A bit of time

After I eat I walked back into the hidden study and pulled out a empty note book from my space ring as I started making a list of everything I had and it was a lot there was 10000 gold the pieces and 1000 purple coins next came the beast orbs and gods there was a lot 1000 fire orbs ranging from low to high 3000 spirit orbs from high to low and about 500 ice and water orbs of medium grade there sadly was no lightning or poison orbs but hell I had enough money to get whatever the hell I needed next came alchemy ingredients and boy howdy there was a lot of rare ingredients that I could us to make threatening pills and more I of course looked through all the stuff in the smithy also there was plenty of rare minerals bones claws and even leather the forge ran used the magic in the air as a fuel which was fucking cool I would never have to worry about running out of fuel hell even the kitchen was stocked with rare meats vegetables fruits and even rare spices gods damn old man I slumped into the hidden studies chair amazed one lone bastard had all this I am sure there was a time where he had much more do to having a wife and kids but this was still a lot for one man but no matter I will just be thankful I leaned forward looking back over the list and compared it to a book that said these things cost if I wanted to buy it on the market and I could easily buy all this and more apparently that's when it stuck me I had a great idea I would make 2 starting kits one for right now and one for when I restart my cultivation I had the money to do it so that's what I will do Quintis I yelled and forming up from the floor was Quintis he bowed saying you called master I smiled asking can you leave this place he shook his head sadly no sir I am bond to the house I wont be able to leave the house unless I possessed a item how the old master did it if he needed my services outside of the house I want into one of his earrings he warn and he would only bring me out in short spurts I grinned hearing this I waved my hand and forming next to him was one of my puppets it had a red pantchow on its face was that if a bear and its body was red and brown Quintis eyes want wide seeing this puppet would this work I asked he looked back to me smiling and shot into the puppet he disappeared nothing happened at first but then the puppets head shot up and looked at me a red light turning on in its eyes as its spoke yes master this will work quite nicely I nodded and stood up and walked around the table closing my book touched it into my rob I smiled asking how well do you know the city the puppet grinned responded quite well sir I was one of the people who helped master build this place with him and the old master and I us to talk quite often how much the city has changed so just cuz I haven't left the house often it doesn't mean I want educating about the outside hell if you wish I could take you to the more shady places if you wish master I chuckled we will save that adventure till I am able to fight most people on equal footing and my reputation spreads around but till then come we got shopping to do and let us get you in some actual clothes as we move by the old mans room and when we get back I will build you another body that looks like your true form the puppet smiled nodded thank you, master, and with that, we left and like this time quickly passed and after my first night I got woken up by Zarock banging on my door ones I answered it he had a huge grin on his face as he spoke good the sleeping beauty woke up lets go your training starts now training I asked following him he nodded yes all new recruits have to go through a basic training before they can truly call them self a lion barbarian and join us on the fields of battle I am the fighting instructor and your 5 minutes late recruit move it and with this he started running but I easily kept up it him I didn't even have to us my lightning we ran together till we got to the front of the lion family huge house which had a huge cort year used for training there was already recruits training but the moment we ran into the field Zarock yelled get up maggets do to you all not being here on time 50 more laps move your asses and like this we started to run together people angrily gazed at me who was at the front of the group but I simply kept my head straight as I ran after we did 100 laps people was breathing heard out of breath but I was fine I took slow deep even breaths as Zarock yelled know go down and give me 50 push ups I dropped down and did the 50 push ups easily hell I did 50 more do to my fellow recruits taking so long after push ups we did sit ups where again I did more then the others after that is when the real fun started Zarock waved his hand as many different sized staffs and wood shield appeared in front of him he yelled take up your weapon and shield and form into groups of 10 I side as I walked forward but Zarock got in my face yelling do you got a problem with my orders recruit Hound huh speak up we can't here you I started coldly at him my back was straight my arms behind my back as I yelled yes sir you wish for us to fight together so we can learn how to fight but unlike these lot I already have been trained in combat if you have any of them fight me it they wont learn anything due to how fast it would be over one of the recruits scoffed saying you might have gotten the highest amount of kills in the last battle but you got lucky I could have easily done the same if I had a powerful weapon like you I didn't even acknowledge that fool who just spoke my draconic eyes was on Zarock who was frowning at me like he was thinking over my words but that's when that man who yelled at me yelled again hi you I am talking to you and he stomped up to me and yelled that last part but I didn't even flinch at this man yelling at me I kept my cool Zarock grinned stepping back saying if you two wish to fight then pick up a weapon and fight the man mocking grinning face moved in front of mine as he said you hear that little puppy if you are this mighty warear like you say prove it I looked into this man with cold eyes asking and y should I care what a fool like you thinks the mans smiling face turned into a frown as he side he looked around smiling as he yelled you hear that everyone the little puppy is to scared to fight me hahaha everyone laughed at me but I stood there back straight my arms behind me back with a cold expression was on my face as I spoke slowly so everyone could understand me I would stop calling me puppy the man grinning face was back in front of me as he spoke or what you wont do shit your just a scared little puppy with out your strong weapons yes a scared weak puppy who is to scared to fight me and he spat on my face people laughed at his actions I closed my right eye as his spot splattered over my face I brought my left hand from behind my back and appearing in my hands was a cloth as I whipped my face the man laughed saying look the little puppy is cleaning his self hahaha I lowered the cloth and opened my right eyes again to see his grinning face was back in front of me and he spoke little puppy y don't you runn along and let the real worriers tra but before he could finish my right hand shot from behind my back and shot forward my fist slamming into his chest the man gasped as all the air left his lungs as he keeled over but I wasn't done I then grabbed the sides of his face as I slammed his head into my knee one twice three times I kept on going as the sound of braking bones and my knee slamming into his face with each impact blood and some teeth few off the man on the 8 strike I dropped the man whos face at this point was broken and bloody his nose was completely broken he was missing lot of his front teeth and his eyes was swelling I looked to the other recruits my eye shinned with a cold ruthlessness I took one step towards them gralling anyone else wish to test my grit no one stepped forward no come on there should be at least one of you who wasn't to prove there better then me come step forward that's when 5 other man stepped forward one of them saying how dare you sneak attack the boss do you have any honor as a warrior a huge demonic grin spread across my face saying I do your boss isn't dead that's my honor I would have killed anyone who dared do that to me unlike you fools I have been in war I know what it does to people families honor only matters to the living the dead care no for such things the honorble ones is the side who wins and the unhonorable ones are the ones who lost unlike you all I know the price of war unlike you all I have discipline and experience unlike you all I have lead the charge and trained warriors I have been in the center of my enemies slottering them my hands slick with blood I have buried friends and loved ones do to war here if you really want to fucking fight me come and I slumped my rob off my shoulders showing my bear chest people gasped seeing my scars I laughed this is the body of a warrior and one who has bathed in the blood of his enemies they all took a step back away from me out of fear my huge crazy demonic smile was on my face as I yelled come on you was talking all that good shit before what could have changed don't tell me yall are all bark and no bite come attack and right them my Giants Ora was unleashed as I took a step forward as I screamed attack me you all are many and I am only one come on I screamed come on attack me come attack this death hound but they all froze in place as they looked Way from me in fear I snarled clicking mu tongue angrily saying if you all wont come at me then I will come at you and I took one step forward but Zarock moved in front of me throwing me a shield and sword I cot them both he yelled defend your self as he swung thrust a long staff at me I grinned moving to the right of the staff as I raised my shied the staff was deflected to the side I then lunge forward shield bashing Zarock across the face but as he was stumbling back from the shield back I stepped forward thrusting my staff just under his staff arm my staff hit is mark his arm straightened this included his fingers his long staff dropped out of his arms Zarock then swung his shield forward at me I spun to the side as I swung my staff it slapped him across the face he grinned and stud up straight nodding that's enough brother well done I raised an eyebrow not lowering my guard asking what do you mean brother he looked over my shoulder at the gem house as he spoke this was a test and you passed with flying colors from this point on you will be training the new recruits with me by orders of the guild master I lowered my guard grinning I looked behind me to see Fjord standing on a balcony that faced towards the training ground but he wasn't alone I seen his 15 wifes I noticed Niara with them but I also seen his children the eldest looked just like his father just a younger he looked to be in his 30s but he is a cultivators so who fucking knows except for him the youngest child was no older then 4 months old and one of his wives looked like she was do any day now Fjord and I locked eyes and he nodded I brought my hands together and bowed towards him I noticed many of his wifes and kids stared fearfully at my chest but I didn't care there was the few kids who stared at me with hostility but I didn't care either I turned back to the new recruits as a huge demonic grin spread across my face yelling you heard him maggots from here on my brother and I will be training you together didn't my brother tell you to get a staff and shield and form into teams get your asses moving or I will be your training partner haha that lit a fire under there asses they rushed forward to get the staff and shield Zarock walked next to me rubbing his jaw saying damn brother you didn't have to us your full strength behind that attack I rolled my eyes saying you have no room to talk if any of your strikes hit me fully my shield would have shattered and I would be thrown back besides your laying to me your acting skills are shit brother he laughed your right but lets whip these fuckers into shape a huge evil grin spread across my face indeed and like this 1 year quickly passed every day I woke up trained the recruits for hours after that I want back to my home and cultivated in this time I had used Skull to absorb all the information from that old wolf and what found was intresting how all techniques are made is simple you need a base skill that allows you to absorb the mana in the air and bring that onto your body then you must change how your mana cores are placed in your body all techniques have a different shape and pattern to how your mana orbs are laid out for some it is the face of a beast for others it could be a plant life or even the sun, stars moon and clouds above it doesn't matter the pattern what does matter is the magic runes attacked to them most cultivators don't even notice that each of there mana orbs are connected by a glowing string this is what connects and shows the pattern but if you look deeper is when you would see strange magic lined that had thousands of runes scrawled through the lines these are very important this is what sends mana to each of your cores this is when the next step comes in every technique needs abilities but that can be made after how the techniques of old was made they used marshal arts and other fighting styles to improve there abilities but I noticed something strange the shape does matter to some people one shape resonates more with them compared to others no one truly knows y that is only the heavens do I spent months trying to figure out what spirit form resonates more with me I tried anything I could thing of a wolf a fox a sword a dragon, a bear, every type of cat you could think of but nothing some I felt a stronger connection then others but nothing that truly resonated with me so this made my spirit cultivation lag way behind luckily for me my other two cutivaton paths I was doing great my current cultivation was body cultivation 1 gold stage, my spirit cultivation was stuck at the 4 capper stage and my soul cultivation is at 25 silver stage I was very happy to find the old hounds soul cultivation technique that was called soul beast this allowed the user to us it's soul beasts abilities and such I realized the scroll I learned from my mother so long ago I believe it was also called soul beast was rip off of this technique that was at demigod rank which I thought was funny how fate has a funny sense of humor but ones I got a soul technique i started absorbing the energy from the souls I devoured I hadnt gotten to the old mans soul yet I through my self I to training and getting to know my new strength I honed my skills and it was on one of these training days I was pushing my self hard harder then anyone would think do to me not leaving the house unless I needed something or I want to the training ground where I not only trained the recruits with Zarock but I did every workout with the recruits and Zarock and I trained against each other showing off different fighting styles by the time I left there I was already tired but I would then come home and train even more back on topic it was on one of these days where I had pushed my self passed my limit I dropped to the floor breathing heard I side angrily and sat down on the ground and crossed my legs and used Yggdrasil to regain some of my stamina back but that's when it struck me Yggdrasil yes that's it gods I am stuck a fool hahahaha and with that I moved my mana cores in the shape of a huge Ash tree making up the routes and base of the tree was my metal, ice death and shadow laws in the center of the tree was my bone and blood core with my healing and poision cores and at the top of the tree was my lightning, and fire cores and funny enough a wind core I found out I had a connection with the wind law I just never had the time to train into it but there was a core for it now the moment these cores want into this pattern they all started to glow and I seen the vague shape of a ash try the moment I seen that shape I felt something acknowledge this shape that's how I bow I had found it immediately I got to work completing it I worked slow I was painting a picture and nothing but the best will so I looked over my work over and over founding hundreds of flaws that I fixed it took me 4 months just to finish it I was confident at my work so I started raising my spirit cultivation and training with it 5 more months passed which was the end of the 1 in this time I did nothing but train and train some more the only time I wasn't training I was sleeping eating or smithing I of course got visited by my flowers Lotus and Vermillion was stunned at my progress we spent time together getting to know each other even more and deepening are bond but oddly enough the girls wished to join me in my training I found out lotus cultivation is body strengthening 1 gold stage, Spirit cultivation was 3 holy spirit stage and ladtly her soul cultivation was 6 holy spirit stage wall Vermillion cultivation body strengthening was at 4 holy spirit stage her spirit cultivation was at 5 holy spirit stage and lastly her soul cultivation was 20 silver stage which was shocking to me but I happily allowed the girls to train with me going up against stronger opponents with different cultivation strengths is a good experience besides the twos combat styles was completely different from one another Vermillion used a axe and a huge shield she was wild she beat and smashed through her enemies wall Lotus used a long bow and a glave she would shoot her enemies till they get close and then she would beat the hell out of them with her glave and of course there enemy was me it took all I got just to stand on equal ground with them and even that is impressive and can a count to my skills in combat the rest of the year quickly passed and my cultivation had improved again my body strengthing cultivation was ar the 4 gold stage, my spirit cultivation was at the 28 silver stage and lastly my soul cultivation got to the 1 gold stage but this was only do to the souls I devoured but I saved the old man energy which was very peer energy for when my cultivation gets restarts today was the end of the recruits training Zarock and I stood there proudly looking over the recruits that stood on formation there backs straight there heads forward and there arms behind there backs Zarock walked forward yelling you all have trained hard hold your heads high cuz from this day on your one of us you're a lion barbarian may you be as fears as a lion they all stumped there feet and slammed there hands to there chest yelling and as smart and loyal as a wolf I walked next to Zarock stomping mu feet and slamming my hand to my chest yelling and as cunning as a fox With that the new barbarians walked away from the training ground Zarock looked to be saying come sect master wishes to speak with I nodded lead the way brother.