On way back ran into a few flies

I slowly walked out of the cave my black ki armor covering my body as I stepped back into the ocean my cigarette was still lit as I turned around to this cave entrance that had the dragons making a ark I admired the architecture for a few minutes but I side blowing out smoke from my mouth the smoke quickly mixing with the dark water down here I would normal leave this sense who would be able to come down here but sadly I ant in the business of keeping information like this around if others found this they would realise there was more forgotten inheritances and they would try and find them before me and my people and if they couldn't find any they would simply follow my people and fight them tooth and nail for the inheritances my people maybe strong but there is strength in numbers but I wasn't really worried about that sense I am literally training my guild to be a guild of cratching tigers and hidden dragons I am sure they would win but it's best to adopt my old careful nature from here on sense my family and I won't be the top dogs in Eden we will have to start at the bottom again and work are way up and we can't stand out too much cuz if we do we will be targeted any big kingdoms and guilds would do anything for us to be part of there group and even if we agree to join one group then the rest will adopt the mind set of if they can't have us then no one can Azzy has told me a many stories about how many talented aspiring cultivators have died do to powerful parties greediness hell it happened to one of his friends they had joined a competition and beat all the kids from big family and guilds well after that all the parties fought over her like she was nothing but a object man offered her a place in there harem and powerful guilds offered her a place in her guild but she rejected them all up till she found her love of her life and at his request she joined his small sect well let's just say they big sects didn't like her choice and they completely ddestroyed the husband sect sadly for the woman when they tried to run they got a cot and those people butchered the woman husband and did terrible things to the woman and left her alive Azzy found her like this her clothes ripped her body beaten and blooded and clutching the body of her dead husband Azzy helped the woman buried her husband before hiding her in his sect where she grew in power and gave birth to two children twins one boy and one girl these children grew up fast and was taught by her mother under Azzys protection and when the time came the three set out to get revenge sadly out of the three that left that day only 2 came back and it was the twins they buried there mother right next to there father and with there revenge out of the way they joined Azzy and rose through his sect ranks and soon the three fell in love yes the woman I am talking about is Brodo and Ivys mother I side again shaking these thoughts out of my head mumbling I won't end up like her we won't I will make sure of it I held up my hand a spinning disk of blue fire forming but I channeled a bit of my death energy with it the center of this spinning disk formed a black circle I through it into the cave my draconic eyes shining with a intense determination the moment that disk slammed into the barrier of the cave it stopped for a few moments as sparks few from how fast the disk was spinning but then a slicing noise echoed through the water as my disk sliced through the barrier it flew into the center of the cave then boom it exploded in a black and black fire ball that intensely shook the ground as the cave collapsed leaving no trace of what it was before I nodded well let's go I can't belive I have been in there for a hole week already lightning sparked up my legs as I shot up at a rapped pace the closer I got to the service the more blue the ocean got and the brighter it got till I shot out of the water only to be surrounded by 3 battleships all there guns trained onto me but like that wasn't fun enough there were 20 people flying over the ships I recognized one batch of them as Angels the other batch as the Hela family I saw Ace or was it just A I don't remember who cares I shrugged I also saw the Wolfgangs leader and elder please that brat who thought he was the best smith in this world what was his name mmmm no matter I seen a few other big families but I wasn't scared I simply grinned mockingly at them my draconic eyes shinning with amusement Ace yea lets go with ace cuz who cares stepped forward Yelling surrender brat your outnumbered and outgunned there is no escape and these ships have a barrier array so don't try and run I laughed clapping and in a sarcastic voice I spoke well done it would seem you have fully trapped your selves in with me Ace nodded that's right we have trapped you so y don't you hand over the inheritance and we might allow you to leave wait what did you say I laughed waving my hand as a shadow thrown formed in mid air I sat down crossing my legs as I took my cigarette out of my mouth tapping the ash off of it before saying good job you all have trapped your self in with me so tell me y should I allow you to live and like that I unleashed my killing intent and ora onto them this cased shock waves the ocean under my started to make huge waves that pushed away from me the surroundings got dark as a dark cloud formed above us and green lightning flashing as white and blue snow flakes started to fall but the second that one of those touch your skin it was either so cold it burned you or so fucking hot it burned you all the weaker brings on the ships was forced to the ground walk the rest in the air was only forced down to one knee all of them stared at me with pale fearful expressions as they felt the cold hand of death brush against there souls I grinned mockingly at Ace saying so what did you mean to say sir Ace visibly gulped as he struggled to look up at me we demand boom a lightning bolt struck killing one of the man behind him I brought the cigarette back into my mouth you was saying sir he glared at me but if only looks could kill we ask you to share the locations of inheritances for us I laughed flicking my cigarette into the ocean as I blew out smoke from my nose now y in the nine hells would I do that Ace glared at me spitting cuz if you don't you will be making a enemy of the hole world and government crack boom another body behind him fell I laughed come on Ace you truly think I and my guild are scared of you I killed all of your rats that you hid in my family I see one got away and my eyes locked onto a girl behind him she shook under my stare and lowered her head to me yes that little rat got away and was able to tell you of this place sadly for yall that little rat didn't have all the information nor was yall even able to get down to it but I must thank you if it wasn't for your little rat being a huge disappointment to her headmistress it would have taken me a bit longer to get rid of all the pests in my house so for that I will leave you all alive well most of yall haha that is but remember and I flashed in front of ace and grabbed him by the face and lifted him in front of my snoring face my eyes glowing with hatred do not do this again or I will skin you alive you fucking arrogant pig and I through him down he shot down and slammed into the deck of the ship under me leaving a huge dent I looked over to Karen who had her head lowered still to me I side shaking my head you betrayed Titubs for these filth you are not only a disappointment your a trader and a rat I won't kill you doeth would be way to easy for you o no you will have to live with the consequences of your actions Titube trusted you and you stabbed her in the back and for that I will thank you she has thrown off the chains of being a teacher and fully embraced the role as a leader and one that rules with a heavy hand so if you wish to kill Titubs then congrats you killed the old her and with that I looked over the rest of them I didn't even care about the angels or the rest of them but my eyes fell onto the Wolfgang leader I flashed in front of him saying I know that expression what ever you wish to ask then ask he nodded and raised his head to me is my sun is Connally ok I crouched down in front of him and patted him on the shoulder nodding he is indeed he is actually doing really well he gets to sing for the kids and he is training hard is easily one of the strongest members of my hounds you should come and see him some times I may not like the rest of these fuckers but your family is one of the few who have my respect I would talk to him before it's to late and I gripped his shoulder like one would do when consoling a brother or close friend he side nodding I pat him on the shoulder a few times before standing up saying this is the last warning all yall are going to get if anything else like this happens again my guild and I will wipe you off the planet and with that I disappeared in a flash of lightning and a boom of thunder and a shattering noise came after that as the barrier array shattered meanwhile what has happened in these 5 days let us start with my puppet underground the queen had gotten her inheritance that gave her a human form and I must admit between Nicolas and the queen the would shake under there beauty also the queen told me her name it was Raykera but she allows me to call her Kera but if no one is around she allows me to call her Ray I could definitely tell Kera was trying to seduce me with them curves of hers sadly for her I already had 4 world topping beaties besides if I was going to make any one of these dark elf mine Nicolas would be my first choice and I think Kera know that and it irked her a bit wall it made Nicolas grin and laugh in this time the Illitheds attacked sadly for them haha with the 5 gem dragons which there names want from Amethyst, Crystal, emerald, Sapphire and Ruby I know I know it sounds like a butch of stripper names but dragons was very tridiagonal when it comes to naming and besides only Ruby, Ame, and Sap are female dragon wall Crystal or Chris for short and Rald was male dragons obviously their inheritance taught them how to change into a humanoid form with them, and one you add Fluffy, Rocky, Quin, Rex, and Criss on top with the gem dragons then you add all the dark elves to say the Illithid was fucked that would be in all caps and a few exclamation points at the end of it that's how fucked they was I actually got to meet and talk to the hive mind leader a huge fucking elder brain it tried to reason with me saying just to let it lived I had already won and all of that but the hole time wall it was talking it was trying to mind control me hell ones it realised that wasn't working it tried to put an enslaved mark on me sadly for him the me in front of him was just a puppet hell even if it wasn't it wouldn't have changed anything hahaha besides the amount of yang essents this damn brain had was simply to much for me not to take it and that's exactly what I did sadly I would have to wait to give it to my main body I haven't found a way to transfer essents through my puppets they can store it for me and ones they are within a certain distance from me I can connect a soul string to it which will transfer the essents into my body I also robbed the Brain of its memories sadly most of it was useless to me but there was definitely sections of ancient knowledge that I didn't know so I was happy so was Kera and Nicolas so we started are way back up and to see every ones faces to see me riding fluffy and the rest of my pets was priceless currently Fluffy was curdled around the school and the bunker wall yall Triss, Meg, Sihtric, and Hael got to know Fluffy, Rocky, Quin, Rex, Criss, Amethyst, Crystal, Emerald, Sapphire, Ruby, and Kera wall Azzy filled Nicolas in on what she missed and how her family was doing which literally only had her and no one else well that was the case anyway hahaha she knows had almost more people then Titubs and every one of her dark elf was very trustworthy apparently there were some cultural differences between the dark elf and everyone else but that wasn't surprising the dark elf lived in a female Matriarchy kingdom so going from that to this of course there would be some problems luckily no one had died and the man that tried to take to one of the dark elf for advice only got both his arms and a few ribs broken that was all he healed fast enough but this was a problem that Nicolas asked for my help with so my puppet held she brought all of her family in front of me and Nicolas kneeled down in front of me showing them all that I was the man in charged sadly no one else allowed her and simply walked away this was yesterday and a few more accidents had happened and they need to stop mean while before the dark elf arrived the guild was doing great Alucard, Azzy and Hael was training them well hell Hael had apparently started the process of training her fellow sisters in combat Triss and Sihtric got there asses kicked the only person that could keep up with Hael at least for a bit would be Meg but that wasn't surprising sense Meg started training with weapons and ki abilities as a child and throughout her life wall Sihtric had little to no combat training other then the basics we learned in school but that was no where near enough besides those was mainly takedowns nothing really more as for Triss she focused on her studies and didn't care to learn how to us a weapon other then a gun sadly guns won't be useful in Eden or most firearms anyway my Azraels was a completely different story the wasn't your normal firearm so Triss and Sihtric had to learn how to fight and only training and experiences can teach them that hell Lucy, Rose and even Moon and Siren fought against Hael but none of them could beat her hell I don't even know if I could beat her without using a few tricks and even then it would be a hard fight Azzy and Alucard helped Perseus and Samuel in there training wall my puppets and I trained Astrid and Duke plus all of my hounds dearing fighting with Duke I could tell he was holding him self back and only going for the most direct path for the kill wall Jinufer watched she was taking a small brake she side shaking her head at Duke I was getting tired of this basic attacks but what pissed me off the most was his forced cold expression his eyes had no shine to them or anything they was just cold I shook by head and gralled enough I jerked my hand up on my claw as shadow chains bound him he was stunned what brother is there something wrong he asked I glared at him you tell me, Duke your not even trying your going for the most direct move to kill me your forcing you face to stay calm and your eyes are dead but this isn't the first time you have done this no every time that we fought together you do this you hid your strength and go for the most basic attack even at the party you just hid in peoples shadows and cut there throats or when you appeared behind the woman that had fireant you could have formed in front of her easily blocking her attack and still had your blades on her hell if you would have done that the women wouldn't have been able to throw fireant at me hell you didn't even have to get out of your chair to bind her with shadow or you could have thrown one of your daggers easily disarming her I have seen you hunt rabbits and squirrels with a fucking pocket knife so don't try and say you couldn't have hit your target Duke side shaking his head I am done talking about this and he tried to shadow walk out of my chains how did I know it was easy his body literally got covered by shadows sadly for him he didn't go anywhere and the chains didn't drop off of him Duke formed again what the fuck is this Hunter how can you trap me with shadows I chuckled simple that is condensed shadow in all tents and purposes those are real chains yes there made from shadow but there fiscal and real so I will ask again what the fuck is wrong little brother and I sat down in a shadow chair in front of him he coldly started at me and didn't say a word I chuckled little brother you maybe a passion man sadly I have little time for my little brother trying to be a little shit so either you tell me willingly or I go rutting around in that soul of yours you might not know this but your memories isn't just stored in your brain they are also stored in your soul hell in my opinion the soul remembers everything way better compared to the brain sense expresses and memories make up whi we are naturally all your memories would bind to your soul changing it also so what will it be little brother and I crossed my legs leaning back and started into his eyes he glared at me saying damn you Hunter damn you I chuckled there's some emotion good so you can still show them I was starting to wonder he struggled against the chains as he tried to move forward damn you he yelled I snapped my fingers as a shadow doom formed around us so no one could see or hear what was going on Duke was stunned seeing the chains was gone and a chair was behind him now sit and lets talk little brother he looked up to me shocked he laughed fine let us talk big brother and he sat down and crossed his legs like me he side where should I start I shrugged from the beginning chuckled that will work you natural know I was born with the ability to control shadows mom and dad naturally was happy for me and helped me as much as I could they didn't scorn me for having a assassins abilities so naturally they trained me to the best of there abilities and I got sent out into the world sadly the world wasnt as excepting as are parents I was looked at like a monster people didn't want me on there hunting team do to my shadow control but I kept on trying to work through everything sadly I got betrayed by a friend and the left me this and he pulled up his shirt and I seen a long deep cut right over his heart he lowered his shirt sying well after that mission that friend made sure what little good my name held was shattered so when I want to go back to work I couldnt find any through the hunters guild or the legal hunters guild miss Nicolas showed me a hidden area where I found illegal missions and assassination request here I learned how to be a assassin where I learned its beast to hide my true strength and to us the most direct method to kill people this is also where I learned how to turn off my feelings and just to do my job so I am sorry elder brother if I am a disappointment to you but this is what I had to become to survive of course are parents know some the only one who knows everything would have been Jin and I guess you now he side I ant proud of what I did Hunter but I did but before he could finish I flashed in front of him and gave him a huge shaking my head saying I understand Duke you have no need to speak anymore he hugged my back silently I looked into his eyes that held relief and disbelief I chuckled come on Duke you have seen my old life memories you know I am no angel either I have killed hundreds and yes I regret a few of them but I can't change the past neither can you little brother nor would I change a thing whether we like it or not all of those things the good the bad made us into the people standing in front of each other and I personally wouldn't want to change for the world I have found what I am fighting for and I believe you have also you just need to leave the past in the past even if it hurts cuz how I see it is you can either run from it or learn from it think over my words little brother and I pat him on the shoulder and walked away but I stopped on the edge of the doom and glanced behind me to see Duke thinking face one last thing your not a disappointment you never will be the next time you say suck a stupid thing I will whoop your ass and like that I walked through the doom as I walked through people was surrounding it confused but one I walked out they all looked away and tried to act like they wasnt trying to listen in a demonic grin spread across my face o so I see yall have nothing else to do I guess that would mean your ready for the kids gloves to come off right they all want pale hearing that but before they could speak I laughed no backing out now I will make sure you all remember my teachings even down to your bones so let's go and like that my puppets started attacking from the back some puppets grabbed and drug away some people to a group of 5 puppets some puppets just want straight in for a attack to say all hell broke lose would be a understatement I looked over to Jinifer I grabbed her by the back of her shirt saying what you waiting for the world to end get your ass in there and comfort my little brother and I through her into the doom I turned around to my family as a huge demonic grin spread across my face as I slowly walked forward saying o dearest mother and father I would like a word and a ice sword formed in my left hand and a blue fire sword formed in my right as green lightning formed around me they smiled my father saying what is it so every man for them self and my mother and father tried to run away sadly for them this puppet flashed in front of father as another puppet with the same swords flashed in front of Mother are demonic grins still on are faces as we spoke at the same time o no you ant escaping that easily you maybe about to the esendent rank this doesn't mean you can't catch these hands and like that a long fight happened that lasted 3 days and 3 nights where at the end of it Moon and Perseus was dead tired and covered in bruises and small cuts the only reason y we stopped on 3 was cuz I was coming back and they was going to have to deal with the real me as I was flying I looked through each of my space rings lets us go in order shall we

Abe no Seimei space ring had- 1000 low soul grade cores, 500 medium soul grade cores and only 100 hight soul grade cores there was of course a few weapons but they was in the low earthy grade weapons which were very good weapons for this world but in Eden these was the basic of the basic weapon grading goes earthly grade, silver grade, gold grade and diamond grade in each grade there are 3 stages low, medium and high but the differences between the three is great for example if you put a low earth grade weapon like these against Mauler which are low silver grade Mauler would easily shatter these weapons but Mauler wasnt made for combat it was made for smithing so a lot of its battle power was lost to make it a damn good smiths tool the last thing of note would be the 3 book shelfs that was full of books and scrolls but in the center of the ring sat a scroll on a pedestal I pulled it out to see this from scroll

Congrats host you have found the scroll of Abe no Seimei the spirit summoner Abe no Seimei was known for his he could summon many powerful oni and other such spirits he developed this ability just for the simple fact he wasn't a fighter he would have rather us his spells to support his summons host will have to make his own army of summons warning warning host if you use this on any creature of this world their bodies will be destroyed but you will have there souls that you can summon at any time to fight but without a body, their powers will be limited so host will have to find a proper visual for all of your beast note host this is probably the only way you can take all of your beast to Eden as long as the body is the same as the beast soul your trying to put into it everything will be fine naturally ones your beasts soul takes control of there new body they will be reborn there potential and how strong they get is up to host

would host wish to learn beast summoning? Yes or no

I of course clicked yes when I did pain shot through my mind it hurt so bad that it burned my eyes and slowed my down but I simply fought through the pain as I put the scroll away after an unknown amount of time I was fine and moving against I looked over some of the scrolls and books on the wall noticing many of them was cultivation techniques that involved around one spirit cultivation that involved three elements water, wind and wood the techniques was just a bunch of different moves for that cultivation which was called the sky dragon cultivation sadly these elements I didn't have a connection to so I wouldn't be using it sadly next ring

Oda nobunaga space ring- only had about 50 soul grade cores and some materials from Eden truly nothing more very valuable or that's what most people would think but I believe information is more valuable then anything and nobunaga definitely collected a lot of that there were 8 selves that had nothing but scrolls on scrolls all of it was information on his Oda family and many blueprints to a many prototype firearms but what really cot my eye was the information on Edenit would seem nobunaga didn't care about getting cores or bloodlines o no what he gathered was information on Edens hierarchy and kingdoms specifically targeting royal families and sects hahaha fucking mad man I could guess what his plan was he would choose one of the new still growing kingdoms and rise up into there ranks as a cultivator and an advisor this would give him backing and access to resources he wouldn't normally have only bad part about this plan would be how long one would have to wait this plan of his would take at least a hundred year just to be in the right place to start this plan it was obvious the Nobunaga was playing the long game and the old fox had the patience and craftiness to do wait till the time was right hahaha sadly for me I didn't have this luxury but the information on the kingdoms is nice it might be outdated but information is information the only other thing of note in this ring would be the fancy wakizashi that I seen on Nobunaga but shockingly enough it was a high earthy grade weapon I pulled it out and put it over Tempest I might as well ware it sense at the moment it was stronger then most of the weapons I was using the only weapon that it couldn't match to would my Azrael which was in the medium spirit grade Tempest and Sekhmet could barely be called low earthy grade weapons but that will change soon so I wasn't worried I side and moved onto the last ring

muramasa space ring- 600 medium soul grade cores , 200 medium fire grade cores and lastly 1 chaos orb plus a shit tune of mutuals from Eden sadly most of it wasn't very rare it would seem Muramasa used most of his rare resources wall he was still alive but there was plenty here for what I needed and more but what cot my eyes was towards the back it was a preserved tail from a blue serpent dragon the moment I seen that Tempest started to shake master master I want that can I can I please please I laughed at her childless it was obvious that this was part of the dragon that Tempest was made from and a very important part seeing how at the end of this dragon tail came to a very sharp stinger that still had a bit of poison in it a huge demonic grin spread across my face O my dear tempest it would seem your in store for a upgrade Yay she yelled shaking I pat her happily but my smile faded but first I got to deal with some unruly half elfs and like that I flashed down into the center of my camp

right between the school and the bunker people seen me appear and they immediately bowed saying welcome home guild master I smile feeling a familiar set of warm arms huge me from the back I turned around to see Triss standing there smiling and she whispered in my ear welcome home my emperor my little brother immediately woke up at these words I could feel her warm breath on my ear I laughed turning around and embracing Triss fully and dragged her close to my body as I gave her a patient kiss Triss of course could feel my little brother moving slightly in my pants but she didn't seem to mind to much hell are kiss got more patiently and hot as are tongues fought as they moved back and forth between our mouths I heard someone clear their voice behind me but I didn't stop kissing Triss the fact that I was ignoring someone just for her made the fight with are tongues even more intense and hot that person cleared their voice this time it was louder than before I side and pulled away from Triss licking my lips as I looked to whoever was trying to get my attention funny enough it was a blushing Nicolas but I simply grinned shamelessly and asked yes Nicolas what can I do for you she blushed a bit more at my shamelessness but she cleared her throat again and bowed saying guild master my family is waiting for you I nodded sying good let us get this over with I got shit to do and I looked to Triss with a lustful eyes Nicolas shook her head and I thought I heard her mutter shameless I laughed what was that Nicolas she stood up and turned around saying nothing guild master when your ready we can go I nodded and let go of Triss as I gave her one more lustful look and turned to walk away but before I could Triss cot my shoulder and whispered something in my ear meet me in your office when you're done big boss and she giggled and kissed me on the cheek before walking away I admired her as she walked away with lust in my eyes till she was out of sight I side mumbling damn that woman she knows just what to say to turn me on hahaha come on Nicolas let us get your girls straightened out so I can go and do important business in my office Nicolas side angrily at my shamelessness but simply said yes sir.