit the girl started at me a angry expression spread across her face as she charged at me punching me yelling do not talk about my mother like that you damn man your all the same where is she where is my mother what did you do and where is my big sis I stood up unbothered by her strikes I looked up to the roof angrily damn Abe no Seimei y put me in this situation you definitely don't want me to kill this child right so y but right then I felt something peirce into my right leg and I felt my blood being sucked out I looked down to this girl and noticed she was bitting my leg her eyes had changed they was blood red slits a vampire the fuck I mumbled kicking the girl away from me she flew back and hit the wall she had a huge bloody grin on her face as she slid down off the wall she looked at me licking her lips your blood is taste human I will enjoy draining your blood out from your body your probably wondering y you can't move right now that's simply because I controlled your blood in your body to tense up your muscles so you can't move I chuckled rolling my shoulders o that would explain the stiffness in my shoulders or perhaps I am just getting old hahaha I took a step forward stretching my lems as I did the girl stared wide-eyed at me but how she hissed no human has been able to overcome my blood arts I grinned mockingly well let's see and I thrust my hand out and dragged it down the moment I did that her body lifted off the floor and shot in front of me she couldn't move her body all though she most definitely tried you could tell she was trying do to her body twitching but nothing more her eyes want wide she struggled to say one word and that was how I laughed stroking my nicely trimmed beard I side shaking my head after I looked her over I see your a turned vampire it's surprising that your even able to us blood arts when that is a peer blood ability but tell me little leach and I lifted my hand my blood that was smeared across her lips lifted up and formed into a ball how old are you no on second thought don't tell me I can take a guess your going on your 200 year mark or maybe a bit older and yet and I snapped my fingers that blood ball forming into a blood spide that pointed right between her eyes it has been way longer out there in the real work so it makes me think how the time differs here but what the hell who really cares you asked me how and that's a simple enough answer vampires and the only ones who can us blood arts although I am probably the only human in this world who can use blood arts but that isn't too surprising blood arts have always been one of those forbidden ki abilities sense controlling someone's blood essents is a very real and scary possibility I could rob a hundred's years from you and you couldn't really do much sense blood arts is one of those abilities that is hard to detect and defend from the lesson is over my your next life be in peace and like that the blood spide shot through her head killing her instantly and like that I was back to standing in that circular cave I heard clapping I turned around to see a figure standing in front of me he had on bright blue and gold robs and on his head was a funky hat and in his hands was a blue and red fan this man stopped clapping that was marvelous young man tell me what is your name I grinned and bowed sir my name is Hunter Ace Colt it is a pleasure Abe no Seimei I presume the man laughed you presume current Hunter Ace Colt huh I must admit young man you got quite the interesting name did you know that I shrugged My mother gave me my first name wall my father game me my middle and last he nodded can I ask you something young man I smile you just did he laughed that I did but right then his smile faded slightly y was you so polite to all of the creatures that you had to kill you gave the red masked oni a drink when you heard he hadn't had a drink for a while you educated that vampar just before you killed her and you even tried to reason with the Kuchisake-onna the only creature you didn't show a sign of respect to was the Onryō but that was because she mentioned something about your loved ones before that you was perfectly fine with them so y do all that for a being that you would inevitably have to kill mmm I thought about his question for a few minutes I stroked my beard as I did so mmm to be honest Abe no Seimei you might have miss understood a few things like how I gave the giant a drink I spiked that drink with a deadly poison that I made just in case I couldn't take him but I also have the worrier his last drink you might not understand this sense you ant a worrier in both body mind and soul I showed him respect because he was a worrier from your time just cuz we were enemies doesn't mean I couldn't show him some respect as for the rest of them I showed them respect cuz y shouldn't I they are living beings just like me even if I had to kill them I might play dirty and all that but this doesn't mean I can't show some kindness I told the Kuchisake-onna the truth your appearance on the outside truly doesn't matter to me it is what is on the inside that makes the outside beautiful or not a woman could be a kingdom toppling beauty but have the hear and soul of a monster this is y I any effected by beautiful woman haha hell in my opinion women can be more vindictive and cruel them us man but neither parts have a right to point fingers as for the spirit she touched on a subject that she shouldn't have and for the little vampire I have no reason for explaining everything like I did I just felt like it nothing more nothing less Abe no Seimei and I started at each other for a few moments in silence till hahaha he broke out laughing you young man are truly intresting I am happy to gift my inheritance to a intresting man such at your self and like that he opened his eyes they was glowing bright blue and appearing in front of me was a spatial ring but floating next to it was a red liquid Abe no Seimei pushed his hand for word as he did that red liquid got pushed into my chest disappearing his eyes was still glowing I Abe no Seimei gift you my blood the blood of the last gold sky dragon and all that I ask of you is this kill those fuckers that killed my people and family the ring will have information and things for you so what do you say death hound do you think you can do this for you I smiled chuckle this sounds like a good deal but I wanted one more thing Abe no Seimei started at me confused what would that be all my knowledge and cultivation scrolls are in that ring and you already have my blood there truly isn't anything more I can offer you I laughed shaking my head you don't get it Abe no Seimei the name death hound isn't just a nickname it is a title that was given to me by the death twins I am a forming reaper and what does a soul cultivator need the first would be spirit stones but I ant asking for that all no all reapers have one ability that is the same through them all and that is the ability to absorb souls so and my draconic eyes locked onto this old soul it's powers was fading quickly but it was the quality of his soul that mattered to me Abe no Seimei was stunned hearing my request so your a soul devourer I know you said you were but it's hard to belive that a mortal from this desolate world has this ability you truly are a enigma young man and a bulled one at that I shrugged my draconic eyes glowing so what will it be Abe no Seimei does your revenge truly mean that much to you that you will give this reaper in the making your soul he smiled I truly got nothing anything better to do besides this is just a echo from the past it will disappear soon so if it will help you young reaper then I happily gift you this echo I smiled nodding I dragged my hand down my wolf mask forming my 6 tails moving behind me I held out my clawed hand he happily took it he looked into my eyes I will leave you with one last thing young man if you truly value your life leave after you take this echo cuz the tests the other two will put you through is nothing but a death wish I laughed o sounds like fun he side shaking his head I can see my warning didn't connect no matter good luck young reaper you will need it I nodded thank you and goodbye Abe no Seimei and with that I opened my jaws and devoured his soul mmm taste I looked down at the ring in my hands it had a gold and red band with a blue gem that was being clutched in-between of two gold dragon heads I put the ring on my right middle finger before I could look through it a booming voice yelled out boy do you wish to continue or will you leave with just that I looked up my mask disappearing and my draconic eyes was shinning bring it on old timer I heard him snort what arrogance good let's see if you can back up that arrogance with actions and like that the room changed.