The reapers inheritance begins

I appeared in the dead center of the Bermuda triangle I was standing on a black rain cloud I looked down to see a fucking huge storm was going on thunder shook the sky as lightning lit the dark sky up showing off the many hurricanes that was moving by but right in under me I noticed a strange phenomenon the seawater started to rotate it started small at first but quickly it formed a huge world pool I seen hundreds of broken ships and other types of debris this world pool got to the size of a foot ball field and continued to grow I could see the sharp rocks that looked like teeth at the bottom of the sea bed and there in the dead center of this huge world pool was a fisher that badly was big enough for a human to fit through I smiled saying well here we go again and I took a running jump off the cloud doing a backflipped as I jumped the wind quickly picked up as I moved passed the clouds the ice cold rain water was slamming into my face as I shot down like a bullet just before I hit the ground I disappeared in a flash of lightning and moved through the fisher ones I got on the other side I dropped into a huge cave I gently touch down on the floor my feet crunching bones under my feet I looked around this cave there was hundreds on hundreds of bones there was human monster fish it didn't matter but they all was facing the same direction when they died I looked to the center of this cave to see a black obsidian temple immediately when I looked at it I felt the cold hand of death reach out and try and crush my soul but I easily brushed this feeling to the side as I took a step forward crunch, crunch, crunch each step made a crunching noise before I got to the stairs to this temple where there was no bones or dust or even water or anything which I thought was strange but I shrugged stepping onto it when I did that feeling happened again this time much more stronger but I didn't stop walking u other stairs this feeling would kill anyone else but me sense unlike what most people would think this ability was harmless until you tried to defend against it that's when you would most definitely die adding to the bones but most creatures could help it sense subconsciously all living things fear death and want nothing to do with it and it's energy but I was a mad man so no matter I stood in front of the huge black double doors that had two statues on either side both was cloaked in black there faces was in shadow but the statue on the right was male and clutched in his left hand was a long scythe wall the statue on the left was female and clutched in her right hand was a glave wall both of there other hands was stretched out and pointed a boney fingers at the door like it wasn't obvious enough this was written on the door

To the one who dares enters our trial be warned you will have to make many hard choices and fight for your life one wrong move and you die and your soul will be destroyed so no reincarnating it is as simple as that time will be different inside so don't worry about that you might ask your self what is this trial which I can't answer that question but I can tell the end goal is first is for you to learn from our passed second is for you to start and grow as a cultivator you will have the opportunity to learn very old techniques and train with the best of our time sadly for you wasnt this trial ends your cultivation will go back to what it was before you interred but you will have all the knowledge and information of everything and if you made it that far you will receive our inheritance good luck mortal you will need it.

Hahahaha that's it I am definitely going to marry into this family it's the least I can do for providing me such a gift hahaha who cares if my cultivation returns back to where it at right now I was already skilled in all three cultivation paths but I lacked experience and in knowledge I still needed a soul physique and techniques to match with my physique plus I still needed to fully make my spirit physique both Azzy and Hael urged me to wait and choose a basic fire physique or something sense making your own physique was extremely hard even for the demigods and above if they struggled then the odds of I a meer mortal making a physique was in the one digits and one that didn't have backlashes and flaws was in the negatives but I still wanted to try sense this was the best path for me so the fact I was getting the chance to make my physique and find its flaws is a very useful gift I booted the door open saying lets fucking go baby but I realised my boot want straight through the door and it wasnt letting me go it was actually sucking me in, meanwhile in a shadow plain sitting around a table sipping on some tea was 4 figures two figures put there tea cups down and looked to one another before sying Lillith and Lucifer cot this so Lucifer asked what has happened Azrael looked to him saying its Hunter he has entered are trial for our inheritance Lucifer was stunned this late into the 2 year the kid is cutting it close isn't he and isn't this the trial you two made wall you was still angry about that one incident Azrael side nodding as he took a drink from the tea cup saying indeed we wanted whoever takes the trial to both learn from our passed and to adapt to be better the trial taker will be an added third party to what happened on that incident but that won't be for a while Hunter gods 100 years till then sis and I also made the trial like this so our inheritor wasn't just anyone the only way Hunter passes is if he can change what happens that Day how he does it is up for him to decide and it doesn't even have to be for the better he just gots to change it but one wrong move and his body is turned to ash and his soul is destroyed Lucifer side damn that's brutal do yo but right then Lillith burst out in laughter hahaha o Azrael my old friend your worried about the boy when it was you who have him the locations so shouldn't you show some faith in the boy at least a little Azrael side shaking his head Lillith you don't understand this trial wasn't made for a mortal to pass it will be a surprise if Hunter survives the first day let alone what comes after that Lillith giggled shaking her head Azrael your a fool that child isn't normal he is a fucking monster and the fact you gave this monster the perfect place to train and grow even if after the trial his cultivation goes back to normal that doesn't mean shit for person like him he is already skilled in cultivating all he is missing is experience and knowledge and you just gave him 100 years just to do just that the lad is already a fucking demon in battle and the way his mind works its fascinating he is definitely a heavenly genus hell you have even said your self the child is one of the greatest leaders you have ever seen hahaha I think the boy will have fun what do you think little sister and she looked to lady death she shrugged nodding I agree he may struggle but if there's one thing that man enjoys it's to fight his way to the top and we gave him a perfect place to train himself he will differently enjoy every moment of it Azrael side I hope your right sis I hope your right. Back to Hunter I woke up I sat up pushing off what was on my right then the ground shook shit where am I what's happening I looked around seeing I was in the back of a battlefield corpses surrounded me both friendly and not hold on how do I know which are friendly and which ant I easily found out y there was memories of me being drafted in to the angel army but do to my so low cultivation I was put as cannon fatter but if I lived through this battle I could join any legend of my choice but that's if I live I rolled back grabbing a shield as I did I held up this metal shield and pink, pink, pink arrows ricocheted off it I then lunged forward as I pulled on my blasting gauntlets I rolled under a spear that was thrust at my I through a punch up in between that persons legs they didn't have time to move my the moment my fist connected I hit a metal cup but boom creak that persons lower area sort of exploded there cup was dug into there skin I flipped around sending a kick that had my blue fire and a small seed of death energy this person head snapped to the side I side standing up my draconic eyes quickly looking over this person they had on basic chainmail mixed with a bit of plate they had fancy blues and whites clothes covering there chest and on there back I noticed an insignia a white and blue rabbit but that was all I could look I leaned to the side as a lightning spear shot over me but I didn't stop moving flipped to the side my body moving with a strange flexibility and speed I through the shield that I still had at the new person the shield slammed into there face sadly it was covered in a helmet but a nose was still broken but this hit of mine disrupted his next attack I shot forward my legs and fists sparking with green lightning as my first slammed into this mans face boom his head had exploded I noticed this man clothes was yellow and I noticed a badger emblem but right then I felt a burst of wind to my left turned my body to the side a fist coveted in wind just missing my face but right then I felt a pain shoot through my leg as a wind spike shot into my leg from the back but I didn't slow my movement my fist shot out but the person deflected each attack of mine they was on the same level of speed as me I could tell they was probably in the 50 copper stage just about to broke through to the silver stage the fact my speed could cover 49 stages about my own is terrifying I new I was fast but I guess I didn't realize how fast I hadn't had to go all out against an opponent for a while and even then I have never had anyone but my father and maybe Lucy in my early days beat be in speed but this woman speed was matching my speeds and she wasnt even using her wind element to bust her speed just to make her fist more deadly this was her peer bodies speed shit I thought so this is what a body cultivator can do but that's when she her body sort of want linp as her body suede and drop down but right then her muscles tightened and I seen a gray copy of her lunging forward as she through a left hoof her fiscal body quickly followed this copy I barely had time to reacted but she didn't stop at one attack no she want into a flurry of kicks and punches that I blicked barely her attacks was pushing me back and I didn't have a good feeling I felt like I was being herded to a specific location shit shit, shit I thought as I blocked her attacks my draconic eyes glowing slightly as I read her moves this woman was wearing pink and blue monk robes her face was covered by a blue vail so I could only see her bright sparkling blue eyes these eyes squinted at me as I jumped springing off of the kick she just throwat me I flipped backward as I did I got to see what was behind me it was a hidden exploding array I landed on a crossed from this woman the exploding array between us she glared at me saying just who are you mortal how is a moral human able to fight me with such a weak cultivation I side breathing heard i cot my breath for a few seconds before I leaned back slicking back my sweaty hair I tighed it into a tight ponytail before I spoke y don't you take a step forward and find out she scoffed please you didn't think I would fall for that I shrugged as a huge grin spread across my face it was worth a try no matter shall we continue our dance or but right then I ducked down as a sword thrust over my head I locked this person's arms with my shoulder just so I could get a grip on his arm and I flipped this person over my shoulders this person slammed into the array flashed back a bit and boom the array exploded body parts and hot metal rained down but I looked passed this newly formed crater but I couldn't see the woman anywhere but I heard a angry voice behind me that was my cousin and fiancé you bastard I will ripped you into pieces I spun around as I jumped back but that wasn't enough a curved green saber cut across my chest but as I was going to repost the wound burst open even more like the wind tarred open my chest I feel to one knee clutching my chest I looked at my bloodied hand and then my bloodied chest the wound slowly stitching back together with blood red strings but this was a mistake do to the woman lunging forward slashing down at me I rolled to her left side and throughout a right punch my fists covered with green and a bit of gold lighting the moment my fist impacted her leg it burst In to a bloody mess my lightning shredding through her leg i could even see bone but the woman didn't care she simply kicked me with this bloody leg but I cot it my hands gripping her bones and rip squelch bone spikes burst up through her waste and another leg in a bloody spray of blood she screamed in pain she tried to swing her sword down at me but her other leg gave out under her she dropped onto her back her saber slipping out of her hand as she dropped I looked to this woman with a evil bloody grain I was covered in hers and mine blood the woman's eyes want wide when she felt her blood essents being sucked out of her the woman visibly aged in front of my eyes as I drank her blood essents my exhaustion and all the wounds on my body disappearing hell I felt better then ever my body felt stronger holy shit I mumbled I didn't think cultivators blood essents would be this good Sekhmet moaned I nodded feeling like she took the words right out of my mouth I hadn't-broken through to the next stage of body cultivation but my body felt stranger hold on no don't tell me each level you can strengthen your skills before braking through to the next level for example take me someone in the 1 stages in all of my cultivation I through my strengths would come with each brake through but maybe I was looking at it the wrong way what if you could still improve each cultivation path without braking through to the next stage take the spirit cultivation path a person can improve whatever law they want to throw trying to understand that law it's like how you train for sports I am sure there is a limit for each brake through and I am sure it gets harder to improve your abilities but if I am correct then if I hit the cap in each stage when I go through my brake through my cultivation will improve greatly but this was only speculation and guesses so y don't we get some answers shall we Sekhmet and I turned around Sekhmet war scythe appearing in my hand she shook happily yes master hehe let us preform some tests I nodded dragging my hand down over my face as my snarling black wolf oni mask formed on my face or was it grinning perhaps a bit of both lightning boots and paints sparked up my body as I flashed forward rejoining this battle my draconic eyes shinning with excitement 2 gruesome hours passed slowly where I did nothing but fight and try to survive but I noticed the more people I killed the more I got targeted and I didn't want people to know I had blood and bone laws but this didn't mean I couldn't fluff a story and that's exactly what I was going to do but I still took some precautions I made it seem that the drain ability was Sekhmet ability and one that doesn't activates often so if I killed 5 people I only absorbed 2 and the occasional 3 but I didn't go high then that plus I simply stored these blood essents in my body and not absorb them fully yet it would look really odd if people seen a strange weak mortal human that gets stronger with each death and this moral has a weapon that has the chance to poison and drains blood from whatever it cuts people could believe a mortal was lucky enough to find a powerful weapon but they would definitely look deeper into the matter if that mortal seemed to never run out of energy or have any wounds wall also growing in strength the longer the battle want on sure I did improve my strength slightly without using the blood essents sense war is best for strengthing one's abilities but that was with my own prowess and mind I through Sekhmet that stabbed into the chest of one man in armor that held a hammer as I ducked under a axe I sprung up roundhouse kicking the women in front of me with the axe the back of my boot bursting with blue fire which thrust my boot to the side fast as a long metal spike shot out of the steel plate that was in my boot that protected my toes this spike sank into the temple of the woman killing her easily but do to the force from my flame the side of her skull burst open if she wasn't dead from the spike she definitely was now but as I dropping down the man that Sekhmet still sticking out of his chest swung his hammer at me I curled up into a ball as I rasied my gauntlet arm as I extended my left foot hooking something with my foot the moment his hammer slammed into my arm I heard a creek of metal and the braking of bone but this wasn't the worst part which was do to the force of his swing I got launched to the side like a baseball I hit the ground a few times as I rolled and thump thump thump I rolled face first into the ground as Sekhmet stabbed into the ground right under my arm I moaned in pain as I looked up to see the man chest burst open his guts and intestines falling out the man screamed in pain trying to put his organs back but it just didn't work no matter what he did he died a few seconds later probably do to shock or bloodloss one of the two I tried to push my self into my feet but my left arm was sort of hanging limp and my right shoulder was dislocated hell my spine even had cracks in it and almost all of my ribs was broken but I used my head to push my self up onto my knees as I did this I coughed up a lot of blood and my lungs was burning fuck I mumbled as I used Sekhmet to snap my right shoulder back into place I grabbed it and used it to help me up my left leg cracked wall the long gash that showed off my white bones in my right leg it slowly started to heal and I side and took one step forward about to join the fight again before a booming voice yelled out stop over us fighting quickly stopped as we looked up to see two groups of powerful people descend down over us one over my side the other on the other side I noticed my side colors had on the golds, reds, orange and, blacks clothes on wall the other had the pink, blue and bright yellow I somehow remembered the beginning of the battle there was way more of these flying figures on both sides but I noticed the enemies had lost many numbers both on the ground and above it wall my side did much better there was still was plenty of casualties but it was obvious who won a man in red and gold robs walked to the front of the army in the sky he yelling you damn Brusha kingdom have failed go home wall you can but another booming voice yelled back to him saying how fucking dare you kingdom of light dog this land is properly ours it belonged to our ancestors as a man in a yellow robe walked in front of the other army in the sky the man on my side shook his head syimg where is the proof i haven't see no written evidence hell I don't even see your name anywhere who are you fool leave now or we pick up where we left off the man clicked his tongue angrily and yelled fine you light dogs but we will get our revenge and our land back one way or another and like that he turned around and gave a order and like that he was done the people in the sky quickly vanished and the army on the ground turned around and started running away I side in relief before I dropped like a sack of bricks Sekhmet still clutched in my hands quickly someone ran next to me and rolled me over yelling healer we need a healer here but similar shouts could be heard all around the battlefield but a healer ran next to me and started healing me saying stuff like hold on boy hold on but this old woman with shoulder lange gray and black that was tied up and out of the way, as a red cloth, was tied around her head her skin was tain like she spent much time in the sun and she had on simple red and black medical dress around her waste was a bag and around her belt were bottles and other healing supplies but on her right side was a worn old dagger that looked like it has been used for years but well taken care of this old woman held kindness in those brown eyes and her ears slightly want to a point a half elf then this woman crouched down and had her hands on my chest as a green glowing light appeared in her hands but I raised my hand and grabbed her wrist this made the old woman jump she looked to me with wide eyes saying sorry dear I thought you was out for the count I chuckled shaking my head no miss and I slowly sat up my spine cracking many times as I did so but she tried to push me back down and succeeded at it saying lay back down dear you need healing my eyes want wide at this old woman strength but I quickly recovered shaking my head no miss I don't I can heal my self just fine and I do not wish to take up your valuable skills and time when someone else needs it more then me and like to prove my point the cut on my chest slowly started to heal so did all the small cuts and bruises the woman eyes want wide seeing my bodies healing speed but she quickly nodded ok dear it looks like your fully able to heal yourself self my duty is calling me elsewhere then and she got up and ran off to save the next life I looked to my left to see who called for help it was a tall buff dark skin man who had on simple chain mail armor that was badly damaged and was nothing but a shitty holy shirt made from chains at this point his red hair was pulled into a tight bun and in his left hand was a warn looking battle axe his eyes was bright purple and he had a small smile on his face my draconic eyes scanned over this man noticing the earth and fire laws coming off from him so if I had to guess he was at least in the 20s in spirit cultivation and in the yearly 30s copper mortal stage but this was only a guess the man chuckled seeing me scan him over you like what you see mate well to bad I don't swing that way I laughed neither do I thanks for calling for help even if I didn't need it he simple nodded no problem it was the least I could do for the man who saved many lives today I laughed I did nothing special besides I have taken a lot of lifes today so and I shrugged I am no hero they are and I waved my hands to all the wounded and the bodies those people made the ultimate sacrifice and yes I might have saved some of them but many of those people might never be able to fight again or the man side nodding yea all although the healers can reattach lems they can't regrow them all although there are some powerful healers and pills that can regrow lems and eyes but all those things are expensive so most people won't be able to afford those things without a backing and a damn good one at that hell even you the man who killed the most enemies this day probably will only get a measly sum compared to the riches in those spatial rings and he waved at the dead enemy bodies I shrugged it is what it is no point thinking the riches besides what will happen to there bodies anyway he side we bring our dead home with us to their families' wall the enemy we simply take their rings and leave the bodies most of the time no one comes back for them I side that's what I thought and I used Sekhmet to help me to my feet I stretched my mostly healed body before holding out a hand to the man saying Hunter the man grinned Albert and we shook hands well thanks again he simply nodded and we released each others hands as I turned around Sekhmet disappearing from my hands but before I could take a step Albert asked what do you plan to do Hunter I shrugged dig some holes and like that I walked away as I did my foot stepped on a bloody metal shield I looked down to notice it was the shield that I used it was currently embedded into the ground from when I throw it I picked it up and ran my hand over the blood metal it was just a simple circle metal shield with no carvings or anything on it I could tell this shield was either just bot and the person was going to customize it late or they just didn't have a insignia I smiled shrugging y not and I used my metal laws and a little bit of my fire laws to turn this shield into a shovel and like that I started digging time slowly passed with are dead and those who was critically injured moved the bodies was being rapped and put into a spatial ring wall the wounded was moved into tents wall the enemies bodies had been looted and thrown into a pile I had noticed many of the people who was flying above us designed down and started taking control of there groups and for the ones who didn't have groups they was being paid for there efforts in the battle some got more then the others and the few who was promised that they could choice a guild or sect it started pouring down raining half way through setting up the tents so people was staying in tents or any other portable shelter but to the ones who didn't have that they stood next to a fire that a fire law user made and whenever that person got low on energy they would change out with someone everyone was laughing joking and talking with there friends I could tell many of them was new to this hole war thing I bet this was there first true battle field unlike earth people who is tactics, brains and fire power to win there wars these people used no such tactics they literally just charged at each other there was some basic tactics used I guess like we was on a slight up hill slant to the enemies had to run up the hill and many individual groups used tactics with there members but I could tell dearing the battle these was your more experienced parties who have been fighting for a long time together they know each others moves so they know what there partners strengths and weaknesses are but other then that no other tactics just charge and fight but I guess this is how cultivators battle field are fought but I was no where near the camp where was I you may ask that's simple enough I was digging holes for graves I didn't care that I was soked to the bone and the water was cold I simply kept digging I was already on 240 only 3200 more holes left I noticed people watch me start digging with interest in there eyes quit a few people had angry expressions when they noticed I was burying the enemy but I didn't care even when some came over and started yelling at me calling me a bastard and a trader they say these fuckers didn't deserve to be buried and to stop or they will report me to the higher-ups but I simply ignored them all and just kept on digging after a while they realized that I wasn't listing to them which angered them even more but when they heard the call of payment come and get your payments here very quickly people left me alone I didnt care I just kept on digging this is about when the rain hit but I simply smiled looking up the cold raindrops hitting my face it felt good I enjoyed the feeling for a few minutes but got back to work after that quickly night time came and people want to sleep the rain was still coming down but I didn't stop or slow down any hell I worked faster probably I got to 2000 when 4 people appeared next to the 2000 hole I stopped and glanced up at them noticing there power they was above the silver mortal stage probably in the early gold mortal stage there was 2 man and 2 woman each of them had on different colors and sect brands on their clothes the man on the left was medium size well built he had on blues, golds and purples robes on his left shoulder was a gold scale his skin was sort of pail ish gold his eyes was shinning orange his white hair was pulled back into a man bun he was definitely very good looking any woman would probably do anything to be his he had an arrangement smile the woman next to him was a tall buff beauty she had on red and gold robes over her left shoulder was a red shoulder cape and inblazed on it was a gold lion head she was light skinned and her fiery red hair was braided all the way down her back her back her fearsome blue eyes shinned with curiosity and amusement as for her looks she had a wild beauty but she would most definitely brake the legs of whoever tries to court her the man on the right was medium height he had on purple robe on and on his right shoulder was a blue star his skin was pale like he doesn't see the sun much his short blue hair stuck up spikely and behind half moon glasses his brown eyes shinned coldly like he didn't care as for the last woman she had on purple and black robe and on her left sleeve was a scythe she had snow white skin Rosie red lips thin black and white eyelashes and long braided white and black bear her purple shined with respect and the want to take what she seen which was me my eyes passed over them all hell I didn't even care to look at the young Michael my eyes lingered on Lady Death for a moment or the younger lady death that is but after that I want back to digging chunk chunk chunk chunk chunk someone finally spoke and unsurprisingly it was Michael who scoffed saying hi you pesent ant you going to bow to your superiors chunk chunk thump I stabbed the shovel into the ground and looked up at him I shrugged am I a angel no am I part of your guilds or sect that would be another no was I even born in this kingdom hell no are you my mother or father no are you my elder or big brother no so tell me y should I bow if you ant anyone of these to me Michael cocky grin faded as a angry frown formed as his face want red y you little brat and before I could react a spear appeared in his hand and thump my right shoulder was pinned to the wall Michael smiled saying now do you know talking to like that know your place ant your pathetic little life means nothing you hear me nothing compared to this great existence but I simply side and started up at him boredly there was absolutely no fear on my face hell I just seemed tired and a bit bored Michael was shocked seeing that I didn't even care about a spear stabbed into my shoulder it was obvious to everyone he didn't miss and there was a lot of blood running down my arm and chest hell I wasn't even beginning for my life I stared at Michael my draconic eyes staring right through his body I was staring at his soul and Michael could feel it I could see he felt very uncomfortable he shuffle his feet slightly I simply stared at him for a few moments before I looked away I pulled out the spear in my shoulder which took me a few attempts to get it out of the wall but I did I looked over the spear and noticed there was chunks missing from the edge and there was some rust slightly starting to form do to someone not properly cleaning their tools after using it I scoffed disgracefully and I throw it to Michaels feel as I slowly looked up at him and in a bored voices I asked are you done or do you have any more poorly kept weapons to through at me I waited for a response but Michael simply was gritting his teeth as he looked down at the spear at his feet no ok good I got work to do and I jumped out of the hole and rolled a body into the hole then started filling the hole again chunk chunk chunk chunk but that's when the man with the glasses asked y are you doing this for the enemy I could understand if it was just are side but you have buried both friend and foe y chunk chunk chunk clank I stopped my work as I slowly looked up to him and I just seen curiosity and a bit of discussed in his eyes but I didn't care about the second part I stabbed my shovel I to the dirt right in front of my as I leaned against it I took a few moments to think over answer and I shrugged looking back to him y shouldn't we ant born into this world equally some are born rich some are born poor and some are born and abanded in life people ant equal everyone has there own story and hardships but there is one thing that comes for us all be it the rich, poor, middle class if your a begger, father mother, grandfather, grandmother, elder or child king queen knight or whatever it doesn't matter death comes for us all eventually it doesn't care for your status of riches or even power in death we all are equal be it if you die be the blade or by sickness it doesn't matter in death we all are equal it doesn't matter how we lived so y shouldn't I show the enemies bodies sole respect, in my opinion, the world could us a bit more of that and I shrugged but of course this is the option of a lonely ant so what would I know and like that I want back to work chunk chunk chunk but that's when the woman with the gold lion shoulder cape stepped next to me and in a kind wild voice she said here and she waved her hand and like that 1999 hole formed I smiled and brought my hands together bowing to her saying thank you miss she laughed no need little brother I admire your grit and please call me big sis Vermillion or big sis I smiled my face and hole body still was covered with blood the rain has washed some away but not much of it I bowed again saying ok big sis she nodded good so little brother what do people call you I chuckled my enemies call me the death hound wall my allies know me as devil dog and as for what my closed friends and family they know me as Hunter but please big sis you can call me hound she smiled ok Hound then you can call me lion do you know y the 4 of us are here I simply nodded yes your here to recruit me into your guild lets see and I thought over the new memories I had I looked at the man with glasses saying your name is Nozel Silverig the top disable of the sect of crystals and glass I belive the name was The Sculptures he nodded my eyes then looked to Michael who sort of shook under my stare do to me gazing at his soul again your name is Michael morningstar the poster boy for the sect known as the radiant wings he snarled but I didn't care to look at him I looked to the woman next to me saying and you are Vermillion Lion part of the sect known as simply the lion barbarians you are the daughter of the head of the sect she grinned nodding and lastly there's you and I looked to lady death who had a cold indifferent expression on her face your name is lotus Shadow your the second in command of the sect people call the Soul legion and your the little sister of the head of that legionyour known to be cold ruthless and a heaven shaking beauty and I must say they are correct your beautiful and I stared deeply into those purpl eyes she held my stare for a few moments before she huffed and looked away saying I am out of your league ant one simple flick from me and your soul will shatter next time you say something so ridicules again I will kill you but I seen a slight blush go across her face I laughed shrugging as you wish beautiful and I looked back to Vermillion who had a slit frown on her face I laughed don't worry big sis your beauty is on the same level as hers besides I like the wild ones anyway hahaha she laughed with me after a few moments of laughter Vermillion slapped me on the back asking so what will it be who's sect will ou join if your worried about benefits and cultivation techniques don't our 4 sects share and pull all of are resources together to form one huge library so you can cultivate in any path I thought it over I didn't consider Michaels and Nozel sect not my thing so all was left was big sis or lady death I did want to be come a reaper but the soul legion didn't see much huge battles like this one they did more secretive missions wall the red lions was a the for front of each huge battle and what I needed most was experience and training plus a shit tune of souls and blood essents so there was really only one path for me I looked to big sis saying I will join the lion barbarians let us paint the ground red with our foes blood Vermillion laughed slapping me on the back well said little brother you can finish your work ones your done come and find me here take this and she gave me a peace of paper that had runes all over it if you can't find me just simply channel your mana into it and we can talk see you soon little brother and like that they all was gone I looked down at the note and smiled bloodlust and determination glowed in my eyes I put away the note and got back to work .