got them all

like that 1 hour passed with me just meditating wall Muramasa mumbled like a madman I opened my eyes and standing up saying times up what will it be Muramasa I heard him curse y should I even allow you to inherit my will and teachings when it's obvious your nothing but a brute who may have some skill in smithing but nothing more I snorted unimpressed I have lived two lives and in both I was the worlds best smith I was taught by the last fire giant but he snorted so what I have but I cut him all I have also been trained under the last ice, hill, sky and storm giants along with any other race you can think of hell I have even learned how illithid make their weapons or I have quite literally studded under every single race in this world and I didn't just study there smithing but I quite literally studied everything about there people there language there rune crafting there architecture there agriculture I studied everything y you may ask o that's simple cuz I new one day some race would betray me and try and kill me so I literally took learn my enemy literal I could destroy this hole world economy in literally a few hours and yet my skill and knowledge is not only being questioned but I am being insulted by a fucking echo of a spirit that knows shit and opinion means shit to me I wouldn't even be here if it wasn't for the first two you was just a added bonus so either lets start your tests or stop wasting my bloody time I don't need you or your inheritance to become a master smith in Eden it was just going to be a small boost nothing more so what will it be old man silence dead silence I shrugged ok I will leave and I turned around and took one step towards the door but that's when he yelled no stop damn brat fine I have changed my mind and like that the surrounding changed and I stood in the center of a forge and I heard a mocking voice say well let's see your skill brat your only task is to make something has could be effective in Eden nothing more nothing less I laughed throwing off my coat Mauler appearing in my hands I fondly ran my hand over this hammer chuckling hello old friend I think it is time for you to be improved don't you think it got warm to the touch well let us make the anvil sing and like that I started pulling out very rare materials and even some of the metal I got from the air ship from Eden hold on airship Hael said that pirating was a very big business don't tell me that there are sky pirates cuz if so I shook in happiness and anticipation but I focused back on my work and like that I started the slow process of upgrades Mauler I first took it apart then I started melting metal from Eden the next step was submerging the red hot metal with the head of my hammer and as it slowly sank down I used my metal control to start drawing small minuscule runes as that was happening I was also drawing new runes on the handle and placing new rare gems in to the handle but I also took a bit of that Eden metal and reinforced the handle so it had lines of odd gold ish steal moving through it next process was hammering out the head again but instead of using a hammer I used my fist with my exploding gauntlets that was covered with my lightning strike sounded like thunder and shook the room but I didn't stop till all the impurities was out I then quenched it in wyverns blood I pulled out the head and quickly put it back together and as I was drawing the last runes something strange happened lightning clouds started to form above this smithy what that I mumbled I heard a crazy man laugh your so fucked you brat the heavens will smite you maybe next time watch your damn mouth when talking to this great me hahaha know die to your heavenly tribulation and like the clouds heard his words gold lightning sparked in the clouds I started to laugh crazily as I slowly got up and stood in the center of this room I looked up to this cloud my draconic eyes shinning challengingly as a huge grin spread across my face you wish to strike me down then let's go strike me down take your best shot hahaha crack boom one gold lightning impacted me in the center of my chest I grit my teeth and dug my feet into the ground as my body tenses up and burned in pain from that one strike I laughed is that all you got crack boom boom boom 3 bolts descended down upon me each more powerful then the one that came before but I simply took it I didn't move or guard I simply tanked the hits my teeth clenched but I had a huge grin on my face Mauler behind me on the table after the 3 strike my body was smoking but I was still alive hell I felt more alive and fully charged I looked up to the dark clouds grinning thank you for your gift and with that lightning sparked in-between my fingers there was my Normal green lightning of course but mixed with it now was a gold lightning the clouds shook in anger the hairs on my neck stood up I crossed my arms in front of my just in time crack boom a stronger bolt impacted my arms burning them badly I slid back hitting the table but I gritted my teeth and fought back against this lighting that was trying to shoot through my body I channeled my lightning to stop it I then waved my left arm to the left pointing with two fingers and the gold lightning got redirected through my body and shot out that way impacting the wall completely destroying it the lightning stopped when it did my arms slumped down they 3 degry burnt or worse my body still was twitching from the pain and the electricity but my arms was slowly healing I moved my stiff fingers they cracked as I moved them and it hurt like hell but I turned around and grabbed Mauler and lifted it up the hammer looked basically the same but the head had lines of gold moving through the dark steal these lined moved down the handle around each new gem that shinned and at the bottom was a blue gem that palst with energy I grinned nice I grabbed it with both hands lifted it up and slammed it down shattering the circle I was standing in I was back in the cave I turned around blocking a spear with Mauler easily standing in front of me was a short old man that had on raggy smithing clothes his hair was messy and unkept his face was sunken in and his brown eyes shinned with a madness you must die brat I won't allow you to get my inheritance and like that he swung again but I easily blocked it again with Mauler as I unsheathed Tempest his eyes want wide seeing her you dare us one of my creations against me how dare but I was tired of this so I swung Mauler he wants to block it but when he did a boom range out as he shot back and slammed into the wall that spear he was using disappearing I shot forward and pointed Tempest at his throat saying you can either give me your inheritance or I take your soul your choice he glared up at me and huffed you truly think my creation could cut me hahaha I am her mas but right then Tempest shook in anger it burst into blue flames which burned the side of his face he screamed in both pain and anger I laughed it would seem it doesn't matter if your her creator I am her master and wielder but most importantly I am her friend a mad man like you wouldn't even know a thing about it so what will it be Inheritance or soul and the flames stopped on tempest but the blade still shinned blue he clutch his burnt face saying if I give it to you then you will leave I nodded I will sware it I nodded I sware to the heavens ones I get the inheritance i will leave thunder struck he nodded fine take it and he waved his hands and a obsidian ring appeared in front of me that had a green gem in the center of it I grabbed it and looked it over ones that I seen there was no problems with it I bound it to me and but it on my left middle finger I looked to him a huge demonic grin spread across my face thank you and I thrust Tempest into his chest his eyes want wide you swore gasped I laughed indeed know that I got the inheritance I will leave but only after I take your soul you didn't have me sware not to kill you or for me not to take your soul hahaha a snarl want across his face you bastard I cur but before he could finish my wolf mask was on my face and it's jaws opened his soul being sucked in I spat out the taste of dirty earth out of my mouth as I turned around my mask disappearing Mauler going back into a space ring and I sheathed tempest as I walked out mumbling something like Fucking crazy old man.