a lesson with a bonk and plowing my bootys

Nicolas moved quickly in front of me I could tell she was trying to hide her blushing face but I didn't mind I even said a few teasing words before we walked into the training room that had no one in it but the dark elf's Kera walked forward to us with a huge smile and said Hunter it's good to see you in the flesh I know my girls have been um but I chuckled a problem Kera slowly nodded yes and for that I am sorry so can you do this one favor for me and go easy on them I raised an eyebrow asking a favor huh what us is a favor to me Kera smiled and crossed her arms which made her big assets purk out and jiggle slightly O it can be used for anything I am sure we can hash out the details in your office if you wish and she looked at me with lustful seductive eyes and smile that drew me in I started focusing on those thin beautiful lips that long neck but sadly for Kera I wasnt talking about her the moment I heard about my office my mind want to Triss and nothing more I looked away and walked passed Kera saying your charm arts won't work on me Kera and as I have said before if I am going to take any of you as mine Nicolas would be my first choice sense I have known her the longest and best we have a connection as for going easy on these girls haha that isn't going to happen they harmed members of my guild the guild that they them selfs was supposed to be part of and before you say I don't have the full picture I can assure you I know way more then you could ever believe I have eyes and ears everywhere in this guild so I both seen and heard each situation where your girls hurt a member of my family of are family and for that I will deal with them my self do you have a problem with that and I glanced back to her my draconic eyes flashing in them her angry expression quickly faded when she seen my eyes and felt my ora she side and nodded do as you wish then guild master I nodded and looked in front of me to see all of these dark elf's there was at least 500 maybe a bit more Nicolas walked next to me yelling this is the real Hunter Ace Colt the leader of this guild the guild that you all are part of and with that she kneeled down in front of me I seen many of the dark elves snear angrily at Nicolas for kneeling to a man most of them had mocking eyes as they started at her then to me like they would never do what she is doing one person clicked her tongue saying not this shit again listen mister what ever your name is we won't be kneeling to a man so your wasting your time y should we when we are supperer that's right next time keep your filthy male guild members away from us your lucky we only broke there bon but at that point my ora exploded out from me as I yelled enough you will not talk to me the man who not only saved your kingdom from the illithid not ones but twice but I have offered you sanctuary in my guild so you don't die when the world ends all that I asked is for you to me loyal to my guild to our guild to treat all of it guild members with respect no matter there face or gender I built this guild of the simple idea of running it like a huge family all I asked is for its members to treat each other like family I don't care if you don't like the other party or not you will at least act respectfully to one another in public and when the time comes you will help them cuz that's what family does but what did you do when you got here you have been nothing but trouble for the family you even dared to harm a father in front of his daughters just cuz he accidentally bumped into you wall he was playing with his children I don't give to fucks about your believes or how you was razed how fucking dare you at this point they all was kneeling in front of me not cuz they wanted to but cuz they was forced there bodies was shaking trying to fight off my ora but they couldn't many of them stared at me with hatred in there eyes I slowly walked forward Sekhmet appearing in my hands as my draconic eyes glowed like two fireballs you all think your better then men ok fine come and fight me but be warned I soloed your hole kingdom ones before and wont and at that time I wasn't trying to harm any of Nicolas people but you dared to harm your family members and not adapt to the rules of this family so as its leader I shall put all yall in your place so come lets see how long you can last and like that I stopped pressuring them with my ora immediately after that I got bombarded by spells and attacks that came from all sides Sekhmet glinting dangerously as these attackers impacted me immediately a black smoke cloud formed as all there attacks slammed into the center they girls didn't stop flowing there spells and attacks boom boom boom 2 minutes passed of just them blindly shooting there attacks into the center of the smoke cloud after the 3 minute mark one person yell hold I think we got him and the attacks stopped one elf snorted serves him right how dare a man talk to us yea yea to right sister I laughed at these fools I swung Sekhmet cutting through the smoke as I walked out of the smoke my green ki armor disappearing as I did I grinned demonically at these girls who was dumbfounded seeing I was fine Nicolas side she was still kneeling where I was before she slowly stood up and looked at her sisters anger in her eyes as she slowly walked next to me saying you all are way to arrogant and for that you must learn some respect she turned to me bowing guild master allow me to fight in your sted they are my family it is my responsibly to teach them these things I looked to her then looked at the rest of the dark elves who started at Nicolas with dumbfounded eyes but that dumbfoundedness quickly turned to anger and hatred I pat her on the shoulder saying no I will fight them my self it maybe your responsibility to teach them but it mine to defend the family and to educate unruly guild members on the rules of this family but you are in need of a punishment also for letting it get this far so I will allow you to educate the woman behind me who is staring at me with hatred I glanced back to see Kera glance away from me a bit of a blush on her face as she realised she had been cot I looked back forward and after I am done you can do what you want with the rest of them but I will make sure they remember my lesson Nicolas nodded it will be my pleasure guild master and she disappeared in a gust of wind her spider legs forming on her back as she sent a punch towards Kera but Kera was able to cross her arms but the force from Nicolas punch made Kera shoot back into the wall Kera slid off it a bit of blood rolling down from her mouth as she started at Nicolas was a stune expression you dare to attack me Nicolas your Queen and mother Nicolas laughed you might have been that in my old life but in this one you are nothing but a powerful drider that has a human form or should I call you a spider with a human form seeing you are no longer a drider but a actually a magic beast with a human form which is strange for a weak magic beast besides you lost all claims to call me those things when you not only watched me get eating by a purple worm but you dared to try and charm him away from me and for that I will teach you a lesson Kera was stunned hearing these words but a angry cold expression replaced it as 6 spider legs shot out from her back these ones looked as sharp as Nicolas and even more deadly as another eye opened in the center of her eyes this one was blood red and looked more spider like hell even fangs formed in her mouth as she spoke so be it, daughter, if you wish to act like a spoiled brat I will beat you like one the moment she said that a red ora covered her body Nicolas laughed ya sure whatever you say Kera come and take your best shot and like that a bright green and purple ora covered Nicolas body and just like Kera a new eye opened in the center of her head but the color different unlike Keras red Nicolas was a bright green with many small purple dots that showed the many eyes in that one socket and like that they disappeared in a flash and boom they met in the center they both through a fist at one another that slammed into each other the peer power from that one impact shook the ground and a gust of wind wip passed everyone I laughed at this site turning around saying ok the rest of yall are ours ant that right Sekhmet and with that, Sekhmet shook happily as lightning sparked off her and boom I disappeared in a flash of green lightning hold firm sister he can't get us aaaa I appeared in front of that one who was talking I song Sekhmet clocking this elf with the flat end of my scythe thump that elf eyes quickly rolled back into her head her body hitting the floor I laughed who's next and like that I flashed around bonking these elves on the sides of the head easily knocking them out I was so fast that I bonked the last elf on the 3 minute mark as the last elf hit the floor I mumbled that was 460 hopefully this will humble them at least a bit I turned around resting Sekhmet on my shoulder who was shaking with bemusement I could hear her laughter in my head apparently she loved the sound she made when she impacted their skulls I watched Kera get thrown back to that same wall again but she didn't slam into it like last time o no she flipped around her 6 spider legs catching her easily she lowered her self down onto the wall like she was crouching on it as Nicolas walked forward her two spider legs simply hovering behind her the moment Nicolas got with in range Kera lunged off the wall her 6 spider legs rapping around Nicolas or tried to but Nicolas snapped her fingers as a wind barrier formed around her Kera legs scraping against it the noise that came from this made my head spin and my ears ring in pain but Nicolas simply flashed forward she grabbed Kera by the face and slammed her into the ground Kera screamed angrily her spider legs cutting into Nicolas back but Nicolas didn't seem to care as her 2 spider legs bound her as Nicolas want for the pin Kera couldn't resist and under Nicolas pin Kera easily passed out Nicolas stood up sying as she dusted her self off I walked next to her chuckling well done Nicolas she looked up to me with a huge grin thank you guild master I chuckling all although your reasons were a bit strange what did you say again o that's right it was you dared to try and charm him away from me right Nicolas looked away blushing embarrassedly no you heard wrong I laughed at her adorable reaction I chuckled are you sure Nicolas glanced to me then immediately looked away again as she walked o look some of them are waking up I assume your done I chuckled at her poor attempts on changing the subject Sekhmet disappeared from my hands as I nodded for know there all yours make sure this doesn't happen again my little spider Nicolas nodded then froze at what I called her she glanced over to me asking you would dare to take a ugly poisonous creature such as me into your haram I laughed y does everyone seem to ask me similar questions that all have the same answer you are not ugly in my eyes Nicolas never have and never will Nicolas was stunned and looked back to her spider legs saying but my legs and bloodline is but I cut her off shaking my head no buts Nicolas I do not care for your body sense that's not what I like about you no I like your personality and soul more then anything and most importantly I value your words and mind to me these things are more valuable then what you look like Nicolas nodded but sadly looked down like she had lost a great battle I flashed in front of her and gently brought her chin up so she looked into my dricanic eyes I leaned forward and whispered in her ear do not get me wrong I am attracted to you in both body mind and soul your one of the hottest woman I have ever seen in both this life and my last if we had it my way I would take you right here right know I do not care who would watch sense I would be claiming you as mine but I know my little spider is shy and still isn't sure about what she wants so I will leave you to your thoughts and this parting gift and I bit her long pointed ear she let out a little moan both from shock and pleasure and like that I disappeared in a flash of green lightning Nicolas rubbed her ear anger spreading across her face mumbling he dared but the next second a huge happy grin was on her face he dared what a shameless man I must become his and her eyes shinned determinedly as she yelled get your asses up now mean while

Warming 18 + content ahead you have been warned 😁

I just flashed inside my office which scared the shit out if Triss who was sitting on the desk waiting for me when she seen my huge grin she yelled gods damn it hunter you about gave me a heart attack I about fried you I laughed sorry, sorry I just was to excited to see you and I looked her over a white button down shirt that was tucked under a tight short black skirt black tights and red high heels her hair was in a tight bun best part was the white shirt she was wearing the fabric was thin so I could see the dark purple bra I gulped visibly seeing this smoking hot sight in front of me my little brother was already hard she seen me checking her out and a huge seductive smile spread across her face as she leaned against the desk and beckoned me forward with one of her fingers come here boss I have been waiting for you I smiled nodding ok and I walked forward and stood in front of her I looked into those bright green eyes the eyes I loved so much what did you wish to talk about she smiled beautifully well boss I wished to discuss my rase I chuckled what rase you know we don't have any room for you on the list as I spoke I walked around her into my chair she turned around slamming her hand into the table saying damn it boss isn't there anything you can do for me I shrugged no lesson you know are policy of not showing favoritism Triss peerst her lips and walked around and lend against the table next to me as she put on a pleading expression people boss I am beginning you I really need this rase I will do anything you just please put me on the list I leaned back in my chair and thought about it for a few minutes then looked her up and down saying anything Triss crouched down and put her hand onto my leg as she smiled seductively up at me yes anything I side and looked away thought about it for a few minutes and nodded ok and I flicked my hand as a load click noise range through the room as the door got locked Triss smiled ok so what does Boss want I grinned waving my hand down at my already hard little brother saying deal with this first and then we will go from there she nodded and undone my pants I raised my hips up so she could pull my pants and underwear down my sword jumped happily to be unsheathed Triss slowly grabbed it with her warm hand as she slowly started to stroke it a few times before she gave it a kiss but when she want for the 3 kiss the door got blown open I used my lightning to thrust my hips into Triss mouth as I spun around easily dragging her under the table as I moved my chair up so Mr chest was touching the table so no one could see my waste this desk connected to the ground so who ever it was could see under it from the front I had my glasses on and wse leaning back in my chair reading some basic reports as Azzy Wolf walked in both with a camera they walked in front of the desk Wolf saying you are back and didn't decide to tell either of us one could almost think you was trying to slack off I took off my glances and put them on the table saying what do you mean I am trying to slack off I was sending the healers to the training ground for the dark elves Wolf want pale faced Hunter you didn't I laughed waving my hand of course not I simply fought against them all and just gave them a good clock on the head nothing more as I talked my left hand tightened on my chair arm as I felt something warm and wet start to lick the tip of my sword wolf side thank gods you didn't go over bored but y the healers then I laughed I might not have gone overbored but Nicolas is another story sense it was a direct embarrassment to here face it was her responsible to make sure her family adapts and grows but the fact all the dark elves have been nothing but a headache they are a embarrassment to her so after I knocked them out I left them to her Wolf was pale-faced was that wise he asked I shrugged waving my hand saying its her family her problem but you excuse me I wish to look over all the loot I got from my inheritance Wolf smiled so you got it I nodded and held up my hands that hand my new spatial rings on them Wolf and Azzy was shocked seeing three rings instead of two Wolf quickly asked it was a triple inheritance I nodded sying yes I will tell you all about it some time but go, go this pirates wishes to plow I mean look over his booty Wolf had a confused face But Azzy grabbed Wolf saying come on Wolf let us go get a drink shall we Wolf nodded sounds good Azzy escorted Wolf out as she shut the door he gave me a knowing smile as he kinked at me saying have fun with your booty I grinned o I definitely will immediately when the door shut I moved my chair back grabbing Triss and placed her in the desk I kissed her deeply as my hands ripped open her shirt and started to play with her tits I moved and made different shapes in them as I played with the nipple Triss moaned in my mouth I chuckled as I stopped kissing her as I whispered in her ear saying I hope you have another outfit cuz by the time I am done with you my little receptionist both your insides and out will be painted white and I bit her hear as my hand slipped into her pants she was dripping wet it would seem almost being cot made turned her on even more I played with her clit for a few seconds before I slipped two fingers into her hot pussy she moaned I want you my emperor fuck this roleplay shit it's taking to long get your dick inside of me right now I laugh as you wish my empress and I moved my self up I could have easily took her clothes off but where is the fun in that I ripped a hole into her tights I moved her soaked purple panties aside before I thrust into her we both moaned out happily her tight wet walls tightened around me I moved me hips back thin thrust deeply into her she moaned yes keep going don't stop I smiled happy to oblige so I started fastly pistoning into her quickly a wet slapping noise and sexual moans filled the room as I thrust in and out of her yes right there right there don't stop god don't stop I leaned down and grabbed her and started pistoning up into her much faster she hugged me tightly I could feel her breasts moving up and down on my chest as I thrust in and out of her yes right fuck yes right there I am cumming yes I am cumming I locked her lips with mine as her body started to shake her wet warm walls started to pulse and construct around my sword I could feel I was on the cusp so I thrust up deeply this made her body shake as she leaned her head back as we came together she felt my hot seed get shot deeply in her I held her close breathing hard I started kissing and bitting her neck she recovered after a few minutes she looked at me with those lustful eyes and like that I was ready to go again but right then the door opened as 2 beauties walk in Meg and Sihtric both in sexy lingerie I gently sat Triss down as my sword out of her a bit of my cum rolled down her it felt so good to see that haha I looked to Meg and Sihtric with loving lustful eyes as I spoke come her my wifes let me pump my seed deep in you and like that the door shut and the sound of flesh meeting flash and sexual moans filled the room again but this time I made sure there would be no more unwanted guests.