1 year and some months

1 year and 5 months passed in a blink of a eye, especially since I spent most of my time either in the forge improving guild members equipment, or in my room absorbing soul cores out off the 1000 low soul grade cores I had there was only about 500 of them left hell I will have had none left if Azzy talked about how coins wasn't the only way of payment magic beasts cores was actually much more common and actually the preferred payment method sense absorbing cores can not only increase one's cultivation in the laws but improves one's connection to whatever law core you would be absorbing at that time for example I had absorbed 500 low grade cores this increased my souls prowess and strength I was in the 1 early soul tear and I would be higher but I had to stop my self there otherwise I would be forced to ascend but I was now a soul cultivator sadly didn't have a soul technique yet sense I havent gone to the twins inheritance yet but this reminds me I had also visited all my old giant friends graves and was able to talk to there soul or at least a each and shockingly enough each of them gave my a body strengthening Technique but ones I had all 5 types of giants technique I found out these techniques was all very similar in nature that's when it struck me I had found a gold mortal stage technique each step was the different giants techniques and funny enough the first was the fire giant tech yes the one I had already started to do hahaha you got to be kidding me so I had to be in the first copper stage for my body strangely no I was in the second level hahaha as for my spiritual cultivation I had made all the cores for all the laws I had oddly enough bone molding and blood arts seemed to merge into a core that was blood red on one side and a porcelain white on the other another odd thing of not would be the gold core that I had already it would seem that was what I took from the heavens my green lightning ant it seemed to get along really well as for my blue Phoenix flame it funnily enough seemed to stay close to my deathcore wall my shadow core wanted nothing to do with it but that might something to do with the demonic red fire that accusingly flashed in the blue flames and lastly my Niflheim core and my healing cores they seemed to stay away from all the other fires like they wanted nothing to do with them but that wasn't that surprisingly you might be wondering where these magic cores was located and the simple answer would be my soul sea which was a familiar stary voice that had these cores floating above me light planets there was a few other things in my soul sea 3 weapons one a scythe, one a katana and one two navy colts next would be the 10 dim domes that had the sleeping souls of Hera, Hades, Selences, Deimos, Fluffy, Rocky, Quin, Rex, Criss I had explained everything to them and they happily took me up on the offer but the 10 dome was ten times as bigger as the other ones it held a soul body of a huge tree this was Ents soul I want back and had a very long conversation with him and he especially formed contract with me and I took his soul also out of all the creatures souls I had his was definitely the biggest and most powerful his soul was way bigger then his body even Fluffy was small compared to him and out of all the souls he will be the hardest to find a vessel for or that's what I think anyway as for my spirit cultivation techniques I had to make my own like Azzy did sense I had to many rare and strange laws but this was part of the cores of being me I knew the would wasn't going to make it easy on me but I had a basic idea for one so I simply did a few tests that wouldn't harm anything and want from there that's how I got my cores I was in the 1 copper stage my guild no my family had grown greatly the Wolfgang easily joined are ranks after Connally met with his father they was a welcome addition to the family and very quickly after Azzy started sending the out for there inheritances are enemies attacked or tried to but are members took care of it in there own ways some killed whoever came after them some just ignored them easily loosing them with there speed hell some just disappeared there hiding skills was so great no one would detect them so people was getting to their inheritances and quickly we started crossing sights off the list we, of course, had some members who didn't come back or did come back but was forced to ascend do to this world kicking them out people had been bringing blood to me to merge bloodlines so they could become a mutant my family was no different Perseus, Moon, Samuel, Siren, Lucy, Astrid, Rose, Duke, Jinufer, Triss , Meg, Sihtric and even Hael came to me merge there blood essents I of course gave my blood to all my girls just like I was told to I also merged Lucifer and Liliths blood in with my family I also put Dukes blood in Jinufer essents but this wasnt all I had enough for 8 this didn't include my share of course so I offered it to Wolf, Lynx, Connally, Bow, and Greg all of them happy took me up on the offer hell I even have just a small drop to Wolf two kids I had started to like them little brats haha Alucard and Titubs was my next choice they also took it as for the last bit I hesitated to give to anyone I thought over who I trusted more and who I owed and that person actually came to me it was Athena she had passed her second inheritance this was her last so she wanted me to merge all the blood essents she got I offered her the blood and she happily accepted I hadn't seen a lot of these people for a while but that wasnt surprising sense we are making a hole new being through mixing blood essents it was a long and painful experience that most people wouldn't even date think about trying but none of my guild members thought like a normal person anymore I had also made 4 gold special rings that I gave to my girls it was there wedding bands all though we never had a wedding the girls didn't care about that but I would at least marry them the right way in Eden the bands was just a sign they was mine I had also talked to Rick grandfather in this time and he joined my group with his family ones he heard shat was happening I had talked to him about reviving Rick he said if I wish to try then I was free to try it I side nodding I had already Talked with Tony's soul he didn't want me to revive him in that body but he did say he would find me in Eden if he reincarnates I had nodded and sent his soul into the other side I burned his toom making sure nothing and no one could get there hands on his body I was currently in front of a toom stone I side lets get this over with I waved my hand using my deaths energy dragging up the echo of Rick he opened his eyes looking around quickly but his eyes quickly fell onto me and I heard a ghostly voice ask Hunter is that you I laughed nodding indeed old friend Rick cocked his head to the side saying you seem strange you look older more wild I laughed running a hand through the my black and red read beard you might be right about that old friend some time has passed sense well your passing haha we both chuckled at that so y did you disturb my rest old friend he asked I smiled shrugging I brought you out to give you an offer he squinted his eyes at me asking an offer what could you offer me a dead man I grinned and simply said one-word life his eyes want wide you think you could bring back the dead not even my grandfather could do that and he was a powerful man I raised a eyebrow asking o so you knew about the supernatural side of the world he nodded yea sadly I wasn't born awakened and didn't awaken till that night or I would have followed in my grandfather's footsteps I chuckled you still could she side Hunter I don't know what sort of drugs you have been doing to make you believe you could revive me but you should just go home and live your life do that for the both of us ok and he tried to sink back down but I waved my hand up gralling I wasnt done talking with you the echo stopped it's body shook slightly and it shot back up in front of me Rick was stunned you can control my soul I laughed but of course I am the death hound after all but enough of me I am offering to try and revive you so you can huge you mother and so you can fill the big shoes your father had left you so what will it be Rick are you in or are you out Rick seemed to tank about it for a few moments before he asked what is in it for you I laughed shrugging I get another one of my brothers back I am building a guild and I need people I can trust to help me run it so what will it be you teck nerd will you join us again Rick was stunned hearing my words he nodded yes let's try it I nodded waving my hands the ground shaking them poof a coffin shot up out of the ground this coffin was covered in a clear ice that was as hard as steal but I waved my other hand the ice melting thr coffin was placed in front of me as the lid opened I seen the pale dead face of Rick the hallow side saying damn it I always hated that suit I laughed naa pink looks good on you but now let us get this party started shall we and I cracked my fingers before a dark green light started to come out of my palms as I slowly healed Ricks body back to what it was before all tho I left the scares next my death energy formed in one hand as my soul force formed in the other and I spoke

They say dead man tell no tails they say ones you die it's the end but that couldn't be further from the case so arrize dead man so you can talk ones again arrize and walk this path again arrize the one who has been dead arrize my dead friend Arrize so we can face the world as brothers again arrize my brother we got enemies to kill and the hole world to take so Arrize Rickey The ones dead man who now lives

And with that, I pushed my hand into his chest clouds started to swear above us as lightning and thunder shook the sky the wind howled angrily and the graveyard seemed to reach out to me trying to stop me but my wolf mask formed on my face my draconic eyes flashing as I gralled fuck off I looked down to Rick yelling get your ass up you lazy some of a bitch and I slapped him across the face aaaaaa immediately he shot up yelling as he looked around crazily the echo faded shooting back into his body Rick was clawing at his chest like he was checking for a hole or something but he quickly calmed down and looked over to me saying what the hell was that Hunter I laughed that my friend was the death hound being a badass how did you feel he slowly got up on shaky legs but before he could drop I flashed next to him helping him stand Thanks Hunter I feel fine just feel really weak I nodded that's not that surprising sense you was a dead body not to long ago but let's stop talking I know a few people who would love to see you sometime hold on he looked confused hold on but lightning sparked off of us and we disappeared in a flash of lightning Rick screaming holy shit that was 3 months ago and Rick has been getting his ass beat by his grandfather and one of my puppets in training just like Rick said he had big shoes to fill if he ever wanted to be like his grandpa so I of course helped him and his family it was pretty easy to awaken Ricks mother and the rest of his family sense The grandpa didn't hide anything from his family but that wasnt the only reason y awakening them was so easy I could feel the Vail weakening it has been for a while more and more people was awakening this was casing chaos in the world but me and my guild didn't care we just minded are own damn business not getting involved unless we needed to like one government decided to launch there nukes to clear out some of the population they thought if they did this the planet might survive longer but that was nothing but the ignorance ideas of foolish people who was grasping at straws my guild easily destroyed the nukes and didn't care what happened after that I was currently in my newly repaired office looking through all my spatial rings going through all the scrolls and books they had I started with Nobonaga and I must say the old man had one hell of a plan and I could see it had a 100% chances of working if he didn't rush anything I found out different sects and there families and what there sects specialized my eyes cot a few assassin sects even I chuckled remembering that I then want through Abe no Seimei ring next his had information more on the wild beast territory and the different magic beast that roamed the land this gave me a idea of what sort of magic beast there was in the world I also found out the name of the sect that destroyed his family it was the sky lion sect according to Abe no Seimei these sky lions had sky blue fear and a white cloudy main they had the bloodline of a heavily beast that controlled the wind, fire and earth laws these three laws was extremely potent especially if you mixed the three together unlike Abe no Seimei sky dragon sect that had the wind, water and wood laws which was made for defense and growing herbs the sky dragons didn't specialize in attacking they would much rather defend and wait there sect had a wait and see mentality no wonder a different sect destroyed them especially a aggressive one like the sky lions sect who seemed to be known for there porosity bloodlust and savageness haha they was some people that I would normally get alone with no matter I ant one to go back on my words but killing them all would be such a waste mmm shrug that's future me problem but I seen one last scroll that was touched deep behind the rest I pulled it out and I scanned it over my eyes want wide as Skull appeared it saying

Congrats host for finding a demi god soul technique called the origami puppet copy what this technique does is when host puts the proper formation on a origami of your choice host then channels your soul energy into that origami wall also thinking what you want it to be when you do the origami will change into what ever you was focusing on for example if host wanted to make a copy of him self all he would have to do is make a origami then channel some of your soul energy into the peace of paper you was holding and walk you do that you think of yourself and boom bang you got a origami copy that looks just like you it breaths and can even eat if need be hell the thing even can bleed if you want it to but the puppet will only be as strong as your soul cultivation but you share its sight, hearing, taste you share everything with it this includes pain plus your puppet can only take a certain level of punishment before it turns to ash just think of it as your second, third and how ever many consciousness

Would host wish to learn the origami puppet copy technique. Yes or no

I of course thought yes when I did i clutched my head the room started to spin from the pain but at this point I just leaned back in my chair trying to calm my rapidly beating hurt as this technique burned it's way into my mind I opened my eyes 10 minutes later my draconic eyes flashing with understanding as I thought over all the info that just got burned into my head and as Skull said this technique was pretty simple in nature but hard to learn do to its steep learning curve sense whoever that tried to learn this technique had to learn how to write runes and form arrays first before they could ever try and form there first puppet luckily for me this was not a problem for me but to activate this technique I would have to us almost all my soul energy but that wasn't really a problem seeing how the stronger my soul cultivation gets the more energy I could muster but this technique was damn good, especially for me of all people it was like it was made with me in mind hahaha but it obviously wasn't but I wasn't that bothered by that as I looked at skull what was still floating in front of me I ran a hand over its cover asking what's next my old friend will you stay with me or but it cut me off saying host is funny I of course will stay with you where else would I go almost all of my previous hosts are either died or so strong that I wouldn't be able to grow with them besides there soul sea would destroy me do to there powerful energy that would attack me ones I tried to do that besides host is one of the rare few who I actually enjoy being with and watching you we also have one of the strongest connections on the same level as my first host so keep trucking on cowboy soon you will no longer be the Wild West best hunter reincarnated back to modern supernatural world but the wild west greatest hunter ascends into the supernatural world I laughed hearing that saying damn Skull y such a long name y couldn't it be the cowboy hunter ascends to the cultivation world or the gun-slinging death hound takes the cultivation world by storm Skull laughed host is no better at naming shit then I am I see I chuckled waving my hand saying yea yea what ever and like that I looked through the last ring

Muramasa spatial ring was basically empty sense I had used a lot of the materials that was in it to improve my guilds armory hell if it wasnt for the rift that we had we would have ran out of resources a long time ago and ones the Wolfgang joined us that meant we had 2 rifts all through there rift was much smaller ours could fit the plane we called buff through it easily wall there's could barely fit a human through it but it was still a help but back to the ring what little scrolls Muramasa left behind was just blueprints and arrays that he had made but I had already looked over them all the blueprints had all the weapons he had made Tempest was one of the last weapons he had made apparently but there was a few blueprints that cot my eye like a fucking mortar that shot different types of balls that had different runes and arrays on it I of course updated on the blueprint but I didn't changed this blueprint it was good always to keep the base moral on one page and the upgraded one on the other who knows haha they both could be worth something to the right people the upgraded blueprint ass in my hunters journal this reminds me I had collected and gone to all my hidden bunkers and took my hunter journals from them they was in Nobunaga ring that's where I was storing all my stuff actually sense it was one of the biggest it was the size of a hanger Abe no Seimei ring was a bit bigger but his ring was a bit to flashy for me and Muramasa ring I didn't care to ware sense I got a bad taste in my mouth just thinking of that damn old man Nobunagas ring wasnt to flashy but it wasn't to normal either it just fit I, of course, made different sections each ring had its own section and in that mix there was a material and weapon section and even a money and magic cores section I wasn't the most organized person in the world but my ADHD couldn't stand looking at a messy storage ring so here we are

I side nothing that I didn't already know that damn old man really was a crazy mother fucker if he didn't leave much but that really wasnt to surprising I side pulling out a leather horned book and I flipped to a page that showed a mortar but there were steep upgrades done to it it had a barrel about the size of a normal artillery barrel, of course, it was rifled and who needs cannon balls or ball and chain shot when you got a fucking exploding shells the size of a small tank round the weapon was made to punch through steel and explode ones that happens I, of course, made different rounds 3 to be exact one fire one ice and one normal round I smiled thinking of what an airship could do with this hell what anyone could do with enough of these who cares about protective arrays when you can shatter that array with a few bombardments I turned the page to see a modified cannon the back of it could open which ejects the cartridge out so a new one could be reloaded before pulling a lever that shuts the back someone would then pull a string to fire it I didn't care to make to many of these just a normal shot and a fire shot sense I think this was already overkill I heard a nock come from my door come in I said as I didn't look up from my book walking in was Azzy he hadn't change in these years he stood in front of the desk saying sorry for disturbing you little brother but Samuel and Duke have been out of there evolution for a week already when do you plan on leaving to get your last inheritance I side closing the book as it disappeared I looked up to him saying I planned on leaving today I was only going to tell you and them since the rest of the guild doesn't need to know I am out he nodded I figured that if you wish I could tell Samuel and Duke for you if you wish to leave I laughed naa I am already filling them in right now in there houses he side damn puppets I laughed standing up and wakes around the table saying you know the plan if I ant back before the third weeks before the end just leave without me I will catch up he nodded sounds good he held out his hand saying good luck little brother I grinned grabbed his hand and want for a bro hug give them hell he said as we separated I grinned I will and thank you, elder brother, good luck on your end two I have a feeling our enemies are about to strike he nodded shrugging who cares let them come one less enemy to worry about in Eden I nodded my hate appeared in my hand I put it on my head saying just be careful the vail is fading who knows what will happen if something unexpected happens leave without me he nodded rager that little brother and like that I disappeared in a flash of green and gold lightning Azzy side I hope you come back Hunter not just for your sake but for the sake of your girls I have delivered to much bad news in my life to families so you better but he stopped right there he side shaking his head like he was trying to shake off his worries and the dark thoughts out of course he will come back I have faith.