a man of my word

I buried all the dead bodies most of them was enemies but there was a few allies bodies that no one cared to take back with us so if there features was recognizable I stored their bodies in one of the three space rings I had but if their bodies were too badly damaged them I simply buried them by the time I got done it was already midnight I waved my hand the shovel going into my space ring as I walked into camp which was actually pretty lively people was drinking eating and celebrating our victory I side shaking my head at these people the right was nowhere near to being done and yet they was celebrating like it was no matter I guess it's going to allow them to do this to boost troop morale I walked by some people who started at me with fearful expressions I looked down at my wet dirty blood stand clothes and hands but I simply shrugged I can bathe ones I meet up with Vermillion I pulled out that note and channeled my mana into it when I did the runes lit up in a yellow light that blinked a few times before the yellow runes turned green and I heard Vermillion voice hi there little brother you done I simply nodded simply saying indeed Vermillion side good come to the east side of the camp this is where our sect members are at if anyone tries and stop then kick there asses if you can but if you can't us my name and tell them your my little brother they will leave you alone then come find me in the big tent in the center there is someone I would like for you to meet I simply nodded saying see you in a few and like that I put away the note and started walking to the east I easily found where the red barbarians was located it was pretty easy to locate this sect everyone had on different color of robs but every one of them had a gold lion emblazoned on there a part of there clothing some was on the back of there robes some had a cape hell I even seen one had a huge tattoo of a lion on a mans back that took up the hole of his back the type of lion was different for each gender males had a male lion female had a female lion but haha it's funny normally it's the female lions who are the ones you got to watch out for and that was definitely true for this sect another thing that let me know that I was in the right place was the fact this sect was the loudest, rambunctious and wildest motherfuckers in this hole camp people was cheering and drinking with there buddies or fighting with one another hell I seen one fight between a male and female and at the end the woman pinned the man to the ground the man tapped out and after that they started kissing wildly I walked up to this sect my draconic eyes shinning and a huge grin spread across my face as I moved my way through this camp I noticed as I walked by people tended to stare at me some had interest in there eyes some had hospitality some simple looked at me like one would do if they was looking at new meat and I even seen some discussed but I truly didn't care I simply kept on walking my eyes shinning and my grin on my face I was heading to the big tent in the center when I got stopped by by a group people I noticed they all held arrogants in their eyes and the man in the center stepped forward ahead of the group saying look at this everyone we got fresh meat walking through are camp dirty fresh meat at that so how about it dirty meat what is your business with are sect my grin didn't fade as I scanned over this man he was about my age early 20 or looked that anyway he had on a fancy blue and red shirt with a red cape that had a gold lion in the center of it his sleeves was rolled up showing off some small cuts and burns his skin was white and he was good looking but he had a cocky arrogants about him and those blue eyes told me all I needed to know his bright red spiky hair was braided down his back he was clean shaved but he probably had never shaved a day in his life seeing how white his baby face was this man raised a red eyebrow asking are you death or something I asked you a question dirty meat and you damn well answer me my grin got even bigger hearing those words or what I asked the man grinned and stepped forward till we was face to face we stared at each other for a few moments before this mans left arm burst with orange flames as he through a left gab at me I easily crossed my arms and boom I slid back a few feet which kicked up a dust cloud I heard him and his friends laugh the man spat saying that's what you dirty weak meat hahaha the hell they all stopped laughing as the dust cloud was blown away and I was still standing my arms was crossed still as smoke rolled off my arms I lowered my arms that was covered in black and red scales my shirt sleeves was burned from the impact hell my shirt was hanging on its last legs so I simply reach up and ripped off my shirt when I did people gasped seeing the scars on my body people stopped to watch the show I cleaned my fists and rolled my arms as I did my hole shoulder popped my eyes was locked on the red haired man who was staring at my chest with fearful eyes I took one step then another then another till I was standing back in front of this man who shook under my stare slightly my huge grin was still on my face as I brushed the dust off my left shoulder saying my business is my own best you remember that the next time you wish to butt into someone else's business if you don't next time this happens I won't be so nice do we have a understanding mate the man nodded as he stuttered yes sir how are you still alive I laughed my scales sinking back into my arms which did leave several hole in my arm that started to bleed my laughter stopped and I simply said this I got grit and like that, I walked passed this man the holes in my arms slowly closing the man group of friends stepped out of my way I walked passed then with my grin still on my face I started walking away from this group but I stopped feeling killing intent from behind me and I heard a female scream take this you bastard and I heard the sound of fire I turned around my scales forming on my arms again as I raised my right arm deflecting a fire arrow I then flipped over two more as I landed on the ground I cot the last arrow in my left hand I stood up looking to who through these at me it was a woman from that mans group this woman had red and orange robes on the gold female lion sowed into her left sleeve her orange hair was pulled back braided just like the man she had a red Vail covering her face but I could easily see through that she was very pretty but her orange eyes was burning with hatred I snapped this orange fire arrow it disappearing in a poof if two small fire balls my grin faded a cold expression replaced it if I was you miss I wouldnt do that again I have already shown your friend some mercy so he took your only warning if you don't leave it at that and you start another fight with me then I will finish what your friend started and I will be braking bones if that happens so think very hard on your next actions and ask your self this is it worth messing with me the woman huffed saying your nothing special all you are is some dirty meat who came here to beg for a please in are great and mighty sect who cares if you die so y don't you be a good dirty meat and come and kneel at me feet and beg for your your worthless dirty life I broke out in laughter when I heard that hahahaha kneel to haha you and I stopped laughing and a angry snarl spread across my face as my draconic eyes started to glow bright green beg for my life I snorted spitting on the ground never I have never begged for my life and I never will even when I was being skinned alive and if I never begged for my life then what makes you think I would do it for a bitch like your self huh the woman snarled at me saying I do not care what anyone says or y your here your died for saying that and like that she she snapped her fingers as 5 fire arrows formed shooting at me I snarled and took a running jump as I flipped over 3 ones I hit the ground I rolled under 1 as I sprung to my feet the last one slammed into my right shoulder but it barely sank through my scales shoulder but then boom the arrow exploded the woman started to laugh crazily hahaha what do you think about that you dirty meat snap aaaaaa the woman left leg got snapped by a boot slamming into it as I stood in front of her smoke coming off my scorched black chest I looked down at this screaming woman my eyes glowing with a angry fire the woman looked up to me screaming how are you still alive your not even on the same level of cultivation of me how I chuckled shrugging that's simple it's cuz I us fire laws aswell but unlike your fire mine is a bit different here let me show you and my left leg burst with blue fire as I slammed it down braking her other leg she screamed feeling her leg being burned my blue flames disappeared from my leg my pant leg and boot was completely fine this showed how proficient in this law I was even though my spirit cultivation was weak and was only in the 3 copper earthy stage my understanding and control of my laws was really good I had literally bathed in my elements for long periods of time so just cuz I didn't have much spirit power I didn't waste much energy using my abilities do to my high comprehension of my laws I crouched down next to this woman with a cold expression now miss this all could have been avoided if you just would have listened to me but you didn't and just like I said I broke bones the woman screamed up at my fuck you you dirty no good meat fucker you will die mark my words I will make sure you never get into the sect but right then I heard a familiar voice yell what the hell is going on here and Vermillion walked out from the big tent and walked towards us this woman smiled laughing see you're so fucked you brainless fucker big sis this dirty meat bag attacked me and broke my legs Vermillion next to the woman and looked her over then up at me with angry eyes saying is this true Hound I shook my head yes and no big sis I did attack her and brake her legs but not before these two attacked my and I pointed at the man then the woman he stopped me walk heading your way he attacked me when I said what if I didn't tell him something I didn't mind through and tried to walk away till this bitch launched a attack with my back to her I tried to walk away again I told her if she attacks me again I won't be as nice and I won't hold back I would brake bones I told her to think about her net actions very carefully she screamed I am going to kill you and attacked my again most of her attacks missed I looked down to my scorched chest before looking back up at her saying most but this didn't stop or slow me down it took one kick to brake her leg and when she screamed how her fire had little affect I simply showed her my fire and broke her other leg and the next time she calls me a dirty meat anything again I will brake her jaw the woman screamed you dirty meat snap before she could finish I through a kick braking her jaw easily the woman screamed holding the side of her face at this point that red haired man rushed to her side yelling Anna no then he turned to me anger in his eyes you monster how dare you do this to my wife I looked to him with the same cold expression I am many things a monster is definitely one people have called me but there is one thing I am above else and that's is I am a man of my word I told her if she called me a dirty meat anything again I would brake her jaw well she did and that's what I did and the next time you call my that I will brake your jaw and scare your face rush my body burst with my glue fire the man dragged his wife back yelling fine fine just leave us alone you we don't want any more trouble Vermillion looked to me with a little grin saying you didn't tell them did you my fire was gone and I looked to her saying no I did it isn't any of there business neither she side shaking her head as she slammed a hand to her head all this could have been avoided if you just told them I shrugged probably but I would have been using your power and influence and that is something I won't do I ant that sort of person if I want respect I will make my own and not us others besides I can't let you have all the fun big sis she started at me dumbfounded for a few moments before hahahaha she broke out laughing and through a arm over my shoulder saying man your a crazy one good haha you will have to me if you wish to be my little brother come little brother someone wants to meet you and like that we walked to the big tent under every ones dumbfounded stares was walked through the open flaps of the tent and walked in ineswe did we stood in a war room there was a huge table that showed a map of the area there was 50 chairs each of them was filled with the different sects higher powers I even seen Lotus and sitting next to her was a tall thin man who had pale skin his raven black hair was pulled back and cut short his bright green eyes shining with life and youth and even through he looked sickly he was still pretty good looking this had to be a younger Azrael and I must say he must be a lady killer I of course seen Michael and Nozel also but at the head of this table was a tall buff man who had on red robes his fiery red hair was braided down his face and his beard was almost like a lions main know that I am looking closer he did have cat like features his eyes was gold and red cat eyes on his left was a empty seat but in his right was a beautiful woman who had on similar red robes at the man but over her face was a red vale her bright orange hair was short on the sides and had along braid on the top which reminded me how female lions main grows here eyes was definitely cat like it was gold and orange the big man slammed his hand I to the table saying I am telling you all we should attack wall we can if we don't nip this problem in the ass those fuckers will spread the plague to us the man next to Nozel who looked almost exactly like Nozel or I guess Nozel looked more like this man the only thing was different was he had on circle glasses other then that it was the same we can understand where your coming from Fjord but we can't just go running in head first when we have no idea what this plague is or how this plague even spreads or even how it was made all we know is it targets our blood essents and weaknesses our bones marrow when this happens the person agoes and dies a very painful death Fjord side shaking his head saying there would be no plague if we burn the bodies but I stepped forward not caring if I was allowed to speak not necessarily sir fire might make things worse actually especially if you burn someone or something that has the plague your fire would burn away the body but the plague could go air born everyone looked to me shocked even Vermillion was dumbfounded at my actions the man next to Michael snorted he had on gold and white robes his gold hair was slicked back and his skin was gold wall his eyes shinned a holy white he was very handsome any girl would kill to be his but he scoffed saying who let in this dirty ant the man next to Nozel shrugged well me maybe a dirty ant but the ant is right tell me boy how do you know such a thing but I started at Fjord who was sizing me up excuse me child I am talking to you the man spoke again but I didn't look away from Fjord waiting for him to speak he looked to Vermillion behind me saying is this the buy you told me about daughter Vermillion walked next to me and brought her hands together bowing to her father as she simple said yes father he nodded and looked back to me and looked me over again this time he looked more closely but again that same man cleared his throat saying child I won't ask again answer my question glanced to him saying sorry sir but I don't answer to you I answer to him and I pointed at Fjord if you wish me to speak then tell him to ask the questions right then I felt 2 very powerful killing intents process down onto me my body started to shake as I was slowly forced to one knee the man next to Michael snorted what a stupid brat how dare he the other man simply nodded I should kill you boy for that you should learn how to respect your elders I grinned up at them saying the only elder I have is the man at the head of this table and I will not bow to anyone else and like that my killing intent pushed back against there's I slowly stood up my knees shaking do to the wait but I simply gritted my teeth and looked to Fjord my draconic eyes glowing everyone was shocked seeing me get back up Fjord leaned forward saying are you willing to die for what you believe in a demonic grin spread across my face saying but of course but ant we all Fjord started at me with wide eyes till hahahaha he leaned back in his chair as he through his head back laughing which was very load and warm you my dear lad gots guts and some pretty big balls I do wonder how you put your pants on in the morning I chuckled and said one word magic he laughed at that nodding I like you laf I except you into my sect any who dare harm him will have to deal with me and all members in my sect and like that the killing intent from the two was gone as they mumbled curse words Fjord nodded good so lad how do you know all this I shrugged it's pretty simple I am skilled in alchemist amongst several other things like smithing and making arrays besides I know of a substance that has the same exact process Fjord raised a eyebrow asking and what would that be I shrugged pixie dust Fjord was shocked hearing that are you sure lad I nodded yes pixie dust is pretty easy to get and it doesn't take a genius to mag a drug or poison out if it but to make a hole plague that does require some skill so if there is any sect or guild that is skilled in alchemy that our enemies have then that's probably where they got it and or they hired someone to do this but the way your talking I have to many questions like how this plague started and if our enemies meant to us this plague on us y there people are infected with it Fjord ran a hand through his beard thinking the man next to Nozel spoke looking to Fjord saying the boy is right again if this plague was meant to be used as a weapon against us y and how does there population have it the man next to Michael spoke perhaps they pissed of someone or something else off and this is there handy work the other man shook his head saying no that would make no sense if that was the case then y is it only affecting the common fook and not the Royal family's and the members of the big sect and guilds if this was an attack you would normally target the higher-ranking people I raised my hand slowly they all looked to me Fjord speaking yes boy speak your mind no need for that no son in law of mine needs to raise his hand to speak Vermillion and the woman next to him was stunned hearing this husband isn't this a bit to soon for such things you have only just met the boy and he is only a meer human Fjord looked to her shrugging the boy gots guts and from what Vermillion has said the boy isn't scared to get his hands dirty besides just look at his body no normal human could have survived through the story them scares tell so how about it Lotus do you have a problem with this and Fjord looked to Lotus who had a blank neutral expression as she looked at her father she slowly looked to me I started into those purple eyes with a eyebrow raised interest and cerosity in my eyes we stared at each other for a few moments and a lite blush spread across her face as she looked back to Fjord saying if that is what you wish father I have no complaints he smiled and looked to me asking what about you boy do you have a problem with marring my daughter I started into his gold glowing cat-like eyes I shrugged it have no complaints but I will tell you this sir I already have 4 woman married to me if Lotus marries me she will be my fifth wife is this a problem with either of you the mans eyes want wide slightly but he shrugged I don't mind lad I currently have 15 wifes Kiara here is my 5 wife but is seen as my empress so I have no problems with it do either of you and he glanced to Lotus and Kiara yes I do Kiara started at me her cat like eyes glowing as I felt a pressure press down onto my shoulders that brought me down to a knee but I simply clinched my hands forced my head to stay up and not bow down to this lioness I stared into her eyes unwilling to back down she then nodded you do indeed got guts child but I could care less your pride means nothing to me I might not have given birth to Lotus but she is my daughter and in my eyes no man or woman is good enough for any of my daughters and the fact Lotus won't be your first wife then she will be the head woman and empress in this harem of yours do you understand me I smiled nodding I am understanding you mam sadly I refuse your request I do not care if you kill me here and now for going against your request but my first wife is the head woman in the harem and my empress as is her right but that being said I love all my girls they was able to steel a peace of this dark heart of mine so I would do anything for them and they would do the same for me I have killed people for just lustfully looking at one of my girls I am very protective over my close friends and family so I am sorry but I refuse your order boom I was slammed into the floor by her overwhelming presents and in a slow angry voice she gralled you dare you get the chance to marry my daughter and you don't fulfill this one simple request of mine how but right then two people yelled enough mother Kiara looked to Lotus and Vermillion who screamed that Kiara looked to Lotus first saying what Lotus I am doing this for you and you Vermillion and she looked to her y are you trying to stop me don't tell me you have fallen for this boy also but right at that point hahaha a cold crazy laughter spread through the taint as everyone looked to the head of the table where the laughter was coming from hahaha man this is great this power you may lady are quite powerful I can only imagine how powerful your husband is cuz ow and like that I slowly pushed my self up but as I did my wrists snapped under the force but I simply used the arm bone to push my self up but those also snapped but I was able to get into my knees that cracked under the pressure so did my spine and neck at this point I was a bloody mess but I stared at Kiara who had a fearful dumbfounded expression on her face but I could see she was a bit impressed also a bloody demonic grin spread across my face as I stared defiantly at this powerful lioness as I spoke you may brake my bones hell you may even kill me but nothing you do will change my mind cuz you see miss I do not care for looks I do not care about power what matters most to me is character all 4 of my girls are kingdom toppling beaties yes but I didn't fall in love with there looks no it was there character that I fell in love with a person may look nice but have a dark heart and soul this is y you never judge a book by its cover the cover doesn't matter it's what's on the inside that does my girls have there everything to me it's only right I do the same for them so no matter what you say no matter what you do nothing will change and like that I stared at her with my huge demonic smile she had a cold expression silence fell over the room as we stared at each other my body slowly braking and loosing more blood 4 painful minutes passed but I didn't waver I was staring at her with the same demonic grin she side at the 5 minute mark her pressure lifting I swade from blood lose Vermillion emptily crouched down putting a pill in my mouth saying swallow this you dumb ass I did as she said and my wounds started to heal my bones snapping back into place I stood up on one leg and swung my other leg down the bones snapping back into place faster from that movement I then flicked both hands up my wrists and elbows snapping back into place I stretched my back my spine healing I was fully healed in seconds that pill was definitely a high ranking one the bones snapping and healing still extremely hurt but I didn't even bat a eye or cry out in pain or anything and everyone was staring at me dumbfoundedly again what I asked as I popped my neck Kiara shook her head saying you child are fucking insane she looked to Lotus with a concerned expression asking are you sure dear Lotus nodded yes I don't mind Fjord laughed it's official welcome to the family son haha it's good to have another crazy person in the family but back in topic y did you raise your hand I was about to speak but boom Vermillion slammed a hand onto the table saying no I can't except this I was the one who brought him to you I should be the one to marry him Fjord side looking at his daughter saying Vermillion don't you think your a bit old for him besides would you be fine marrying a weaker man she scoffed do not talk to me about marrying younger or other then me father you of all people have no right to lecture me on that and besides who cares that I am a bit older then him we are cultivators the way I see it we will have sentries together if no one kills us as for the part of him being weaker then me I do not care for that you have seen his will power and determination he has also proven his mind and skill in battle the way I see it the only reason he isn't stronger is cuz he hasn't had the proper resources Fjord side those are all good points but I but he stopped when he seen Lotus stand up and slowly walk around the table till she was standing face to face with Vermillion Lotus had to look up at her slightly and she had a cold expression on her face but her purple eyes was glowing y not we fight for the right she said Vermillion smiled damn little sis its good to see you haven't lost your pride as a Lion it still confuses me y you left us but no matter I accept your challenge let us go Lotus nodded yes let's and like that, they walked away Fjord side looking to me saying come son sit next to me and say what's on your mind I nodded and walked around the table and sat down in Vermillion chair next to Fjord and I must say from a far this man was big but being right next to him this man was fucking huge ge was even bigger then the people in my guild that have giants blood in them and he gave off this ora of strength and confidence no wonder he had a lot of wifes hell I am shocked it was only 15 actually but I cleared my mind and side saying the royal family probably made the plague everyone started whispering at that.