We are where Skull?!!

I floated in my soul sea my eyes was closed as I simply enjoyed the opportunity to rest in both body mind and soul my body was resting on something warm and soft wall my soul floated in my soul sea as for my mind I was resting it by not thinking about anything so not only did I float in the soul sea but my mind also floated in the sea of nothingness that was my psyche it was great to get a peaceful rest it has been to long sense I was able to do this with no worries in the world haha hell the last time I was able to do this would have been when I was dead the second I woke up in that hospital is when my peaceful rest disappeared but hell I knew that ones I chose to be revived so it was refreshing to say the least but sadly theres always something to disturb my peace and what the something was Skull bonking me on the head I heard it say wake up you bastard we need to talk I slowly opened my eyes and looked at the book that was floating over my head I raised an eyebrow asking yea and what would that be you damn book what is so important that you would wake me up with a bonk on the damn head maybe I should beat you on something a few times just so you know how it feels it shook and I heard it quickly say no host please I am very delicate and breakable so I would brake I smiled evily you promise it bonked me on the head again saying

listen up you bastard I didn't wake you up for us to through threats at one another I have some very important news to tell you so hold on to your britches host cuz my news is wild and will blow your mind what this news is the simple fact is we ant in any illusion or strange test or anything like that we are actually in Eden

I thought I heard glass shatter in my mind the fuck did you just say Skull if this is a joke I ant laughing I snarled

it shook no host I am telling you the truth some how the death twins inheritance sent us to Eden and not just that we want back in time I can sense a second me somewhere out there and I was born in Eden so trust me I know what I am talking about

My face want pale so I Skull bobbed

yep you got engaged to lady death and the Scarlett Lioness your first day in Eden good job host way to be a lady killer it seems like you still got it hahaha

boom a bomb went off in my head as I tried to absorb this information after I took a moment to compose myself questions started to form but the biggest and most important question of all was how so I asked Skull How in the nine fucking hells could this be it stayed quiet for a few moments like it yo was trying to think but I heard a sy as it spoke

Host, I truly don't know perhaps one of the death twins has the time law or perhaps they found a powerful item or hired someone to make this place for them I truly ant sure but what I do know is that after shat ever test the twins put for you is completed host gets to return to his time sadly I have no idea what this test is or when it will be it could be 10 years to thousands of years i also can confirm that when host returns from his time hosts cultivation will go back to what it was when you interred the temple your cultivation paths have a odd disk around them that will strip you of your power but nothing more

I massaged my temples I could feel a head ache coming so let me get this straight I am in Eden and need to survive till the death twins test is complete and after that I am stripped of the power I fought so hard to get

Correct host

Shit that's to brutal hold on what about my space rings and other such things

Good eye host ones the tests ends all the resources remain in tacked but I believe there is a limit host will only be able to bring one space ring and it's contents back wall your other space rings goes back to what they was before you arrived which for you this means the two rings you ant using and that are empty if you fill any of those rings back all the resources will disappear only the ring that host has on will be able to bring back resources

I ran a hand through my beard mumbling so I could bring back resources but what should I focus on weapons and armor would be useless to me and my girl's and family weapons and armor could be made or found besides all of my family have been trained in hand to hand combat by bow and I so haha they will do fine besides most of there inheritances gave them weapons and items I was the only who ho did get anything any suck thing but who needs a inheritances for fancy and cool weapons I had three this reminds me and I looked up to Skull who bobbed in front of me I got another question Skull what happens to my soul spaces and my weapons

O that's another good one Host soul space will not change no matter what even if your weapons get improved they will stay that way as for your beasts that's another simple one not many people have the ability to summon their tamed beasts most beast tamers carry a bag or a stable space ring to hold there beasts if host had any of these methods hosts beasts would have gone back to what they were before we got here but sense host can store your beasts in you soul sea that changes things drastically any evaluations they go through will stay but remember host the stronger they are the more soul power it will take to summon them so hehe good luck and wake up you big dummy the zombies are waiting for you

and the damn book bonked me on the head again when it did I felt my consciousness moving and soon I could feel myself under warm soft blankets and I was laying on something very comfy I heard whispering coming from the left side of the bed I recognized the voices as Lotus and Vermillion and let me just say they both sounded pissed I heard Lotus side and say and yell yea that's what happened Vermillion hissed that fucker he dared try and claim you even after father stated we was both to marry Hound Lotus side again and I assume she nodded right the nerve of one arrogant man and if that isn't bad enough apparently it was Micheal who hired those fuckers to stopped Hound on his way here Vermillion humf damn cowards it might have been a good thing he didn't try and us my name to scare them off sense honey put them in there place in front of everyone this proves his character and skill on top of that it shows everyone that he is a man of his word but isn't scared to do what's needed to win you should have seen him out there little sis when I tell you Honey dominated them I mean it he had the lives of that group in the palm of his hand even outnumbered and most of the time he had a grin on his face the two girls laughed I assumed they both nodded or maybe only Lotus sense she spoke next that's true but tell me elder sis did you get to see him in the battle Vermillion side and I assumed shook her head sense Lotus spoke after a few seconds after the sy neither did I sadly I was to busy with fighting against that damn black Star bitch but I asked around and found quite a few people who had seen him on the battlefield and they all described him as a demon he broke ripped and cut his way through the battlefield and apparently he had a odd black wolf mask over his face this mask some people said it was snarling some said it was smiling demonically Vermillion nodded or I assumed sense she said yea I also heard the same thing but I found a man who seemed to have talked to Honey and got a front row seat to his butchering the man said honey used a odd black and gold odd spear that had a scythe blade instead of a regular spearhead but I also heard in some cases the scythe was just a normal scythe but the appearance of the scythe doesn't matter is what the weapon does and Lotus it's scary it can drain blood essents from whoever it kills but if this wasn't bad enough it also poisons people Lotus side that isn't any good that sounds like a cursed gear how did He get his hands on such a weapon Vermillion side I ant sure but we must convince him to get rid of it a weapon like that is trouble Lotus side nodding I tend to agree but at this point I couldn't hold back my laughter hahahaha I sat up opening my eyes my draconic eyes glowed slightly as I looked at the two girls who slowly turned to look at me with stunned faces how long have you been listening Lotus asked shyly I grinned long enough to know that Michael is a dead man isn't that right Sekhmet and appearing in front of me was Sekhmet in its scythe form it dropped laying across my lap I heard her say that's right master I looked to the two girls again they was staring at Sekhmet with fearful eyes come sit I said smiling but they didn't move Vermillion shook her head saying not when you have that accursed weapon out Sekhemt shook in my lap I heard her say angrily how dare this bitch call me such a thing let me drink her blood master I chuckled placing a hand on the weapon which stopped shaking at my touch no Sekhemt you can not drink there blood they are my fiancés so that is a big no no but master just a little bit please just for this bitch learns her place I laughed shaking my head I said no Sekhemt and that is final you will not drink there blood I will be the only one who will be drinking anything from them as you wish master it sided but I wanted more taste blood soon I side spoiled brat you won't get any blood if you keep demanding more no-no master Sekhemt is sorry master please forgive Sekhemt I will be a good girl I nodded you better be I looked over to Lotus and Vermillion who was staring at me with wide eyes Lotus asked her eyes glowing staring at Sekhemt Hound is that a soul manifested weapon I looked to her nodding yes indeed Sekhemt here and I have been through a lot out off all the soul bond weapons I have known Sekhemt the longest she has watched my back for a long time she has killed and drank the blood of our enemies the longest Vermillion blurted out you got more of these accursed weapons Honey ant you scared of the cost of using them I laughed shaking my head yes I got 2 other weapons that have awakened a soul Sekhemt maybe the one I am the most familiar with but sadly I have had the chance nor the proper resources to improve her like I did to Tempest but hell Tempest and my 3 weapon are on the same strength level so Sekhemt here is the odd weapon out but and my smile faded I will ask you both this only ones can I trust you they both was shocked hearing my words they looked to one another then back at me Lotus smiled but of course dear we are engaged after all I shook my head you say that but what if I told you not to tell anyone not even your father mothers and siblings is your answer the same Vermillion frowned asking y would you ask us this know honey and right after you woke up I smiled darkly it's cuz I wish to know if I can put my trust in you if I can then you can do the same with me trust is essential in a relationships I wish to tell you my secrets but I know the feeling of betrayal from people close to so this has made me into a very skeptical man who doesn't trust easy so can I trust you Lotus and Vermillion was stunned again they slowly looked to each other then back at me umm Hunter how do we know we can trust you Vermillion asked I laughed Sekhmet disappearing off my lap as I through off the blanket i sat on the edge of the bed facing towards them I smiled ladies I am a open book mostly so how about this I will answer any question if you can promise me it stays between us I will answer any questions with complete honesty even if it's a big secret of mine so do we have a accord the girls made thinking faces and slowly looked to each other then they smiled looking back to me nodding Lotus saying we can agree to that dear I smiled good so pull up a chair and I waved my hand and shadow chairs formed in front of me the girls was shocked Lotus asking wow you are proficient in the shadow laws I grinned indeed this and more sit the girls did Lotus didn't hesitate to sit but Vermillion did she hesitated for a few seconds before she plopped down with her eyes closed after she sat in the chair for a few moments and she realized she didn't fall through the chairs she quickly opened her eyes looking down at the chair then smiling up at me asking wow honey this is pretty cool so not only do you have the fire law but you got shadow law as well I smiled mischievously as I nodded yes but hold on and I held up two fingers the shadows condensing around us after the bubble was formed I nodded yes I have those laws and more Lotus then asked so Hound where are you really from I smiled shrugging I am from the world called earth where exactly I am from I don't remember I lost many of my memories when I ascended luckily for me my weapons had been with me for a while plus I kept plenty of my old journals Lotus smiled so you are from the 2 layer how intresting if you don't mind me asking what's your cultivation at I shrugged I didn't see y I shouldn't tell her so sure I am in the 4 body copper stage and the 2 spirit stage and lastly I am in the 1 soul stage but do not judge me by my cultivation levels cuz I make up for it in three different ways the first experiences I have killed and fought through hell to get where I am today the second is superior firepower as you have seen none of my weapons are common even through Sekhmet is basically on the level of a high earthy grade weapon but that won't be for long and the third and last thing is simple my understanding of my laws I have spent a long time simply bathing in my laws improving my understanding of each law this allows me not to waste power in useless places Lotus nodded like she understood Vermillion then asked so how many laws do you control I stared at her asking do you truly wish to know I don't mind telling you but when I do then you definitely can't tell anyone else and this will paint a target on not just yalls back but mine also if you do tell anyone so do you still wish to know Lotus nodded saying I don't have many friends the only person who I would even think to tell would be my elder brother and only if he asks me besides our fates are intertwined now so yea I nodded at her and looked to Vermillion who was hesitating to answer but when I looked to her she side nodding fine so be it Honey as Lotus has said our fates have merged we are bond to you like your bond to us so it's only right we keep each others secrets I smiled happily nodding it's as you say and I thank you both for trusting me so do you wish to know how many laws i us or name them all Vermillion shrugged up to you I laughed shrugging I won't tell you any of them then I wouldn't want to spoil the surprise but since you put your trust in me I will at least show you one of my secrets and I waved my hand down as I did blood shot out from under my fingernails forming blood claws Lotus and Vermillion eyes went wide seeing this Vermillion stood up and jumped back yelling your a blood cultivator I shrugged shaking my head no as I waved my hand to the side the blood going back into my body I us blood arts yes but blood laws isn't even the most scariest ability I have take this for example and I clasped my hands together and slowly moved them apart and sparking between my hands was my green and gold lightning they both gasped at that Vermillion yelled you can us heavenly lightning you stole that from the heavens I laughed shrugging I don't see it that way I didnt steal anything I simply took it from something that tried to kill me like it tried to take my life so it was a equal exchange and the one who came out on top was me this is also the thing I used to save you two and I lowered my hands my lightning disappearing Lotus eyes was wide from shock and I could tell she was impressed wall Vermillion held fear and skepticism as she looked at me she slowly asked does father know about this I laughed but of curse he does he swore to the heavens he wouldn't tell a soul but I allowed him to tell his wife's sense he says he trusted them so I put some trust in him Vermillion snarled you dare use us so father would sware to the heavens I raised a eyebrow asking who says it had anything to do with you Vermillion appeared in front of me and before I could even react she had me by my throat as she yelled do not lie to me fucker you used us to bind our father in a heavenly outh didn't you I stared comply at her no pain or anger showed in my eyes even after she tighted her grip cutting offy air flow but I didn't struggle or panic I simply stared at her with amused eyes wall Vermillion was snarling her eyes had a bright orange fire in them wall Lotus simply sat comply watching this interaction with interest minutes slowly passed with me not being able to breath wall Vermillion yelled and punched me a few times telling me to talk but I simply stared at her with bemused eyes and a slight grin even if a bit of blood rolled out from the sides of my mouth at this point I was starting to hit my limit but I didn't panic I forcefully calmed my body with shear will power alone my lunges and body burned in pain my body was screaming at me if we didn't breath soon I would die but I didn't move or show the agony that I was going through this lioness of mine is one brutal woman hahaha good she will fit in well with my family but the girls are going to be pissed that I got 2 more wifes or I guess soon to be wifes I will have 6 heavenly beaties to my self 7 if I wish to add Nicolas onto that list 7 wifes I think that would probably be my limit besides any more then that shit might start getting dicey in my harem so best we keep it at 7 for now besides I still had to properly marry all my girls I knew they said they didn't care about such things but I could tell they was all lying but they put up a good front for me but I new deep down they was bit disappointed but I will change that but this is when I realised through the blurriness that my eyes was suffering from the lack of air I seem tears streaming down the beautiful dark skin of Vermillion I looked up into these blue eyes that held pain and confusion y she mumbled y are you not fighting back I couldn't respond do to lack of air but I grinned at her she bellowed y you bastard y does my heart hurt seeing you like this I have killed thousands I have burned people alive and yet doing this to you is the hardest thing I have ever done it feels like a heavyweight is pressing down upon my chest my heart feels like a snake is constricting around it and I feel so weak how, how is it that a daughter of Fjord the crimson Lion can't kill a weak human y do I feel like this but I simply slowly raised my left hand up shockingly and wiped her tears after I was done I smiled and opened my mouth and in a weak quiet voice I simply said beautiful both Lotus and Vermillion easily heard what I said Vermillion face want pale as she dropped me onto the bed as she took a step back shaking I coffed taking a deep painful breath then another then another it took me a few seconds to recover before I looked up to Vermillion who was shaking tears streaked down her face as she mumbled I am sorry I am so sorry Hound I should go and tell father yes tell father that Lotus will be yours and not a monster like me and she tried to move away from me but on her second step boom the room shook from my killing intent luckily my shadow bubble was around us or others would have felt this and came running I slowly stood up my draconic eyes my gold and red slits with the green yang simbles shined and slowly a black line want across the gold and red slit ones it stopped my eyes glowed with anger as the shadows moved and danced around us the bubble didn't move luckily I opened my mouth and gralled did I say you could leave and my death law made the black slit glow even brighter I glared at Vermillion who was wide eyed and frozen feeling my death law Lotus was stunned feeling the death energy coming off of me I took two steps forward and stared up at Vermillion I didn't notice before but this woman was tall like her father but not quite his hight sense I was both able to reach her face with my hand and kiss her Vermillion trembled slightly under my stare I raised my hand up Vermillion shook even move as I raised my hand and as I brought it to her she closed her eyes like she was waiting for a slap but nothing like that happened I placed my hand gently on the side of her face and wiped the tears from her face she opened her eyes slowly when she felt her tears be wiped away I smiled warmly at her there that's better no Lioness should have to cry for a man especially a man as dark as me you called yourself a monster when that couldn't be farther from the truth whoever would dare to say such a thing to my lioness will meet a very painful death Vermillion seemed to melt at my words tears started to fall again I felt her body shake but my body she mumbled I got the body of an ork I am a scarred monster of a woman who but I placed one finger over her lips shhhh my dear do not say such things about your self and I lowered my hand noticing I only had on underwear this showed my heavily scared body I looked into those blue eyes besides dear your scars don't bother me nor does your past that goes for both of you Vermillion stared at me like she wasnt convinced so I side smiling tell me dear look at my body tell me what you see Vermillion blushed slightly but she slowly scanned my body before she looked back into my eyes you have been through a lot and seem many battles I smiled nodding that is correct every scar of mine tells me a story I ran a hand across the scare on my face saying this was from a mutant wendigo as you can see it almost took my eye then I ran a hand where I got stabbed by the angel blade saying this was from a mortal enemy that I was able to kill in that battle these and I turned my back to them showing the long deep puncture marks from when I fought against Azzy these was from a forgotten friend then there is the biggest scare of them all and I ran my hand over where the rat skinned me alive this is from when I was cot by a crazy were rat who not only skinned me alive but also forced me to watch him skin 3 of my brothers all 3 was conscious when the cutting started all 3 screamed and begged me to help them I sadly could no nothing but watch till it was my turn and as you can see his work still remains Vermillion stared at me like she understood at least a little of my pain wall Lotus had tears in her eyes as she felt the emotion in my words that rat was the beginning I gralled sense that rat did this to me haha no even before that in my past life I have stood on a mountain of bodies be it monster or human be it guilty or innocent hell I have even killed children and elderly i have butchered hole families just so I could rise to the top I have slow slottered my way through hundreds of battlefields and in this new world I will probably kill thousands more in the name of power and to protect what's mine I show no mercy to my enemies and to the ones who betray me hahaha death is the least of there worries the shadows danced creepily hearing my words I waited a few seconds to let my words sink in before I looked to Vermillion smiling warmly so my dear in my eyes your beautiful and whoever says otherwise hehehe there souls are mine you call your self a monster good let us be monsters together let us take our fates into are own hands as your husband I will bare both of your sins your enemies are my enemies your friends my friends your interest are my interests your soul is mine and mine is yours my skills are at your disposal my resources are your resources so I will ask you both this only ones do you both wish to be my wifes just so you know I will never abandoned you but a word of worning I am very protective and possessive of both my woman and my family but before I could finish Vermillion hugged my tightly her body was trembling please honey do not abandon me please and she buried her face into my chest I hugged her tightly as I stroked her fiery hair as I whispered shhh it's ok dear it's ok I will never abandon you how could I what's mine is mine and no one else's who every tries to steel you from me is in for a rude surprise I felt some tears hit my chest as I heard her whisper thank you honey I am yours I smiled not minding the tears I looked to Lotus who was still sitting in the shadow throne but she had a very seductive smile on her face I slightly held out my other arm she nodded and silently sat down next to me as I pulled her close I heard her whisper thank you I smiled but if course your mine and no one more she giggled and simply leaned her head against my shoulder as Vermillion still had her face pressed against my chest she wasn't-crying anymore she just felt happy and loved at this point we stayed like this for what seems hours but it had only been 30 minutes but sadly all good things must come to a end the door was burst open as Kiara hurriedly rushed in my bubbled disappeared the moment she stepped in so she seen us like this her worried face got replaced by a huge shit eating grin as she put her hands on her hips saying o what did we have here a cuddle and what's this one of my girls have been crying o don't tell me Hound you have already took the responsibility of taking care of your woman I grinned shrugging I am going to marry them after all it's a husband's job to take care of his wifey in both body mind and soul but y did you burst into the room mother in law has something happened her smile was gone what replaced it was a pale angry face yes odd undead beings have emerged from the river ones more all those who didn't get cured on time have joined them I shot up yelling the hell did you say shit shit shit I pulled out some pants from my space ring as I pulled them on but before I could leave from beside the bed Lotus grabbed my hand saying dear you ant going out there looking like that that's y these was made for you and she pushed a bundle of red and gold clothes into my arms but I noticed something intresting unlike most people there was black on my clothes I had only seem one person had black on there clothes in the hole lion barbarians and that was Fjord himself I took the bundle of clothes hesitating slightly Vermillion laughed seeing my hesitation go on they won't bit ones more this will show your rank as father son but not many of his kids are able to wear black the fact he chose you to have black in your clothes means two things he already sees you as his son and second from here on out you are fathers consultant you will sit in on meetings like the ones we walked in on but not only that you will provide your vast knowledge in both combat and other things to add him but be warned Hound if you take these clothes this means you will be put on a pedestal father will expect great things from you and the last thing is ones combat starts you will be with the very first charge which is the most dangerous but I took the clothes smiling Vermillion laughed saying at least let me finish you ass I grinned at her shrugging na where's the fun in that I turned to Kiara who stared coldy at me she is right lad a target will be painted on your back if you where those clothes plus the danger is great the first charge of battle is usually has the highest casualties I laughed and used my lightning to putting on the clothes fast the next second I stood there in a red, gold and rob that had black lines like shadows moving through it the sleeves had blue flames going up the sleeves and imbalanced on my back and on my left side of my chest was a black snarling lion my pants was red and black and I had on shinny new black scaled boots on my long raven black hair was braided down my back and my black and red beard was in its normal Viking brake the top buttons of my rob was undone showing my chiseled scarred chest plust handing around my neck was my gator necklace on my leather band and like it was summoned Tempest appeared on my hip and I must say it matched my outfit I looked up to Kiara saying mother in law take me to father and I grasped Tempest she smiled nodding my girls stood up and and walked next to me Lotus smiled not saying a word but Vermillion stared at me lust in her eyes I heard her mumble so sexy I chuckled Kiara turned around saying keep up child and like that she disappeared lightning sparked off my legs as the girls and I disappeared.