my new home has so much gold in it

The stronger sect members flew in mid air ahead of the group on the ground I may bot have been flying in the air but I was moving as fast as the ones in the air I was a red blur I was running on a stone path that followed the river I hadn't met anyone on the road which is probably a good thing I was going so fast that I was kicking up a dust cloud behind me by the time a half a day passed I slid to a stop looking down the path at a huge city that sparked from the sunlight the marble looking wall and marble buildings that had where painted in so many colors and on the dead center of this kingdom was a shinning castle that was made from shining crystals I noticed on each cardinal directions there was a huge building made from the same crystals as the castle but the banners and color that the people warn I also noticed each cardinal direction had a gate being guarded by that sectors sect I noticed the east gates had the reds golds and blues of the lion barbarians and if that wasn't proof enough flying high above that gate was a red flag that had a gold lion on it the same simble that was emblazoned on my back and chest I seen my sect members who were flying start descending towards that gate I grinned so this is heaven or the kingdom of light it is as beautiful as one would think hahaha so bad I might have to shatter that castle in the future shrug who am I kidding I can't wait to blow that hole castle sky high I am sure my mother would happily help me hehehe and like that I started running down the path heading to the east side by the time I got to the gate all of the sect members who was flying touched down and was walking through the gates but the moment they seen a dust cloud running towards them the guards sounded a alarm and raised many different weapons and pointed them at me one man the commander or caption of these guards yelled holt or we will fire I slid to a stop the dust blowing passed me but I waved my hand the dust disappearing fast the guard caption looked at me yelling state your name motive I laughed you can call me Hound and can't you tell my motive by my robs sir the man coldly looked me over and his face want pale saying your the sect masters new son in law the one who provided the recipe for the pills and the one who lead the charge against the undead attack and the one who had the highest kill count in the combat with the brusha kingdom that Hound i laughed that's a long list and yes I did do all of those things all though the last 2 was the most fun the man bowed quickly saying sorry sir I didn't know it was but I waved my hand saying your all good man you was only doing your job and doing it damn good if you didn't hsd stopped me it would have been a problem so good work the man smiled happily at my complaint they opened the gate again the man bowing saying head on in sir I nodded and walked through the gates and there waiting for me was a very got lioness who was grinning at me I walked up to this woman smiling o did my lioness think I was going to get lost or something Vermillion giggled shaking her head no honey I am here to take you to wolfs place remember we talked about this yesterday I grinned I did but I was a bit distracted by the two smoking hot babes next to me Vermillion giggled again you and your compliments I stepped forward and grabbed her whispering in her ear o you enjoy my teasing do you wish for me to continue Vermillion smiled as a light blush spread across her face nodding please do I chuckled leaning back it would seem my lioness is getting more bulled good as I said when we first met I like the wild ones she locked her arm with mine smiling as she nodded yes I remember how could I have forgotten you was digging holes in the rain I chuckled but my smile faded as my normal cold expression replaced it before we go to my new place honey I got a few bodies I would wish to return to there families Vermillion smile faded as she thought about it saying if they wasnt collected by the sects this means they came from outside of the sect but it should be that hard to find their families if they have any come I will take you to the recruiting office and she started pulling me along I happily followed her she might have long legs but I had no problems keeping up with her strides we walked through this sect I seen food stalls places that sold odds and ends and many many more shops stores and other stuff like sect members walked around bartering and talking with one another and I even seen children playing with one another this sect was very lively and it brought a smile to my face feeling everyone happiness there was so much color and life all around that just walking down the road made me smile this is when I noticed something out the corner of my eye it was a stall that was selling trinkets I seen a hole lot of jewelry I stopped Vermillion and lead her over to the stall her eyes went wide at all the shinny gems a old woman looked up to us saying well hello head disciple Lioness how can this humble old woman be of service to you and the old woman was about to bow but Vermillion waved her hand saying no need to bow granny the old women smiled thank you miss these old bones ant like they us to be hehe this is when the old woman seen Vermillion was locked arms with someone the old ladies sunken in blue eyes fell onto me as she smiled o who is this wild handsome young man you seem to be locked arms with Vermillion smiled and looked to me saying this is my fiancé he is the one who gave the recipe to my father to heal are sick sect members and the one who lead the charge against the undead army the old womans eyes want side as she looked back to my embarrassed grinning face is that really true lad are you the one they call Hound she asked I chuckled rubbing the back of my head saying I didn't know I was this popular no matter yes miss that is what people call me the old woman jumped off her chair and want onto her knees bowing her head saying thank you, thank you so much sir you saved my grandchildren's life I shooked my head saying thank you miss but I was happy to help and I am glad your grandchildren are doing well no child should have had such a fate so please rade your head the old woman got up with shaking legs and sat back down on her chair she smiled as tears rolled down her eyes saying the other sects call you a monster a beast in human form but they are wrong your a good man I chuckled shaking my head no offenses mam but they are right I am a beast in human form well am to my enemies haha wall to my friend I am nice I could care less if the other sects people die to the plague as long as my sect is fine that's all that matters to me the old woman laughed then I take back y statement and replace it with this you sound like a barbarian already but y did you stop at this humble ladies stall I smiled and looked to Vermillion who was looking over the jewelry i asked her have you seen one you like she nodded and painted at a robe brooch, it was that that of a smiling fox I raised an eyebrow asking any reason that one specifically she looked away from me blushing and in a mumble she spoke umm cuz it reminds me of you I chuckled scanning over the rest of the jewelry and found a hair clip that had a black snarling wolf on it I pointed the two pieces out asking how much for these two I asked the woman waved her hand you can have them for free as a thank you for saving my grandkids I chuckled and put out 1 gold and placed it in front of the woman saying I don't except especially when you got mouths to feed but I can see it in your eyes you are as stubborn as me so y not we call it even and you take the coin ok the woman looked at the coin thin back up into my stubborn draconic eyes she side fine deal I chuckled thank you I grabbed both pieces of jewelry I put away the wolf one and I turned to Vermillion who had hopeful eyes I chuckled asking lean forward my lioness she did and I fashioned the fox head around her robs necks color I lowered my hands and she leaned back up looking down at the peace how do I look she asked looking up at me I grinned absolutely stunning she smiled and took my arm again thank you honey and with that we said are goodbyes to the granny as my fiancé started leading the way again it didn't take us long to get to a blue building that said army office we walked through the open doors and up to the desk the moment the receptionist seen Vermillion she straightened up saying how can I help you mistress Vermillion looked to me saying my fiance has some dead bodies from the battle that he wishes to be returned to there families if there's is any the womsm nodded and looked to me asking sir please bring out the bodies I nodded and waved my hand the bodies formed next to the woman the moment the bodies firmed the receptionist waved her hand the bodies disappeared she bowed to me saying thank you sir I will get right on it I nodded and like that we was done the moment we walked out Vermillion turned to me with a huge grin saying you ready to see your new place I nodded grinning she grabbed me by the hand and started quickly walking towards the big building made from crystals that's where Fjord and his family stayed and we got right next to it well it was more towards the back of the gem building but I didn't mind placed in a quiet part of this sect behind the gem building was a simple stone house but I noticed something that chimney wasnt for wood that was a forge chimney there was a simple dark wood door there house had 2 floor the main floor and the bed and bathroom room plus a small study I walked up to this simple wood door and quickly realised there was nothing normal about this door it was covered with runes that sealed it tight but I noticed a small ring indent in the center of the door I raised my right hand and put the old wolfs ring into this indent my ring fitting easily the runes flashed I heard the sound of locks unlocking and soon the runes stopped glowing and I opened the door I turned around grinning to Vermillion who was smiling also she walked up to me and gave me a kiss on the check saying I am sorry dear that I can't come in but duty calls I nodded and took her hands with mine I kissed her hands before looking up into her eyes saying ok love feel free to swing by any time I am sure I will be here she giggled and nodded o right Lotus wanted me to give this to you and she handed me a soul slip I grinned and took it putting it in my space ring thank you love she nodded with that I got to run don't push your self to hard dear and she ran away waving I waved till she was out of site I turned around with a greedy grin mumbling something about what do you have old man and I walked in and shut the door behind me when I closed the door all the runes lit back up and the unlocks locked again I glanced behind me to the back of the door and holy hell that's a fucking locking mechanism there was a metal plate on the back of the door that covered the intricate pieces that are on the inside it reminded me of vault doors there was 4 metal pools shot into a hole in the door way I noticed these 4 pools wasnt just on one side but on the joke door that included the ground damn old man you are one paranoid bastard I can respect that but that's when I heard a males old voice say he had to be when you live as long as he did you have to many people who wish for your head this includes the other sects who have tried to kill him from the shadows they probably will do the same to you my head shot forward as my hands shot to the back of my belt my revolvers appearing my eyes landed on what could only be described as a ghost he looked like any old butler nice suit and monical his ones gray hair nicely slicked back this butler raised his hands saying on your side master I raised a eye brow not letting down my guard o really the man nodded my name is Quintis the protector and butler to this house and your humble cervent I stood up normal my hands still on my pistols as I looked around this room it was a open living room there was a fireplace on the right wall that had couches in front of it that had a low table in-between the couches hanging above the fireplace was a painting of a middle ego looking man sitting in front of the man was a middle-aged women the man had his arms hugging the woman from the back they both had huge happy smiles on there faces no it can't be I mumbled and I walked in front of the painting and gazed up at it Quintis followed me and when I gazed up at the painting the ghost did also smiling o you got a good eye child this was the old master and his wife if you wish I could take it down I shook my head saying you will do no such thing and I looked back up at the familiar faces the younger hound and his wife they looked exactly like my parents so it wasn't a coincidence that they had the same name or that I felt a connection with the mans soul I side Azreal Lotus are you the one who did this or was it the will of the world no matter I turned around and looked around this hole room on the left wall was a door way just passed that door was stairs that lead to the top floor and on the right side just above the couches was a table meant to sit 10 people but I could tell only 1 of those locations had been used just passed the table was the doorway to what looked like a kitchen I walked to that chair and placed my hand on it sying it was the chair at the head of the table it wasn't that hard to figure who sat here this old man had been alone for a very long time its sad that a man so strong had no one to us his strength for anyone I side asking my new butler asking Quintis how is are stock of food do we need to go out and get anything the butler shook his head no sir we have enough food to feed a family of 10 for a few months y do you wish to make you something I nodded please do it has been a while sense I have had some other then war rations and souls he nodded I will get right on it sir feel free to explore the house as you wish and like that the butler drifted into the kitchen I started hearing the sound of cooking soon I smile and walked to the door at the bottom of the stairs and I opened it up what I seen in the other side about made me cry with happiness it was a smithy and a damn good one to this smithy was way better then the one I used back at home I could feel the power coming from it I knew instantly that this forge could get much hotter then any forge I used before but this wasnt what about made me cry it was the materials it would seem this was also a storage for these things and it was neatly organized it took all my will power not to lunge into the smithing but I still had the hole house to explore I can smith later I side and closed the door and walked upstairs I looked down both sides of this hall way on the left side there was 4 doors on the other side of the hallway there was 8 other doorways I want from right to left I started at the end of the hall and worked my way up but what I seen was spare rooms that only had a bed a desk dresser and a chest at the end of the bed that's all that was on this side of the room I walked to the left side and opened the first door on the right and noticed this was another room but this one was fully decorated I seen a red bear carpet the bed had red and gold curtains hanging around it on the right side of the room I seen a desk that had a jewelry box and makeup supplies the dresser was slightly open and I could see dresses and other such things in there I also noticed resting on a pedestal was a peer white axe the axe head looked to be made from black ice the edge curled down and formed a sharp spike at the end of it the handle seemed to be made from ice that came to a point at the end and wrapped around this handle was black leather the axe wasn't very big it was meant to be used with one hand my abilities called niflheim felt a strange connection to this weapon but I looked on the left side which I seen the reds and golds of a lion barbarians there was a desk that had notes and a few boxes for rings and other suck things the dresser doors was wide open showing the stock of different types of robs but all had the same color scheme red gold blue and black but I did see a nice suit in there also I noticed there was a weapon stand on this side also but the weapon was missing I side looking through the old mans dresser and noticed we was the same size or about so it would seem that I got plenty of clothes if I am comfortable wearing a dead persons clothes normally I wouldn't mind but the old man just died I feel it would be disrespectful at least give it a few days before changing anything I side nodding I then walked over to the right side of the room and stood right in front of that axe I extended my hand out and was about to touch it when the axe shook and I heard a female voice say boy if you don't wish to be frozen to death you will leave me alone I chuckled looking around making sure I was alone before looking back at the axe saying o so you also are a soul awakened weapon good you will be my fourth weapon that has a soul the axe shook angrily boy I am warning you if you touch me I won't hesitate to freeze you to death I do not care if you ware that old mans ring or not he was never my master his wife was and she is the only master I will ever have no one can handle my cold I laughed o the more you talk the more I want to take you and I finished extending my hand out I grasped the handle immediately when I did shink my hole arm froze I heard the Axe sy angrily I tried to warn you brat maybe loosing a arm will teach you a lesson I chuckled who is losing a arm the axe shook in anger you boy you are the one who is losing a arm do to your arrogance you can't handle my ice I grinned my hand tightening on the handle wait what I heard the axe say but that's when I jerked my arm up the ice shattering as I raised the axe up I heard it scream but how I froze you a huge grin spread across my face as I breathed out white smoke from my mouth you ant the only one who likes ice and I gazed at this Axe my draconic eyes glowing with a cold light as I gazed at this axe I felt my mind be pulled into it that's when the temperature dropped and ice cold wind whipped passed me as the cold touch of snow beat against my back I laughed looking around seeing perfectly fine in this dark snow storm hahaha you think you can fool me and I looked where the wind was coming from the wind and snow hit against my face burning it but I didn't mind I started to walk against the wind I heard a angry scream how did you know and y any you freezing I laughed did you know its extremely hard for a person with both fire and ice laws be burned or freeze these two natures hate one another but work really well together makes you wonder y no one used them together then it hit me the people who are born with both are killed or forces to chose one or the other not me though I will suffer through it all cuz I know at the end it will be worth it so y not you show your self already so we can properly meat face to face I heard a angry snarl as fine you wish to see me here I am and walking towards me I seen a huge white figure it's fear as white as the snow a huge polar bear it had scares all along its body its yellow eyes shinned like a angry beast I smiled crossing my arms saying well hello there it is a pleasure to meet you the bear roared ant you afraid of me I laughed not at all I find you rather cute actually she stared at me like I was a crazy man or something which I was so far enough she plopped down in front of me as she scratched her chest saying you human are truly strange first you don't listen to me then call me cute when you see my true form you do know I can eat you right I laughed so could have they and I waved my hands behind me and like on queue a huge serpent dragon appeared behind me she looked around saying burr its cold o stop complaining little sister and jumping out from my shadow was a huge female lion her hear as red as blood the dragon looked over to the lioness saying shut it elder sister you at least got fear and are warm-blooded enough you two your making us look bad with your bickering and forming in my shoulder was a strange black raven that had bright blue eyes Sekhmet and Tempest looked to Azreal and at the same time they girls yelled shut it bird we wasn't taking to you Azreal side saying if only you two was like this normally what was that bird Sekhmet gralled o nothing elder sister just rambling again Azreal side saying as he looked away that's right little punk I side at my weapons antics and I looked up to the bear saying sorry for my weapons antics they still like to bicker like children the bear waved her huge claw saying don't worry about it I actually enjoyed the show it is surprising that all these weapons are bond to one person and one of them is even a cursed gear as she looked to Sekhmet who snarled at the bear what did you call me just cuz I ant like you doesn't mean you have the right to call me cursed besides my master is the only person who can us me to my full extent so he is the only master I need the bear nodded fear enough child you have shocked me this day and I have been around for thousands of years sadly a good part of my life I have been in this room do to my master dying but here you are a boy who can hold me I will happily bind my self to you if you can show me the outside world again I smiled I think I can do that for you welcome to the team and I extended my hand out the bear smiled I will hold you to it master my name is Lorek let me feel the thrill of battle ones more and she extended her claw to my hand which looked like a Childers compared to her claw the moment we touched hands I was back in the room holding Lorek in my hands the edge shining sharply from the sun light that came through the window I turned around spinning the axe on my finger as it disappeared saying welcome to the team Lorek and I walked out of the room and want to the next door which was a huge study I seen books on books but this wasnt all I noticed there was a hidden door behind a book self I quickly opened the last door in the hallway and as I thought it was a cultivation/training room I ran back into the study and want up to that hidden door I scanned over all the books till I noticed one books tightle it was the cat behind the self it was strange book tightle but all these books had odd tightles but I thought it would be funny if the hidden door key would have to do with a cat behind a shelf I pulled that book out and as I thought the book came halfway out thats when it stopped and I heard a click noise as the shelf moved slightly away from the wall I pulled the self out it swung open easily and what I seen behind the hidden door was another door like the one at the front door I slotted the ring into the hole I heard many clicks till boom the door slowly opened up what I seen on the other side made dollar signs appear in my eyes there was two bonds of gold and platinum but that wasnt y my eyes was shinning I seen cultivation ingredients be it pills or monster cores hell I even seen a huge barrels that had holy water in it this is what any cultivator would need to start out but this wasnt all at the back of this vault was a desk that had 3 book shelfs that had what looked to be handwritten journals I started to shaking in excitement as plans started forming I walked to the back of this hidden room and pulled off one of the journals I read through the first few pages fast and what I read made me shake even more this was the old hound dogs journals it talked about his experiences and how he made his own cultivation technique this was all of his knowledge and experiences in one place hahahahahaha you damn old man you left all this for me haha I will make sure your last wishes come true I will change this sect even if I got to nock a few heads to do it the next few years are going to be wild as I sat down and started to read till Quintis found saying food was ready and I stopped reading and want down to eat.