can I trust you?

The man next to Michael stood up yelling you little ant how dare you insult my family I am going to kill you but before he could move Fjord main burst into flame as he yelled you will do what Azresel if you dare lay a hand on any member of my sect I will burn yours to the ground Azresel snarled saying yea right Fjord you wouldn't dare Fjord glared at him and only said two words try me this shut Azresel up and he sat back down angrily Fjords beard want back to normal as he looked to the man next to Nozel asking George is what he saying true George shrugged I ant sure Fjord it is possible but I wish to hear the childs thoughts in the matter they both looked to me Fjord waving his hand saying explain your self lad I nodded well all the drugs and poisons that I have found that used pixie effects everyone it doesn't matter there ago race or power but the fact this plague hasn't affected any royals or big sect members mean it was the common people who was the target George nodded indeed but what makes you think it is the royals I shrugged what is the one thing that happens to

A common person in a war normally Nozel spoke the odds of them dying go up I nodded in war it's the common people who suffer the most and many of them do die do to one reason or another so with this knowledge could we think of one group of people who don't want this war Kiara spoke the common people I nodded correct normal if the war is far away from there homes they would stay quiet hell even if they was forced out of there home they would stay quiet for a bit but if they haven't ate anything and they can't make money and they see royals and people in sectd and guilds eating and living the good life that is when they would start taking to the streets a man can Indore the lost of dignity so long that his hunger is met and on the other hand hunger means nothing to man who has dignity when you take away both when there scared and alone that is when people start rising up no truer words have ever been said Fjord Kiara and George nodded wall the others was confused but I didn't care Fjord leaned forward asking you think the common had enough and what attacked the castle or something I laughed heavens no that would be suicide no what they probably did was rob a food where house or something like that and as a punishment they realized this plague to keep there common people in check but I would bet it was the children who got hit the hardest sense they are the weakest and what better way to teach a lesson then to kill a few innocence children which also kills off the future of the kingdom yep what a great plan woosh my body was covered with blue fire which burned off all the blood on my body I side and the fire was gone I shook my head saying and the royals and sects knew that we was going to war so I bet they plan on using the plague-ridden bodies to try and infect us the easiest way to do that would be dumping the bodies in wheels or rivers hold on my eyes fell on the map in the table realizing something the battle was right next to a river that ran all the way back to the city my sect was from shit I said what Kiara asked Fjord, George and Azresel was looking at the map with pale faces right at that moment Lotus and Vermillion walking in laughing both of them was drenched in water Vermillion pushed Lotus playfully saying damn it little sis I wasn't expecting you pushing us into the water nice move Lotus smiled happily yea but you burning the water around us was a size touch but that's when they realized it had gone dead silent they looked over us and then at Fjords pale face Vermillion playfully said what y does it look like yall have seen a ghost by the way it was a drawl so we both will marry him silence dead silence I stood up asking worriedly um girls please do not tell me you drank or even want close to the river Lotus and Vermillion looked to each other confusedly and looked back to me Lotus nodding yes we did Hound y do you ask and y ant any of yall saying a work shit I slammed a hand onto the table as lightning sparked off my as I through my self at them leaving a fist and arm indent in the wood Fjord followed me we got in front of them the girls took a step back but that's when there faces want pale and they started coffing crazily I seen black blood on there hand as they moved it away as the stopping coffed Vermillion want wide-eyed as she asked what is happen but right at that moment they both collapsed but I cot them both I looked to Fjord asking a private room he nodded follow I nodded as we ran Fjord yelling to the others saying tell the rest of them out there now and like that he shut a door that was in the side of this huge room I looked around noticing it was a room there was a huge bed that had fancy fers of monsters on it but I didn't care to look around I gently put Lotus and Vermillion onto the bed Fjord moving next to me he grabbed me by the shoulder asking can you save them if you need anything just ask and I will provide but my eyes hadn't left off the girls my draconic eyes glowing I could see a dark liquid slowly seeping through there bodies there bodies was trying to destroy this black liquid but to no avail it was odd Vermillion fire should be able to burn this liquid out of her but her fire wasnt doing a damn thing it was like it had no effect the same can be said for Lotus she had the water law that should be able to heal her body and get rid of this liquid but it simply had no affect I thought of many ways to cure them and I had a few ideas the easiest would be just to us my green and gold lightning to cleanse there bodies but Fjord was here and I wasn't sure I could trust him I looked to him he still was tightly gripping my shoulder I have a few ideas the easiest and most detect way is the fastest Fjord nodded so do it I looked to the girls and back at him hesitating I side I wish for you to sware to the heavens you will not speak about anything that happens in this room Fjord was stunned y would I do that he asked do you not trust me and he squinted at me his grip getting tighter I side shaking my head I have only just met you father and I have a good option of you I don't believe you would tell anyone shit but that is only that a believe nothing more I would rather be reassured I may not seem like it but I am a careful man I might not think you would do it doesn't mean you couldn't or get the information extracted from you somehow Fjord glared at me for a few moments before he side fine I nodded do you trust your wifes he nodded with my life I nodded then I will trust your judgment feel free to tell them best not to have secrets and they would probably get the information out of you in one way or another he nodded yea probably but I Fjord Lion sware to the heavens to keep what happens in this room a secret the only people I will tell is my wives no one more and like that lightning struck I smiled nodding looking back to the girls saying lets us start and I slammed my hands together as I did green lightning spark off my hands I slowly pulled my hands apart and sparking between my hands was green and gold lightning Fjord gasped seeing the gold lightning what do you plan on doing I shrugged a lightning cleansing and like that I pressed my hands on the girls chest and like that I started cleansing Lotus and Vermillion bodies the process was slow it would have been higher if my spirit cultivation was higher but sadly what can you do it took me 4 hours to cleanse them both of the black liquid out of them both Fjord paste back and forth in front of the bed Kiara was let in on the 3 hour mark of course George and Azresel tried to come in with her but Fjord stopped them both before they could even take a step how did he do that you may ask its quite simple he shut the door on them which meant Azresel got a face full of door sense he was right behind Kiara and wanted to move quick but sadly for him Fjord was faster Kiara gasped seeing the green and gold lightning that was sparking all around me at this point plus my hair was sticking up from this I didnt stop what I was doing hell I was so focused on cleansing Lotus and Vermillion that I blocked out everything around me my soul focus was the girls if Fjord or Kiara wished to kill or harm me I would be fuck that's how focus and low my guard was at this point I was running off peer will power my body and eyes felt so heavy y couldn't I sleep I need rest my body needs rest I am spent rest hunter rest but I forced my eyes open and pushed those thoughts to the back of my head just a little more I am also there after I am done then I can rest yes after I can lay my head down on a fluffy pillow yes a pillow right then the 4 hour mark his and there bodies was cleansed I slowly stood up off the bed and turned to the two worried parents my body shaking to remain standing well Kiara asked there was worry in her voice as she held Fjord hand tightly I smiled warmly they have been cleansed and should wake up soon Kiara gasped a hand going to her mouth as tears fell Fjord side in relief that being said could one of you please catch me and like that my legs gave out from under me as I fell forward Fjord easily cot me before I hit the floor I looked up at him he smiled proudly and said you can rest lad you have done enough but I slowly shook my head no there are others who need to help and I tried to stand on my own feet again but Kiara forced me back down saying they can wait you have completely exhausted your self and of that wasnt bad enough your have hurt your spirit veins enough if you us any more of your lightning you will permanently damage your growth and cultivation I chuckled nodding yes I know this I didn't plan on using my lightning on the others it would take way to long for one and I simply don't trust everyone Kiara was confused what do you mean child if you won't use your lightning what would you us I shrugged get me a paper and something I can write with Fjord pulled out a scroll and a quill from a space ring and he handed it to my I slowly reached my hand out and grabbed the pin but right thin my hand dropped I side asking Fjord to put the scroll under my hand he did and I started writing ingredients for a cleansing pill luckily I had read through all the books from my inheritances or I would be fucked I stopped writing and looked to Fjord saying have your own alchemist craft this pill and us it on our sect members but do not give it to the other sects unless they pay for it Fjord was stunned hearing my words but a huge evil grin spread across his face asking you don't wish for me to give them the resupply you want them to buy the pills from us but it won't be just them it will be all those back in the kingdom since this river runs straight to it a huge evil smile spread across my face yep and with that one word I passed the fuck out.