Heavily tribulation round 2

1 day passed filled with nothing but sexual actions I fucked them everywhere on the desk off the desk in the chair off the chair in the air on the wall hell I plowed Sihtric in the air from the back I must say her wings was very sensitive and sharp the claw marks in my back from her and Meg was a sign of that hell Meg assiduity changed into her mutant form as I made her orgasm the 7 time I believe she came so heard her eyes rolled back and she made the o face but this is when she lost concentration and boom I was in a huge humanoid gator did I mind no not really I have already had fucked a lizard folk and that was back before I was even awakened hell I didn't even care about her sharp claws that cut into my back after she recorded from her orgasm she immediately apologized and tried to get off of me but I held her hips in place saying did I could say you could move she was stunned Hunter umm this isn't but I leaned up and kissed her on the side of her face chuckling it doesn't matter what form your in be it this one or your human one I will love you In both just don't turn into your gator form hahaha cuz that would be way to far for this simple man Meg had laughed and said ok if you wish for me to ride you like this I won't mind sense I am a bit more sensitive I laughed shrugging ride away my gatoress and I leaned back going back to eating out Triss who want back over me with Sihtric next to us playing with her self to call that experience intresting would be a understatement and I wasn't expecting when Meg organized in this form it came out as a hiss instead of a moan I woke up with three beaties in my arms in the remains of the metal desk we all shared a huge blanket as we snuggled together at this point my office had cracked and holes in the floor walls and sealing but I didn't care one bit hahaha I wanted my receptionist rule play as promised and I got most of it haha that was truly the only reason I got a office I heard a nock and the door opened Azzy slowly walked in he looked around with wide eyes but he had a grin on his face he looked down at me saying gods damn brother what happened in here it looks like a fucking tornado passed through here I grinned flashing out from my beaties arms they cuddled closer to them selfs as they felt me disappear I stood in front of Azzy but ass naked as I stretched my body Well you can definitely call it that a tornado of pleasure sex sticky flewids and most importantly a hole bunch of love mixed with lust Azzy laughed shaking his head at me saying don't you have no shame I turned around to him shrugging y should I care you walked in on me and my wife in my old life and you about did the same yesterday besides your the infamous all powerful asmodeus the deadly sin of lust besides hahaha I am sure you have seen plenty of bodies both male and female Y not ask Brodo and Ivy what they think Azzy laughed Brodo simply said nice and Ivy said he ant wrong I nodded see and I walked to the door as I washed off my body with my shitty water control and dried my self off with my fire I pulled on underwear and pants as Azzy closed the door behind us I turned to him tightning my belt asking so any problems he shook his head naa not after what you and especially Nicolas did I raised a eyebrow asking what did she do Azzy laughed nothing to bad she simply had one of the healers you sent give all of the dark elves the talk I was stunned you got to be shitting me Azzy laughed nope apparently Kera gave birth to them all and didn't explain how the birds and bees work apparently they were enamored and curious even Kera got enamored by the information the Healer who was a man by the way gave a perfectly discrimination of everything from both the medical aspect and the liver aspect sense then the dark elves have been adopting in well they keep on giving the males in the guild curious glances and I just found one younger dark elf and a kid who looked to be 18 or so kissing and touching each other very umm lets call it very passionately best part to this hole thing is those two was the start of the problem either that kid is either very brave or is thinking with the wrong head to be kissing the dark elf that not just a few days ago beat the hell out of him braking bones we both started at each other and snorted knowing which it was all I will say the kid wasnt thinking with the one attached to his shoulders that was for sure I pulled on my beats after I got my socks on I stood up and pulled out a button up long sleeve dark red shirt saying so what your saying is we want from a cultural differences problem to possible a over breeding problem Azzy laughed yep I grinned well at least we won't have to worry about finding new members hahaha we both broke out laughing and walked out and like this the first we got to work but I separated from Azzy early saying I had smithing to do I walked onto the bottom floor to see Rocky, Rex and Criss doing things to help the dwarfs well Rex and Criss wall Rocky was laying in the center of the room in the lava that came out from the forge Rocky looked very comfy like he was at home wall Rex was using his strength to brake open huge chuckles of or as Criss cut those pieces into forgeable pieces as I walked in Dwarfs cleared the way nodding to me before going back to work I walked to Rex and Criss petting them they both happily rubbed against me I easily bound them to me I heard Rex say Hunter I am happy same same Criss happily said I laughed good good keep doing what makes you happy cuz some you might have to stop for a bit they sadly nodded ok master and they want back to work happily I walked to the center of the room to the forge I looked up at Rocky who slowly moved its body to look at me lazily but when he noticed it was the real me he happily opened his mouth chomping I laughed moving dodging lava droplets that splashed out from this I reached up and pat his burning hot skin saying its good to see you to big guy I easily formed a boned with him also Master this feels so warm and good and the small fleshes are nice I laughed there called dwarfs ant that right Metal and like that the old dwarf walked next to me laughing that's right you big rock shark and don't you forget it hahah Rocky champed back a few times as a answer Metal looked to me saying I we was wondering when we would be see you down here guild master don't worry your station is the same as you left it and he pointed to the left side of the forge I laughed nodding thank you Metal he waved his hands saying like I said I wondered how long you could stay away from the forge you got them puppets and there mighty damn handy but it ant the same compared to using your own two hands I laughed nodding you would normally be right Metal but I made my puppets with that in mind I can not only see and hear out of them but I can feel also so you see I actually haven't stopped smithing he laughed I guess your right but don't let this old dwarfs hold you up any more guild master I am sure you got much work to do I smiled nodding feel free to watch if you wish but I can't promise your life he laughed o sounds like fun I chuckled nodding indeed I walked over to the left forge as I took of my nice shirt and pulled out a basic black t shirt and a leather apron after that I pulled out Mauler and placed it on the anvil I then pulled out tempest and placed it on the table and easily took off the handle what was next was going to be the dangerous fun part I pulled that dragon tall out I slipped Tempest through the end of it as I walked to the forge I placed tempest in the lava very quickly the tail and tempest started to glow red got I pulled it out and moved it to the anvil I tapped Mauler on the anvil before blank I stroke Mauler against the tail sparks few like I just struck metal but flowing up from tempest was magic arrays I hit again pank and again these magic arrays flew up in front of my face they was many different color and each time I struck these arrays was different I wasnt making Tempest into a different sword I was simply upgraded her of her hidden talents I of course was adding my own flare and arrays I to the mix and like that I started to sing

Pang goes the hammer clank goes the steal oooooo in the clear moonlight what am I I am a smith what do I make I make nothing I born something what do I born that's easy cuz for I am a smith oooo be it swords axes spears daggers oooo be it armor shield or bow I have birthed them all yes indeedy them all then all clank goes the sky pang goes the moon as the man in the sky forces ones more ooo the sun is his forge ooo the moon his anvil ooo and earth is his steal forever forging forever making pang goes the steal clank goes the hammer what are you no who are you you are Tempest both mighty and strong yes Tempest the bloody and cold in the hands of your master you sing the song of death one swing from you and you silence people forever never to sing again dododo pank arise Tempest be reborn not as the weapon as you was before be reborn as my creation be reborn tempest my sword

Hiss hiss hiss

That was the noise it made as I slowly dipped it in dragon blood or shat was remaining of it I dipped it up and down a few times before taking it out and taking a clothe whipping the blade clean of the blood I brought it to the table and reached the handle and put a few last runes on it that awakened her right at that mmoment storm clouds started to form above me as gold lightning flashed Metal yelled heavily tribulation I looked up to the clouds challengingly I stood up picking up Mauler as several little gold snakes started to form they glared at me with mallas but I simply grinned mockingly at it hiss crack the snakes turned into several bolts of lightning as they shot down and impacted me in the chest but I didn't move hell I absorbed a very very small piece of this heavenly lightning hiss I looked up to see a pretty big snake head looking at me it hissed again and crack but this time I raised Mauler swinging it up immediately Mauler impacted a powerful lightning bolt the shear strength behind this made me cleantech my teeth and us all of my strength my arms started to shake as I fought against this lightning thin boof it was gone I breath out a sy but then hiss I looked up to see a snake head the size of a lions head hiss shit I swung my arms down bringing just in time to see the snake head turn into a lightning bolt that slammed into Mauler as I brought it down my black Ki formed on my body Mauler sparked with green lightning as the hammer head bust into blue flames Mauler slammed into the lightning bolt I struggle against this one bolt I dug my feet into the stone floor as the veins on my arms got bigger and my muscles tightened as I used all my strength pushing against this lightning but I was slowly sliding back I gralled woosh Mauler burst into more intense flames as green lightning sparked off it I heard a odd hissing noise that sounded like a scream but I was to busy with trying not to die to see where it came from quickly my fire burned it's way through the gold lightning it disappeared I fell to one knee breathing hard leaning against Mauler a bit I took a few moments to take try and bet some air into my lunges before I slowly moved my head up to see the clouds had almost disappeared immediately 3 figures appeared in the room it was Alucard, Azzy, and Hael they all were scanning the room crazily but soon they seen me on the floor sweating and breathing hard the last remains of the clouds disappearing above me Hael flashed into my arms saying o my gods o my gods Hunter are you hurt and she started trying to heal me with her gray energy but it didn't do a thing Hael started to panic seeing her healing abilities not wanting to work at this crucial moment she looked to Alucard and Azzy yelling help him they flashed in front of me but before they could do anything I threw my head back in laughter hahaha that was fine you damn heavens haha but you didn't get me today the room shook as I heard the sound of lightning cracking but nothing happened hahaha ya ya sure and I slowly stood up my legs shaking slightly Mauler disappearing back into a spatial ring I tried to stop my shaking body but I couldn't I want to take one step but my knee gave out but I got cot in two warm arms my head laying against some warm fluffy mounds Hael blushed slightly but she helped me stand as she spoke what the hell Hunter what the fuck was you thinking you ant even a cultivator yet and yet you dare to face a heavenly tribulation on your own with no preparations hell not even a noticed do you want to die I chuckled slowly looking up at her but I was still pressed against in-between two soft pillows I grinned ludly up at her man these things are so warm and soft that I don't want to leave and I stuffed my face back between them Hael blushed heavily at my words she pushed me up and punched me in the chest I shot backward doing a few flips on the ground before landing on my back looking up at the roof Hael screaming you shameless fucking man ugg y do I even worry about you first it was the hole thing with Michael then you daring try the test of an inheritance that didn't just have one being not just two being but fucking 3 beings three I tell you and now you fucking take on a heavily tribulation head on with no preparation or even a artifact to help you at yourcurrent strength you would die, die I say with just one bolt I don't care if your the death hound that doesn't give you the excuse to fucking chase after your own death like a dog chasing its favorite toy she breathed out of breath but I simply sat there as a rib snapped back into place but I didn't move I still had that odd grin on my face after a few moments Hael yelled say something you damn shameless bastard and she appeared over me and stomped down at me but I cot her leg my arm bulging feeling her strength but I was able to stop it Hael was stunned seeing she yelling how did you stop my stomp without using any of your ki but just with your body alone I chuckled throwing her foot down I did a kick up and looked down into her gray worried eyes I brushed her red hair out of her face saying my dear Hael I am thankful that you worry about me so much but do you truly think I didn't expect for this to happen besides I am literally of the rare green lightning I would have survived it would have hurt like hell and I would be out for the count for a few weeks but I would have lived but this didn't happen everyone is fine no one got hurt and I am fine I know it's hard for you to trust people after what you want through but can you put your faith in me like you did in the passed Hael started into my eyes tears starting to form I am sorry Hunter I hurt you again I just you don't know the power of the heavens us angels my say and act like we are heavens will but the truth is we are nothing but a distant relative of the heavens we was an accident so I know more then most and her body shook thinking of what she new but she focused back in me her tears falling now your just a mortal who hasn't ascended to become a cultivator yet this shouldn't have never have happened but the simple fact is it did and the fact that you ant dead is a miracle I shook my head saying my dear little Hael it was no miracle nor was it a freak accident I figured it was going to happen sense that's what happened at my first heavily tribulation Hael was stunned hearing this she shook her head no Hunter you don't understand its impossible for people in this world to make anything on level with stuff from Eden that's y almost all the people who go through a heavily tribulation in this world can't even go through one let alone 2 it's impossible I laughed nothing is impossible my dear let me show you and Mauler was back in my hand I held it out to Hael saying you should recognise Mauler still right Haels eyes want wide seeing the hammer and the upgrades it has gone through she looked up at me asking Hunter this is a low silver grade weapon but how did you I laughed Mauler disappearing I improved it as one of my inheritances tests they asked me to make something on the same level as those in Eden so I did and that's when I encountered my first heavily tribulations that would have killed a slower man but I lived and I got this from the heavens and a few arms of gold lightning sparked between my fingers Haels eyes want wide you absorbed heavily lightning what the fuck how she yelled I shrugged lowering my hand I ant sure my self the heavens didn't seem to like it when it happened but whatever and I whipped the remaining tears off her face as I started deeply into those gray eyes I love Hael I maybe a mad man yes but I ant a stupid man it fills my heart with so much joy seeing you worry about me that much I love you Hael Colt my forth wife and I brot her head into mine Hael was blushing she was about as red as her hair she hugged me whispering please just don't leave me not again I hugged her tightly whispering never again she shook hearing my words we stayed like this for a few minutes we enjoyed the warmth from each other but some cleared there through I looked to the side to see Azzy and Alucard next to my work table Azzy was starting dumbfoundedly at what was on the table as fir Alucard he was grinning at us you two love birds done he asked I chuckled grabbing Hael my the waste and walking over to them as I did I realised the room was dead quiet I looked around to see all the dwarfs had stopped working to watch this but I yelled get your asses back to work we got shit to make Metal walked forward yelling you hear that get your asses back to work or no booze for you that seemed to light a fire back under there asses I nodded to Metal he simply nodded back and he want back to work I walked to the table smiling Azzy was still staring slack jaws at the table I pushed him aside saying move it you horny demon this seemed to brake him out of his shock he grinned at me saying like you have any room to talk horny dog I laughed maybe or maybe not but which of us are the sin of lust again Azzy side defeatedly find you win Hunter you win and he through his hands up into the air I nodded that's right but if you will excuse me for just a few minutes I got work to finish and I started putting the final touches on Tempest when I drew the last rune Tempest shook all the runes and arrays on the blade starting to glow but the light show quickly faded and resting there was tempest reborn the blade was a dark black the edge was blue and dark green in color and running through the blade was green and gold lightning marks that want all the way up the blade the hilt was a normal circle hilt but on both sides it showed an eastern dragon the handle was dark brown wood that had a red and black cloth making a grip ant at the end of the handle was a odd blue steal cap that shinned like glass I raised my hand to grabbed it but tempest shot up off the table into my hand I turned around performing a down words slash as I did a dragons roar bellowed out from the glowing blade my eyes shinned feeling her power Tempest I mumbled as I brought her to eye level your a in the medium silver rank about to be a hight silver rank weapon but what is this familiar feeling master that thing you are feeling would be my new poison laws merging with your self now you can cultivate a poison laws core if you so wish with your alchemy skills and knowledge of deadly poisons the path of a poison cultivator would definitely be a easy one for you especially with your death and blood laws but remember these abilities are known to be used by members of the dark sects but master is already on the path of a dark cultivator so hehehe I don't believe my warning matters in this case I smiled running two fingers up the spine before I twisted it to the side the edge shining wickedly sharp and tight there above the hilt stamped into the blade was a cloaked reaper holding a scythe I smiled well Tempest shall we get started then she shook happily yes master yes and like that a black and dark red sheath appeared on my hip and I sheathed her I looked to Azzy saying you look like you wish to say something old friend he had been staring at me like one would if staring at a monster he shook his head saying I know your a little monster but I guess I didn't consider how much of a monster you are I laughed hearing that o come in I ant nothing special I am just a crazy smith he shook his head chuckling my dear little brother some days I don't even know if you know you ant normal not by a long shot I laughed no Azzy I do know I ant normal I am a mad man after all what about that is normal hahaha we both broke out in laughter.