Some change of plans haha

Low pitched tweeet tweet tweet goes to a high pitch tweet tweet tweet the sound of whistling echoed through the area after you heard the tweet tweet noise you would heard the sound of shuffling cards flick flick flick swoosh flick flick I walked through these undead like I was one of them I got to the center camp already and had seen hundreds of grunts and about 50 big foots but I also noticed another type undead that I didn't see before they looked like the grunts but attached to the bottom of there arms was odd sharp mantis blades and the speed in which they was moving it was unnatural I called these things sword grunts the strange thing is these sword grunts cutting and ripping the regular grunts apart and eating them I didnt know y nor did I care to ask every one of these that I saw a card would shoot out from the deck in my hands as I shuffled it my card would start to spin as it flew forward it would slam into the sword grunts head easily cutting through its skull killing it the card then would fly back to me spinning off all the blood that was on it before it showed its self to me 6 of spades huh after that the could would shoot back into the deck as I shuffled the cards again I killed 10 of these sword grunts in the same fashion I looked up at the dark cloudy sky I couldn't see no moon or stars it looked like it was about to rain again but I didn't mind I continued walking forward killing sword grunts still whistling and shuffling the cards till I got to the dead center of this camp and as I thought standing there in the dead center was a gnarled looking black staff that had a dark purple gem at the top of it the group around this staff flowed with a sickly purple veins that want out from the staff its self I looked around looking who could have put this here I didn't see anything but I had the distinct feeling that I was being watched Tempest shook slightly on my hip master we ant alone I nodded indeed we ant but if they don't want to show them selfs all we got to do is force there hand and with that 3 of my cards started to glow blue as they shot out from the deck as I continued to walk forward my whistling as my 3 cards shot forward at the staff but before the cards could impact the staff a cloaked figure formed up from the shadows deflecting the cards with a sickly green short sword clank clank clank my cards hit the ground around this figure a huge demonic grin spread across my face there you are glad you could join me the figure stood to its full hight and pointed the blade at me and in a cold calm voice it spoke retreat or die human your choice my huge grin got even bigger now y would I do such a thing when I got you right where I want you the figure was confused it brought its blade down and moved its head to the side what do you mean? human I am obviously stronger then you I easily deflected your first strike you must be bluffing you are trying to scare me I laughed shaking my head as I shuffled the cards in my hand no I have no use to scar you with words when I can do it with my actions and I draw the first card at the top of the deck I clicked my tonge disappointed 1 of hearts man today truly isn't your lucky day is it lass what do you mean and I snapped my fingers right at that moment and crack the three cards around this figure glowed green as ghostly green chains wrapped around this figure and my green lightning shot through their body they screamed and feel to their knees that short sword dropped out of there hands as ghostly green chains wrapped around both arms locking their arms out they could barely move there shoulders let alone their arms I walked forward shaking my head saying, you cultivators you have all that strength and yet no brains you might be stronger than me but to a hunter like me this sort of shit is childs play this is y I said this wasn't your lucky day you didn't even notice the trap array that I put on my cards I picked up the sickly green sword and looked it over nodding fine workmanship I through it down it sinking into the dirt next to me and yet it isn't the weapon that makes the worrier its the person them self lets see who I am talking to and I snapped my fingers and a chain that had a hook at the top of it gently hooked the hood and pulled it down my eyebrows raised seeing there age your pretty young for being a guard I said crouching down in front of her she glares at me with bright red devil slits there skin was pale as marble and she had two horns curling up from her head they wasnt very big which showed her age she had black spikes eyebrows and there was a few spike on the sides of her chin she hissed at me whiched showed her two fangs what would you know about demons age she hissed I laughed shrugging a hole lot you might not believe this but I have no problems with your kind hell I respect yall sadly I was born on this kingdom and not over there I looked back to the staff specifically the gem I had a feeling something or some was watching me from it a huge toothy fanged smile spread across my face hello to who who ever is watching you can call me Hound its a pleasure the gem glowed and forming in front of the staff is a tall woman with curves like no other her fear white skin those purple lips and those seductive Orange eyes her hair was dark purple she smiled charmingly hello to you to human the pleasure is all mine damn I thought just her talking makes my mind go fuzzy but sadly for her those tricks wont effect me I stood up and walked in front of this illusion with a huge demonic grin saying your tricks wont work on me Asmodeus sin of lust y don't you take your true form the woman made a pouting, face I don't know what you mean dear y don't you but I waved my hand boldly saying again Azzy your seduction arts wont work on me please let us talk for real or I will just kill this girl and take this staff for my self the womans face turned into a snarl as you wish human and woosh he turned into his true form owl skull and blue flames in all he had on a nice red and gold rob and pants you are now speaking to the Asmodeus the sin of lust what do you want moral a huge grin spread across my face I snapped my fingers the area around us got covered with shadows Asmodeus raised a eyebrow asking y did you do that a huge wicked grin spread across my face I don't want any unknown ears listening he nodded of speak then what do you want I laughed shrugging I wish to help your kingdom Azzy burst out laughing that's a very funny joke human haha what do you really want I shrugged that is what I really want his face turned into a frown y would a human born in the Angels kingdom wish to help my people the sworn enemies of your kingdom I shrugged cuz I want to I have seen what this kingdom has done and covered up this kingdom looks all perfect and put together on the outside but ones you see the inside you will see its a dirty filthy mess that I wish to help kill them the sect called the radiant wings is a perfect example of this the surroundings got cold as some of my killing intent came out Azzy was stunned the girl behind me shook in fear from this intent Azzy looked me over and side nodding fine we can help each other let her go I snapped my fingers my chains disappearing off the girl she jumped up and lunged for her blade before lunging at me but I didn't care I stood there looking at Azzy he side yelling stop X he is with us the girls blade stopped just before my throat but master she said Azzy glared at her saying no buts get back and give him my soul slip she side and took back her sword and passed me a peace of people I took it and put it in my space ring he looked to me asking what's next human this item has almost lost power so the undead will be dropping soon a huge demonic grin spread across my face as I moved to the staff I grabbed it and forced my will into it I could feel the hundreds of undead I commanded them to only attack the east Azzy was confused so he asked y the east I laughed that's where the wing fuckers are o hoho hahaha Azzy broke out laughing you got balls human good you will need them if you wish to betray the angels he looked to X saying retreat for now the girl nodded and disappeared into the shadows he looked to me grinning so whats next Human a huge demonic grin spread across my face saying we make a show of it and I dragged my left hand down my face as my fox mask formed on my face and 7 black and red tails flicked behind my clothes got covered my black and red energy which covered and changed my clothes all the signs that I was part of the lion barbarian was gone hell even Tempest on my hip changed what us to be a black and green hilt turned into a black and red hilt the scabbard was the same though black but that was a very common color for shuck a thing Azzy grinned saying o you got two beastly souls how intresting this should be fun lets put on a show shall we a huge fox like grin spread across my face as my draconic eyes changed into gold glowing fox eyes and two black fox ears formed on the sides of my head let us have some fun but my voice was less wild and gritty and more propper and deep and with that dark red flames exploded out from the bottom of my feet that shot me into the air the staff still in my hand the image of Azzy following me we shot to the east back on the ground the shadow dom disappeared and 3 playing cards started to glow and quickly the cards shot together and forming out of these cards was me there was a wolfish grin on my face my clothes was the exact same the lion barbarians simble Emblazoned on my back my glowing draconic eyes looked to the east I could still see my self flying that way I then looked to the north as a huge demonic grain spread across my face as I held up the card there in the center of the card was a split face on one side there was half of a grinning fox face and on the other was a grinning wolf face at the top and bottom of the card there was gold lettering The Joker hahaha i looked up back to the north as the card shot into my sleeve this will be fun and with that I ran towards the north.