2 down 1 to go

I stood in a grassy land I was standing in front of a huge armory that had oda nobunaga family simble flying above them behind me was another army that had a pink lotus mark on them I was on a horse I seen a group had met up in between the two armies they had white flags and I could tell they were talking but it didn't last long both parties returned to their armies and a man that had fancy samurai armor on spoke they wish to duel the winner wins the battle so who wishes to have this great honor many people volunteered sticking there hands up but the moment one single figure rod out from the other army everyone's hands shot down many people mumbling that's Mitsuhide Akechi one of the demons best worries no that's a death wish I would rather charge his armies then face that man one on one I rolled my eyes at these spineless fools the general looked around angrily anyone at all wish to have this honor of fighting Mitsuhide Akechi huh no one fine I but I kicked the sides of my horse saying I will face him the general looked over to me and nodded finally someone with a spine go and bring us honor I nodded and spered my horse forward as my horse moved I looked to see what I had on my body I noticed I had on samurai armor and a helmet on my hip was tempest my armor was black and red unlike the pink and green of the others behind me I stopped my horse right in the center where Mitsuhide Akechi was waiting for me he had on blue armor and clothes on his hip was a blue katana he was pretty good looking no scares or anything on his face unlike mine he calmly looked me over and asked are you the one I am here to fight I nodded it would seem so he nodded and got off his horse and stopped in front of it saying then come I am tired and my lord wishes this to be done with already I shrugged and got off my horse I took off my helmet and put it back on the horse I then pulled off my gauntlets and then my chest armor I rolled my shoulders that's better he looked at me confused do you surrender he asked I laughed heavens no then y take off your armor it doesn't seem like your mocking me nor do you act arrogantly so y I shrugged I don't need it besides it won't help me anyway see how your a ki user also that sword of yours is very nice I must admit it's of good make I assume it allows you to channel your water ki easier right he was stunned yea that's exactly what it does but how did you know I shrugged a educated guess I am a bit of a smith my self so I can easily tell these things so y should I wear armor that would be useless defending your attacks when armor is literally made for protection he nodded fare enough fine if you won't wear any armor neither will I and like that he took of his armor also I smiled a honorable man I can respect that but sadly for you the game was rigged from the start I unsheathed tempest as I dragged my other hand down my wolf mask forming and my draconic eyes activating my black ki armor formed on my body and my 6 tails whipped behind me he started dumfounded at me spirit user he mumbled as she drew his sword he looked at my sword saying you dare to us a curst blade Tempest shook in anger I chuckled careful mate she didn't like those words and she isn't cursed she just needed to find the right wielder just cus a weaker man couldn't handle her doesn't mean I can't but enough of this talking let us let are blades do that for us shall we he nodded it would be my honor and like that blue ki armor covered his body like water and it shot up his blue blade katana we closed the distance in a flash then clank, clank, clank we started trading blows sparks few off are blades in 5 seconds we had executed more them a dozen attacks not one of us got the upper hand we jumped back gagging each other he then swung three times and like that three water clades was flying at me I smiled demonically and simply cut them in half but as I cut the 3 blade he was right there in front of me he thrust at my throat but I leaned back his blade just missing his face I flipped back kicking him in the face as I did the ground froze around us I landed on my feet ice blades forming in my feet Mitsuhide was shocked seeing the ice he tried to move his feet but his feet was frozen to the ground his water ki didn't help his case any lightning sparked off Tempest I swung her up then down two lightning blades launching at him he waved his hand in front of him a water shield forming in front of him but my first blade easily cut through it before disappearing my second blade impacted his chest forming a huge cut he feel to his knees do to the lightning but I wasn't done I slid Tempest tip across the ice before flicking it up at him a ice spike shooting forward he grit his teeth and slammed his blade into the floor and exploding out around him was a water wave my ice spike froze the half that was coming after me but I immediately leaned back as a water blade sliced through the ice wave and shot at me Mitsuhide was stunned seeing another ice spike flying at him as I leaned back he swung his sword up shattering it but sadly for him that wasn't enough the moment the ice spike shattered the smaller pieces formed into smaller spike which cut into him but that's when I got a cold feeling from behind I moved to the side but a long gash want across my chest as his water blade shot back passed me I looked down at the cut that was already slowly starting to heal when I looked up he was in front of me swinging down his sword glowing I cot his blade with mine the strength behind his forced my arms down and his blade cut into my shoulder but I didn't mind do to Tempest bursting with lightning that shot through his water slash smoke started to come of his body as he stumbled back his eyes was glossy he feel to his knees still twitching from lightning I didn't waste this time to swing tempest and cut his head off the moment I did the army behind me screamed in victory I raised tempest then flicked the blood off her before sheathing it but right thin my senses was screaming danger right then thunder struck I moved to the side as a bullet just missing my chest my head shot to who took the shot it was a man who I hadn't had seen get closer wall the fight was happening the man was stunned seeing me dodge his bullet he started to retreat but we can't have that I flashed behind the man Tempest thrusting into his chest I twisted it and woosh his body burst into blue flames he screamed dying I glared at the army in front of my my tails flicking behind me you said who ever won wins the battle I yelled I seen a man on a horse in the front laugh no I said who ever won wins the fight not the battle haha o you sly mother fucker I gralled he grinned kid I am oda Nobunaga the demon king of the sixth heavens what did you expect I rolled my eyes humf you are no demon I have fought a real demon prince of hell compared to him your nothing an old fogy with big dreams he laughed you maybe so kid but I am a old fogy with an army you have passed my first test you have proven you can fight to know let's see if you can lead and fight man attack I laughed seeing this army charging at me I grinned demonically at him yelling I was going to save this card for outside but seeing how you won't tell anyone I will show you a little ability of mine i waved my hand and a 100 puppets formed behind me every one of them black and red in color each of them had a different oni mask and lastly each of them was made by a different angels bones that's right these puppets were made of bones and angel bones at that I raised my right hand Sekhmet forming in her scythe form and in my other hand I unsheathed Tempest hahaha come one and all your souls will be put to good use so don't worry hahaha attack and like that I through Sekhmet it cut through 3 horses in half as there riders were thrown off I swung tempest cleaving them in half my tails whipping past me impacting two more horses breaking their legs there riders jumped of or tried to but in mid-air, they got cot by a puppet that smashed there skulls Sekhmet shot back to my hands as it did my puppets rushed formed all of them pulling out many different types of hidden weapons as they rushed passed me I heard the sound of running behind me I glanced back to see the army behind me charging I yelled archers take the sides horse men take center and the rest of you maggots follow my puppets to victory roar they all yelled a battle cry before boom they slammed into the army I swung Sekhmet cutting three heads off as I spun around lightning sparked off my weapons I slashed out with tempest a lightning blade cutting through 2 man and half a horse as I moved through this army I made sure my puppets was keeping a eyes on my man and commanding them if needed I also sent 3 hidden puppets out as scouts I slammed Sekhmet onto the ground as a explosion of lightning serpents shot around me killing my enemies with pinpoint accuracy that's when one of my scout puupets found something it was as I thought Nobunaga was leading a sepret group to flank us I yelled archers behind man on horses take care of this the rest of you follow them I will cover are flanks and I flashed in front of the flanking army Nobunaga snarled seeing me appear damn brat you but before he could finish a lightning slash cut his horses head off right when that happened the people around him pointed their guns at me and opened fire I swung tempest cutting the bullets out of the air but as I tried to cut the last one some strange happened it exploded and several sharp rocks stabbed into me my eyes fell on a man that had on black red and gold armor on his helmet was a gold flower in his hands was a very intresting looking rifle O Kazumasu Takigawa I presume nice trick here sense you showed my your intresting gun let me show you one of my I through Sekhmet cutting three man in half and stabbing into the forths chest appearing on my belt in the back was a black holster I drew my pistol pulled back the hammer and boom a bullet exploded the back of the mans head next to him I pulled he hammer back again boom another headshot again and again and again till I got to the 6 shot I pulled the hammer back and pointed it at him grinning my fanged grin sorry bucko but the game was rigged from the start glory to the boom the back of his helmet exploded in blood and bone I looked to Nobunaga who was pointing a very basic black powder pistol at me drop it he said I laughed y would I do that he grinned cuz there are only sick cylinders on that firearm so you need to reload so drop but right then boom my sense was screaming danger I spun to the side flunging tempest up into a tree which stabled into the center of a blue clothed woman with a mask and a smoking rifle both dropped out of the tree not before the bullet impacted my shoulder luckily for me my ki armor and metal control I was able to slow the bullet don't enough it didn't hit my heart but damn that was close Nobunaga screamed Nohime no I turned around drawing my other pistol and boom boom boom boom Nobunaga got filled with my bullets before he could get a shot off he stumpled but how he coughed up blood I spin my pistols on my fingers before holstering them you decided to duel me one of the fasts gunslinger with firearms you could have chose anything else but you had to us firearms and for that this cowboy kicked you off your throne I raised my hands tempest and Sekhmet flow back into my hands and like that I was back to the cave again I still had the bullet in my chest and the cut I heard clapping I looked up to see one lone man in a gold and red robe on his hip was a beautifully decorated blades one katana and one wakizashi his long back hair was pulled into a bun and on his chest was the oda crest he had a sharp short beard that he was stroking you child have impressed me not only did you defeat my best warriors but you was fully able to lead and command over your army wall also being in the center of the chaos but it was the fact you easily guessed and located the second group that was trying to flank around your army haha you my lad don't trust others easily do you I grinned shrugging no sir I don't I have been betrayed many times and the ones that hurt the worst was when my elder brother and father betrayed me hahaha but I still killed one of them before the other shot me in the back and know that I am back I made my elder brother and the heavens a promise and I tend on fulfilling that promise this echo no that isn't right this remnant soul of oda Nobunaga smiled nodding good, good and he snapped his fingers and a ring appeared in front of me as he said good ones you gain se strength in Eden come find me and my Oda clan we shall challenge the heavens together but only when you have the strength and backing to find me haha I smiled shrugging sounds like fun he nodded indeed it does sadly for you I have no special bloodline like Abe no Seimei sadly for both of us I was just a simple mortal in this world I shrugged I don't mind but I do wish for your soul also Oda Nobunaga he grinned if you think you can then take it from me and like that he moved about 30 steps away from me I seen he pull out a black powder pistol and put it on his belt I laughed Sekhmet disappeared and I sheathed Tempest as I pulled out a cigarette lighting it chuckling you still wish to duel me with guns and you called me arrogant he grinned we don't know who is the faster one sense you shot me wall I was distracted I laughed shrugging you should have shot first and then be distracted cuz when you duel a faster hand you need all the leverage you can get and like that I brushed my coat to the side one of my black holster appearing I took a deep drag before blowing out smoke I started at him unmoving my eyes was cold and calm seconds slowly ticked by the more seconds that want by the more nervous he got I chuckled at the 4 seconds mark do you want a count he nodded yes ok ones we hear this hit the ground then and I pulled a hold coin and flipped it up into the air it flipped up then it quickly shot down and thin dink boom before Nobunaga could even grip his pistol I had already cleared leather my clack colt smoking slightly he looked down to see a ghostly green spike stabbed into his chest attached to this spike was a ghostly chain me followed the chain back to me and he side I lost I nodded indeed you did this is goodbye Oda Nobunaga the demon king of the sixth heavens he laughed see you latter you little brat I grinned I have always wanted to say this I yelled get over here as I jerked the chain towards me this spirit shot towards me as he did my wolf mask formed it's jaws opening the moment I cot him the spirit got suched into my mouth I closed my jaws licking my lips spicy I holstered my pistol it disappearing my mask also gone as I looked down to the gold spatial ring in my hand that had a red gem in the center of it I bound it to me as I slipped it into my third right finger I looked around waiting but the 3 voices didn't say anything I waited for 5 minutes but nothing so I spoke yow muramasa ant you going to speak or something I heard a huff before he spoke you brat are way too greedy for your own good you already have 2 inheritances and yet you want more I don't like your character child nor do I like the sense of your soul it is terrifying that one mortal being has stolen that much yin essents from the angels and also has yang essents in you you're an anomaly that shouldn't exist and not only that you're a soul devourer and I will not allow you to eat my soul like the other two nor will I allow you to take my tests I will wait till someone more worthy comes I laughed shaking my head you don't seem to know what position your in muramasa this world is ending you got 1 years and some months at this point before everything ends and before you go thinking sense I found you others will sadly for you I am the only person who knows where this place and one of the few who can even get to it besides I am the best smith of this time so you can definitely turn me down which I will leave this place and ones I do I will make sure no one else is even able to see the intense of this cave let alone get in I heard an angry yell shut up brat how dare you speak such lies to me I shrugged you don't have to believe me but it is the truth this is a forgotten inheritance I am the only person who knows of this place so do you really have an option if you turn me away I will leave and no one will inherit your will nor your teachings before the world ends I will let you think it over and I sat down and started to meditate I heard the old man mumbling madly.