A talk with the in-law

The moment we walked into the tent all conversations stopped and I felt the stare of a angry lioness as Vermillion stood up from the chair she was in and walked around the huge table that was back in the center of the tent and she stood in front of me angrily staring at Lotus who held me tightly with bright glowing orange eyes and in a cold angry voice she spoke Whats this Lotus I thought you said you was acting as the second in command of the soul legion when you took my honey away from me and yet here you are hugging him tightly with a red face explain your yourself this instant Lotus angrily huffed saying I did my duties as the second in command of the soul legion wall my love talked with my brother and ones they was done is when you called for us and we walked over here talking Vermillion snarled what did you talk about but before Lotus could speak I side and was about to speak but Vermillion turned to me snarling not a word out of you I closed my mouth and raised an eyebrow staring at the fiery lioness of mine I shrugged nodded and stepped towards her and gave her a huge hug my actions shocked both Vermillion and Lotus but Vermillion soon melted into my arms her anger disappearing I chuckled at my lioness and whispered into her ear next time you feel jealous instead of throwing a fit just come and hug me like you want whenever you want even if I am hugging Lotus I got two arms after all hehehe Vermillion blushed hearing my words I smiled at my handy work as I mumbled so fucking cute and I kissed her cheek as I looked passed Vermillion to see Fjord and Niara was still at the end of the table like before Fjord had a proud smile on his face wall Niara was trying not to laugh at Vermillion actions and how calm she was in my arms I great father and mother in law forgive me but my arms are a bit full to bow Fjord laughed waving his hands saying its no bother lad buy come my daughters let the man sit down at least Vermillion shot up from my chest red faced but she said yes sir Lotus simply smiled at her elder sisters cute actions and like the girls and I sat down on Fjords right I of course got placed in between my two lovely ladies I looked over to Fjord so father in law what did you wish to talk to me about he smiled saying hold that thought lad and he looked to Lotus saying do it Lotus she nodded and waved her hands and the shadows condensed around us and soon a shadow dome surrounded us the moment it was finished Fjords smile faded and an angry snarl spread across his face as he looked to me saying Hound have I not treated you like my son I nodded you have sir Fjord nodded good then what I expect from you son is honesty do you understand me I nodded again yes sir if I am able to I will answer your question with honesty and to the best of my ability he nodded good then tell me did you command those undead to attack the radiant wings as the man in the fox man a huge demonic grin spread across my face as I spoke in a prim and proper tone of voice I sir that was me and I must say it was great to stick it to those holy winged rapscallions hahaha Fjord snarled only saying one world how I shrugged going back to my normal tone of voice as I massaged my throat if your asking how my voice changed its a simple vocal trick I picked up from a singer but I must say doing that voice is very hard on my throat and mind acting like a prim and proper general man is very draining but Fjord slammed a hand onto the table gralling stop rambling you know exactly what I meant when I asked how so stop trying to buy your self time and simple answer the damn question I side shaking my head saying I didn't know what you meant father in law I had a guess nothing more so instead of risking guessing wrong I was going to explain everything but find you wished to know how I was in two places at ones correct Fjord nodded simply saying correct I side fine if you insist it will just be easier to show you and I waved my hand as one of my crafting puppets formed on the table it was simply a wood puppet it had on a blacksmiths apron that had smiths tools in it ones it appeared I used my ability to control it the puppets slumped head moved up and looked in the detection of Fjord as it rolled onto its feet I looked over to Fjord who was had wide eyes staring at my puppet the girls had a similar reaction this is one of my abilities that I made my self called puppeting I can control this puppet likes its my body this is merely a shroud smithing puppet I have puppets made for battle that are either a exact copy of me or have different types of beasts masks as long as I can sense them I can control then every one of my puppets has the ability to see hear and speak just like this but those words didn't come from me but the puppet its wooden mouth opening and closing with each word there are a few of my puppets that have all 5 senses this includes taste and touch ones more every single one of my puppets is like a magic focus for me so they can us my abilities just like my body but this isn't the ability I used yesterday then I spoke this was and I flicked a peace of paper that shot out from under my sleeve the paper started to glow blue as I channeled my soul power I to it as I flung it next to the wood puppet the peace of paper flipped a few times in the air before a exact copy of me formed next to my puppet it had a huge grin on his face as he stood up and turned to look at Fjord and it spoke this copy unlike my puppets can only us my soul power nothing more and it dragged its left hand over its face as my fox mask and 7 fox tails formed on it and going across my green draconic eyes was a bright orange slit and in a prim and proper voice the fox me bowed saying hello father and mother in law how do you do my apologies for are deception Fjord looked over to me saying that is enough Hound you have showed enough I shrugged as you wish and I snapped my fingers and the puppet and the fox me was gone Fjord side looking to Niara who was staring at me with shocked curious eyes Fjord asked dear you can ask our questions she nodded ok dear and she looked back to me with hostel eyes asking Hound just who are you a huge grin spread across my face as I stood up saying right I haven't fully introduced my self sorry for my lack of manners mam I brought my hands together and bowed to them both saying I have gone my many name but the one I was born with in both my passed life and this one is Hunter Ace Colt my enemies call me the death Hound wall my allies call me the devil dog I am from the second layer as you both probably guessed she raised an eyebrow asking your an ascender and you're already this strong how interesting Tell me Hunter Ace Colt y did you take the initiative to attack the radiant wing sect I side stumping down into my chair as a snarl formed on my face I don't care about the radiant wings specifically but they sure have a problem with me I never hated angels hell I never hated a race before but I have seen what your kingdom hides your kingdom full of damn angels who think they are above all creatures do to there blood I hate your kingdom for what they have done to my family I can not forgive and I will never forget I made the angels a promise to the heavens I would pay back the blood they have spilt in ten folds this was my vow to the heavens each word of mine was soaked with so must hostility and bloodlust that my giants ora activated on its own but it wasn't the only thing that happened the shadows danced around me as forming behind me wastwo snarling faces one that of a black wolf and the other that of a fox there eyes glowed with the hunger for blood the blood of are enemies my hand gripped so hard down on the chairs arm that it shattered into splinters the hole room seemed to be holding there breath the moment all this happened but the next moment I side and everything was gone as I forced my self to calm down I looked at my right hand that had wood splinters sticking out from it but the splinters barely broke the skin my hand burst with blue fire burning away the splinters as a few drops of blood dripped onto the table before my wounds healed I side again and looked up to Niara with cold calm eyes that being said I don't hate all angels hell my 4 wife is one and soon my 5 wife and I glanced to Lotus who blushed slightly at that meaning but that being said I have no love for your kingdom and the angel called Michael the only reason y I made the undead attack the radiant wings was cuz I wanted to suffer not for my outh the time will come for that I did all that for her and I looked to Lotus who at this point started to blush under my gaze that fucker tried to steal my lovely flower away from me wall I was sleeping how dare that little shit he has no right To my flower he is unworthy to even look in the general direction of my flower hell I ant worthy for either of these two beauties and I waved in-between Vermillion and Lotus who blushed from my words and yet I was able to snake my away into there hearts unworthy I maybe but they still chose me and know that they have I wont let them go hehehe and a huge smile stead across my face Fjord slammed a hand onto the table smiling proudly at me that's right boy I am proud to call you my son not only did you strike a huge blow against our enemies but you have strengthened our bonds with our ally wall healing out sect members and giving us the ability to hold negotiations with all the sect back in the kingdom unlike the sect leaders that came before me you have accomplished what they couldn't and that's forced change hell even I am attempting the same together we will bring this sect to its peak a huge grin spread across my face saying that sounds like a hole lot fun sady father in law with my current strength I couldn't provide much but my mind and that just wont do for me but I will help where I can he nodded grinning get stronger lad ones we get back to the kingdom my girls will take you to the old wolfs place as he said what's his is now yours us what he left behind and grow stronger ok son so we can bring glory to the sect of old we wont wait for long got it I nodded I understand father in law this being said we should leave the kingdom of the light as soon as we can and go where Niara yelled waving her hands you ant thinking about joining them damn demons I shrugged nodding I am but only temporarily they would us is to attack and guard there kingdom wall we us them to find a suitable location for the sect I heard about some Islands to the west of the devils kingdom that is ripe for the taking and what then Niara asked do you expect us to hide away from the world Hound if so you truly are a fool I rolled my eyes saying I had no such thoughts quite the opposite in fact we build a navy and strike back against the angels trading ships and any other kingdom ships that we want Niara raised her hands like to say what the fuck so your plan is for us to run away and become thieves she said I smiled evilly no not thieves but pirates Fjords eyes started to shine when I said those words you mean like readers right I laughed that's another name for pirating yes out there on the sea we can do what we want talk to who we want trade with anyone we wish and the best part of all we can kill anyone who crosses us Fjord yelling I can see it now yes let us do this hahaha I can't wait Niara was massaging the sides of her head at our stupidity or that's what she thought the day quickly passed with us hatching out a plan by the time night fell I got into my tent and feel asleep with a smile on my face dreaming about the life of pirating when morning rolled around Zarock woke me up saying the camp was moving out I nodded and easily stored my tent in my space ring and like that we the sects moved out.