a dangerous play

Back to the main body that way flying I easily got to the east I seen the holy winged fuckers was struggling to push the undead back I seen that there was a holy gold barrier around them and any undead that touched the barrier would be burned but this didn't stop the undead the big foots would simply power through the barrier sure there bodies would be scorched black but they was undead what did you expect haha some of the grunts tried to do the same but turned to ash but the sword grunts was the smart ones they would us the big foots as shields just to pass the barrier Azzy moved next to me in the air sying damn they already have the barrier up I guess we should be happy with what we got but I paid no attention to him I scanned over the holy wing fuckers most of them had on white and gold plate armor and coming from there backs was radiant wings some had only 1 wing some had 2 hell I seen one had 6 3 on each side but I noticed the more wing they had the stronger the person was obviously it was Azresel who had the 3 wings but I noticed him and Micheal who had 4 wings was in the back of the army they didn't engage the undead hell they was sitting in chairs boredly staring at the battle my blood bullied seeing this cowherds I gralled Azzy nodded indeed its sad but that's how they are its no surprise to bad that barrier is up the staff will shatter before that barrier is down I brought the staff in front of me and gralled not if I can help it and I channeled my death law into this staff the purple gem started to glow brightly as the undead below us let out an angry bellow as their eyes started to glow purple and black there bodies started to glow with death energy the purple smoke condensing into weapons and armor aaaaa the undead screamed and charged at the barrier swinging their new weapons the gold barrier started to glow and any damage done against it healed fast but the sound of huge running feet shook the area as 100 big feets rain in sink with each other and at the same time they jumped into the air bringing up there fists and boom crack crack shatter there fists slammed into the barrier shattering it roar! The big feet beat their chests in victory as the other undead charged in I heard someone yell lock shieldgutt but before he could finish a sword grunt blade stuck out from his throat and with a wet ripping noise the head got pulled off as that sword grunt brought the head up and let the blood drip into its mouth Greg no! With that all hell broke loose the holy wing fuckers tried to fight back but there was just to many of them Azresel and Micheal even had to get up off there asses and join the fight but I seen a sword grunt cut off Michaels left ear as his veins started to turn a dark purple color he screamed wavering his sword madly cutting anything that got near to him but soon his sword sank into the side of a big foot that didn't take to kindly to being stabbed and boom Michael got punched in the face Michael slid backward stopping but he feel to a knee as he coughed up blood and right then a sword grunt shot forward and swung its blade down at him no Michael Azresel screamed but before the blade could hit Michael clank click a katana blocked the sword grunts blade as its head exploded and standing there over Michael my back facing him was me with a huge demonic grin on my face I glanced back to Michael as I rested Tempest on my shoulder and in a mocking voice I said o the great and powerful Michael has been getting his ass kicked by basic undead how embarrassing he spat out blood and stood up glaring at me saying shut it ant I had that grunt right where I wanted it I didn't need your help don't get in but before he could reach I spun around and shot him twice in both legs he fell to the ground Michael I heard someone scream behind me but I didn't care I pulled the hammer back on my pistol and I put it right between Michael eyes his first reaction was anger but the moment he felt the colt steel press agiant his head he froze in fear he stared fearfully at me his body shaking from fear my happy demonic grin was gone what replaced it was a demonic beastly snarl any last words I gralled his face want pale as he stuttered out you don't know who your threatening you wont get away with this I gralled all of my killing intent was released everyone stopped and stared at me even the undead they froze in fear forming behind me was a huge shadow being its eyes glowing with a bright green it was rapped with ghostly green chains and it toward behind me looking down at Michael and in a deep beastly voice I spoke no you don't know who you have crossed I should just kill you here and eat your soul no that's exactly what I will do click the hammer dropped on my pistol but a green and red blade forced my sword up I glared at who blocked my strike it was me just in my fox form a fire katana in my hand left hand and in my other hand was the staff he glared at me saying in is prim and proper voice no good sir this pray is mine I snarled fuck off fox and I through a left kick at him but he easily blocked it and did a kick of his own his kick hit me swear in the chest the force from this kick made me slide back I simply dusted the dirt off my chest and stared fox me asking is that the best you got a huge fox like grin spread across his face naaa far from it and we stood there staring at each other my black chained wolf behind me and forming behind him was a huge black and red 9 tail fox with glowing gold eyes are two pressents clashed and pushed agiant one another but we was easily matched no surprise seconds passed with us doing this but right at that moment boom boom boom huge fire balls engulfed the back line of the undead fox me looked that way and seen Vermillion and Niara leading the lion barbarians forward along side Lotus who was leading the soul legion fox me screamed no gods damn it you and his head shot back to me as he snarled years of planning shattered do to you I will fucking kill you damn hound a huge grin spread across my face remembering what happened when I headed to the north I met up with Lotus who was leading the soul legion forward she instructed the legion to wrap soup power around there faces so they didn't breath in the smoke it was a temporary solution but a solution none the less Azreal was running along side her but he looked even more pale then before Hound she screamed seeing me running at them Lotus and Vermillion charged at me and lunged to huge me luckily I stopped moving and planned my feet before they did that or we all would have fallen to our asses I huge the girls a but out of breath but I grinned I am alright girls Azreal ran up to us saying girls don't mean to ruin this reunion but we still are under attack from undead they girls jumper back realising what they just did and people was watching Azreal looked to me saying I assume your the man they call Hound correct I nodded and brought my fists together and bowed saying I greet the caption and leader of the soul legion he grinned so you do have manners a huge toothy grin spread across my face only to those who I respect sir yes he nodded good I wish to talk to you after this battle but then he started to cough violently he feel to a knee still coughing Lotus crouched down and held her brothers shoulder saying that's enough brother you have hit your limit don't push your self Azreal wiped blood from his mouth as he looked to Lotus but I must but she shushed him saying enough brother I am here I will lead the sect go rest he side and nodded he looked up to me saying after the fight come find me hound in my tent I nodded sounds good and I bowed to him as someone helped him walk away Lotus stood up and looked at me with cold eyes saying so what did you find hound I shrugged nothing by the time I got to the center the undead had already rushed to the east but I did see the artifact that was controlling the undead its in the hands of a man who has a fox face and 7 tails he also headed east Lotus nodded let us move we should strike from the back wall we can I nodded and we ran forward by the time we got to the center we met up with Fjord and Niara leading the lion barbarians it would seem they had the same idea as us they simply had the wind users blow away the purple smoke away by the time we got to the back of the undead army Michael just got punched by a big foot I looked to Fjord yelling through me he grinned and grabbed the back of my shirt and hurled me towards Michael and the rest you know I focused back in the present I seem to the left of fox me as Azresel he was clashing with Fjord Azresel screamed saying I am going to kill that damn ant and you won't stop me you damn lion but Fjord bellowed you will not harm a single hair on my son in law who cares if he hurt your dearest little brother its the brats own damn fault how dare he try and court my daughter even after I announced that she was engaged Azresel screamed you wont getaway with this Fjord Lion I will make sure you and your sect is no more this I sware to the heavens the dark sky shook from his outh Fjord snarled so be it Azresel and he bellowed barbarians retreat now and like that the barbarians retreated and funny enough so did the soul legion Fjord snarled at Azresel saying I hope your prepared for the casualties you holy winged fucker and he burst into orange flames disappearing he appeared next to me he placed a hand on wolfs me shoulder saying come on hound we are no longer wanted here I looked up to him and gritted my teeth gralling but Michael still lives I cant let my pray get away he side and shook his head it isn't the time you are two weak but your time will come do not worry Fox me laughed mockingly that's right be a good boy run along little I gralled at him shut it fox unlike you I have responsibilities and people to protect Fox me smiled sadly I agree best leave before you bite off to much lad like the big man said your time will come I side and turned around saying you almost sound worried about me Fox and like that, I disappeared in a flash of green Lightning after I disappeared Fox me looked to Michael and a huge fox-like smile spread across his face don't worry brat I won't kill you yet but by the time I am done you will wish I would have this I sware on my name Grave and with that Fox me disappeared in a burst of demonic red fire and floating down landing in front of Michael was a face up playing card it was the king of diamond but instead of a human king it was a grinning nine tails fox that had a crown made from red flames on the back of the card was a huge red A Michael picked up this playing card he looked it over before screaming to the heavens I will fucking kill you but right at that moment the undead charged again Fox me appeared sitting on a dark cloud I laughed that was fucking great hahaha I havent had this much fun in years the staff glowed in my hands and appearing next to me was Azzy he was sitting on the cloud one leg dangled off the side of the cloud as the other was propped against the cloud me has his left hand propped on that leg as he looked over his nails saying o I don't know I ant sure pink is my color what do you think Hound and he looked to me showing off his hot pink nail I shrugged it doesn't match your outfit try a light blue or a ruby red he nodded and waved his hand and like that his nails was ruby red ooo I like that good choice it would seem you got some sense of fashion after all Hound and he elbowed me in the arm which was strange this was only a magic image of azzy a illusion if you will and yet I felt his arm inpacked mine and his elbow didn't pass through my body but this was Azzy the master of illusions and tricks so it isn't that surprising I looked down to see the undead cutting there way through the radiant wings silence fell between Azzy and me as we watched the show but after 2 minutes Azzy spoke glorious he mumbled you human are an absolute mad man and I love it I haven't seen a show that good in decades hahaha you adding your self to both sides was a good touch a huge demonic grin spread across my face as my fox form faded I had fun it had been way to long sense I had to do something like that its good to know I haven't lost my touch hahahaha Azzy and I broke out laughing but the staff in my hands started to shake are laughter stopped and Azzy side it would seem the staff is about to hit its limit best you through it away I thought about it before a huge demonic Grin spread across my face not yet and I dragged my left hand down over my face my fox mask forming again I jumped off the dark cloud and disappeared in a burst of red flames I reappeared in the center of a familiar field there was thousands of freshly packed graves Azzy appeared next to me his eyes want wide asking a battlefield and are those graves y are we here Fox there is t any point bringing them back but I didn't answer him I simply raised the staff and slammed it in front of me I channeled my death laws I to it the moment I did so mist surrounded us ice cold mist and in this mist shadow beings flashed by but I didn't care I heard the moans and howls of the dead but I didn't shake in fear quite the opposite I smiled in happiness yes this is what we want Fox gralled souls there are even quite a few powerful ones to Hound didn't say anything but I heard the sound of a dog licking his chops I felt there hunger no this was my hunger my Fox mask split down the middle and forming on the right half of my face was my wolf face wall the left side was the fox face I opened my jaws like a hungry beast and took a deep breath in as I did so all these souls and mist got sucked into my mouth after 5 seconds the mist and souls was gone my face mask fully formed again as I licked my chops saying taste that's when I heard a yelp come from my right I looked to see Azzy staring wide eyes at me your a soul eater he said in a quiet voices I laughed no I am a soul devourer not a soul eater his face want even more pale hearing that you are scary human I love it I can't wait to see what happens next talk to you soon and like that the staff shattered in my hand but before the purple gem could fall and hit the floor I cot it I felt a strong death resinous coming from it I put it in a space ring saying I will look at you later as I held up two fingers puppet switch and like that I switched places with my puppet I was no longer in my Fox form and I was in a tent washing off the zombie grime from me my puppet few into the air and counseled its self in shadow before it disappeared I splashed water on my face the battle had only gone on for a few hours but I was already mentally drained but that wasn't surprising I had been fighting above my weight class sense I got here and it's annoying the girls had sect things to do I did as well Fjord ordered me to rest then get started on more pills this hot water wasnt doing shit I mumbled I took a deep breath and breathed a ice cold breath out the copper bull in front of me frosted and fogged up as liquid formed on the outside of it as for the water I dunked my face into it and held it there for a few seconds before I brought my head up wooow that's the good shit I spluttered out I whipped the water from my eyes I then tried my self off with my fire I sat down in the center of this tent apparently only Fjord, Niara and Vermillion stayed in the big tent the room that I woke up in was Vermillion room and the room I took the girls into was Fjords but I wasnt given a room apparently only Fjords family could have a room in his tent all through he might see me as his son in law I haven't married either f his daughters yet so I technically wasn't his family yet and it would look bad if Fjord played favoritism with any of his soon to be daughters or sons in-laws that's right Fjord had many kids 10 boys and 10 girls Vermillion and Lotus was numbers 5 and 7 naturally and apparently Fjord was about to have another child soon but they didn't know the gender yet and if the mother knew she wasn't sharing with anyone but back on topic I basically had to earn a room in the big tent and I was perfectly fine with that the room would mean nothing if I didn't have to work for it but I was given this tent which was right next to the big tent it had a simply cot and wash bull and even a basic dresser and desk and chest it was funny this set up reminded me of the home I had in my old life the civil war tents on both sides was different but they had one thing in common they was basic sure some was more decorated then the other do to rank and such but I cared little about such things hell I slept many nights out under the stars with my horse like a true cowboy I side at the simpler times I sat down in the center of this tent and crossed my legs and closed my eyes.